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  1. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    yo! how's everyone? mumusings, no no.. i am definitely no baking expert. am the part time baker. only cook/bake during weekends. heee.. there are many other real experts here though. huskie, nice to pak tor with the husband once in a while. agree with u the food at whole earth very...
  2. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    hi everyone! welcome mumusings and connie so happy to see the thread coming alive. have not been checking the thread often as quite busy at work. there are so many recipes and can't wait to try them. choc told me abt the sausage bun. they looked really yummy. this weekend baking...
  3. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Huskie, pai say pai say... told u the wrong thing. luckily choc pointed it out. heee... choc, children in childcare so its as usual. as fri took leave, as childcare closed for teacher's day. but did not do much, cos the boy had a bad fall in childcare last wed. this long weekend thinking...
  4. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Choc, u planning any activities for the children this week? think u sure very tied up with them during school holidays. heee.. maybe can ask all 4 to help u wash toys like before. get work done and get them occupied. littlecat, so nice now the jurong lake park. how's yr trip? enjoyed...
  5. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Joy, thanks for the info on teh curry fish head. Choc, so if did not update blog, will auto shut down? sorry i live in ice age, do not have blog so asking. must try to keep up with technology to ctach up with the children. Littlecat, heee.. destined that u must not go yoga this week...
  6. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Choc, u want me to laugh and fall off y chair isit.. copycatmum blog.. hahaha.. should name supermum.blogspot. but why u shut down the blog? i am zzzcookiemonster. so of cos must bake cookies. and this weekend think of trying some orange cookies the dh also like yr dh, loves meat. if i give...
  7. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Reena, U are the cooking master! always wondering how mums like choc and u and the rest of the mums without maid cope. can bake, cook, handle young children, clean etc. maybe my time mtgm not good or simply too nua. i only cook during weekends. when i reach home during weekdays, there are...
  8. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    can have frog.. no need snakes. after the frog eat to eat lizards and can have gong bao frog leg or frog leg porridge. heee... hope i dun spoilt anyone's appetite. choc, after u recommended the blogs have been trying some of the recipes. the mummies are good as they took time to...
  9. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    joy, how have u been doing? choc, hee.. will u still eat hum after u see how they breed and harvest the hum? i tried the soft cheese cake recipe once. it states not over mixed the batter... in the end, i 'under mixed'. after bakeing the top part like sponge cake the bottom part cheese...
  10. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Yo everyone! littlecat and choc, the two sahm must write one guide for us on coaching children. me still ftwm. torn between work and family daily. but reality says i still need work. eve, u try out recipe and show us photo pls. choc, the children and housework seems more during...
  11. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    cocoon, thanks for the recipe
  12. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Choc delivered her little princess at 2+ today without any hapidural! 3 cheers to choc!!! Congratulations
  13. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Joy, hahah... i like yr 'reason' to go japan. must bookmark yr reason so that i can learn in the future.;) choc, maybe yr baby wanna be accurate and arrive on edd ;) yr five grain rice wrap in seaweed sounds yummy... like those rice roll the selling in taiwan.. can put prok floss, egg...
  14. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Choc, my boy i was very guai leh... refrain fm chilli and coconut stuff for 6months. but this baby.. cannot tahan leh...chilli padi, chilli sauce, nasi lemak all eaten... thanks for the tip, think i will go ask the butcher at the shop and save near my place also. thinking of stewing the pork...
  15. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Choc, what doi tell the butcher in chinese for shoulder butt? that time i tried to stew pork together with mushroom then eat with noodles. the mushroom is nice but pork really cannot make it. don't need to marinate the chicken. just throw everything together and pour some water in and...
  16. Z

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    serene, my maternity leave months. sigh... why won't the govt bring forward the date to 1st aug... me pop on 10 aug, missed by a week for the new package. ms piggy, congrats that u can have natural birth don't be sian... after the confinement u get to bond with yr children for 4 months...
  17. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Joy, my husband also tastebud spoilt. everything i cook he will tell me still have got room for improvement. sigh.... hard to pls... Giggler, heee... u no longer need to worry abt how to announce yr pregnancy ;) Choc, Good that didi is less sticky. looks like all our doggie babies have...
  18. Z

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Serene, Tinklebell, Peng, Asihite, thanks for the well wishes. Ms piggy... heee... me finally out of confinement and have first taste of coke in a month! The weather should be gettig cooler, so u will have a better confinement. Tinklebell, i am staying in Senja, u too? Me 2 kids. Remember...
  19. Z

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Paula, Ms Piggy, Mtdt, Sunflower, Cutiezayn, Spicegal, Joyfulmom and lyn... many thanks for the well-wishes sorry no time to read all and only briefly browse thr.. sorry if i missed out anyone. Angeline, congrats to yr little Carine my boy also like celeste... he scratched the sister...
  20. Z

    Cooking Tips & Recipe

    Thank You Everyone for the well-wishes. How are all the mummies doing? following is my brief birth story... 8th aug starting to have irregular lower back pain and anus pain. frequency abt once or twice an hour. was thinking baby pressing onto the nerves.. did not do anything abt...
