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  1. C

    Chinese \ English Books @ 当当 DangDang #43

    Hei my order 1. rmb85.80 2. rmb 60.50 total 146.30 S$34 qty: 2 nick: ceepeetee self collect
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    Chinese \ English Books @ 当当 DangDang #43

    Me! Am i too late? will select now and post and trf if not too late. please advise
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    you so funny milo....yes, that's another consideration too....japan not bad recce aussie all good...disneyland, being kiddie place should have reasonable baby facilities right????
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    since our friend mentioned it, let me supplement by saying...uv protection is necessary at all times down under. the hole is biggest over there...rain or shine, winter or not. cheers.
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hey milo66, yes feb will still be quite warm...but then again, difficult to say in this time and age when we are experiencing the weirdest of climatic changes...safer would be after march if you ask me....whichever the case, i agree with's not going to enjoy much in terms of overseas...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hey fairysnowberry...we really should meet up....bumped into ino and natalie last sat and nat is an absolute darling... and yes, i can give you some tips on perth...went there four times to visit hubby in 2004...loved that place and hoping to go visit soon...except that year end's very...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    ino, i know how you felt...and might still feel...once in a while, when i recall how christian fell, i still shudder. guess what...christian fell twice by now!!! Both in my care. Lousy mum hor....but indeed, babies are very resilient creatures....most of the time, they are ok....but of course...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Annie. Your obssession with credit cards never fails to hit the funny bone for me and I am sure, for a lot of other readers too. why is it so impt for you that the caterers accept cc when it is mostly not the case?
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    eh...i thought morning full liao. no prob. hope Jaeden's fine now....
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    just called to book the slots for 7th Apr 4.30pm. The class duration is for 45mins. Dat's e only available slots left on the day itself. Pls kindly indicate your DS or DD's name in order for registration. Thanks (7th Apr Sat) 0430hrs 1)Krystne (Kendrick) 2)Hazel (Jared)...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hei fates....can i take the 4.30pm slot? thanks.
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    sat, 7 april 2007, 9.30 am at tanglin mall (must bring the tiny coupon from today's paper, mind ur body in order to have the free trial) 1. milo 2. ivy 3. anna 4. annie 5. krystne aka fairarina (will try to search 4 e coupon) 6. Ceepeetee
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    yes gina....i am sure u are able to get a lot...and i am sure brayden n yourself will enjoy the lesson, esp since it's Teacher Shauna. see ya.
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    i dun mean to say that JG is not good....perhaps the feedback i got wasn't for the right age group...what u described sounds like fun....kissb. gina, we are going to be at sun 2pm class....will be cool to see a familiar face.
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    kindermusik rather ok i think...other than first time registration $30, it's about $25 per session x 8 and $60 home materials. Growing up gifted sounds fun. how much was trial???? On the other hand, I did not hear very good reviews on Julia more suited for older kids....but...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hei mummies.... i have just signed up Christian for a term with kindermusik. Dunno how your trial went but baby boy loved the music. My trial saw quite a few June thread mummies attending trials themselves. Went for a so-called re-trial yesterday (cos last lesson of term) and decided to sign...
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hei gina, $25 for for how it will benefit baby...that's why a trial. cheers. see you bijin.
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    bijin, you can join in the session on 4 march at 2pm....I am bringing my son for it. call them and check k?
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hei bbloh, thanks for your info, except that the venue is too far....sigh. wow...SM is quite expensive....did it really work for you, pooh? anyone signing or reserving place for playgroup (for 18 months on) now.....looking around...wondering where....
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    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    hei fates... hubby coming with me shichida expensive...surfed the entire website, can't find costs....where n when is baby attending...will be good to have companions... can pm me your address??? or i will get from ivy. thanks.
