SingaporeMotherhood | Parenting
March 2018
5 Smart Things Mums Do On Sundays

Being a mum doesn’t always mean having to embrace a hectic lifestyle. Here are 5 smart things mums do on Sundays that help to take some pressure off.
Most of us would agree that being a mother is possibly the most hectic and stressful “job” around. But what if we told you that doesn’t always have to be the case?
As a quote goes, “don’t count the days, make the days count.”
Sure, motherhood isn’t easy, and will always come with a decent amount of stress. However, there certainly are ways to “hack” your mum duties and come out on top at the end of the week. Here are 5 smart things mums do on Sundays to help the rest of the week run more smoothly.
1. Plan the Family Schedule for the Week Ahead
Sunday breakfast is a great time to gather the husband and kids, and plan for the week ahead. While everyone’s tucking into their delicious kaya toast and iced milo, discuss the family’s plans for the week ahead.
It’s important to keep a handy notebook nearby to make note of important events in the coming week so it doesn’t slip your mind! Not only does this simple activity help the family to catch up on each other’s lives, it makes being a mum much easier when you’re in tune with everyone’s schedules. You can consider purchasing a large whiteboard from Popular to list everyone’s schedules. This will also allow the kids to check the whiteboard if they forget what’s coming up too. If you’re feeling more fancy, Kikki K sells family calendars that’ll be sure to brighten up any living room.
No more worrying if you’ve forgotten Junior’s piano recital, or being double-booked for a lunch date when you had to send Bub to rock climbing practice. This also gives you the opportunity to split parenting duties such as carpooling with your husband, based on both of your schedules for the week.
2. Do your Meal Prep
While not all mums may feel up to the task of preparing and cooking all of the week’s meals in a single day, meal prep can save you loads of time during the hectic school week. Be sure to brainstorm and plan what you plan to make for each day’s dinner, so you don’t have to whip it out of your frazzled brain come a busy midweek hump day. It’s also a great opportunity to head out for a grocery run (with the hubs and kids for extra hands!) or place your order on sites like Redmart and Honestbee for a hands-free experience.
If you’re feeling extra-sprightly that Sunday, it’s a good idea to start portioning vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients you know you’ll be using in the coming week. And if your kids bring lunch to school, it’s also extra time to get started on their lunch boxes so you don’t have to rush in the mornings!
(See also: 10 Smart Tips to Help You Save Up for Your Child’s University Education Fund)
3. Make the Kids do a Backpack Dump
Let’s be honest for a second – our kids aren’t usually the best at staying on top of their school work and test dates. If you’re still in the habit of checking on their school work, be sure to do a final “backpack dump” every Sunday. This involves going through their school work checklist and making sure they’ve done – and packed! – all that’s due. Be sure all forms that require a parent’s signature are signed too. Last but not least, save some time (and minus the rush) every morning by allocating their pocket money and allowance on Sundays.
4. Family Admin Time
During the school week, it’s often difficult to find time to tend to some of the admin matters of running a household. If you find yourself with some extra time on Sunday, use it to stay on top of bills, mail, and other household essentials as well. If you know it’s always a rush to get to the bank to pay your bills on time, why not set up wireless payments too? We often put off these small – but essential – tasks that may only take five to ten minutes of our time, but in turn save us hours in the future. We can all agree “admin time” isn’t all that fun, but it’s important in being an adult and running our own home. You’ll have to do it anyway, so why not complete these menial tasks when you’re relaxed on the sofa with a cup of coffee?
(See also: 10 Time- (and sanity) Saving Tips for Busy Mums)
5. Make Time for R&R
Sundays aren’t only meant for getting things done. Mums definitely need some rest and relaxation to prepare themselves for the week ahead. If a trip to the spa or a massage isn’t on your radar, fret not! There are simple, yet effective, things you can do to relax and recharge, too. Simply draw a long bath, and add some of your favourite essential oils (or light a scented candle) for added relaxation. Get the Hubs to watch the kids, and then soak into a blissful rest. If working up a sweat is more your thing, head to the gym or attend a boutique fitness class such as yoga, pilates, or even a HIIT workout for some intense exercise! Even going for a run at the nearby park with your headphones on might be just what the doctor ordered.
Embrace the Chaos
Life as a mother is hectic, messy, and chaotic. But that’s why we love it! Even if your Sunday ends up being a lazy day of watching Real Housewives re-runs on the couch, embrace that. It is your day – to focus on your needs, your family, and to recharge for the week ahead. And while we can provide helpful tips to ease the chaos during the school week, we all still have to embrace it. Having children can often be a whirlwind, but that’s what makes it exciting and fun at the same time. As a mum, only you know what’s best for yourself, your children, and your household. We hope these tips will make your Sundays more productive and prepare you for the week ahead, but remember – embrace the chaos! It’ll make all the difference.
Header Image: London Scout
Featured Image: CEFI
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