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  1. J

    IVF Mummies

    Ladies! Just back from HK, lots of shopping and eating and now can see that tummy is growing already... hahaha... I also went to this hyperstore and it seems like so messy, difficult to really appreciate their stuffs. I prefer this baby kingdom, beside the hyperstore. Anyway, didn't get...
  2. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hi all! Been busy since reaching sg. Anyone knows any sales going on where I can get some baby stuffs? Just want to say hello to you all before leaving for HK tomorrow. Will be back on 6th Mar! Hope everyone of you enjoyed this holidays!
  3. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hi everyone! Will drop by to read up Rao's experience. Thanks! Been busy doing some shopping. By the way, if anyone interested to get bb stuffs, Guess Kids in United Sq. has 50%. After discount, their stuffs seem to be more reasonable. Counting down to PIG year! Happy New Year to...
  4. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hi Ladies! How's everyone? Finally, am "home sweet home" already!!! Arrived yesterday morning, going to start shopping today! So Rae's already has her bb! So happy for her. When will she be back here to tell us her experience?
  5. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, I was told that the letter must be 3 days before departure. Don't know about yours lah. That's why I programmed by monthly OB visit today, so that I can get the letter for tomorrow's flight. So happy, finally today is my last day of work before holiday. One month whole month away...
  6. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hui, you started a photo album for your boy already? It's really great that next time you can show your boy his photos even before he's born. WanBB, at 20th week, there shouldn't be a problem at all. But it's best to seek your OB's approval first. Pregy women travel a lot, so there's no...
  7. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, by the time you fly, how many weeks along will you be? I was told that a single pregy. they only allow until 35 weeks. Me been away since Dec 1998, but have been going back to SG once a year. Last trip was May 2006.
  8. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hui, if the waxing last for one month, then better do it like 2 weeks before EDD, right? That also means I gotta find one in Spain, see if they do it here or not. Never knew that there's such thing as waxing the pubic hair... hehehe... WanBB, so where will you be going and when? If you're...
  9. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, on 12th I also have my consultation! Need OB's doc to write me a letter so that I can fly without problem. SQ request it. If ob allows you to video your scan, then better ask someone to do it for you so that you can pay full attention to your own scan. The cream I use doesn't...
  10. J

    IVF Mummies

    Hui, at $25 for the waxing sounds reasonable. I'm really "sua gu" about this topic, so have a few stupid question like... this waxing is to remove only pubic hair or also other body hair? How long will it last before the hair grown back? How long is per session of waxing? Oh! Me blur...
  11. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, me no living tai tai life lah, gotta work too. Just that when go back sg, gotta take advantage mah. It's cheaper to travel around Asia from sg. Furthermore Euro dollar has very good exchange rate. By the way, Tuna fish can have high level of mercury, also depend on the species...
  12. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, yalor will be very busy before CNY. Yes, there'll be some visiting to do during CNY, especially the first few days. Then also plan to go to HK for some shopping. Thanks for your reminder, mum already asked me how much new notes I want to change for ang bao last Saturday. Thanks...
  13. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, ya am not in SG yet, will reach SG early in the morning on Valentine's Day! Looking forward to it, only left with 1 week. Regarding the stretchmarks, read that if our mum have stretchmarks, most lightly we'll have too. Is that true? Anyone know about this issue? As for shaving...
  14. J

    IVF Mummies

    WanBB, yes indeen my FIL is really cool, can ask him about anything at all. Between FIL and hb, they do all the DIY work at home, so hardly need to pay someone to do it... hehehe. Will go to IL's place next few days, so can check out the mercury database. Will keep you mummies inform! Am...
  15. J

    IVF Mummies

    Rae, we'll be here waiting to hear all about your adventure and maybe give us a treat by posting some bb photo for us to see. :-) Hui, WanBB is right! You can't take oyster! Once I mentioned about my concern about taking fish and seafood, my FIL downloaded a database regarding mercury...
  16. J

    IVF Mummies

    Rae, I'm currently 33 yrs old, will be 34 by end of the year. 12 eggs were retrieved but only 8 were matured enough to to be fertlised and managed to have 6 embries. Hence I choosed to use 3 and left 3 for freezing. Only one manged to stick on. How about you? My fertility package (3.5k...
  17. J

    IVF Mummies

    Rae, I agreed with you, how to wait for 5 years to do the ICSI, by the time we'll be so old can't even go after baby and on top of that the chances of success drop so much that it's not worth trying already. Only those private gynaes have such facility to record the ultrascan on DVD. Yes...
  18. J

    IVF Mummies

    Check out my baby girl when I was 11 weeks preg. I have another video at 15 weeks but hb haven't convert the DVD format to a video clip.
  19. J

    IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

    Hui! My OB is from Spain ( I did my ICSI with him and all my prenatal visit. By the way see you in another tread cause I feel that I'm not welcome here.
  20. J

    IVF Mummies

    So basically you all will decide the name after bb born, right? My hb wants a chinese name for our girl, so I'm still thinking if how should I do it. My first thought is to translate the spanish name to chinese. So far it sounds ok. Will ask mum about it when in sg. Do agree that name...
