(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

Hi bliswifu

U don't worry okie?
I am worried bcos I don't slim down very fast... The #1 preggy fats still ard somewhere. My genetics is like that so hopefully this time round I can control a bit.
During my #1 preggy I was so happy so I just eat whatever I want. Lol

I have not booked my gynae too. It's my third pregnancy. Heehee...not so gan cheong.. mayb Wait till 10 weeks before going for the first appt.
Hi everyone, just visit gynae and cfm my 2nd bb :) edd is 5/6/15, under dr lawrence ang. Anyone same as mi? Hope can know more mummies :) any fb grp created to join?
Yes! Initially mine was 27 oct but I can't wait so long?? The nurse advised me most ppl start seeing gynae from 6weeks..

Feels so unreal right??
My gynae say bcuz below 3 mths not stable. If u feel anything funny, can go back see him. Tt why gd to see early i guess?
Hi, I'm a 1st time mummy, just discovered I am pregnant last Sat. Any mums having heavy feel at left side?
Hi mummies, do ur tummy area feel warm or cold? Mine used to b quite warm but turn quite cold recently...n not feeling nausea as before...v worried if beanie is still growing well esp after one mc...paranoid...
hello hello! my first post here and very excited to find similar mums to be here :)
just found out that I was preggy last week (after shifting into my new house and went for a pre-wedding honeymoon). am so overwhelm with so many stuff and my actual wedding coming up 2 weeks later.

for me, I've been having brown discharge aka a little bit of spotting these days, seen Dr. Adrian Woodworth but he is the chop chop kind and only prescribe me some Duphaston for my consumption. hope the brown discharge will end soon :)
hello hello! my first post here and very excited to find similar mums to be here :)
just found out that I was preggy last week (after shifting into my new house and went for a pre-wedding honeymoon). am so overwhelm with so many stuff and my actual wedding coming up 2 weeks later.

for me, I've been having brown discharge aka a little bit of spotting these days, seen Dr. Adrian Woodworth but he is the chop chop kind and only prescribe me some Duphaston for my consumption. hope the brown discharge will end soon :)
I'm also on Duphaston after i have alittle pinkish discharge last week. was on 5 days sick leave, came back to work today, and after lunch the pinkish discharge is back again! slightly more than the previous one. I'm very worried. =(
I hope it's just due to the infection i have below.
Hi, I'm tested positive on Sunday night. Edd should be ard mid June. Expecting my #4. Pls add me in fb grp if there is any. Cheers
Hi all mummies to be and mummies!
Is my 2nd pregnancy this round and my edd is 9 June.
Congrats to all mummies and pray all well for us!
Patchan, give your gyne a call to check if you are worried?
Myzticalz: noticed your gyne is dr Adrian from compass point? Are you staying near there? I'm staying at punggol. :)
hello hello! my first post here and very excited to find similar mums to be here :)
just found out that I was preggy last week (after shifting into my new house and went for a pre-wedding honeymoon). am so overwhelm with so many stuff and my actual wedding coming up 2 weeks later.

for me, I've been having brown discharge aka a little bit of spotting these days, seen Dr. Adrian Woodworth but he is the chop chop kind and only prescribe me some Duphaston for my consumption. hope the brown discharge will end soon :)

@myzticalz, how many weeks r u pregnant when u see Dr Adrian? did he do any scanning?
@PatChan : Maybe a visit to see your gynae and ask about it. I'm very worried about my too and keep wondering what's wrong, went to see GP as well, GP tells me to continue eating the med and not to worry. I even went to the extent of going to a TCM but all of them keeps telling me not to worry. But really, how can we not worry? Am going to KKH next week for another round appointment again (Ha, can you imagine me going so many places for re-confirmation) :p

@happy_joy : Hehes, yes, staying around this area for the past 12 years already. So happen to google and found him. Now I realised whyyyyyyyyyyyy there's always so many preggy ladies outside the clinic on certain evenings. :)

@KENSHEN : He said 4-5 weeks, he did a scan. Everything was in less than 5 minutes. He asked me to lie down on the bed, do the scan, show me the sac, print out, give a copy to me, ask me some questions and viola, end of consultation. I'm changing to KKH instead cause I can claim 90% of the fees from company and it includes delivery as well. So, not going back to him anymore :( But he's good, I did a lot of research before deciding :)
@KENSHEN & myztical, I'm not seeing Dr Adrian. Seen him once before conceive only. Currently I'm seeing Dr koh from toy payoh (recommended by my frens). Nice old man but long wait. However me considering whether to try Dr Joycelyn Wong from acj cos abit uncomfortable with male gyne. Haha. My first gyne was female.
Anyone seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong or Dr Koh here?
I having bad feel like vomiting but can't vomit feeling and backache :( any cures?
I have this for more than a week. no specific cure unless u wan to go on medication. Else, try different drinks, my colix teach me to pounds old Ginger a little and boil it with water. Drinl the water can help to curb the nausea part
Patchan, give your gyne a call to check if you are worried?
Myzticalz: noticed your gyne is dr Adrian from compass point? Are you staying near there? I'm staying at punggol. :)
@PatChan : Maybe a visit to see your gynae and ask about it. I'm very worried about my too and keep wondering what's wrong, went to see GP as well, GP tells me to continue eating the med and not to worry. I even went to the extent of going to a TCM but all of them keeps telling me not to worry. But really, how can we not worry? Am going to KKH next week for another round appointment again (Ha, can you imagine me going so many places for re-confirmation) :p

@happy_joy : Hehes, yes, staying around this area for the past 12 years already. So happen to google and found him. Now I realised whyyyyyyyyyyyy there's always so many preggy ladies outside the clinic on certain evenings. :)

@KENSHEN : He said 4-5 weeks, he did a scan. Everything was in less than 5 minutes. He asked me to lie down on the bed, do the scan, show me the sac, print out, give a copy to me, ask me some questions and viola, end of consultation. I'm changing to KKH instead cause I can claim 90% of the fees from company and it includes delivery as well. So, not going back to him anymore :( But he's good, I did a lot of research before deciding :)
I called my gynae this afternoon, will be seeing him tml for another round of check. My appt was supposed to be nex week..

Btw to share with all, Adrian is quite affordable with his package, 688 for 13-15 consultation with scan and med.
I called my gynae this afternoon, will be seeing him tml for another round of check. My appt was supposed to be nex week..

Btw to share with all, Adrian is quite affordable with his package, 688 for 13-15 consultation with scan and med.

oh! the 688 is no longer unlimited consultation? he used to offer unlimited thou....
I have this for more than a week. no specific cure unless u wan to go on medication. Else, try different drinks, my colix teach me to pounds old Ginger a little and boil it with water. Drinl the water can help to curb the nausea part

For ginger I read that is good to go moderation for 1st trimester. There lot of herbal tea which is safe for pregnancy but not for 1st trimester. So far I think only raspberry tea is safest to drink from 1st trimester. I'm ordering traditional medicinal from iherb myself.
I having bad feel like vomiting but can't vomit feeling and backache :( any cures?

I'm also experiencing same symptoms like you. Dunno isst because is 2nd pregnancy and I got epidural before, my backache is horrible :(
And tummy get really bloated after meal like 3 month preggy at end end of the day but magically turn almost flat next day!
I'm also experiencing same symptoms like you. Dunno isst because is 2nd pregnancy and I got epidural before, my backache is horrible :(
And tummy get really bloated after meal like 3 month preggy at end end of the day but magically turn almost flat next day!

Me too! I get so bloated at night sometimes then next morn, so flat?? Scares me!
Same like u.. Having backaches esp during work. Had epidural during my #1 too

Still having cramps down there on and off... But had a grappling sharp pain for just 1 sec. Had to sit down slowly.
Earlier feeling a bit of sore at the boobs..
I have forgotten what I felt during my #1... All I do is eat n eat!

:( back pain.. Can stick 膏药布 pain plaster to relief the pain?
Same like u.. Having backaches esp during work. Had epidural during my #1 too

Still having cramps down there on and off... But had a grappling sharp pain for just 1 sec. Had to sit down slowly.
Earlier feeling a bit of sore at the boobs..
I have forgotten what I felt during my #1... All I do is eat n eat!

:( back pain.. Can stick 膏药布 pain plaster to relief the pain?
Yes talking about the boobs...feeling so sore to the touch at times.
My#1 timw 1st trimester was super jialiet. Pray hard this round beta!
Hello again all mummies/mummies-to-be!!! Woahh this thread has grown at a tremendous speed! Lol!
I'm going for my first check up with WK Tan at TMC tmr!!! (She was my gynae for my #1, and I find her vvvv gd!) Anyone going there??? I was told there are 50 pregnant ladies ahead of me :p gonna be a long wait
@Irenelim77 : hi dear, i jus added you on fb :)
@PatChan : hi pat, hope all will be well! have faith! baby's stronger than you think! :)
@phengpheng & @happy_joy : so glad you ladies shared on back pain!! i didnt have back pain for my first pregnancy, it really could be the side effects of the epidural :(((
@Chilli Vampire : hi babe! im oso going to tmc! did you have your #1 delivered by the same gynae?
@PatChan @myzticalz best check with gynae again on spotting, can better advise u. I also had brown spotting one day but stopped alr.
@chloebun hope u get well soon. If u really worried then try to hold off meds. But GP can prescribe pregnancy safe meds to u. If u develop fever u must take meds as high temp is bad for baby...@mayoresskong congrats!!

Just now was in an SBS and the driver jam brake and everyone jerked forward... I hope beanie not damaged :(
@PatChan @myzticalz best check with gynae again on spotting, can better advise u. I also had brown spotting one day but stopped alr.
@chloebun hope u get well soon. If u really worried then try to hold off meds. But GP can prescribe pregnancy safe meds to u. If u develop fever u must take meds as high temp is bad for baby...@mayoresskong congrats!!

Just now was in an SBS and the driver jam brake and everyone jerked forward... I hope beanie not damaged :(

Thanks babe.. I'm very scared of taking meds even if doc say preg safe? But flu usually my body hard to fight, lest now that pregnant, immune lower? :(

Must be china driver? Terrible.. When on bus, must really get a seat and hand tight!
Hello again all mummies/mummies-to-be!!! Woahh this thread has grown at a tremendous speed! Lol!
I'm going for my first check up with WK Tan at TMC tmr!!! (She was my gynae for my #1, and I find her vvvv gd!) Anyone going there??? I was told there are 50 pregnant ladies ahead of me :p gonna be a long wait
@Irenelim77 : hi dear, i jus added you on fb :)
@PatChan : hi pat, hope all will be well! have faith! baby's stronger than you think! :)
@phengpheng & @happy_joy : so glad you ladies shared on back pain!! i didnt have back pain for my first pregnancy, it really could be the side effects of the epidural :(((
@Chilli Vampire : hi babe! im oso going to tmc! did you have your #1 delivered by the same gynae?

Hello babe and congrats!! ^^ 50 ladies is a lot for 1 day!!
Thanks babe.. I'm very scared of taking meds even if doc say preg safe? But flu usually my body hard to fight, lest now that pregnant, immune lower? :(

Must be china driver? Terrible.. When on bus, must really get a seat and hand tight!
Hey babe think it is qt safe to take. GP knows what they are doing. But comfort level up to u! Better rest early. Mb u see GP and get MC instead? Then rest at home tmr :)
Hey babe think it is qt safe to take. GP knows what they are doing. But comfort level up to u! Better rest early. Mb u see GP and get MC instead? Then rest at home tmr :)

Yes I going to see GP tmr.. I haven't been sleeping well, always waking up to pee then unable to go back to sleep :(
Any mummies able to see the babies heartbeat at wk 6? I wanted to try a new gynae so I went to dr wen lim MT A but she told me can't c the heartbeat and didn't gave me a positive look?!! N asked me to rtn next wk. Anyone using her?

@Irenelim77 added u on fb! Tx
Hello again all mummies/mummies-to-be!!! Woahh this thread has grown at a tremendous speed! Lol!
I'm going for my first check up with WK Tan at TMC tmr!!! (She was my gynae for my #1, and I find her vvvv gd!) Anyone going there??? I was told there are 50 pregnant ladies ahead of me :p gonna be a long wait
@Irenelim77 : hi dear, i jus added you on fb :)
@PatChan : hi pat, hope all will be well! have faith! baby's stronger than you think! :)
@phengpheng & @happy_joy : so glad you ladies shared on back pain!! i didnt have back pain for my first pregnancy, it really could be the side effects of the epidural :(((
@Chilli Vampire : hi babe! im oso going to tmc! did you have your #1 delivered by the same gynae?
Thank you!
seen gynae, so far so good, heard alittle baby heartbeat today, so happy!
Any mummies able to see the babies heartbeat at wk 6? I wanted to try a new gynae so I went to dr wen lim MT A but she told me can't c the heartbeat and didn't gave me a positive look?!! N asked me to rtn next wk. Anyone using her?

@Irenelim77 added u on fb! Tx
did your gynae zoom in to show you sac? my gynae did, and showed me the heartbeat wave, i could also see something pounding. usually heartbeat can be heard towards end of week 6. if you are at early week, dont worry. i'm at 6W6
Hi everyone,

My edd is on 3 Jun 2015 and currently about 7w 2 days.I went to see Gynae last sat and see little beanie and saw flickering heart.Seeing gynae in about 2 wks time so hope to be able to hear bb heart beat and see more of bb.I felt more of my MS starting wk 5 but not so much now but at night esp dinner..I felt very bloated till sometimes feel nausea but not to extend of vomit.I also don't sleep well and almost wake up about 4plus am and could not or hard fall back to sleep.I am also in frequent hunger pangs....always feel hungry.Not sure if my symptoms are similar to some mummies here or not but am sure there is :)
Nice to meet you all here!
Any mummies able to see the babies heartbeat at wk 6? I wanted to try a new gynae so I went to dr wen lim MT A but she told me can't c the heartbeat and didn't gave me a positive look?!! N asked me to rtn next wk. Anyone using her?

@Irenelim77 added u on fb! Tx
Hi Suzenne, did you see beanie? And you doing just ultrascan? Yes as @PatChan said 6 weeks maybe abit early to detect heartbeat or maybe you O later?Lmp is just an estimation actually.Do not worry too much...and keep a positive mind.

:( Not feeling well. Yesterday took a cup of milk in the morning and immediately puke it out. The rest of the day is spent vomitting everything that I eat.
Having cramps now and then. Then, today, there's this bitter taste in my mouth since I woke up (even after brushing the teeth and tongue). Yikes...
