Premature babies support group

I believe most mummies go through the same phase...must harden the heart for the good of the children (if you think that sending her to CC at this age is best for WS) WS is considered very good...this morning, my hb and I sent A to school and we heard a child's cry so loudly from the next class so we went to kpo a was from a boy...can you see, it is already 2mths....still crying. So give WS a little more time, as long as she realises that school is fun, she will not refuse already. Then you will share her joy

costa & precious,

ya lor, hav to b hard-hearted & juz say bye bye to her then leave.

but i think she enjoys sch, cos when i picked her up last 2 days, i asked if she's happy, she say yes. asked if she wans to go again tmrw, she say yes.

tmrw & fri i'm on half day again. wanna meet 4 bfast @lot 1?
maybe dash knows everything in sch alrdy. so he tot no big deal, so nev tell u heehee.. dun worry la, we all know dash so clever

gd luck w ur apptn with the doc
hello mummies,

siang now wans mummy already hor? i am so longing for that day.. although it will be very sad. everyday pass him over to mother in law is a very sad thing for me cos he dun really know how to show affection yet.. maybe i jealous cannot spend the whole day with him lor.. haiz. he is coping ok, doesnt want to drink the first milk fed by mother in law everyday..maybe cos he wake up and find himself in a different place without mummy and daddy? it is a joy seeing him after work everyday.

WS so cute.. ask daddy go to work! hahahha. these kids really know whose string to pull and whose not to pull!
Good evening, mummies,

Mummylian has delivered her fourth bundle of joy, a little princess today at 1423 pm weighing 2.695 kg which is the heaviest amongst her kids...

congrats to her on her fulfilling motherhood journey....
envy leh, meeting up for breakfast ah precious one and disneymickey, wish I can join as well...sob.

Help me congrats mummylian too costa. soooooo envy.

disneymickey, Dash is somebody who loves strangers, so he will not cry. Yesterday finally he went back to school after stopping for quite some time due to his prolong cough. He just said "nonono, want go gai gai", then after that when the teachers came out, he became very guai, and went in with them.

Jane, hope siang is better now? I always fear bronchitits very very much!

Yesterday met up with a very STUPID AND NASTY PARENT. He came to ask me why her girl's chinese grades is dropping (for one thing, it is only 10 weeks from school reopens, no test, no exam, how he knows her grade dropping?), then he said he thinks her gal's interest in chinese is dropping as well, cause she goes home she will dread learning chinese. Then he said "my girl is very hardworking, she never plays, never watch tv, so I believe she has done her part, for us parents, we monitor her closely, and guide her, we have done our part too (he went on long story on how he teaches her), I believe teachers factors is very important! I was fuming when I heard that, he was trying to say I never motivate her daughter, and lost her interest in chinese! Come on! I have 38 students leh! I was rushing rushing rushing syllables like mad for p3, how to motivate? Somemore, HE kept comparing her P1 teacher, and grade. He said her P1 teacher is very good, motivates her, helps her, and makes her score 90 plus for chinese! P1 LEH, P1 so simple, if children cannot get 80 and over, I will find it strange already! He kept saying his daughter is dam smart and she can do better!
That parent is CRAZY! I was asking him "you are confronting me?(teaching me how to teach your gal?) I got 38 students, how to give his gal individual attention and to teach her like what he did! Anyway, I dun think his home education is that great! He really messed up my day, and made me fuming with anger yesterday!(sorry ah, my english is not powerful, so may not be able to phrase my words well).
good morning, mummies...

a rainy day at work today

didi and kkf and all mummies who texted me yterday, will convey our rgds to mummylian

dun be angry lah..nowadays parents all vy seow on....i oso worry for my own son when he goes to primary you are right, things get harder all the way...

aiyah go and tell that parent....primary three no longer honey moon and also teachers attention is not there as there are more pupils in the class...

aiyah so ks go and get tuition outside lah.....or ask the ger go and join tcs drama class lah, now advertising for students liao.....

tink yr english is quite powerful

Heartiest Congratulations on the arrival of your 4th baby. Rest well and take care too!

Yeah, I met DM for breakfast this morning. It was nice cos we get to talk more w/o our girls. Met her parents too.!
It would be nice if you can join us at CCK..hehe
hi mummies

thanks for texting and informing all of us that mummylian 4th baby has arrive

don't be envy. heaven will give you another healthy baby.

re that parent. haiz. frankly la, teacher has their limitation to what they can do. he say is easy mah. who know what the ger does at home right :p. don't let this thing spoilt your day! you got another 37 wonderful student with wonderful parents ah
hi xbliss
its ok...bryan will settle down comfortably with the new schedule (of being at your MIL house). don't worry, siang also stay at my mum house during weekday..but he will still stick to me (esp now that he is more grown up) when i reach home or when we wake up in the morning.
Didn't know nowsdays, parents can march up to the teachers and make noise, during our time, when we didn't do well, our parents will only scold us definitely not at the teachers
somehow I felt I was losing my girl when I started wrk. still jealous of my mum at times coz can spend more time with her. She's abt 10mths now (8mths corrected) I can see she show how she miss me in different ways. Its not obvious at first and slowly more obvious. Eg at one time she dunno show affection but notice her behaviour is diff when I am at home. More hard for my mum to calm her coz wan me. If I arrive home from wrk late, she's noisy. Only quiet when I arrive. Later stage, she reach out her hands to me when I home. Now she start crawl to me.
yup she stil sticks to me at nite. will wait for me before she sleep though eyes red tired
wow congrats to mummylian. our inspiration, God bless

that parent ah, gotta learn how not blame teachers. Teachers with 38 student how to give that attention he wan ? If he wan one-on-one attention, shld be tuition already.

true ah, nowdays parents blame others not kids. e kids gotta learn self-reliance. hard when parents like dat 'teach' to blame others.

I just used normal mittens. Some cutting is small than others. bought smallest rubberband for hair and put on the mittens to prevent it dropping
hello xiaowanzi

there is a shop at KKH that sells preemie top and i think they should have mittens.

but mittens..i guess its ok to get those NB size. they grow up really fast.

hope all is well for your baby
Thanks Daec for yr suggestion.

Jane, think the shop u mentioned is Mothercare, rite? They dun sell.

My baby now weighing 2186g. Consider stable, just that his eyes still dun have much improvement after the operation. Neither improve nor worsen. Every week still need to review.
just a quick one..busy at work!

xiaowanzi, what i did last time (as suggested by my sis) was to stitch the opening of the mittens so that the hole is smaller, then let bb wear (small hole of entry, but still big space inside if u know wat i mean).

cos last time i also cannot find small mittens
I bot from the shop @ kkh (next to Osh kosh) aiyoh, my memory failing me
what's the name of the shop ? .....mommies help ..... (opp PEC)
is it my first few years or smthg?

just brg normal mittens wld do...if you dun hv, i think kkh shld hv some tt the nurses contributed if you cant find any...

erh...didi yes, that is the shop.

erh...not first few years. its a very small shop.

no no..not mothercare. oh, have faith, your baby sure will be ok

yes, i think normal mittens (with your love) is good enough
Costa, Jane,
Thanks, yes lah, I bot from the '1st Few Years' shop, just couldn't recall

xiao wan zi,
its nothing but pleasure for us to help each other...we hope to have a chance to meet you one day.....

believe yr bb is doing vy son got rop stage three..and alot of other issues but now is vy norti and lively.....

i tried to send a private message to you but you dun accept........

u sure is the memory is failing me too..
hi mummies,

jane and daec
yar lor.. that is exactly how i feel.. very jealous that others get to spend more time with bryan.. and by the time he is back, we have so many housechores to do and need to sleep that we can't afford to play much with him. and missing all his milestones while we are work.. sigh.

bryan din wan to drink milk at MIL place today.. sigh.. reach home the behavior also continued. i'm suspecting that he may be teething.. do we know if premies teeth according to chronological age or corrected age? he keep biting but dun wan the milk leh. in the end, i gave up and succumbed to breastfeedng which i tought i had successfully weaned him off. at least he wanted it.

xiao wan zi,
mittens were totally hopeless with bryan. i tried to tape up with small scotchtape but with a few flings, it comes off! so i trim his fingernails very religiously. u can buy those baby nail scissors at pharmacy, or first few years at kkh and use at SCN. sometimes those nurses will stare at me when i cut bryan's nails there cos i think they worry i injure him. But with caution, u will sooon get pretty nails that dun scratch his face! bugis junction level 3 got kids department.. u should be able to find a lot of mittens and booties that are of smaller size.

I never bought special premature stuff for my boy when he came home. He just wore those normal stuff like normal babies. I dun think the mittens will be too big. Is your boy home yet? sorry me quite lost in the many posts here.

Thanks mummies, the parent is really nasty. I found out that he complained about the p2 teachers as well. He still live in the perfect dream of his daughter getting 90 marks and top in class in P1. So he expected her to do equally well for p2 and p3. What is now my nightmare is his elder daughter in p3 is scoring just 27/50 for mock test! I think he will come and find me again. I am so suay, I not only teach his eldest daughter, I am teaching his 2nd daughter as well whom he is very very very proud of (he says so) in P1, now his girl only scores 37/50 for mock test. I die liao. I think he expects her to get 50/50.

toysrus got a lot of sale leh, me very tempted to buy toys, but then always buy then realise dash doesn't like to play.
Xbliss and daec, go be a teacher? at least teachers have holidays, and can spend real solid time with babies. I do think so. but of course, be prepared to vomit lots and lots of blood. I may be quitting soon once I have another child. Nowadays with such parents, and with such students, I think if I continue teaching, will shorten my life.

Now busy like crazy cause book checks! want my life! the students work are terrible. Their corrections can do and redo and redo. haha. so I am busy chasing after them for redo and redo corrections.
hi xiaowanzi

just glad to give small little knowledge. I did bought 1 premmie item. Its a small romper (which i soon realised is too small for my boy) :p

they grow up very fast..don't worry. i bought the pigeon sisccor to cut my boy nails. i find it very small and good (user friendly)

hi xbliss
i know what you meant. for me, in order to keep up my energy level, i drink 2 to 3 cups of mocha at office before heading home so that when i reach home, i still got tons of energy to play with siang when i reach home at night....

don't worry, you won't miss his milestone. so far, i am the one who witness siang standing up, babbling, talking etc keke.

they will do for their mummy to see ;)

OH toy'rus having sale! thanks..later i go and see hehehe
for teething. siang is by chronological age (not corrected age). i remember his first teeth came out when he hit 8 months old (ie he only 5 months corrected)...
I also thot of gg to Toys R Us but haiz.... my D&D are down with fever
ytd nite I was on nite shift, didn't sleep till 5am, I better stay in and not go anywhere ......
hi didi

oh. hope both boys recover fast. actually the toys on sale is available online (re kkf earlier note for the link)

hey you take care too. drink more herbal tea. try nap when they are resting.
<font color="0077aa">Didi</font>
Wishing D&amp;D a speedy recovery.
You take care too.

<font color="0077aa">Jane</font>
Good to have you back again.

<font color="0077aa">Xbliss</font>
D&amp;E started teething at 8 mths corrected age (actual age almost one year old)

<font color="0077aa">Costa</font>
Yah... thanks for the instant updates via SMS

One week school holidays start next week for D&amp;E. So fast hor... They are in school for one term liao.
hallo mich

oh D&amp;E started teething at 12mths ah. thats why i thought siang is really like 'fast' teethers :p. at 18mths (actual) he is like having full set of teeths ler :p. must check out if need to bring him see dentist with dr A next month.

thanks, its really good to be back
Hi Jane
A few of my twins mummy friends brought their kids to dentist when they turned 3 years old.
Now, D&amp;E will purposely open just one small gap for me during teeth brushing. I have to keep repeating " Say ahh, say ahh". They grin and ignore me.
How to go dentist like dat? hahaha...
hi mich

oh going dentist is by age...not by number of teeths ah :p (jane moutain tortise)

siang bite me ah (when i try to clean his teeth)... then i 'munch' him back. then he laugh..haiz. yeah...don't know how the dentist make them open their mouth hor... kkee
hi mommies,
so bz these few days. morning on half day, brought ws to sch, then pick her up @12, then rush to work. so much work piled up. think need whole of next wk to clear.

update on ws. this morning, still crying when gg to sch. but teacher say, after we left, gave her some toys, then she's ok liao. when i picked her up, she can tell me she sing song in sch. asked her to sing to me, she'll say "ah,..ah..." haha.

hope next wk is better.
i asked my dentist b4, she say, ard 2-3yr old, can start bringing them to dentist together w u, so tat the kid can 'get used' to the noise. haha
hi disneymickey,

I am sure next week ws will do even better
take care don't over tired yourself ah. weekend coming
disneymickey, dun worry, time flies, soon ws will be enjoying school, you see dash, angel, and D &amp; E, all in school one term liao. wow!

Just to let you all know I am not holding pelangi spree so sorry. I have decided not too, cause they gave me too much troubles everytime they send the stuff here.

1st time, some books received look old.
2nd time, quite ok.
3rd time, gst incurred.
4th time, one chinese book becomes malay book, and jane's books send wrongly!

want my life.

Thinking of going toysrus to take a look too, though shichida dun encourage. haha.
didi, hope your boys get well soon!

wow! looking after one already is tiring, cannot imagine you looking after two!
happee hols! i will never wanna be teacher! hehhe.. really want my life. i am not a good teacher too... so i think i better dun endanger ppl's children! hahah. i was thinking maybe be school counsellor.. stick to what i do most is safest lor. can't go wrong. but i still believe in early intervention. even at pri sch age, i already feel that very hard to undo damage already.

jane and mich
sounds like got difference in "teething schedule". hehe.. i really dunno how to watch for signs, except that bryan loves to bite me and hubby and get us all wet, even when he is not hungry.. so we suspect lor. haiyah, watever .. hope the teeth faster come out and he can spare us of all his squealing at night for no reason..

i have given up bottle feeding at night after starting work cos too tired.. so i just lay him beside me and bf when he hungry. no need to wake up to pump or wash bottles and feed, which in kkf terms, want my life. and bryan loves it, plus we all get good night's sleep..

taka got bb and toys fair up til 19 march if i remember correctly. after that is bb festival on 21-23 at expo.
Hi all mummies!

Am back home with my little bb who is 37 weeks and weighed 2695g. Am very happy and comforted tat i manage to carry her to full term

But my little Ezann is sick on the day tat bb is born... but thankfully, she is on the road to recovery. She can't stop sayanging the little bb

But now am faced with breast feeding woes....

Met a lady in the ward tat gave birth to a premature bb at 30 weeks.. Thankfully, the bb is quite healthy

Thanks mummies for all the moral support that u have given me during my pregnancy!

And to those who are preggy, stay positive and you will keep bb to full term
congratulations mummylian, really hope next time can hold baby till full term like you!

Dunno why so many premature babies nowadays? Haiz.

Yeah yeah, taka fair? tomorrow going orchard for a course, maybe will go take a look.

Now thinking hard of wat to do with dash at home, but actually I only have thur-friday with him.
Hi Mummylian


If you need a free lance Lactation consultation, PM me. I have a good one on hand. She help my friend alot.

Breastmilk is best milk. So jia you!
morning all,

kkf, so good. sch hols. take this opp to rest well. hope u r better?

this morning, hubby &amp; me sent ws to sch. this is the 1st time he's sending her to sch. he c alrdy v heart pain. say bit regret, shld wait longer then send her when she's older. sigh. really hope she can adapt v soon.

planning to go somewhere during may day hol. any suggestion? dun wan 2 fly 2 far, cos bringing ws. tot of krabi..anybody got better suggestion?

I also made A's dad sent her to school after 1st week (I was with him), then he being first time and I insisted that he brought her to the class, A of course held him so tightly. I asked him to let go and brought him to the observation room, guessed what he said to me: Aiyoh, so sim tia, I don't have the heart to leave her alone??

Then I told him, she only "sai nai" with you only lar, you see, she is playing with her friends already. But the way he said like I machan very "boh cheng"....hehe

Hmmm, you can go Penang Beach Resort too, at the same time, eat the penang laksa, prawn noodle....yummy yummy.
