(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

saw tummy bind for baby in another thread
i forget what is that for liao :p
any idea ?

The tummy binder is for protecting the belly from wind. The old folks also say it can protect the baby's cord that hasn't dropped. I used it diligently for #1, only two weeks for #2 and I didn't buy any for #3. Hahaha... :p
The tummy binder is for protecting the belly from wind. The old folks also say it can protect the baby's cord that hasn't dropped. I used it diligently for #1, only two weeks for #2 and I didn't buy any for #3. Hahaha... :p
Icic i think I bought for #1 but his waist too big so I also didn't use it long lolZ
as much as you enjoy but becareful must cut down when in 3rd trim hor..cos they can induce contraction but if you are near edd and want natural that is what some mummy do everyday lolz ..the baby dance lolz ... to make contraction come

Near EDD, I will baby dance so his sperm can soften my cervic naturally and loosen the muscle. Will ask him to do perineal massage alot oso so can prevent much tearing. I hope it works!

Yesterday I went go EMMa orientation, the nurse confirmed that the midwife will do perineal massage for you when in labour to prevent tearing. I like NUH. So pro-breastfeeding and natural birth.

Yes! The perineal massage really helps! The midwife also did it for me during my labour for #2 and that really gave me a better experience. Recovery post labour was faster too.
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Haha I have high sex drive but dh scare will hurt bb leh. Cause tummy getting bigger-.-
So he say wait till a few months later when bb is out

Maybe you must tell your hubby that waiting a few months later after baby is born is actually easier said than done! Haha.. :p

From my experience most mummies have very low sex drive after birth! Because breastfeeding is a natural contraceptive. It may mess up the hormones and make the mummy cringe at the thought of doing it. Plus the fatigue from sleepless nights, worries about whether baby is happy and well fed, all the stress at initial stage..a bit tough to even think of doing it. :D
Icic i think I bought for #1 but his waist too big so I also didn't use it long lolZ

Ya! Some brands are quite short. Cannot even velcro it properly. Lol

Come to think of it, baby is either swaddled or in a sleepsuit at night. Else we can also tuck in the top with a shorts too. Not necessary to wear a binder hor? More things to wash only. :D
Lol!! U very good, still got mood, now when my hubby touch me I want to kick him, absolutely no mood cos aching here aching there plus scared beanie gets squashed. He's going to have to tahan till earliest earliest Feb lor, hahaha. N he's not the DIY kind, if u know what I mean, so all the more jia lat for him. Sometimes I wonder if they will explode from holding it in for so long. :D:D:D

for now,hug hug and sayang my tummy is wat i enjoy most
The tummy binder is for protecting the belly from wind. The old folks also say it can protect the baby's cord that hasn't dropped. I used it diligently for #1, only two weeks for #2 and I didn't buy any for #3. Hahaha... :p

initially,i tot those r head bands,a more airy alternative den hat.den my hubby tot its for fastening the diaper.cmi...
Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

Ya! Some brands are quite short. Cannot even velcro it properly. Lol

Come to think of it, baby is either swaddled or in a sleepsuit at night. Else we can also tuck in the top with a shorts too. Not necessary to wear a binder hor? More things to wash only. :D
I nv buy any binder for my kids too.. juz leave it naturally
Good morning mummies!

Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

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Haha your bb bump is very obvious from the side, but maybe when u sit down, cannot really tell yet.
Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

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Think your tummy still not obivous to see when u sit down. I oso paranoid that pple wldnt see my ball when sitting on the reserve seat. So I keep soo - ing it...haha...
Just had my 24 weeks and 6 days scan. bb is abt 700g today. Is it normal? mummy gain 2.5kg from the last visit till now. I keep asking my gynae if my weight gain is ok. She say ok and seems relax abt it...bb head turning down liao. Hope it wldnt turn up....hehe
24 weeks about 600 grams. So for you, right on track lah.
Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

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u wear black tats y tat guy din notice.black dress wo prints will make u look slim de.i realise tat most of the time its the ppl sitting at the non reserve seats give up thier
seat for me,the reserve seat taken up by older aunties wun give up de.
Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

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That's so sad! Luckily you managed to keep your seat. Else please stand and point your belly back at the guy's face. Hahaha..

I am 25 weeks today and I think my bump is very obvious. But yesterday during one of the train ride, no one gave up their seats to me. On another train ride, a young man even snatched seats with me and my son. Lol! I just think forget it. If I really need to sit then I will ask for one.
Just had my 24 weeks and 6 days scan. bb is abt 700g today. Is it normal? mummy gain 2.5kg from the last visit till now. I keep asking my gynae if my weight gain is ok. She say ok and seems relax abt it...bb head turning down liao. Hope it wldnt turn up....hehe
So fast turn down luao
That's so sad! Luckily you managed to keep your seat. Else please stand and point your belly back at the guy's face. Hahaha..

I am 25 weeks today and I think my bump is very obvious. But yesterday during one of the train ride, no one gave up their seats to me. On another train ride, a young man even snatched seats with me and my son. Lol! I just think forget it. If I really need to sit then I will ask for one.

Ya lucky enough I managed to sit all the way to orchard, train was very crowded. In the end that guy like paiseh, he was like "it's okay, it's okay". Of course okay la... I am Preggy also just that it's not obvious.

My friend told me that preg can actually get something from our mrt control station to indicate that you are preg. He saw the poster in one of the station, but I didn't see it. Do you all know?
Ya lucky enough I managed to sit all the way to orchard, train was very crowded. In the end that guy like paiseh, he was like "it's okay, it's okay". Of course okay la... I am Preggy also just that it's not obvious.

My friend told me that preg can actually get something from our mrt control station to indicate that you are preg. He saw the poster in one of the station, but I didn't see it. Do you all know?

Ya was mention on news.. Haha but so paiseh Leh.. U want to paste a sticker and walk ard? Hehe
Good morning mummies...
Yesterday i took the train after work and I was sitting in the reserved seat, this guy asked me to give up my seat to a pregnant lady who board the train at cityhall. The situation was awkward, i was kinda don't know what to do for a while... lucky the lady beside me was auto enough to stand up and gave her seat to the pregnant lady. Afterwhich the guy then realized I am pregnant too... Super awkward! This is how my tummy look like at 21weeks, think not big enough haha.

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I kenna a few times before. once was a pregnant woman asking me to give up my seat.
next time just tell the person "sorry, I am pregnant" and someone will automatically stand up and give up their seats to the other lady. so don't worry so much. heh
Ya lucky enough I managed to sit all the way to orchard, train was very crowded. In the end that guy like paiseh, he was like "it's okay, it's okay". Of course okay la... I am Preggy also just that it's not obvious.

My friend told me that preg can actually get something from our mrt control station to indicate that you are preg. He saw the poster in one of the station, but I didn't see it. Do you all know?
Ya ya, can get stickers from the ctrl station I think. My sis took it and show mi. Actually the sticker is quite small leh. Her fren suggest paste on forehead sure pple will see and give up their seat...lol.


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That's so sad! Luckily you managed to keep your seat. Else please stand and point your belly back at the guy's face. Hahaha..

I am 25 weeks today and I think my bump is very obvious. But yesterday during one of the train ride, no one gave up their seats to me. On another train ride, a young man even snatched seats with me and my son. Lol! I just think forget it. If I really need to sit then I will ask for one.
Same thing happen to mi. A young gal oso snatch seat with mi. Maybe I wear a very flare dress? Anyway, I try not to expect pple to gv up seat to mi lah. If got pple gv up, then is a bonus. Else I will keep feeling pissed off and angry everyday...haha
Same thing happen to mi. A young gal oso snatch seat with mi. Maybe I wear a very flare dress? Anyway, I try not to expect pple to gv up seat to mi lah. If got pple gv up, then is a bonus. Else I will keep feeling pissed off and angry everyday...haha

Ya if have seat, i will sit. If don't have, standing up is fine, now 2nd trimester still feeling okay!
Ya ya, can get stickers from the ctrl station I think. My sis took it and show mi. Actually the sticker is quite small leh. Her fren suggest paste on forehead sure pple will see and give up their seat...lol.

Ya the sticker looks small! I was expecting like a tag to hang on bag or a band to wear on the wrist... hahaa
That's so sad! Luckily you managed to keep your seat. Else please stand and point your belly back at the guy's face. Hahaha..

I am 25 weeks today and I think my bump is very obvious. But yesterday during one of the train ride, no one gave up their seats to me. On another train ride, a young man even snatched seats with me and my son. Lol! I just think forget it. If I really need to sit then I will ask for one.
Snatch seat!!! That young man really no manners
Ya ya, can get stickers from the ctrl station I think. My sis took it and show mi. Actually the sticker is quite small leh. Her fren suggest paste on forehead sure pple will see and give up their seat...lol.
paiseh to stick that thing leh :p

think i will just quietly find a corner and stand :p

Same thing happen to mi. A young gal oso snatch seat with mi. Maybe I wear a very flare dress? Anyway, I try not to expect pple to gv up seat to mi lah. If got pple gv up, then is a bonus. Else I will keep feeling pissed off and angry everyday...haha
yah i will try it as a bonus lolz

Ya, jus hope it wldnt turn up and stay down...:)
think now they still not bad can do somersault inside lolz ..but by 3rd trim limited space will stay put lolz
likelihood of ppl to notice the sticker is very small,everyone jus glued to their phone.or pretend to not see.

Totally agree!!! And talking about eyes glued to phone, it really pisses me off sometimes. Eyes glued in train, fine. Eyes glued while waiting for train then walking in at snail pace, also fine lor..what to do.. But i really really dislike it when the walkway is so narrow and crowded but the person in front of me has ear pieces on(cannot hear!!!) and eyes glued to a movie on the tablet and walking sooooooooooo slowly. When it's crowded, people tend to push me then my stroller will kiap his/her foot lor. Then whose fault!?! Aiyoyo...
He still gave me a smirk after he sucessfully got the seat. Crazy leh. Of course i will lose lah. Dragging my belly, boy and stroller, how to snatch with him when i am bulky and slow? Hahaha..

Hahaha idiot Leh this guy.. U shd have said loudly by standing in front of him to let u have the seat.. Then he LL hahha
Been lucky recently. No one gives up seat but will meet someone who will offer to "wake" the person sitting in the priority seat up. But by then also paiseh to sit down haha
Totally agree!!! And talking about eyes glued to phone, it really pisses me off sometimes. Eyes glued in train, fine. Eyes glued while waiting for train then walking in at snail pace, also fine lor..what to do.. But i really really dislike it when the walkway is so narrow and crowded but the person in front of me has ear pieces on(cannot hear!!!) and eyes glued to a movie on the tablet and walking sooooooooooo slowly. When it's crowded, people tend to push me then my stroller will kiap his/her foot lor. Then whose fault!?! Aiyoyo...

sigh...we cannot change ppl,gotto change ourselves loh...to me if no one give up seat,even the reserved seat,bo bian,just hope tat there is a pole somewhere for me to grab,else very ke lian le...
Lol. I think people will try to assume that we eat until very full thus the belly rub... :p

i rub most of the time cuz k really feel full and rubbing helps.sometimes not full but my hubby rub my tummy feels good too.for now sayang my tummy and hug hug is very very soothing for me! :p
There was once when one after another commuter in the same row giving up their seats for me.. But I was only 4 stations away.. Keep repeating that I'm alighting soon.. Zzzzz so paiseh

And today somebody gave up priority seat for me. So I guai guai sit down. Thinking that the above situation will happen again.. I dun wan so much attention.. Immediately next station, an old lady stood near me n look at me as if wanted the seat and I gave up for her..

Sighs.. 进退两难。
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Hahaha idiot Leh this guy.. U shd have said loudly by standing in front of him to let u have the seat.. Then he LL hahha

This kind of pattern one..I doubt so!! He will probably tell me he's paying mrt fare too. So I can't be bothered. Don't spoil my day over a seat. :p
sigh...we cannot change ppl,gotto change ourselves loh...to me if no one give up seat,even the reserved seat,bo bian,just hope tat there is a pole somewhere for me to grab,else very ke lian le...

I totally avoid peak hours now. Less overwhelming too. I am happy as long as i have a decent space to breathe without smelly anybody's BO or perfume. :D
