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  1. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Awwwww~ I can feel's awfully unbearable especially when you're in your final lap.. Often..we felt just heck care everything n that's it..but..guilt eat us badly..especially when it's our children..and because we are mothers..we tend to be stronger than what we thought we can...
  2. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Big Hugs! It'll take 10-14days for kids to be fully recover..before that..temp will always be hydrate your #1 well and watch out for signs of dehydration.. Place a cooling mat for #1 to zzzz on and best to turn #1 sideway.. Do take care of yourself as nowadays weather is a killer...
  3. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Cut down on sodium..sip not gulp down no matter how thirsty you are..soak in hot water n gently massage a little during shower, dry well, wear socks, lift up your legs n chill........
  4. M

    (2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

    Hi mummy..I had a bad detailed scan and I'm glad I found Dr Ananda..he's very famous for doing genetic scan and bad scan may google him on his reviews.. I paid $500 for the scan and it's actually better than Oscar and Harmony..I wouldn't know this if it's not due to my test...
  5. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    I'm actually always here..silent reader and liker..haha..
  6. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Me..!! I mentioned previously during the's basically up to individual on serving chilled mishandling of thawed bm will cause milk poisoning.. Lots of ppl mindset (elders or modern) are will babies have phlegm, cough, tummy upset, etc still boils down to...
  7. M

    36wks pregnant and suffering under bad gynae

    Hi, thanks for the reply.. As mine is random gynae on every visit..just wanna to have a fixed that's out of kkh..
  8. M

    36wks pregnant and suffering under bad gynae

    Hi.. I have been following this thinking of switching gynae as my is under kkh in week27+ now..may I ask on dr Paul's charges and such? Do I just simply walk in to his clinic or call to make appointment? Thank you so much for sharing!!
  9. M

    Gynae cost and packages

    My #1 gynae persuaded me to go kkh coz in case my condition relapsed, at least I won't have to pay that much. He's a good gynae that really care for your well being though i was told his charges are rather high compared to other private gynaes. But what matters to me is that I'm comfy with him...
  10. M

    Gynae cost and packages

    I'll always choose 3+pm-4pm slots for normal non-scanning check up. But 2pm slot if scanning need to be done. Coz sometimes baby might not be in a favorable position to be scan. I paid $13k cash and $2k medisave for my op in mount A when I'm 3.5mths preggy due to overgrown cyst and causing...
  11. M

    Gynae cost and packages

    I'm under kkh subsidized rate too. Didn't have scans on every check up unless previously you have complication birth/pregnancy and/or early detection of uncertainty during first trimester/early stage of pregnancy. You too can request to the gynae on duty that you want to have a scan done on the...
  12. M

    Gynae cost and packages Happened to chance upon Dr Ho review thread. But it's still up to individual experience. Same goes to hospital/nurses/labor experiences too. Do check around and slowly make your...
  13. M

    Part-Time Confinement Lady

    Hi looking for part-time confinement lady from 3rd week jan 2015 onwards. I'm located at AMK. Requirements: To cook lunch and dinner for me and LO(will be ard 2yrs old that time). To look after, to shower, to handle the baby in day time while I pump/bf/rest. Need not stay...
  14. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Actually as long as the mummy is already in the FB group..she can actually add and approve new member in provided the new member is under her FB friends list..
  15. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    There's another one at T3..
  16. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Hi sweet, yogurt is good for UTI..I'll have a serving daily..even for toddlers who experienced UTI..
  17. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    I did for my #1..cut it short and totally regret it..hahaha..I thought confinement will be warm and getting it short might be a good idea but I'm so wrong! Coz it's gonna be so messy and for my #2..I remain as it is and just go for a trim to indicate "I'm ready"..hehe
  18. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    I didn't know the gender of my #2 till I popped.. =)
  19. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    From what I know..not all privates have this practice..majority from my Feb Group Mummies didn't know about this till we brought it up..then they enquire from their gynaes.. Even for my #1..I took gynae didn't mention this either..
  20. M

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Sugarlove87, Oh's really such a scary experience.. I'm on subsidized rate but at KKH..had a wonderful time with them during #2..thus this time I'm going back to them.. Though I'm a subsidized patient..but everything is really good for it waiting time, services, privacy and...
