Premature babies support group

hello didi

jane in super low morale mode (not mood liao)....

haiz. thats why some pple recommend don't send kids to CC before 2 years old (if other arrangement can be made). but then... haiz there is another postive saying "once they got this virus and they recover, their body receive one more immunity".

so......didi, pray hard for me. that siang is just running nose and a caught normal cold.

i was telling another ex-collegaue (she good fren with me, like the mummy here..). i very scare i need to 'be away' from office. i just came back to work after siang was hospitalised last month end ler....

my hand feel cold and my head is in a mess state of mind now..because...i hope siang will be ok...

Don't worry, it will be just a cold for Siang Siang
you take care too

you know that day i read a news article about balancing of work and family for FTWM.

there was a quote from a big bank CEO. she is a lady. i think she got her own family (i think but there was no mention in the article)>

she say "all female working staff who has family should have their own way of balancing between work and family" "one have to made their own choice when at a cross road of chosing between career and family".

so...if let me chose. of course i chose siang.

anyway, mich was telling me, our young warriors have come so far, we should give them a big hug each day.

things be just ok for all the small warriors
agree wif you.......we try to live wif the decision tt we make and live the paths we hv point staying at home and being unhappy or wking and regretting you never spend time wif yr child, never see his first step lah, first smile lah..(there wld be no end to our kids' first moments)

we hv the right to choose the path we want in one decision is long as u are happy..

if let me choose, i wld choose a balance between both work and kids...of cse, family support is vy important...we cant do everythg on our own...
hi didi, yeah...mich has a good point there.

yeah, agree with what you say. frankly me too also wish there is a balance between work and kids. i meant we need our little bit of sense of achievement in work..meanwhile, we hope for family support too. really hor, cannot do everything on our own. its impossible.

last night i just told my lao gong on what is siang current 'pattern' of eating and sleeping. i told case "anything happen to me" he at least will know and will not be confuse by the maid (who will tell him everything she also know :p).

now i only hope...after lunch, when i call home, my mama will tell me..siang is ok...
dun worry. siang will b alright.

ws oso likes to read. bought a lot of pooh bear books @popular fair last mth, $2 each. they r v colourful. so now, she can recognize all the characters in the pooh bear series.

sometimes when i tell her, ah-yi is coming, she'll go to each rm & ask, ah yi? no.. ah yi? no.. even go to toilet & ask herself haha
so poor thing both u and Cat. wah if me my heart jumping for some time. hope Cat recover soon. take care both of u

oh, sorry to hear u feelin down. dun worry. Siang, e warrior, will recover. My girl dun go CC but she still at risk from her cousins whom she see 2x a week and hubby get sick often. So cannot escape one..I thnk its true when they say receive more immunity and/or we find more ways to improve their health eg tuina/health supplements/exercise. my sis recommended me that e kids take olive leaf extract for immunity. she say after take that and multi vitamins - her kids seldom sick. can opt to try that.

I wish the govt instead of just encouragin women to work full time only. also explore ways for flexi time/part time working for women while the kids r young. so another option for us.
hi disneymickey

thanks. just now one of my collegaue told me her ger got running nose too...

bugs bugs go away....

oh u too buy books for ws. me too get books for my boy

there is multivitamins for kids. but I'm not sure for his age. heard fish codoil is gd too.

Olive leaf - Both Quran and Bible list it as a natural healer.


Olive leaf acts beneficially in four major areas:
1. Immune System Support for optimal health
2. Pathogen Control (virus, retrovirus, bacteria, fungi, parasites)
3. Energy Booster Build lasting energy reserves without caffeine or other stimulants
4. Cardiovascular circulation & Heart health Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol & Hypertension

Blackseed oil is also gd for immune system etc I'm going to get it for hubby who get sick pretty often, asthmatic since baby. E consultant told me it better for my hubby. he sick often, scared Nada get sick too.
hi daec

thanks for sharing. interesting to know.

yeah most likely will start the cod liver oil.

health is really all about building up from young hor.

some links on blackseed. look like its gd for allergies, asthma. Blackseed oil is not that expensive. can buy it at geylang area. I'm gonna get one for $12. Its also listed as another miracle cure all by the Prophet in Islam.

My sister buy her Olive Leaf from selegie rd. can get u the address if u want. I also noticed it on sale at a little shop at Kembangan.

hope it helps
yup gd to build from young. Better for them to have active healthy childhood. though when old, stil got chance rejuvenate. hehe my hubby old also his health is not wonderful. I think also a question of managing ur own health - know own weakness, takin supplements which suits u best. my sister first boy used to get sick every often. when baby, always have runing nose. now ok. think she observe his food (some foods make him worse, allergies) and give him supplements.
nuts is one of those things that must be avoided for allergies.

so much can be done for asthma now. i must find the suitable supplements for siang. ie build from young.
yeah lor, better from young. suitable and hopefully cheap heheh ;) I really hope Nada inherit my health and not hubby's. (not the preenclampsia tho, choy) he get sick v often

my sis does lotsa reading coz she didnt have a healthy childhood, always sick. didn want her kids same. also brought her kid to see homopathic thingy where they can check what kid allergic to. also follow those blood type diet as closely as she avoid those foods said not to be gd for ur blood type. just FYI - coz sometimes these allergy thing is hard to figure out and differ for everyone
yet to check my email...need hubby to configure for me cos now using the com in my mum's place.. doing confinement here..

not bringing any of them la.. jus me n my hubby n my kaki.. go n unwind a bit
Sis will take care of all of them. Am glad that I have very helpful sis

Am not travelling now. Will be travelling in May.Unwind a bit.. too coop up for the last 2 years..

Thanks! Come n join us for the gathering if u r available.

ALL MUMMIES>> Let me push the gathering to 4pm for all the mummies here.. Cos got the feedback that some of the bb nap during then. Anyway, will be inviting my relatives n frens at 5plus 6. So cater 4pm for u gals
Do remember to email me @ [email protected]. Need to know how many of u coming

Wow thanks for the info! We going F & E. If u have more info, remember to post
Sigh... My girl's runny nose oso yet to recover... 7 weeks liao.. Brought her to A&E on Monday.. today a little feverish... Sian... The naughty persistent bug jus doesn't leave them alone!!!!! Did x ray and all was clear.. But the flu jus persist... Hope Siang n Ezann n all the little ones who r down recover n fight the virus down!

Hope ur little one recover soon.
hallo mummylian

weather is fast turning cold and warm. yeah hope all the little ones recover soon

hehe i will let you know if i am coming once i confirm my boy OT session on 5th april. thanks
will let u noe if i can make it for your gathering ...need to juggle my two kids activities over wkend.......but hope to catch up wif you and yr family as the last time we met was at the prem awareness day..

guess lung nose issues are common pblems wif preemies..i took my son for a flu vaccine jab a couple of mths back.u check wif doc khoo if its ok for ezanne to take...

cld she be allergic to smthg since lungs are the last organ to develop and as a preemie, they may hv more issues than normal..
hi all mummies,

stay bright and positive. the bugs are going soon.

*hugs* u deserve a great hug everyday too cos u are a warrior yourself.
Thanks for sharing
but how do we take in the olive leaf ? do they have it in capsule form ?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Jane</font>, hope siang recovers soon. Talking about supplements, I just got childlife mulitvitamin syrup from overseas spree. I dunno, the padetrician told me only vitamin C is proven to be effective for immune system, so I decided to change my vitamin C syrup into other more expensive type.

The padetrician also mentioned cod liver oil is useful.

I will bring dash for flu vaccination also next friday when he goes to see the padetrician again.

<font color="0000ff">Mummylian</font>, if you change the timing I wun be able to make it leh. Dash has music class from 5-6pm. Then I wun be joining liao, so sorry.
Hope your gal recovers soon too!

<font color="0000ff">disneymickey</font>, wow ws so clever will recognise pooh characters! I realise dash loves reading, but more often he will choose chinese books, and will always be the few he likes.

<font color="0000ff">didi</font>, not sure if wonderbox is selling cheaper, but at least cheaper than our bulk purchase here at motherhood. I bought a lot a lot from there. I used to not have much interest in eric carle books, but ever since I brought dash to holiday program at zoo phonics and they introduce eric carle's books us, I feel that his books are really interesting. Through stories, he will teach children things like time, shapes, animals etc. Dash is beginning to memorise the story from "panda bear panda bear what do you see", he doesn't really understand, but he can memorise out the story, cause the stories eric wrote is more like using repetitive sentences, like thruout the whole book will have "panda bear panda bear (follow by different animals) what do you see? "

<font color="0000ff">costa, jane</font> if I can choose will choose dash too.
I am thinking of going into kindergarten teaching now, seriously considering. Maybe will choose a good kindergarten, so that can let dash goes in too. I hope to spend more time with him.

<font color="0000ff">precious one</font>, yes you r rite, I shd change job. maybe teaching is no longer for I am thinking of going kindergarten teaching, less stress, less marking, less crazy.
Talking about warriors! I am a great warrior too!
hee. I was a premature baby also! hee. How come my mum never hugs me? haha.

Yes, I must give dash a hug each day...he really tries his best to progress each day, just hope those stupid virus stays away from him.
hallo xbliss
how is bryan? i am sure he have grown up much. hehe got time to post his picture? thanks for the hug...all the mummies here deserve the big big hug too.

re the childlife mulitvitamin syrup is for how old children and dash is taking it since when? yeah think i start cod liver oil for siang...

hey, not bad to be a kindergarden teacher ler. some of the kindergarden teacher earns quite a bit too (esp those reputable ones).

haha yeah i remember..u the eldest premmie here ;). am sure your mum got hug u when u are young..see how well you are doing now - a teacher ler. not bad for life achievement
I'm not sure. I'm not taking it yet. The one my sis taking is in liquid form for kids. Take abt 1-2 teaspoon a day. I went to buy blackseedoil ard Kembangan yesterday coz its better for asthma/allergies. They also carry olive leaf at $75 for 500ml. At selegie, is cheaper coz its distributor. $40-50+ for 500ml.
thx for the invite! will let u know

hehe its for her dad as he keep getting sick often due to asthma/ezcema/flu. worry she catch it. At this point of time, Nada is still ok.not look into supplements yet as she is still young (8mths corrected). I switching her to Nestle NAN HA coz its supposed to be gd for those with allergies backgrd

Usage of blackseed oil is 3 drops or 1 teaspoon mix into any drink.
hi daec

i see. right now me and my husband is on vitamins supplement (bought from pharmacy). we just started it.

yeah NAN HA is supposed to be gd for those with allergies background.

hehe hope u can go to mummylian house..then we can meet. i love to see nada
ger is forever so sweet
hi, how are sorry that so long never post here,actually i read everyday, but only can read and no time for type and i am vey busy now, my boys start walk and running some more...exspecially bryan like to climp there climp here...and they know how to climp sofa too....really can emazing next few month....i also not understand why my boys so naughjty and active...
will try and come inm often when i free....but enjoy to read all the post here...
hope siang ok....big hug to him.....
acyually i give them multivitamin from they born until they turn one years old,,,,been stop very long....i think i must start back as now they like more weak....
actually i have a question need your advice too...
My boys been having phelgm problem when chinese new year, until now haven recover...taking two week medicine liao.....some time will vomit the milk when having food cos phelgm wanna to come out...the phelgm was in white colour and very sticky non stop,,always have the phelgm,,,that why i worry....some time sleep awhile, they cough and vomit the milk...
is it because???
of milk, been change from similac advance eyeQ to gain plus when chinese new it too heaty or not suis for the milk to them???
or need to bring them to see chinese doctor???
pls give me some advice...
hello jace

thanks for the hug. yeah i hope siang recover fast.

white colour phelgm? that seem to indicate they too heaty...i think so (that is what doc normally say if the phelgm is white colour. if its yellow means cold).

siang now is on Enfagrow. i stop gain.

phelgm is always difficult to fight off hor. i hate it when siang have phelgm. so difficult to get rid of it.

maybe u try to dilute the milk (ie put lesser powder??)...

siang does go and see chinese doctor but its because i want to build up his lung
thanks, hmm seems like Eric Carle's books is not bad

thanks, it seems that the olive leaf can cure alot of aliments
It will be nice if you could work somewhere like cc or kindergarten then you can be with Dash, rem reading in Sunday Times, about this lady who works @ Pat's schoollhouse whereby she also places her son there too.
Wat flu vaccine u talking about? Rotavirus??

din receive ur mail lei.. Huh? Can't join? Try drop in befor ethe class if can lor..

Ok got u... No worries, can catch up again! Wish Cat speedy recovery
happy.gif many posts..

yes yes, Nan HA is gd 4 allergies!! my ger has been taking tat after breastmilk. until she's >1yr, i tried to switch to Nan3, but noticed some redness on her - which i dunno is it allergies or juz dirty, so i quickly switch back to Nan HA2 &amp; the redness disappear. fyi, nan ha2 can be taken till 3yrs old. my ger is 2 &amp; she's still taking it. i'm hoping for Nan HA3 to be launced soon..

no prob. let me know wat other info u need, hotel, food, etc. btw, sorry, can't join your party, cos will b gg in-law's place on sat afternoon/evening. enjoy

my ger will read chinese books @ah-ma's hse &amp; english books @ home. she oso will juz pick those few bks which she likes &amp; kept reading &amp; reading them.
no its not the rotavirus vaccine..its a separate vaccine for flu..but do wait a while as the govt is trying to bring in another flu strain vaccine to tackle the new wait for it as every year the flu vacinne changes...i took mine a couple of mths back..its valid for one yrs....

even if touch wood you kena..u wun kena so jialut

bern took it as he is vy weak...due to all the prematurity issues...

yes i read about the article of this lady who work in Pat's school house..she is expecting her 2nd child right...
Can I know what is the post effect for mmr ? really dread to let my boys to take it, theirs is some time in May
hear that it will cause high fever.

Ya lor, was telling hb it is a good idea to work in a cc too
we have got this friend who works in a kindergarten just to be close to her son, but pay very meagre leh .... cause she only works in a neighbourhood cc and half-day ...
didi, thanks for the suggestion. in the end went to one recommended by my colleague, then duno coincidental or what, next time got running nose and sneezing, 2 days later fever and down for a few days! my gal took mmr last fever...

kkf, my sis used to be cc teacher, underpaid job actually.. u can maybe consider having a ahhahaa..but books are much harder to maintain than toys...

disneymickey... re ur colleague..some pp can twist ANY topic into showing off themselves/their hb/kids/etc

mummylian, fast no2 full month liao...

fairylander, just PM u abt another rental link... dunwana post here just in case pp thot i am doing biz (but its not my website and i dont get comission).... drama for cathrina.... so is she ok now?

mommies , my bb also down with fever since slightly better...

jane, this big bank CEO like talk alot leh... sometimes alot of pp can say things cos they are in luckier circumstances....

daec, what is olive leaf extract? what is the min age to take?
last time pple din want to let the kids take mmr as they scared got link between autism and mmr job..but its not proven..

Different kids react differently...bern was ok after the jab..was joking wif my frens tt tis jab is considered minor as he used to the other jabs etc in nicu/scn..haha...

u r right,not easy to get good pay in cc..and the work so much...must clean the kids etc etc if the manpower there is little..i wun want to go work there...too stressful for me..
Wow, good to hear that, that's means not every child will kenan fever
ya lah, if work in cc, I can get a fast pass to 'woodbridge' resort

my ger kenna slight fever after MMR (heng), but some spots like measles came out after few days. luckily, they go away after few days. pd said it's q normal, called fake measles.
ok, that's also happened to my neighbour's dotter too
do you rem if WS's fever comes on 1 week after the jab ?
One Staff Nurse in KKH taught me administer one doze of paracetamol before A took any jab that might cause fever. A went through all those compulsory jabs individually and I always gave her paracetamol prior including MMR, no fever. Those optional jab like pneumococoal jab, I also gave paracetamol prior, and no fever too.
<font color="0077aa">Costa, Jane, Didi</font>
Saw Dr Agarwal this afternoon. She is very pleased with the boys' development, speech etc. She even challenged them a short session of Q&amp;A during the consultation. Hilarious!
The boys are officially discharged from all therapy!
Next appointment to see her will be one year later.
Happy, happy, happy! Waited almost 3 years for today!
Next IQ test will be when they turn 5.5 years old.

Sorry, Lindah was reading your blog. Erm...I remember you mentioning you are pregnant (OR did i remember wrongly)? How are you now? I saw you wanted to go for amore?

Lindah how r you? really long time never hear from take care yah?

Do drop by this forum more often...k?
