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  1. M

    [ EsquareT ] SEXY Babydoll Spree

    Hi, I would like to order the following: 1. Item code A1939 $4 2. Item code A1446 $3.38 3. Item code A1938 $5.85 4. Item code A1990 $3.69...
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    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, i have made payment via IB To Account POSB Savings Amount S$89.45 Transaction Reference 7115480426 Please check and confirm receipt. Thanks.
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    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi, I would like to order the following. Will transfer in a while and update you again. Nick/Name: Corene (miracle_miracle) Collection: Registered Item 1: Item Name: 東京著衣☆【獨家!高品味人氣款☆1008272☆雕花波浪抽繩長上衣】 URL: colour...
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    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Will you be accepting orders for batch 5?
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    sorry, have no time to read through the thread. What is wrong with Healthy Times cereal?
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    prosper, actually there's some taste and smell very nice when mixed with rich cereal and milk. in fact i tested it and it tasted good. i think it is the texture that he doesnt like. that's why i diluted with more milk and made the consistency more watery and he accepted it. maybe u can try out...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    regarding potatoes, i have feed my bb before too. the first time i fed, he didn't seem to like it and spit out after half a bowl. I think maybe cos i put too much in the cereal and was too rich. he finished the second time i tried after putting lesser amount.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs wonder.. it is unavoidable then. the thought of working and worrying whether the rats will run past is rather scary.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    hi seabreeze, is ur office at the ground floor. if not, it is really scary for rats and snake to enter into the office..
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Cindy, envy u getting pinnacle at duxton. i remembered going to the showflat many years back with my hubby even though we had applied for our flat just months ago then thru BTO too. it is really worth getting a unit there then, during the BTO launch. Pinnacle is so much more affordable than...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    nice meeting strawberry & sharlene, cindy, missycandy for the trial class & mangogal at lunch. mangogal - yup shld make an effort to meet up with mummmies in our area more often since we are just staying a stone's throw away. cindy - thanks for coordinating the trial class. I can...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    It's the term break, so I can finally join a weekday activity! Ok, updates for STageandsuch on 9th sept. hello mummies, trishelle & kirsten are going out on 9th sept... will be going for trial class at stageandsuch. pls refer to for more details. We need only...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Kindermusik Trial Class ($25.50 incld gst) (12pax/class) (if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each) (only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    idlecat, my hubby also failed to buckle him up once and went to place things in the boot. baby bent forward and luckily did not fall. so he is now super caution. i think u may like to try healthytimes organic brown rice cereal. it is gluten free. read that most white rice cereal are not...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    missycandy, ur SIL so bad making fun of Kristen. i feel babies can sense who is genuinely good to them. i also wonder why baby E is such a happy and smiley baby when i was rather moody during my pregnancy. not forgetting scolding my students everyday then.. jojo, my baby must have heard me...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    remembered i read from this thread some time ago when there was this discussion about Respect. i strongly believe in showing and treating our babies with respect. let me relate an incident which happened during last weekends about this value. My baby had just woken up from his nap after a...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    jasmin, i got a jumperoo for my boy. i realised he enjoys himself more now probably cos he is older now and can appreciate the toys more. he enjoys bouncing in it. maybe u can get a pre-loved one. quite a no. of ppl selling in the forum for $100 plus only. more worth it than buying a new one...
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    hi candance, i have transferred $14 to you. ref: 2403930762. Pls chk. thanks.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    missycandy, read u got a new job..congrats! so wld u get to rest for a while b4 starting ur new job? anyway, i still cant confirm if my hubby is going for the 6 mth bash. however, i will transfer the money to u for me alone first.
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    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    alfafa, i brought him to a gp near my plc. apparently he has cert for dermatology but he just mention not to apply when it gets better and did not inform me about the 4 days period. today is the 4th day. it gets better now but with our weather, he will still scratch aft we apply the cream...
