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  1. S

    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    ooops, my mistake again! preggie easily get diabetes my gynae advice me try not to eat dessert ended up long time din buy dessert... now also forgetten black sesame call "zi ma hu". good nite! me going to bed. very tired!
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    elizabeth, yes, you are rite! dry package type should be ok but you must read carefully what is inside the ingredient.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    posh, sorry, my hokkien not good. paisay shld call or bi bei hor...? correct me if wrong. elizabeth, if you know how to cook will be great. i dunnoe cooking so i bought from dessert stall inside the hawker.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    posh, you want u can grind yourself own & cook it or you can buy from supermaket without artificial add on. for my case everyday, the day before(night), i bought the sesame paste from a dessert store keep in fridge the next morning i pour inside the pot to heat it. most of the time i share...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Hi Kermit, Tomatoes good for men with Hypertrophy of Prostate(ǰٷʴ)usually occur in older men age btw 50-70. I hv a tip every morning feed your husband with 2 spoonful of black sesame paste in 2 weeks you can see slightly improve in the spermmie. You ladies can give it a try if you want. I got...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    yuki & all, here is my baby dust berries, u r ! my knowledge is limited so i juz help when i can. yes, BD tonite & 17/3(Fri). BD more on O if can, enjoy & gd luck. ya, DPO1 is the next day of O. wong, thanks so much for correcting me! i am still in the process of learning.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    zenn, can u elaborate what's your 6 wks mean? berries, 4/3(CD1) consider your 1st day, 17/3(CD14) your ovalution. start to BD on alternate days starting from 13/3(CD10) to 18/3(CD15) in case u ovalute late. when u notice your discharge which look like egg white appear more than the other...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    berries, CD - cycle DPO - days past ovulation O - ovulation AF - period example - if a gal AF came today tt consider Day 1 of her CD. 14/3(CD1), 15/3(CD2), 16/3(CD3), 17/3(CD4), 18/3(CD5), 19/3(CD6), 20/3(CD7), 21/3(CD8), 22/3(CD9), 23/3(CD10 - fertile day)...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    starmoon, for my case slight spotting & abdominal cramp came before AF like 9 days after O. berries, the chart is to keep track of the gals cycle, days past ovulation, when we ovulation & period due date. we r fertile from CD10 - 15 days counting from the 1st day of our period...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Hi all, Find this very useful. For those who don't know how to calculate their Luteal Phase & wondering whether they hv regular menstrual cycles or etc....key in all the information required the calculator will do it for u.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Yuki wah, u job sound stressful. try to relax when u can lor, dun work too hard not good for body. louie, my one done by radiologist. 1hr later the result will be out & the radiologist will pass the scan result to my doc to explain. anyway my doc oso din explain anything to me perhaps...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    louie think we hv to check with doc before taking the cough medicine. Fizz i too heard tea cooling better dun take while we r ttc. Yuki, why u dun ask the doc what is inside the cough medicine? like tt u dun hv to worry & guessing mah... just ultrasound at KKH very ex, they...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Hi ladies I surf this website given by Catherine in the previous thread & find the below question interesting Question: Can taking cough medicine help me conceive? Toni Weschler: While there's not a lot of medical research to support...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Yuki, How long will the result for blood test be out? I went for mine today the nurse told me 1 wk. so long one meh? Today is my CD 22 it is possible for me to feel any syptoms at this round or it is too early cos my breast is getting painful...? Thks!
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    shihui ya u should go for a check up. take those pkg for preconception more cheaper compare to do the test individual.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Angeline, Nope, this mth got come hopefully next mth no. Just curious how ppl calculate their period of preggie.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Angeline, Last mth came, yesterday no come like tt consider abt 1 mth preggie it!!! A million thanks to u!!!
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Angeline, u missed ur AF yesterday. how abt last mth did it come? I merely want to know how is the procedure like? Chialat the pain from my abdomen has move to above my belly buttom....luckily breast pain has gone.
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    Catherine/Char, Before BD I went pee leh during BD still feel like goin again. Guess something is wrong with me seem nobody here have this problem. Just like Fizz I too give myself a deadline if by Apr I not preggie I will go look for a job... Angeline, Congrats! I so envy. At times...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    After BD I always hold my hips up for 20-minutes the sperm still flow out. All the while I have this problem whenever I BD I feel I want to pass urine, no choice I bear with it until finished BD & keep hip up for some times than faster rush to the loo. Going to be real hard for me to ttc...
