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  1. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Rene, forgot 2 tell mine is a boi!! Promoted 2 mummy on 14June!!
  2. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi Shane, Rene, thx 4 e warm welcome!! was staying at my MIL place 4 e pass few days so no chance 2 check out forum, and also office no internet access... Shane, my 2mth old boy got LS recently..ever since i switch him 2 FM when he was only abt 7 wks old, he poo once daily but 2 wk ago he...
  3. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi ladies, can i join in? today is my las day of ML, going bk 2 work tml...
  4. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    hi guys IM BACK!!! Sorry for MIA such a long x, can't find this threat for e last few time i logged in.. Iv popped liao!!! Baby Dawson's born on 14 June 05, weighing 3.440g..hee...
  5. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    mushi... can someone tell me where to buy blackcurrent flavoured calcium tablets? Apex, guardiant or NTUC healthcare? hee..
  6. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    Hi all, Internet connection down for quite a few days.. did i miss anything? Re. the stretchmarks, i thk it's better to apply it right after shower coz our body absorbs best after shower. Most body lotion indicate this so i reckon it's e same for anti-stretchmark cream.. How do i make...
  7. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    shane oreo sgmum sweatcorn forgetmenot juneten mumof1, think me too sensitive liao...i tot most MIL will make tonic soup for us when we r preggie.. btw, we r not suppose to consume raw, half cook food right? One frend of mine(she's mother of 1) told me it's ok only for beef. little...
  8. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Hi shekinah, I visited my friend when she delivered there last year n found there very cosy too.. wonder why my friend told me it's noisey there? R u expecting a gal? I have to press my hubby's hand on my tummy to feel BB movement coz my BB is protected my an inch thick fat. hee...*...
  9. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    hi oreo, Hee..forgot 2 tell u my due date.. me kuku lah.. My gyn told me e date is between 15th-21st june. me expecting a baby prince. should be delivered at MAH. Something to ask u guyz. so far did your MIL cook tonic for u? My MIL never cook any tonic for me.. me 22 wks liao she like bo...
  10. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    hello oreo, Can u add me into the EDD list? Thank You welly muchii!!!
  11. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Hi JuneTen, Where will u be delivered at? Me may go Mt.A but seems like nobody in this tread choose Mt.A... Hi jane, I may not take up any class too.. thinking of doing confinement myself but hubby dun agree with me...u know lah.. it cost a bomb hiring a CL..Regarding playing certain...
  12. T

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi all, Been reading this tread and the Apr/May/Jun2005MTB for the whole day liao but still can't finish reading..hoho... Hope u guyz dun mind me joining in!! Im now 21wk liao and my EDD is mid june n expecting a baby boy!! anns, i agree with u, vaginal ultrasound is indeed e most...
  13. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    yo, mum of 1, Act we have been married for one year plus before we try for this BB. We tried once only.. So i can say we r quite lucky lor. hee.. N mayb we have "yuan" with him. oh, did i miss-lead u with "tankuku"? Act i wanted to use snoopytan but taken liao, so use tankuku..haha.. hi...
  14. T

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    hello, im MTB in June 05, can i join in this tread?
