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  1. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hey hey! Me backies. Changed phone so took some time to reinstall all the apps. How is everyone?
  2. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Yeah, madame googoo is fully customisable. cost depends on what you opt for. my carrier came up to about usd 240.
  3. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    I have a bean sprout beanie but my girl gets a rash when she lies on it. so we occasionally use it as bolster instead. generally she doesn't have a chou chou. just put her on her side and pat to sleep. carrier wise, I use boba 3g while my mom uses ergo. I just ordered a madame googoo mouse...
  4. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Yeah me still pumping for my girl. She got digestion problem so bm is best for her. 4 pumps a day - 630am, 1130am, 530pm and 1130pm. Talking about pumping... Had a lump since morn. pump at full suction for 4x 30mins since morn but still blocked. In fact it is getting worse. now rushing home to...
  5. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Good luck snow! so excited for u!
  6. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hi all, my girl is ok. did her op and that she poos into a bag. This poo bag will poss stay for the next few years. Development wise, she poss hit about half the milestones for her age. doesn't grab things tho she does wrap her hands around your finger. hasn't flip either. doesn't really...
  7. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    I use agnes b as diaper bag or this miffy design diaper bag. carry a wristlet with cash, cards and handphone. easy to stuff into diaper bag or carry around
  8. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    faithfullyyours, I came across one of the mommies saying that her baby also didn't want to drink milk. she applied teething gel and somehow her baby started to drink again. u can try and see if that helps. I guess we just have to keep troubleshooting to find out what is bothering them. hang in...
  9. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    faithfullyyours, I use medela wide neck teats. my friend says it is softer so babies like it. see if u wanna consider it. Cannot buy from stores, usually online eg bingbling. Some mommies use calma teats cos supposed to be like breast. but calma teats are expensive la..
  10. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Thanks mommies! We still hanging on. turns out she has the worse type of her condition. only 1 case in 2-3 years. but for now... she is recovering well from her current op. It is gonna be a long journey so we are just taking one step at a time.
  11. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hello ladies... my mom looks after my girl. We got to flush her poo out 3x a day so it is impossible to put in ifc. supposed to have op tmr to correct her digestive system but she had a reaction to her 2 month vaccination her antibodies went to attack platelets instead. This condition may...
  12. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Me back to work in mid Jan liaoz! So I am possibly the earliest one to start work.
  13. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    My girl also bath in the morning about 7 to 8am. then wipe in afternoon and wipe again in the evening about 9pm. she hates the wiping process but loves it when she is all cleaned and changed. Nowadays we feed her while propping half a body with an adult pillow. It seems to help her burp...
  14. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Hang in there! Hope your baby recovers soon!
  15. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Yeah... babies are like that. u think u got them figured out and stuck to a routine then they will chu pattern. I recently tried to latch her. succeeded 4 times then 5th time she totally reject! Cried until like Siao. Gave her bottle then she drink it like 5 days never drink milk like that...
  16. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Iwantahealthybaby, I usually don't have the very full feeling unless I cross like 7 to 8 hours. even then, still can tahan. A bit like tender boobs before period come kind of feeling. me always jot down my pump times and volume. maybe cos I scared it drop so always monitor. can use app to...
  17. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    I just reduced to 4 sessions a day cos I am going back to work liaoz. I get about 1 litre a day so previously with 5hrly pumps, I get about 200ml per session. now with 6 hrly pumps, hoping that I can continue getting 250ml per pump. Yesterday was the first day of trying 6 hrly pumps, so still...
  18. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    I also haven't found my milk booster. but I did power pumping (8 times a day) for the first whole week. MAH teach us one. massage then pump 5 mins, massage then pump 5 mins, massage then pump 5 mins. I even add in hand express to make sure I clear breast. I also had massage for 2 weeks where...
  19. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    Wah, grow so fast! Hopefully mine will shoot up and fatten up soon too!
  20. circlecircle

    (2014) ivf mummies support group

    faithfullyyours, my girl drinks 80ml every 3hrs now at 9 weeks. She finishes it in about 10 mins. I using medela teats for 0 to 4 months. not thinking of changing teats yet. looks like my girl still the smallest here. she is 3.9kg and almost at zero percentile. height wise.. she was 49cm at...
