Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

@Bunny33 It's ok, usually they put on more weight towards wk 32 onwards. If u are worried u can eat more protein.
For twins u can expect them to be a bit lighter so I think urs sounds qt ok, esp if doctor feels so.
@Bunny33 It's ok, usually they put on more weight towards wk 32 onwards. If u are worried u can eat more protein.
For twins u can expect them to be a bit lighter so I think urs sounds qt ok, esp if doctor feels so.

Dr said 1.3 is of avg weight. 1.2 is slightly smaller ask me to eat more. I can't eat too much also cos I have GD so durian is out. Will try to take more protein to boost bb weight.
When come to refund sure many issues de. Unless they can provide other good helper for U then is ok. So I suppose we should choose an agency with more database Incase need to change helper.

Well it depends on the nationality you're looking at. Maybe coz we prefers phinoy, ex-sin. now we gota take transfer phinoy as time is running out. but there're simply not much of supply now. sign...i guess finding a suitable helper is akin to finding a life partner! hahaha....anyways the one we interviewed yesterday, we don't have a good feeling about it so it's back to ground zero. Going to call up some agencies later. wish me luck!
Dr said 1.3 is of avg weight. 1.2 is slightly smaller ask me to eat more. I can't eat too much also cos I have GD so durian is out. Will try to take more protein to boost bb weight.

My 30th week scan is next week so duno their weights yet but i'm also worried if they're too small as my mum keeps commenting my tummy looks small for 2! :(

Try eating avocado....quite a lot of mummies swear by it too. they drink it like milk shake. Avocado milk shake with gula melaka...or avocado with milk and honey. I've not taken it as i'm not a fan of avocado...haha
Mummies, any recommendation on which baby bath or wash product you have bought or will be buying? I'm pretty wary of products that claim to be natural and mild for bb but when you see the ingredients, they include lauryl sulphate plus a host of strange chemical names. Till now I'm still struggling to find one that has consistent review that it's safe and a favourite among mummies. Hope you ladies can share your choice.

Cos my first born has eczema, so I am using QV bath oil. Initially washed him with Johnson & Johnson but apparently the eczema got worse :p

Would like to know what is a good and safe bath wash too :)

I bought four cows farm upon recommendations from my sis and the mums in her forum group. my sil used gia but think she feels it's a bit drying for my nephew. oh, my sis says never use johnsons coz it's too harsh on the baby's skin.
My 30th week scan is next week so duno their weights yet but i'm also worried if they're too small as my mum keeps commenting my tummy looks small for 2! :(

Try eating avocado....quite a lot of mummies swear by it too. they drink it like milk shake. Avocado milk shake with gula melaka...or avocado with milk and honey. I've not taken it as i'm not a fan of avocado...haha

Understand how u feel ....I also worry when ppl comments about my bump....

But as long as Dr said baby is growing...try to filter out /choose what u wan hear ...furthermore if is ur 1st baby/babies...our body muscles will be firmer to hold d baby/babies inside us....

Me no like the taste of avocado too...therefore I try eat more eggs and meat to boost baby weight...
Understand how u feel ....I also worry when ppl comments about my bump....

But as long as Dr said baby is growing...try to filter out /choose what u wan hear ...furthermore if is ur 1st baby/babies...our body muscles will be firmer to hold d baby/babies inside us....

Me no like the taste of avocado too...therefore I try eat more eggs and meat to boost baby weight...

ya lor...everytime scan i damn stress. will quickly ask the sonographer their weights. hahaha...i tell myself must be coz first time preg so womb/uterus/skin not so elastic so not so obvious. so yeah, u are right actually. And i weigh myself and measure my belly daily lor!!!

My GD test ok so i eat durians on alternate weeks. And like u, i also eat more eggs and meat. but if the scan next week is not ideal, i'll have to wack avocados liao. that's my contingency plan! haha
Right now she only apply stretch gel. Moist must put too? Use wat brand?? If without, an issue not?
Ya la, stretch gel is sufficient liao, if it remains itchy, try cocoa butter or bio-oil (must be specifically for pregnant women).

No issue except itching lor...which can be pek cek.
ya lor...everytime scan i damn stress. will quickly ask the sonographer their weights. hahaha...i tell myself must be coz first time preg so womb/uterus/skin not so elastic so not so obvious. so yeah, u are right actually. And i weigh myself and measure my belly daily lor!!!

My GD test ok so i eat durians on alternate weeks. And like u, i also eat more eggs and meat. but if the scan next week is not ideal, i'll have to wack avocados liao. that's my contingency plan! haha
No need to stressful one laa...wa lau, weigh yourself and measure belly daily is very extreme ley...

So long as you are eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of water, things should be on the right track! I just eat what I want I had 3 straight days of chicken rice set with soya milk for lunch. It seems like the baby dictates what I eat wor
Ya nowadays cooking i cannot stand certain smells. While marinating really feel like puking! And now can't eat my fav chocolate.
This baby is certainly much more picky than the last one (zero food cravings).
Ya nowadays cooking i cannot stand certain smells. While marinating really feel like puking! And now can't eat my fav chocolate.
This baby is certainly much more picky than the last one (zero food cravings).
it will be over (soon...hahaha)
My 30th week scan is next week so duno their weights yet but i'm also worried if they're too small as my mum keeps commenting my tummy looks small for 2! :(

Try eating avocado....quite a lot of mummies swear by it too. they drink it like milk shake. Avocado milk shake with gula melaka...or avocado with milk and honey. I've not taken it as i'm not a fan of avocado...haha

I have GD I can't eat sweet stuff so cannot add gula Melaka :-(
My diet has to be strict so cham. That's why I worry bb weight
My 30th week scan is next week so duno their weights yet but i'm also worried if they're too small as my mum keeps commenting my tummy looks small for 2! :(

Try eating avocado....quite a lot of mummies swear by it too. they drink it like milk shake. Avocado milk shake with gula melaka...or avocado with milk and honey. I've not taken it as i'm not a fan of avocado...haha

My mum comment my tummy small too. Infact many ppl comment. Zzzz haha.
My mum comment my tummy small too. Infact many ppl comment. Zzzz haha.
But hor, you belong to the petite type, so naturally, petite build = petite tummy....
I think no relevance one especially when it's your 1st pregnancy.
People only saw my 1st bump after 6 months +, hubs worried that the baby would not be furnished with nutrients, too small, blah bah, in the end, coming to 3.6kg ok!
One of my friends who gave birth only recently (1st pregnancy), her tummy was so big, people thought that wow, the baby is going to weigh a ton, who knows, it's less than 3kg.
How to explain?
But hor, you belong to the petite type, so naturally, petite build = petite tummy....
I think no relevance one especially when it's your 1st pregnancy.
People only saw my 1st bump after 6 months +, hubs worried that the baby would not be furnished with nutrients, too small, blah bah, in the end, coming to 3.6kg ok!
One of my friends who gave birth only recently (1st pregnancy), her tummy was so big, people thought that wow, the baby is going to weigh a ton, who knows, it's less than 3kg.
How to explain?

Thanks for assurance.
I told my dr and he said I should answer them that my tummy muscle is firm that's why small :p
Ya nowadays cooking i cannot stand certain smells. While marinating really feel like puking! And now can't eat my fav chocolate.
This baby is certainly much more picky than the last one (zero food cravings).

No food craving is good then U can eat healthily and won't put on much weight.
Hehehe, talking about names, do you ladies have any preferred fengshui master in mind? Or you are not going to engage any fengshui services?
My mum comment my tummy small too. Infact many ppl comment. Zzzz haha.
me too. im big size but not fat. strangers and everyone says why tummy small for twins. makes me worry for nothing. they should just keep those comments to themselves.

and now im coming 6 months, out of sudden my tummy got bigger. that also got commented -wow so big- pffft.
No need to stressful one laa...wa lau, weigh yourself and measure belly daily is very extreme ley...

So long as you are eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of water, things should be on the right track! I just eat what I want I had 3 straight days of chicken rice set with soya milk for lunch. It seems like the baby dictates what I eat wor

Yaaa! I know I damn kua-zhang weigh & measure belly daily. It's like habitual. Infact, I did ask Dr Handsome issit normal coz my mum keep commenting very small and his reply?..."U want very big ah"? Zzzzzz....ya, he did mention coz I'm also petite sized so won't be like huge. So far babies growth & weight is right smack in the correct percentile so that's a consolation. Just pray hard by the scan next week everything is ok also. But the sonographer did mention that after the 7th mth, it should be above 1kg. I also eat whatever I like leh. Initially I refrain from eating tom yum & bryani but I just cannot resist. Have ice-cream almost daily *Oops*
Hehehe, talking about names, do you ladies have any preferred fengshui master in mind? Or you are not going to engage any fengshui services?

I'm still thinking....but likely to find a fengshui master. just that wondering if they can advice or improve based on the names we intend to give them. coz those names they normally generate the bi-hua is like...OMG...i pity my kids next time they will have a hard time writing their own Chinese names. hahaha
me too. im big size but not fat. strangers and everyone says why tummy small for twins. makes me worry for nothing. they should just keep those comments to themselves.

and now im coming 6 months, out of sudden my tummy got bigger. that also got commented -wow so big- pffft.

IKR!! feels the same as u....Zzzz....that probably explains my habitual weighing & measuring! hahahaha
I'm still thinking....but likely to find a fengshui master. just that wondering if they can advice or improve based on the names we intend to give them. coz those names they normally generate the bi-hua is like...OMG...i pity my kids next time they will have a hard time writing their own Chinese names. hahaha
Actually not true... My gal got easy name from feng shui master. But then i felt a lot of the characters generated for her had negative connotations... So was qt hard to choose her name (normally they will give u a selection of characters to combine).
I'm still thinking....but likely to find a fengshui master. just that wondering if they can advice or improve based on the names we intend to give them. coz those names they normally generate the bi-hua is like...OMG...i pity my kids next time they will have a hard time writing their own Chinese names. hahaha

Actually most of the time, I see kids with funny Chinese characters, makes me wonder should I head for one too. Personally, I don't really like the one (Tai Mao Bi at KK), I keep seeing different babies with the same Chinese name from there :p
Actually not true... My gal got easy name from feng shui master. But then i felt a lot of the characters generated for her had negative connotations... So was qt hard to choose her name (normally they will give u a selection of characters to combine).

issit? My niece and nephew Chinese names the characters is quite difficult to write kind. maybe it's their ba-zi.

Actually most of the time, I see kids with funny Chinese characters, makes me wonder should I head for one too. Personally, I don't really like the one (Tai Mao Bi at KK), I keep seeing different babies with the same Chinese name from there :p

Oh that one ah?? not the Hua-Xia or Tian-Xia meh? I think those are like very commercialized already.
Actually most of the time, I see kids with funny Chinese characters, makes me wonder should I head for one too. Personally, I don't really like the one (Tai Mao Bi at KK), I keep seeing different babies with the same Chinese name from there :p

Lucky u mentioned d bad point of tai Mao bi at kkh...was thinking for convenience sake I will just do it there...ha
Thanks for assurance.
I told my dr and he said I should answer them that my tummy muscle is firm that's why small :p

Check out this fitness model: Her bump at 9 months is so small and she has a healthy bb.
Agreed with your dr, and maybe you can say that your tummy is as firm as this model

On the other side, I have a bigger bump .... At 3 months, I looks like 4-5...
I do not wish to announce my pregnancy yet but the bump says otherwise.
I'm short so I am concern about my back with this fast growing bump.
In all, big or small bump .. We all have our "concern" but as long bb is healthy
Check out this fitness model: Her bump at 9 months is so small and she has a healthy bb.
Agreed with your dr, and maybe you can say that your tummy is as firm as this model

On the other side, I have a bigger bump .... At 3 months, I looks like 4-5...
I do not wish to announce my pregnancy yet but the bump says otherwise.
I'm short so I am concern about my back with this fast growing bump.
In all, big or small bump .. We all have our "concern" but as long bb is healthy

Previously when ppl comment bump small I don't really take it seriously. Recent scan show my bb size small so I feel more paranoid when there are comment on my small bump.
Check out this fitness model: Her bump at 9 months is so small and she has a healthy bb.
Agreed with your dr, and maybe you can say that your tummy is as firm as this model

On the other side, I have a bigger bump .... At 3 months, I looks like 4-5...
I do not wish to announce my pregnancy yet but the bump says otherwise.
I'm short so I am concern about my back with this fast growing bump.
In all, big or small bump .. We all have our "concern" but as long bb is healthy
Hehe high five!
We belong to fast growing bump. Mine 6 wks already obviously not flat liao :( my #1 first yr party is in May, will be ard 3 mth by then. Dunno whether can still hide, or else will be forced to announce in front of many ppl.

Heard it is due to weaker abdominal muscles, that's why our belly pops out fast. At least it is true for me.
Hehehe, talking about names, do you ladies have any preferred fengshui master in mind? Or you are not going to engage any fengshui services?
I personally feel for Chinese names should check ba zi and see if lack any elements. I believe it does affect. My hubby's aunt did it for us so she gave us a list of characters to choose from..
Hehe high five!
We belong to fast growing bump. Mine 6 wks already obviously not flat liao :( my #1 first yr party is in May, will be ard 3 mth by then. Dunno whether can still hide, or else will be forced to announce in front of many ppl.

Heard it is due to weaker abdominal muscles, that's why our belly pops out fast. At least it is true for me.
Hey, congrats on your recent ultrasound. I think hard to hide at 3 months for #2 but maybe can try wearing loose clothes or dress instead of those tight tight one or just tell ppl you ate too full. Lol
Hehehe, talking about names, do you ladies have any preferred fengshui master in mind? Or you are not going to engage any fengshui services?

Most probably my parents will do the name selection. They'll take the bazi, see whether lack of any elements, then count the number of strokes for the Chinese characters and check whether everything balances. They did it for my sibling and I, and their grandkids.

I may still engage someone to do name selection, not those popular fengshui masters though.
Hey, congrats on your recent ultrasound. I think hard to hide at 3 months for #2 but maybe can try wearing loose clothes or dress instead of those tight tight one or just tell ppl you ate too full. Lol
Lols ya. Or just tell them it is mummy tummy haha!
I let papa do the thinking of names. Then I choose the English name. Chinese name will find a master to go it.
For me I going for c-sect, found the master to count the dates first. Then ask him to do the Chinese name too.
My 30th week scan is next week so duno their weights yet but i'm also worried if they're too small as my mum keeps commenting my tummy looks small for 2! :(

Try eating avocado....quite a lot of mummies swear by it too. they drink it like milk shake. Avocado milk shake with gula melaka...or avocado with milk and honey. I've not taken it as i'm not a fan of avocado...haha

At first I get affected when ppl said my tummy is small. But I think it's OK if tummy is small as long as babies are growing fine. My Dr said it's fine cos baby is growing.

Can try nuts for protein also. I have a horrible appetite since I got pregnant but the past few weeks, I kept eating nuts and my baby put on 800gm in 3 weeks.
Same. Also from clinic

Saw Mustela at kiddy. Wife say not as good..Below image

I bought stretch mark cream from dr Loh clinic. So far I find quite ok and smell nice. I like the baby smell from the cream.


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Aiyo... you all tummy small and are worried while i envy pple with small bump (of coz healthy growth). Wait till you all deliver liao and need to lose the excess flab. you will appreciate it. Mine could see the bump at 3 months and 6 months was like delivering soon. The bump was soo heavy that i was worried that i would break my back. But i am on the tall side so Dr Handsome said is ok. Plus 2nd pregnancy usually more obvious coz the muscles are more relaxed. I took 4 months to lose the love handle and this is the consequences of big bumps.
