Premature babies support group

Hmm, good idea Penang
loves Gurney Drive where there's lots of yummy food

precious & didi,

okie.will put penang as 1 choice. hubby is gg to redemn points 4 flights, so hav to give more choices..

actually i wan to go japan, but 6.5hrs of flight w ws..urrgghh
DM and didi
I think long flights is not so good for the toddlers cos they might get cranky after a also intend to go Penang when I find an opportunity...can't remember when I last been to Penang liao. But I'll always remember the food, another food paradize.

Long flights, may be wait until A is about at least 5 yrs or older.
oh forgot to mention, I told my hb just last week that Japan is the place I must go before I complete my life journey....I love Japanese food and stuff.
yes yes, go japan.. u'll love it! in fact, ws was made in tokyo
heehee.. but now afraid to bring her back cos of the long flight..
disneymickey, heard my colleague said krabi is very nice. I also dunno.

You may want to consider bintan also, kids love boats.

Yah yah, me want go japan too in june, but no $, haha. Think will just go hong kong, and bring dash to disneyland, though heard not nice.

Today on full day course, so sianz, a bit regretful! why I go sign up? haha. Actually, I thought I will be asked to go malacca with my p5 this march holidays, so I sign up the course so that I can have an excuse not to go mah, hee. I dread going malaysia.

Oh yah, forgot to add in, in the end, my class is scheduled to go in june!
morning mommies, come forum so quiet ytd? was so bz with work ytd, din hav much time to still clearing work left over frm last wk.

this morning brought ws to sch with ah ma & ah yi. she was crying when handing over to teacher, but stop awhile ltr. 4got to bring her sch bag in, so ah ma brought in the bag & the teacher was carrying her & she was quiet. maybe ytd was monday blues ..heehee

so stressful, here we r, worrying abt how she's coping in sch, whether she's crying. maybe she's enjoying herself in sch. last nite, she told us they played dunno wat open-eye-close-eye thing & she put her hands above her head & clap & run ard.. was telling myself? learnt how to b monkey in sch?? haha
Nada just started teething. hmm that's abt 7mths (corrected)

I think if I become teacher. kena bully heheh. too soft spoken. I did consider be those special school teacher. some only work half day, then can bring home work to do. but hard to get in leh..

do they have adjuct teaching ? maybe can switch to that. my sis is poly teacher. she wan to switch to adjuct coz $ is still gd ( abt the same if she can get enuff slots), less responsibility.
say the stress is also bad for poly

hehhe ws funny ;)
mummylian, welcome back with ur fullterm bb!

nothing much to report... body aching with taking care of bb... maybe should go for some cheapo massage..any suggestion?
Cheaper options for massage, maybe you can try 'Wan Yang', I never tried massage before in Singapore yet
but that day my neighbour told me they are quite ok
Hello me potang class. Suppose to have full day course, but halfway during lunch back me come home liao cause hubby took mc, so he could fetch me.

Me so lazy teacher haha.

yah daec we do have adjuct teachers. But if I really want to quit will quit totally.

I am actually thinking of going into childcare teaching.

why today forum sooo quiet leh?

disneymickey, haha, dun worry, soon ws will get use to school soon and show you more stuff from school.

Only my dash so gong, never tell me wat he learnt from school leh. But sometimes he does sing chinese nursery rhymes which I seldom heard, and I wonder did he learn from school or from watching those song vcds which are his favorite.
Dash not gong lah, he wants to surprise you in 1 shot
Aiyah, did you go to the taka baby fair ? hmm, me actually wanted to going too
hey, your hb's new car arrived already ?
no leh, hubby's new car not arrive yet. sob. We borrow his father's car which is normally use by his brother.

never go taka fair, haha, cause hubby was on MC and he doesn't want to go, keep saying "he is supposed to be on MC".
Dash surprises me? no leh, I still think he always learns nothing from enrichments or schools. He only can sing songs learnt from schools. Aiyo I was telling my friend, I bet he is going to be SINGAPORE IDOL next time, and doesn't like to study! sob
Don't think that way. A child's brain is like a sponge, it keeps never know, one day Dash is going to be a genius. Have faith and confidence in your child.

Wow, if Dash is going to be the Singapore Idol, then A is going to have celebrity boyfriend???
childcare I see. cool! I heard its half day only.more time for Dash then ;)

me IT freelance I hope. hope got enuff lubang to sustain else hav to find another way. I prefer find work from home or half day work so can be at home more.

hehe maybe Dash already lot from u, so at school he bored as nothing really new ? ;)
hahaha....KKF. Dash learning how to sing ah? So cute.

My dd also loves to sing. Last weekend, at 5am, me and DH overheard (via baby monitor) her singing "rain rain go away" in her cot. She kept singing and singing. Being "hardworking" parents, we continue zzzz.. hahahaha
haha, dash really loves to sing leh, he will play and just suddenly sings.

Anyway, just went for a course on "how to communicate with pre-teens", interesting part is the speaker said about preschools. She asked us whether we can see where our P1s came from (which preschools).
Then she said:

Those very active ones are from those private preschools cause they encourage socialisation a lot. So they talk even when eating, and move about a lot, so they go P1 they are so used to moving about, and they will move about.

Those independent and can work alone ones are from montosorri.

Those use languages that are not very appropriate ones (if I heard correctly) are from those preschools downstairs of hdbs?

Those who follow the rules and everything the teachers say are from PAPs or government schools.

what do you think? so next time must send to PAP safest?
i like wat the speaker said.. hmm..actually, i would pref ws to b active, independent & work alone. so i'm a mixture of 1st & 2nd kind? but so far, ws only tells us wat happened in sch, hasn't really started singing yet. ytd, she told us, auntie mop floor, she sit on chair cos floor wet, they play car..etc. noticed she whinned q a lot b4 gg to sch this morning, but no more crying. so hopefully, it's becoming better. this morning, she refused to let me go work while she drinks milk (supposed 2 b hubby send her to sch), in the end, i ended up late, reached office only 9.30! luckily, my boss not fussy abt # of hrs we put in.

dash alrdy knows a lot at home, so maybe he finds those stuff taught in sch nothng special, so nev report 2 u

wow, ur ger so clever, can sing rain rain go away alrdy? my ger can only 'talk' but oso in pieces 1 la, only hubby & me know wat she's talking abt haha.

btw, wanna share something, q irritating said by my x-colleague. her daughter is abt 5 mths younger than my ger. the other day, she called me n asked if i've sent my daughter ot sch, i say yes. she asked useful or not, i say, only 2nd wk, can't tell yet la, but last weekend, she wanted to feed herself (can't scoop frm bowl, but can bring the food frm spoon into mouth, without dropping). i tot it's q an achievement since she's only gone sch for a wk. she immediately told me "my daughter can do it alrdy" wow.. impressive hor? so i say, wow, ur daughter so smart.. then i realized, her so-called feeding is juz poke food w toothpick/fork & put into mouth. then i try to tell her, my 'feeding' is means use spoon & put food. she still insisted her daughter can feed herself. in the end, i give up.

sorry to bore all with this story, but i juz wan to say, y wan to compare until like tat?? doesn't she know tat each kid develop/behaves differently? or is she juz trying to show-off? hubby say, y i bother to continue talking to her..
i'm juz irritated by the way she say lor. as if it's no big deal tat my ger can eat by herself. she's the one who asked me if sch is gd, so i told her, n yet, she must 'pour cold water over me'. pissed.
Aiyoh, next time don't 'entertain' these kind of people, if she ask you next time just say 'ok lor'
don't get upset by her, 'hear no evil'
But disneymickey talking about the preschools, you know wat? we teachers like the last ones best cause we feel that students who move about are too active (sometimes we label them as hyperactive), then those who work alone ones, sometimes, very hard for them to communicate with others and will tend to have problems socialising.

These are really wat I saw from my p1s. I saw my kids, some dun have friends leh, eat alone, sit alone, and do things only alone, when work in groups, they will have problems, because they want things their own ways. Then in the end, end up quarrelling. Thats the problem with montossori.

Maybe I shd open one preschool and incorporates all of the above! haha, then will surely be very popular, even more than montossori! haha.
Btw, me so sianz....dash is still coughing!

He has been coughing since january. the cough comes and go comes and go.

Dylan also has been coughing since last week, went to pd twice but doesn't help
and been breathing heavily at nite and sometimes wheeze. Do you know if it is asthma's ? I know at least all the kids at my hb's side have asthma ......
hi mummies,
its been a while since i last log in.cathrina was admitted to kkh last wed due to high fever.her fever didnt go down for a week and we r very worried.doc at kkh cant find any reason tat cause her fever so my hubby bring cathrina go see another pd luckily she is fully recover now and resting at home.

alot of children having cough recently.most of the children having cough wen cathrina was admitted better becareful.hope dash and dylan get well soon.
dear mommies,

weather v cold these few days..better take care of urself & ur little one(s). when i brought ws to sch today, had a look at the register (a folder where the parents got to sign in/out & write down stuff). out of 7kids in her class (including herself), at least 3 r on medication. sigh. how not 2 fall sick??
hello didi

got news from mich that Dylan is coughing.. is he ok? Hope he recover soon.

that time i admitted siang because he was like having difficulty in breathing... and end up is bronchitis

i think is the weather playing tricks. cold cold cold.

hope dylan recover soon.

also hope dash be free from cough soon
Thanks for the concern
ya lor, he is coughing, went to kkh once and pd once, still coughing
how do we know if it is bronchitis ? they did a x-ray on his chest and it is clear ....
If x-ray is clear, means no bronchitis, but did you tell pd that Dylan is wheezing....if then don't have wheezing sound, then perhaps go and see pd again and tell him, you heard wheezing sound. You just have to monitor closely. Hope Dylan recover soon.

I'm now following up with chinese sensei on bad nose infection and throat inflammation. Undergoing acupuncture so the process will take months...Sigh...

A's resp doc. feels that A has sensitive nose so she's on long term zyrtec, just today, I see she has running nose....hope not going to start all over again.

I also feel that it is the cold weather that's creating havoc on our health. Damn sian!
hi didi,

yes like precious_one pointed out, if xray is clear then no bronchitis. but do monitor closely... KKH/PD doc say he wheeze mah?

hope dylan recover fast fast

hope rain rain go away soon...
same,my hubby and his side all have asthma too. I'm watching out for it too. no, I dunno how to know its asthma. but later when she old enuff, likely to enrol her in swimming or somthing to strengthen her lungs.

sorry to hear Cathrina admitted to hospital. glad to hear she back and recovering
do u mean kkh couldnt do much, but the pedi helped ?

ur childcare sch idea sounds good le
Precious One, Jane,
Dylan does wheeze for half a day on wed, but ytd and today so far it's ok
(touch wood)..... will monitor him, I daren't sleep for 2 nites, been waking up and making sure that he is breathing ok

Yup, I also intend to let my boys learning swimming as soon as they are ready
Glad to hear that Dylan is doing better for the last two days. About not resting/sleeping when your child is sick, I bet this is the price to pay for Motherhood....sometimes joy, sometimes pain .... That's why, Mother is the Greatest!!
Yes, that's a price to pay, but think about it, it is still 'cheap' when we can hold and kiss kiss them everyday and every minute
ha....ha.... must rem to apply eye cream otherwise will be a panda very soon liao
was discharged on friday afternoon at 1pm. Thanks for visiting me!

An open invitation to all mummies in the forum.. Rather than to pm u gals, mayb can take the advantage of my bb girl full month celebration to be a gathering for all of us.. Mayb u gals can jus indicate if u r keen in coming. The celebration will be on Sat 5th April. Will make it at 1pm jus for gals so tat we can gather with the little ones and chit chat. U can email me at [email protected]. Really hope to see as many of u to let our little ones gather
My place is at pasir ris.

Can someone advice.. Little Ezann is getting a little fussy n naughty.. she knows who to bully her.. When my maid wanna feed her, she will throw her tantrum n kick her elephant leg... Now on confinement, no energy to scold her..
Wat can I do to her? Enrol wat kind of activities for her to keep her occupied?

Ezann's been coughing since CNY, hope she gets well soon.. the cough jus doesn't seem to go away...

A bit drained off for the last few days..Finally recover a fair bit liao..
The wound from the ligation is painful.. Really take my hats those who went for C-Section.

Hope all things are going fine with all of u!

Thanks for ur help!
Hello MummyLian

Good to hear from you. Nice weather to be on confinement, isn’t it?
So cool and windy.
Sounds like Princess Ezann is going through the stage of terrible 2.

My boys are doing good. Thanks for asking.
Both were coughing and had running nose after CNY. Thankfully, it was a short episode and they recovered very fast. Phew....
I am pleased that they are healthy and immune system is getting stronger each day. *Touch wood*

I am putting up with more tantrums, mischief, tardiness, fussiness and wilfulness these day.
They are older now and have an opinion of their own. Getting a bit tricky to handle now... Have to respect their views and decision but at the same time impose a level of discipline. Peharps I can ask you for some tips on “how to handle boys?” since you have 2 elder ones at home.

Thank you for the invitation to the party. We will try to make it. It is near my place, anyway.
Keep you posted.
Har, mich and mummylian stay in pasir ris? My mum stays there too! so I can make it! do include me!
(if dash is no longer coughing, else he will be coughing and spreading germs around).

didi, dash garna bronchitis before, if I am not wrong, normally comes with fever and cough.

I am bringing dash for tui na at YU GUO now. Got to bring him for 4 consecutive days...hopefully that helps, I went there, saw a lot of kids as well. Yesterday brought dash to see padetrician, wow! I thought I would be the first when I went there at 830am (they open at 9am), in the end I am no. 8! Many many kids sick.

Hope Ezann, dash, dylan, angel, and all other kids who are sick will recover fast!

DM, agree with precious one, school lots of virus, sigh. Now even hand foot mouth disease everywhere, sianz.

fairylander, you mean kkh cannot detect why your gal had fever? then you went to another PD? har? kkh so lousy? I thought its suppose to be the top children hospital?
i think kkh is not lousy juz tat the way they do things abit usual everyday there r different team of young doctor come to check her then they report to senior doctor,so i think tis make the treatment slow lor.furthermore she stay in C ward all the children there having cough n the private pd told me may be wen she abt to recover then kena virus again coz the surrounding.

oh u discharged at 1pm no wonder cant find u nice ezann can walk liao.can pm me ur address?i think i can come.

let me know if Yu Guo helps, ok ? did you buy the colostrum, did it helps ? wonder how to boost our bb's immunity ? does it means that preemies are weaker in immunity ?
