Premature babies support group

Mich congrats!

har! talking about flu vacination, I think I have to go for it already! I took it last year dunno when leh...I think the effect over liao, thats why me sick again!

Jacelyn yah yah, the chinese physician always tells us to dilute the milk when child is coughing.

Yah, bloom money is a factor. I know I will sure get a very big pay cut. sigh...considering I am a person who loves to buy so much things...dunno how to survive.

Jane, erm...haven't start dash on the new mulit vitamin yet. I always let him take vitamin C syrup prescribed by padetrician, that costs very cheap ard 10.

Jacelyn about vomiting, my boy always vomit when he has cough, he will vomit milk when sleeping, and also when eating too because of his phlegm and cough. I hate it!

didi, eric carle books really not bad. you can try.
going chalet today cause my dad and sis birthdays in march so celebrating their birthdays together.

I have finally decided to just go on a 3 days 2 nights cruise trip during june holidays bringing dash. Everywhere soooooo luan and so many virus. sigh, i think cruise is the best and safest hopefully! (still remember the food poisoning case for cruise eeee!)

Mummylian forgot to reply you, your celebration starts 4pm, dash has lesson at united square at 5pm, wun have enough time to drop by leh.
So happy for you
hey, mommy, time to reward your darlings hor

yup, will get the books
are you joining the star cruise ? is it Star Virgo ? tell me know roughly what have you booked, cause hb wanted to join the cruise but told him, the standard cabin will be too small for the 2 rascals and us
halo halo evryone,

i havent read the forum for a long time. realli realli behind. nie very busy now, no time to play.

congrats on your new bb girl. cant make ur gathering but do have a grand time.

hope siang got better oredi?

realli great to hear the good news abt D&E.

thanks for asking, i had a miscarriage last week. tough, but i found handling hamizan's ordeal in NICU n SCN toughen me up a bit, so i was surprisingly quite ok. it was terrible but i figured at least it happened at 9weeks... if it happened ltr down the road, it'll be even more upsetting. i actually wrote a post in my blog abt it but it's tagged as a private post so only my multiply frens can read. tx for visiting my blog.


right now, hamizan's gum got infection, i thot it was teething but swell up a lot. so end up at dr n he gv us a mild antibiotics. hope it goes away soon. dr say in 3 days, if dun get better then hv to go kkh.
. hope he gets better quick.
hi mummies,
i've got a few packets (about 10) of frozen ebm to give away.
they are about 1 month. stored in playtex bag with plastic sealer clips.
appreciate a token of 30 cts per packet to cover the playtex bag and plastic sealer clips cost.
pls PM me if you are interested. thanks.
Thanks for the invitation, sorie to inform you that I am unable to attend, have lots of fun, ya
hi hope,
i'm sorry about the loss. Please take good care of urself and hami there.

hi mummylian,
Sorry i won't be dropping by either. My family has planned a gathering too.

Xiao yun,
thanks for the kind thoughts here. Think most of the bbies have grown out of milk here except my bryan, cathrina and bloom's bb. might get more response if u post in the general threads.

err.. very disappointing. nothing much to buy for me leh.. Not many toys at all.. clothes were ex imo. The same pieces retail at lower the cost at taka's bb fair. I got shoes for bryan from at $8 each. Also got the pureen stuff which were very cheap there.. otherwise like not very worth to go all the way there if u stay v far.
lindah, hope you are ok...You are having practicum now right? take care. Dun stress yourself too much yah. I know it is very busy period for you, same goes my trainee now, can see that she is very stressed, do take care, and hope you pass your practicum with flying colors.

I hope hami's gum infection will go away soon!

didi, yah joining the star cruise but is aquarius cause got promotion. But sadly the dates I want in june is fully booked. So I am changing to May, asking the person if have any cabins avaliable. Yah, me also getting slightly bigger cabin.

I got flu yesterday, and I think dash has a bit too! I am soooo fed up! it seems like since the start of this year, me and dash have been falling sick for dunno how many times! I really hate it! What can I do! I must drag him and me to take flu vaccination, but first, we must really recover first...sigh.
hi hope...

sorry to know about your loss. hope you are feeling ok, brace up.

siang is ok but still running nose with a bit phelgm. thanks. me down with blue flu. hope won't pass back to siang.

re the sms u send me that day. i wanted to tell you, siang is like talking liao. so..hope, do not lost hope. have faith.

and...write often here if u can or text me. cheer up.
hello mommies, how r ur hols?

take care! hug hug!

think pd did warn us abt fever 8-10 days after jab. think ws got it like 1wk ltr?

congrats on your boys' gd performance! gd tat u can say bye bye to the doc

actually, was planning to bring ws to pd this weekend. there's a jab 2 b taken after 2 yr old rt? n oso, wan to ask doc abt a lump behind her ear. did ask doc when she was few mths old & doc say it's normal, will b obvious esp when she's sick. but she's not sick now & yet the lump is q obvious. hope it's alright.

had a v tiring weekend. brought ws out & she's INTO HER TERRIBLE TWO NOW!! lost my temper with her zillion times over the 3 days. nonetheless, q enjoyable cos brought her shopping on fri, swimming ons sat & went national lib ytd.

wow, siang is talking alrdy! gd gd, talk more to him. now ws oso kept on blabbering.. sometimes really dunno wat she's talking abt
hallo disneymickey

holis is not ok for me. spend the 3 days sick and wearing mask (gg to die of suffocation) because i was coughing with lot of phelgm and running nose. siang just kept on sticking to me..."want my life".

strange, i wear the mask and yet he still can recognise me??

he prounonce 'ball' 'bird' 'apple' ' i want' 'beat' ...consider he is talking liao hor? singular words. he also often blabber...

ws is into her pretty two also ler. growing up more and more pretty
So happy to hear that Siang is talking one word now. He's on par with his peers....well done! Pat Pat both Siang and You! The learning curve of year old word, two years old...two words...three years old...3 and beyond...
hi precious_one

happy.gif 2 years must be able to talking 2 words ah...oh oh oh ...stressed. cos siang is 18mths liao ler

i am workng hard to teach him 50 words. the home work that the speech therapist handed me :p.
didi, i am also afraid that i will get hooked on masssage so never go :p

mich, congrats on the twins being discharged from all therapy!!!!

lindah, *sayang*...must rest well ok?

xbliss..ahahha.. its been so longggg since my bb last tasted ebm :p thanks for ur thots

jane, u r so funi..of course siang can recog u.... there was once, i put on facial mask (whole face one) and my bb recognise my voice :p arghh... my bb duno how to speak yet...
hi bloom

keke. at first he was not very receptive when i wore the mask. but very soon, he 'knew' it me haha.

not to worry. speech develops in different stages
my boy now at 18 mths (15mths corrected) just started to stand and 'walk' :p
same here, for this year I have kena 3 times sore throat already
better take lesser heaty stuff otherwise sick again....

Good to hear that Siang Siang is feeling better
dun worry. ws oso started saying 1 word when she's abt 18mths. now she 's trying to put words together, sometimes, 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 4 words. can u believe it? she can even argue w me. when we came back frm lib yesterday afternoon, i made her took off her shorts 2 change into romper, cooler 4 nap, she refused & wan to wear the shorts (denim shorts) back. i told her it's hot, she say 'hot no'! i nearly faint!
hi didi

is your boy better?

siang ok la. now worry cos he seem to have phelgm (and plus me sick ah yo...).

disneymickey can reason with you liao. For now siang just wave his fist/hands all around when he don't want milk or don't want anything :p or he simply close his mouth until we say "clever boy" keke
Thanks for the concern, they are better, but must think keep both eyes on them
you take care ya, maybe you can avoid contact with him since he is better, when they are sick, I always tell hb I rather be the one that is sick ....
hi didi

hmmm...i been trying to stay away from him for the past 3 days. but very difficult ler. ok i am sick, so long he is ok
D&E are three years old and can speak in complete sentences of average 6 - 8 words per sentence.
Refer to this for a more accurate guideline:

Sounds like you had a nice and fun weekend

We brought the boys picnic at Botanic Gardens on Friday.
On Saturday, we went Goat Farm (again!?) and had lunch at Petals and Leaves Bistro which is near the farm. Nice place

Keep us posted on the outcome of the check with PD regarding the lump. Hope it is nothing serious.
The website that you mentioned above is so informative
thanks I kpo kpo also go and check it out
you so resourceful leh
hallo mich

i read the link and found it familiar..then i remember, oh this is the one that the speech therapist shown me too. siong ah...i must work harder :p. siang is still at singular ler. think i must persist let him wear hearing aids.

oh i thought of going to botanic garden over the weekend too..but sick la haiz keke.
ya, tiring but fun weekend. cos hubby flying to states tmrw, so tot of bringing ws out last weekend. goat farm? smelly? heehee.. rem i went once & the smell was..urm..
good suggestion anyway. will let hubby know when he comes back, another place 2 go. he always like to bring ws outdoor. but if it's me, pref air-con place like shopping mall heehee
Goat farm is still not as bad as quail farm, went there few years ago, ver smelly
good leh, your hb gg states, you can get him to buy lots of stuff for you
olive leaf gd for immunity. I dunno what the minimum age. maybe can email the pp at the website

congrats that Siang is speaking one word.

thx! I like the NAN HA texture. looks like breast milk heheh.

read ur blog. sorry for ur loss, hope u feel alrite and better. Sounds so mysterious somehow the sequence of events - God knows best. Wishing u and Hami recover soon..
take care..
nan HA taste bit bitter though. ur girl can take it? it's gd, cos helps to prevent allergies.

most likely will ask hubby to get clothes/toys 4 ws lor. dun think will buy anything 4 myself. will b moving back to my mom's place tonite, so tat she can help bring ws to sch in case i need to go office early.
hehe I went botanic garden last sat but stayed <30min. Looks like going to rain hard, hubby not feelin well, Nada dun seem able to appreciate the place yet as she still young. oklor, go home. but nice ah the place ;) will go again

so I went expo after that. I found it not bad since I got what i wanted - socks, shoes, bumwear to try out.
so far its still mix with Similac Neosure as per dr advise when switch over milk so she can take. mix one to one. hope ok *cross fingers* It seems better for her to take it as hubby just added ezcema to his list of allergies *yikes*
Hello mummies

Lindah hope you feel better.

disneymickey, ws hasn't reach two and is already terrible two? hee. Wow, you brought ws to so many places, she must have enjoyed herself.

Jane, hope you are ok now. I always wear mask too when I was sick, and dash will always tell me to take it off.

Wow, mich, very adventurous! you visited so many places during the long weekends.
Goat farm sounds like a good idea, that will be my next destination.

Dun worry about the amount of words siang said, jane, i remember reading a news article about a boy who started speaking only at 5, but he tops psle.

didi,I am not going for cruise liao, cause fully booked for all the dates I wanted. sob sob. I dare not go anywhere else, so think will eventually stay in singapore. I will just booked a nice hotel at sentosa, and have fun there. sad but no choice.

Forgot today got p5 meet the parents....sigh, lucky I woke up early cause dash kept kicking me. The way he sleeps hor, he is always sleeping everywhere, so I garna kick by him. Must go school sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ws alrdy 2yrs old last mth :p u bz woman la, 4got tat u hav wished her happy bday?

nev mind. go sentosa oso can enjoy. think 4 dash, as long as got daddy &amp; mommy &amp; swimming pool, it's enuff fun 4 him
hey, got 1 place to recommend to you
knowing you and Zach are real foodies
Ashton Specialities, Maybe you have tried ? we tried last sunday, not bad, and the prices are reasonable, have wanted to try many times but they are alway crowded
think they are mentioned by Makan Sutra b4 .....
thanks...i hvnt tried before...the queues vy long leh, my fren told me must go there either vy early or odd hours...wats nice there?

tink they hv another "higher class" one inside the small road......(near their first shop)....

u went there with yr boys?

hp u okay..take good care of yr health as tis is a crucial time inview of yr assignments, studies let me noe if you nd any help...
On weekends, we like to bring the kids to explore different places . But ideas are running low liao. haha...
Which property will you be staying on Sentosa? Amara Sanctuary and The Sentosa Resort &amp; Spa (ex beaufort) are very nice.

USD is weaker now... good time to shop in the States. Lots of cheap and nice kids' clothes there.
I miss New York!!
Costa, Mich,
Yup, I have saw the queues b4 very very long, but that nite we reached there around 1030pm so ok, no crowd. I took chargrill chicken and hb took black pepper steak upon the waitress's recommendation, I like my chicken and hb commented that their steak is good .... Oh, I didn't know they have another branch

No. I didn't brought along the boys as they are sleeping so left them with the maid, but need to call her twice to make sure they are ok
hi mummies,

looks like the viruses are slowly retreating. must keep up your good work.

meanwhile, i finally got time to upload pics from the camera onto the pc.. here's a recent photo of bryan. now 5mths and loves to jump a lot. he is very cheeky nowadays and know how to manipulate the parents and grandparents.

xbliss, bryan is soooooo cute!!! so kawaii.

Mich, I have booked shangri la at sentosa. not going anywhere out of singapore so splurge a bit. sigh. so good, weekends you will take your boys to explore.

disneymickey, so sorry, memory failing me. My memory getting lousy. :pppp

file checking this week. I am just like a mad woman chasing my children over their files. Most of the times, they have files but inside are empty. want my life!
Our super Bryan is so so cute, as usual he looks very contented and happy. Cool!!!

Been following up on your blog, you are also doing a wonderful job there to nurture Dash. Me, only heart thinking, want to do this and that but have been really lazy. Knock my own head!

How's WS in school so far? Did you notice any changes?
wah Bryan so chubby and look contented. look like he look directly at the the camera and posing
Its so nice to see our babies chubby like dat as we kno they started out small

bryan so chubby &amp; cute.. well done both mommy &amp; bb!

ya, told hubby to buy some dresses 4 ws alrdy. it's such a gd time 2 shop in US now with the low USD rate.. but i can't follow him this trip cos he's visiting q a few places &amp; it's not the correct time (4 me) to bring ws to long flights yet. wan me life, 2 bring her on a 24hr flight!! haha.. but we do plan to bring her to walt disney world when she's abt 3 or 4 yr old. went there during our honeymoon &amp; we would wan to go back again.

after 3wks of 'sch no' every morning, ws can now wear her uniform &amp; go to sch w/o crying. but when reach sch, she'll start crying 'go mommy' when the teacher try to take her temperature. but when the aunty (helper in her class) took over, she's ok. was telling hubby needs to give her another 3wks to perfect everything.
where's this Ashton Specialities didi recommended? &amp; where's the more 'higher class'? the food tat u mentioned sounds so delicious. whenever hubby &amp; me took off on weekdays, we'll always go eat something nice. was juz telling him must go try the korean restaurant @amara hotel - Hyang To Gol, heard it's v nice.. yummy

the Ashton Specialities is opposite Katong Mall....those shops along the road (119 East Coast Road).....the more "higher class" is inside the side road near the Ashton means opposite the katong mall, just go straight....

I hvnt tried both before.....but see the long queues vy lazy to queue..esp the one along the main road..when its raining, i still see pple queuing...

I hvnt tried the amara korean food before but did try the korean bbq restaurant at Square2..not bad...
