Things at Home that You Can Recycle (which you probably didn’t know you could)

More, and more, the things we used to throw out as trash have become ‘treasures’ that we can recycle. However, Singapore still has a long way to go when it…

June 2024: Eat, Play, Shop & More for Families in Singapore This Month

Between the mid-year school holidays and Dragon Boat Festival, there’s lots going on this month. To keep track of what’s relevant for kids and families, we bring you everything fun…

Father’s Day 2024: Food, Fun, and Fab Gifts for Daddy Dearest this June

Dads are awesome. They’re our biggest supporters, our shoulder to cry on, and the ones we turn to when there’s flat-pack furniture to assemble. So how do you celebrate the…

Redefining Singapore’s Education System to Stay Relevant in the Cognitive Age

A recent parent-teacher meeting got me thinking about the trajectory of Singapore’s education system. We have catapulted ourselves from a third world country to first world status in just one…

Migraines Q&A: Why It’s (Mostly) a Women’s Curse

Yes, men do get them too. But did you know that women are twice as likely as men to suffer from migraines? Furthermore, we experience them more frequently, for longer…

Bak Chang 2024: Delectable Glutinous Rice Dumplings for Dragon Boat Festival

The time-honoured Dragon Boat Festival or 端午节 (duān wǔ jié) falls on 10 June this year. That’s right, it’s once again time to indulge in glutinous rice dumplings a.k.a. 粽子…

17 New Staycation Deals and Perks for Families this School Holidays 2024

It’s no secret that we Singaporeans love the ease of a vacation close to home – the staycation. With limited time and busy schedules, staycations offer a convenient escape from…

Outdoor School Singapore June school holidays camp programme

June School Holidays 2024 Activity + Makan Guide for Kids & Families in Singapore

School’s out for summer — well, at least from 25 May to 23 June — in Singapore, and that means one thing. Yes, it’s time to ditch the textbooks and…

Cervical cancer survivor Mickey and son

Cervical Cancer Survivor Says Art & Her Child Kept Her Alive

Life threw Mickey Hui a curveball in 2022. Originally from Hong Kong, she relocated to Singapore with her husband and young son the year before. They were settling in nicely,…

Cervical Cancer Q&A: 20 Questions Every Woman Should Ask

In Singapore, cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancer in women. That translates to over 200 new cases surfacing each year. In 2022, the National Population Health Survey reported…

Mother’s Day 2024: 10 Things To Do with Mum to remind her how much you Love her

So you’ve booked the feast, and ordered the cake. The card is made, and the flowers are on their way. Now that the giving part is sorted, how about doing…

May 2024: Eat, Play, Shop, and More for Families in Singapore this Month

Did you know that May is named after Maia, the Greek goddess of fertility? And while May was once considered an unlucky month to get married – there’s a poem…

looking at the time on watch

Chronos vs Kairos: Make Your Time Count, Mums!

“My kids take up so much of my time that I feel like I don’t have energy left to do what I want. How do I manage my time better?”…

8 Zi Char places and Restaurants with Private Rooms for Family Feasts and Celebrations

We’re Singaporeans, when we want to have good food with the extended family outside, we go to a zi char restaurant. Right? Chances are, your family already has its familiar…

WINGS - Judith and Jake

Wings of Change: Judith’s Fight for Her Special Needs Child Creates Ripples of Hope across Asia

Describing herself as fiercely independent, passionate, full of energy, and somewhat rebellious, Judith Julia Justin grew up in the local Singaporean education system. After completing her university education in Australia,…

PAUL Mother’s Day 2024 - Fraisier Macaron Garden Cake

Mother’s Day 2024: 40 Feasts & Cakes to Sweeten Her Special Day

Mother’s Day 2024 is just around the corner — that’s Sunday, 12 May. What better way to celebrate the incredible woman who raised you than with a delicious feast and…

Kay Cheong + Raien in Seoul

New Singapore Citizen & Single Mum Now Helps Others Fulfil Their Immigration Dreams

Eager to lift her family’s living standards, go-getter Kay Cheong moved from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Singapore in 2011. Today, the founder of The Immigration People also serves as its…

full month

Best Baby Full Month Sets & Packages: Traditional & Modern 满月 Options in 2024

Whether you’re still waiting to pop, or Baby’s already here, you’re probably thinking about your little one’s full moon celebration. This joyous occasion to mark a child’s first major milestone…

TCM for children via tuina

TCM for Children: Time to Rethink What We Think We Know

Ever wonder if Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) could benefit your child’s health? While it’s been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments in adults, many parents still…

5 Proven Ways to Support your Child in Bilingual Learning

Bilingualism is a common feature of Singapore society. Many children growing up today are bilingual; they have exposure to one or more languages at home, sometimes simultaneously. Bilingualism has some…

Kids can be curators and conservators at Cheong Soo Pieng: Layer by Layer

As any parent of an “artistic” toddler knows, a painting never exists upon a single plane. In the hands of a child, these artworks take on geographical dimensions. They have…

April 2024: Eat, Play, Shop & More for Families in Singapore This Month

With World Autism Awareness Day tomorrow and World Health Day on 7 April 2024, we’re celebrating well-being and embracing inclusivity this month. So follow us as we update you on…

Bullying at School? Teach Your Child Three Lessons on Assertiveness

“He punched my right eye,” my youngest whispered, when I asked how his day went. He wasn’t visibly hurt, but suffice to say, I was shocked. It was the second…

Hospital Maternity Packages: Giving Birth in Singapore? Find the Best Maternity Packages here

Two pink lines. Ecstatic tears. A whirlwind of emotions and a whole lot of questions, from “am I ready for this?” to “where should I give birth?”. Answers: you will…

When Maths Doesn’t Add Up – Could My Child Have Dyscalculia?

Does maths homework turn into a nightly battle? Your child seems to struggle with simple calculations, repeatedly make careless mistakes, or experience anxiety around the most basic mathematical concepts. Is…

The Great Egg-scape: 31 Cracking Easter Egg Hunts, Brunches & Goodies

Spring is in the air and Easter is hopping around the corner! It’s a time for family gatherings, chocolatey treats, and of course, the thrill of the (egg) hunt. If…

Bedwetting and Night Terrors: are these Sleep Disorders Disrupting your Child’s Nights? 

Your child has slept through the night, but there is a large wet patch on the bed. Your child wakes with a piercing scream in the middle of the night,…