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  1. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    jingles, my massage lady for #1 & #2 is so popular that when I called her in July, she's fully booked for Jan already!!!! Called my 2nd choice (in late July) and if i am not wrong, she's fully booked in Jan now. Usually, if you deliver early, the massage lady can still make it. But for...
  2. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    I went to see my two girl friends when I was pregnant too. But I am not superstitous and so aren't my friends.
  3. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Vanessa, the swelling of hands/ankles/feet are normal right? Because of the additional blood flow and fluid retention in our bodies during pregnancies? I find that at the end of the day, my fingers & ankles swell up a lot. And my fingers gets really tight when i try to clench my fingers...
  4. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Adeline, i had rashes last month too. Really bad one. Gynea prescribe this cream for me. But that itself, can only be applied sparingly. Totally agree that calamine don't work and it leaves dried powderish stains on the skin. The other remedy i did (and eczema suffers do that too) is...
  5. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Jenny, I tried the email address u gave me. I can't find you in facebook leh... But you can add me. My email is: [email protected] (Jean Tan). I did my detailed scan last wed. Its a boy. So far, nothing worrying. sugar level stil ok. Weight gain for me... i've gained 6kg thus far...
  6. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Vone, I've send u a friends' request. Jenny, need your email (the one you registered wit Facebook), so i can add u to my list then to the facebook group. Fish oil, just gotten it on wed. Brand is Neurogain. Er... i haven't open to eat it. But from the posts, looks like its going to be a...
  7. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Von, done!
  8. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    angel, I've send u a friend's request in FB. Then I can add you to the group.
  9. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Snow White, that i am not sure. Discuss this with your gynea. from what i know, even in non-pregnancy times, when i had yeast infection, GP will prescribe me one pressary to insert too. it clears up immediately. The insert is also a type of anitobiotic but its localised coz you don't ingest...
  10. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Snow white, nope. He did examined my V and took out the yellowish discharge with an apparatus and tell me i had a very bad case of thrush. I had it only once and it was during the time i had very bad pregnancy rashes. I think if you keep getting recurring thrush, then you might need to send...
  11. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Snow white, i had thrush (v infection) three weeks ago. prescribe 14days of pessary (v inserts of antibiotics)!!! very severe. But the cause of it could also be tiredness, low immunity or stress (work/family/pregnancy). Do consult your gynea if you are worried? Thrush is quite common during...
  12. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Lynn, I've added you to the FB group. Pls check.
  13. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi chiffoncake, i've added you to the FB group. pinko, tried to search with your email, can't find you in FB leh...
  14. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Cheer Bear: Added u! sent u a message too.
  15. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    jamie, same same lah... i don't understand why the night MS & nauseas didn't go away. you remind me of the time i had #2 and the #1 is bugging me most of the time. Very trying for me after #2 arrived. i remember i had to push a pram and carry a toddler to the #1's school everyday. #1...
  16. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Birdbrain, added you to the group. Please check. Yi chin, i've tried to add u to the FB group... but somehow, FB always reflects you are not. hmmm... anyway, you can check. Any problem, we try again yah! Lynn, i've send a friend request to your FB account. once done, can add u to the...
  17. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi koko, I've send you a friend request via FB. Once you add me, i can invite you to the mummies group. Er... this is my #3. my tummy not as big as the previous two given that i'm coming to 19th weeks. But for my #2, i remember, it was bigger than my #1. but every pregnancy is different. so...
  18. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Yi Chin, I've added you to the FB group already. koko, you can PM/provide me your email address. I'll send u a request in Facebook. Please take care of yourself too. I think the weather isn't helping to relieve our pregnancy woes!! This is my 3rd kid and I have bad MS too. Even coming to...
  19. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Felicia, I've added u into my FB. i checked, you are also in the group already. Yi Chin, i've sent a FB request to you. Once you confirm, i can add you into the FB mummies group!
  20. T

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    tuete_cottage: You've got PM.
