(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

:( Not feeling well. Yesterday took a cup of milk in the morning and immediately puke it out. The rest of the day is spent vomitting everything that I eat.
Having cramps now and then. Then, today, there's this bitter taste in my mouth since I woke up (even after brushing the teeth and tongue). Yikes...

Poor babe :( me too, nose hurts when I breath in aircon condition, else running and overall fluish. Throat hurts when I swallow. Doc gave me antibiotics but I told him I don't want to take, jus standby. Taking Danzen and piriton for flu. Feel awful to have to take meds :( at this point

Having disrupted sleep for at least 1-2 weeks, waking up half way and can't fall back to sleep

did your gynae zoom in to show you sac? my gynae did, and showed me the heartbeat wave, i could also see something pounding. usually heartbeat can be heard towards end of week 6. if you are at early week, dont worry. i'm at 6W6
Yes patchan! Was just early at wk 6 and she didn't zoom in but also she's not my regular gynae, just wanted to try out Mt A. she did asked me to return next week though as I am scheduled to travel next wk and the wk after.
Hi Suzenne, did you see beanie? And you doing just ultrascan? Yes as @PatChan said 6 weeks maybe abit early to detect heartbeat or maybe you O later?Lmp is just an estimation actually.Do not worry too much...and keep a positive mind.
Hi xiaomif75, I saw the sac , is that the beanie? Yes just ultrascan only! Thanks for the reassurance!
Hi mummies, i jus seen the gynae 2 days ago. am 6w6days.. edd 4th june.. able to hear the heartbeat. Sigh.. feel so nauseous now with poor appetite n weird cravings..sobss..
Just to share.. seeing Dr Benjamin Tham frm TMC. His package is $650 for 11-12 consultations..He is very good. This is my 2nd one.
Any mummies able to see the babies heartbeat at wk 6? I wanted to try a new gynae so I went to dr wen lim MT A but she told me can't c the heartbeat and didn't gave me a positive look?!! N asked me to rtn next wk. Anyone using her?

@Irenelim77 added u on fb! Tx

@Suzenne: visited my gyne earlier this monday and he said I 5wk+, to see him in 2 week time to hear bb heartbeat so I guess is around 7w to be able to see? Same as mummies who mentioned here so no worries k.
:( Not feeling well. Yesterday took a cup of milk in the morning and immediately puke it out. The rest of the day is spent vomitting everything that I eat.
Having cramps now and then. Then, today, there's this bitter taste in my mouth since I woke up (even after brushing the teeth and tongue). Yikes...

@myztical: same my mouth constantly tasteless and drinking plain water making it worse.. feeling nausea whole day too...sianz
@phengpheng....I also tried not to eat too much but sometimes when the hunger pangs come it is like do not know how many days never eat like that..feel very miserable!!The feeling is very different from last time when I am hungry I still can wait.So once I ate the food..gosh felt so satisfied.I think I may have a greedy bb..haha..
Hi xiaomif75, I saw the sac , is that the beanie? Yes just ultrascan only! Thanks for the reassurance!
Sac is not the Beanie it is your bb shape in the sac.Usually if gynae can't scan anything beside the sac, V scan will allow at least to see if your bb is growing well, surprise that the gynae never did that.But it is actually better not to do because it is not very comfy to have something poke inside you.Anyway, don't think so much first, you may see your bb in another week.
Wow, getting more and more new mummies here. The thread is getting merrier!

I'm on my 5 weeks 3 days now, everyday syndrome seems like keep changing. Does this happen to all of you? I'm starting to feel nauseous, especially if I'm hungry.. Lower tummy always bloated, so much gas inside. I guess it's normal to have cramp right?

May I ask if sleeping position will affect baby in early stage? I like to face down sleep but now not dare too!

By the way, I'm signing up confinement already from PEM confinement. As I have requested a dedicated nanny, so, just don't want to miss her. Anyone of you started to engage anyone yet?
Wan ask anyone experiencing occasional adominal cramp? Me suddenly feeling cramp since I woke up this morning. Only experience it very early into pregnancy like 1 week+ thereafter ok den occasionally only
Wow, getting more and more new mummies here. The thread is getting merrier!

I'm on my 5 weeks 3 days now, everyday syndrome seems like keep changing. Does this happen to all of you? I'm starting to feel nauseous, especially if I'm hungry.. Lower tummy always bloated, so much gas inside. I guess it's normal to have cramp right?

May I ask if sleeping position will affect baby in early stage? I like to face down sleep but now not dare too!

By the way, I'm signing up confinement already from PEM confinement. As I have requested a dedicated nanny, so, just don't want to miss her. Anyone of you started to engage anyone yet?
@mehmehguinguin: same like you I'm getting more nauseous and always hungry then bloated. At the end of the day tummy like 3 months preggy. Worst is always have this bitter lingering taste in mouth and drinking plain water make it worse. And ya I do experience cramp occasionally like now suddenly cramp.

not too sure about sleeping position maybe can Google on it.

Haven't been looking for confinement lady yet
Any mummies able to see the babies heartbeat at wk 6? I wanted to try a new gynae so I went to dr wen lim MT A but she told me can't c the heartbeat and didn't gave me a positive look?!! N asked me to rtn next wk. Anyone using her?

@Irenelim77 added u on fb! Tx
Suzenne don't worry. Not everyone can hear at 6 wk, esp yours early 6 wk. even for mine the sonographer had to search v long to find it. Go back one or two weeks later shd be able to hear le.

@XiaoMif75 thanks! I am with KKH, they don't let u hear, only let u see the flickering. But i think Pte doctors can let u hear it.
Wan ask anyone experiencing occasional adominal cramp? Me suddenly feeling cramp since I woke up this morning. Only experience it very early into pregnancy like 1 week+ thereafter ok den occasionally only
Yes i also experience cramps. Sometimes feel like period gonna come. I asked my pregnant colleague, she also got cramps, and her doctor told her it is "stretching pain". She asked to call it "stretching pain" from now on. Lol. Doesn't sound so bad...
Yes i also experience cramps. Sometimes feel like period gonna come. I asked my pregnant colleague, she also got cramps, and her doctor told her it is "stretching pain". She asked to call it "stretching pain" from now on. Lol. Doesn't sound so bad...

Yes me too - cramps on and off.. I read that it's because the uterus is growing!
Ya.. Do some reading the cramp was due to uterus is expanding and changing, therefore the stretch causes the cramp/pain. Doc alrd perscribed me multivitamins like obimin, calcium n folid acid. Iron usually started after 1st trimester I heard..

I can't take hunger now, especially morn wake up, surely feel nausea n want vomit. Meals getting tiny but more frequent. Hopefully won't get worse - the morn sickness.

I found out can't walk too much too, the tummy feel so painful after walk :(
Hi Ladies.. i guess i belong to this mth too. =) Haven been to see the gynae yet. No appetite lately.. seems like something stuck on my chest lately. Do u all feel that too?
Ya.. Do some reading the cramp was due to uterus is expanding and changing, therefore the stretch causes the cramp/pain. Doc alrd perscribed me multivitamins like obimin, calcium n folid acid. Iron usually started after 1st trimester I heard..

I can't take hunger now, especially morn wake up, surely feel nausea n want vomit. Meals getting tiny but more frequent. Hopefully won't get worse - the morn sickness.

I found out can't walk too much too, the tummy feel so painful after walk :(

Do u all get cramps also at the lower pelvic area?
@mehmehguinguin abt 6 weeks.
@XiaoMif75 usually how long does it last? im feeling so terrible.
@Orangeflakes To some ppl, it can last the whole day. It is like something stuck in your chest or stomache and you just feel very uncomfy. Some ppl drink or eat something sour to curb the uncomfy feeling.This may last through out whole of Trim 1 and depending on individual.For me I only have this feeling only after eating a meal or if I am very hungry.


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Chloebun@ no leh.. mostly lower abdomen, sometimes left, sometimes right. I had trouble sleeping last 2 nights due to the cramp was so discomfort. You have some pain there? Which week you are now?
I'm getting hungry v often, but can't eat much. Over the portion I cannot breathe!
You taking gestrone? I'm taking similar tablet too, utrogestan..

Some of the nausea may be coming from the utrogestan. I used to eat it but I realised when to switch to inserting vaginally the nausea is a lot less as the hormone will go into ur uterus directly instead of through your bloodstream and interfering with the digestive system. Mb u wanna ask ur doctor whether u can do that? It is more troublesome but I rather do it to not make morning sickness worse.
Mummies there is a baby fair at taka... Can go there over weekend to check it out if u are interested.
Some of the nausea may be coming from the utrogestan. I used to eat it but I realised when to switch to inserting vaginally the nausea is a lot less as the hormone will go into ur uterus directly instead of through your bloodstream and interfering with the digestive system. Mb u wanna ask ur doctor whether u can do that? It is more troublesome but I rather do it to not make morning sickness worse.

Yup, the nurse did tell me I can insert in the vagina if I don't want to feel the drowsiness. But are they the same? When she told me that, I never ask if the tablet is the same though, jus wondering. It caused me tired more than nausea to be honest. My nausea now still acceptable, it will appear badly when I gets hungry.
Yup, the nurse did tell me I can insert in the vagina if I don't want to feel the drowsiness. But are they the same? When she told me that, I never ask if the tablet is the same though, jus wondering. It caused me tired more than nausea to be honest. My nausea now still acceptable, it will appear badly when I gets hungry.
I think it is the same tablet. It comes in a pink box and it looks like a white pearl right? If so u just check with the nurse if can insert. With insertion the side effects much lesser.
I think it is the same tablet. It comes in a pink box and it looks like a white pearl right? If so u just check with the nurse if can insert. With insertion the side effects much lesser.

This is the one, same as yours? But this call as utrogestan, same?
Some of the nausea may be coming from the utrogestan. I used to eat it but I realised when to switch to inserting vaginally the nausea is a lot less as the hormone will go into ur uterus directly instead of through your bloodstream and interfering with the digestive system. Mb u wanna ask ur doctor whether u can do that? It is more troublesome but I rather do it to not make morning sickness worse.
Thanks for pointing it out! I'm eating every night and I think it may really be the cause of the MS cos come evening I feel much beta! Shall try inserting it tonight!
Yes i also experience cramps. Sometimes feel like period gonna come. I asked my pregnant colleague, she also got cramps, and her doctor told her it is "stretching pain". She asked to call it "stretching pain" from now on. Lol. Doesn't sound so bad...
@hi_mei, yea I asked the nurse today as I went for my weekly injection. She told me is ok as long there no spotting.
Hmm I tot we have to take iron and calcium?
@chloebun, for my 1st pregnant, my gyne den prescribe me with supplement since trimester can't remember start which week though. Current gyne only prescribe me with folic acid and utrogestan. I'm fine cos with current nauseous and bloatness I certainly do not wan more pills to eat.
hi all mummies, im a new in this group
i should be in 5 weeks now
yesterday i already checked with my gynae Dr Adrian -ACJ clinic at TMC
this is my #3 pregnancy
maybe my DD is 16 june
i want to join in fb group
can anyone add me [email protected] tq

I just self tested positive today and yesterday.
If really positive, will be having my no 2 in June 2015.

Just a question: Im using the LMP calculator to calculate the pregnancy weeks, it said im supposed to be 6 weeks preggy, but I only tried conceiving on 22 Sep. My menses supposed to be due this week but it did not come. I just tested positive myself.
So if 22 sep I hit jackpot, till now.... haven really 6 weeks rite?? ... hmmm.. puzzled.
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