Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Mummies
Feeling so tired whole week...TGIF!
jesse's school has been closed and wl reopen next Monday.

Gone on hol?

Watched last episode of Ninja Warrior? Nice, right! They really have team spirit.

Bought anything?
Zara sale - nothing much, I notice they only cut like $3 off the usual price...

How long did you take to drive there?
Ever told hb to do that since it's a shorter drive than KL... thot of organizing like a fmy trip but he doesn't want.

jesse was cycling round the neighbourhood and I think he was too sleepy, he crashed into a drain and some bushes and some of the tiny bits of branches got into his gum. We brot him to gp... tkfully managed to 'unstick' them from the gum.

halo mummies
home alone with zach... not easy looking after infant... zzz...

havent gone zara yet. my fren told me the discount no gd, like 20% off nia...

looking fwd to 1 aug as handing over zach to nanny...
Also don't know leh, one moment he was cycling, hb watching them, I went up to phone a friend abt sth, next moment, he was walking with hb and wanted to cry liao...
He is ok today.. told me a bit painful when he rubs his nose...haha

Haha.... not easy alright....

I just bot two dresses from chateau, so now they hv six new dresses.
I wonder, if my 4 yr old twins, next year, they hv no dresses cos def. not tall enuf to wear size 6... haha

You watching zach alone ah???
infant need night feeds leh.. easy meh

i told myself wun buy anymore for the kids bcoz bot a lot online.. will shop for myself now hehe
ya alone. CL went back 10am yday morning *cry*
Was down with flu since tuesday. Went to doctor on wednesday morning and i got to Q for 2.5hrs to see her, terrible. H1N1 symptoms i got 3, sore throat, running nose and slight fever. Good that fever is not high, otherwise will be having 3 days MC and doctor will monitor. However, didnt get better and condition seem worst with no fever. Think better go back to doctor again tmr.

I think infant are not easy to handle. Look at my 5months old nephew, good to play now but difficult to handle. That day mum ask me to help to jagar, i already buay tahan.
Just like going back to the routine again. It takes sometime to get use to it. May be ur zach will sleep thru soon. Ashley will be a great help from time to time.
Hi Mummies

Nice bumping into you at VC... the gals are so sweet...

NBs...aiyoh... I also don't find it easy .... also very boring to be stuck at home whole day.

O dear!
Now is not a good time to go clinic..... that nite we went, they quarantined us in a small room cos hb/I went KL and hb just returned frm BKK... they made us wear masks. I told hb I cud not breathe properly after a while and I felt quite agitated in the small room.
good morning mummies!
i very bz nowadays... tink i not suitable to be sahm hehe.. cant imagine stuck at home whole day and face bb..

i tink not easy too.. whole day bz feeding, then make him sleep, then wash & sterilise bottles, then pump milk.. eating & bathing is always a rush...

u tink easy then mayb u can consider having another one hehe
Nice bumping into you and family too! Your gals so big liao! Jesse so handsome and fair!

Tell you hah, NBs easier coz bigger liao so active worse leh...maybe coz my 2 gals are sleepyheads so I find it easier...

You tahan awhile to hand over to nanny liao...heehee

Wei wei, thanks but no thanks hor...

You alone at home so maybe not that easy...I'm at my mom pl so at least I have another pair of hnads on standby...

You take care and rest cough also took weeks to fully recover!
Think we not sahm material, some mommies can really do it well.
Think I'll go crazy too, if I don't go out, I cannot take it.. haha

So fast... it'll be our turn to register the kids for P1....
our turn is next year lah. Me was sick for a week liao, running nose and dry throat still there. Change a doctor after my 2nd visit, this doctor heard i was down with flu for a week, he said better take anti-biotic this time. If not well, got to take blood test liao. MC for 2 days, yesterday slept whole day after med.

I also cant be sahm. The children will be suffering from my scolding.
Haha PS also must loon...let Zach practices his lung muscle abit lah, then you can PS but not in peace lah...heehee

01 Aug coming soon liao so you can have tai tai life before start work

Me also not SAHM material...ya, next year we must register our kids liao...scary, time passes so fast!
u are pumping milk, no wonder it is hard. Yes, it is harder when u need to pump milk and bb is demanding for attention.

Once bb sleep, u have to empty the breast else the next cycle will starts again.

i realised u still have 2 books with me leh. Have I collected the $$ from u for the two books? So long and i cannot recall. Do u rbr if u have pay me?

pls take care. I am coughing for 5 weeks now.
halo mummies
decided to put zach at nanny place from today.. too many things to do, too little time. i can rest and concentrate on night duty now...

ya someday pump halfway need to attend to him and my milk dripping away.. and my pump cycle oso messed up.

sometimes have to let him practise la.. cant be attending to him all the time..
my tai tai life just started.. went taka shopping just now.. for his stuff at nanny place lor...

haha ya i can understand wat u mean..

now with an infant, i oso cant go out so often liao.. must make full use of my ML now to go out when zach is at nanny's place liao!
So jialak .. you. Beta take antibiotics.
So you gotta avoid your kids or not??

julien had fever mon aftern, recovered yesterday. Now I'm wondering do I need to quarantine her and for how many days??
I also felt sick, but tkfully feel ok after a days' mc.

I paid you long time ago liao, I didn't chase for the books cos I'm not in a hurry to get them....hehe

Are you going to Bali this weekend? Saw the msg on your msn...hehe....

Your pink rocker is still with me!! Can I lend it to my gf who just had a bb recently??

At least hv milk dripping away...hahaha
Enjoy your tai tai life now!

Yalor, got milk dripping is something good!
I also wana go shopping...tat day bgt a top from bysi at 30% off, luckily didnt get it when there was no sale...
no tai tai lei.. did so much hsehold chores this morning.. more like a maid haha..
i oso went bysi at far east yday.. i oso got a top i nearly bot when i was preggie.. luckily i decided not to take the risk bcoz i cant try it on...
Hi frens! I'm new here and I hope I can join you guys in your discussions cos I find that the forum here is 'alive'! haha..I too have a 6 yo daughter and a 4 yo son. Hope to get some info and help from this forum!
Hi Mummies,

Nowadays quite busy with work...

Hi Stylo,

Hee, yes, leaving very early tmr morning till next monday, going w my sis and her colleagues

Btw, we may move to ex-Lippo building (if i got the info correctly from my coll). Nearer to u?

Hi Chris,

Nice to bump into you on Tues! Now can cheong sales liao :D
good morning mummies!

hehe cheong-ed but nothing much lei..
oh ya, was on my way to nanny to bring zach's stuff over... bpp power failure and hai me cant go ntuc to buy diapers.. heard the power failure lasted to next day...

ya lost all already hehe.. altho can wear my old clothes.. but its always nice to buy new ones rite?!

hi, welcome!
Hi Cla, M2B, Chris and hong! Thanks for the warm welcome...
I stay at bukit panjang too. Wah power failure at BPP! Business will def be affected.
where do u stay in bp? me & cla stay very near to bpp.
i saw kfc and mac all closed... no aircon too.. very stuffy.. horrible

ya lor so coincidence..
hehe i went bysi and bot more stuff..
Hi Mummies
We were watching on mio "Underworld - Rise of the Lycans..." Throughout the movie, it's so dark...
anyway it's not Kate Beckinsale...

But this thread is not really that 'alive' leh....

Must update us when you are back, are you at Kuta, Jimbaran or Nusa Dua area... ??

I don't know where is that bldg, what's the current name and when are you moving?

So good, lost weight liao..
good morning mummies!

then u very near to my il's place, they are at pending. so which pri sch u enrol your girl in next yr?

hehe i am lucky i din gain much this time.. heng
i like 1st underworld with KS.. the subsequent one i din watch liao..
Hallo Mommies!

Settled Josh P1 registration last week and its such a relief! I see my colleagues worrying abt their chances in their choice schools these 2 weeks, I also stress for them.


Congrats! Now slim slim again leowz..
Hello Mommies!

I'm back from New Zealand! Like a whirlwind holiday man... The landscape is stunning! But hor.. it's a very expensive holiday destination.. We probably won't go back again.

We experienced the biggest earthquake in NZ while we were dining at a hilltop restuarant in Queenstown. Then my mom had a fall at the ski slopes and broke her wrist, we ended up spending 1 evening at the hospital.

Will post photos in facebook later.
Hi mummies,

I am back too! Quite a nice trip. Not sure whether was it due to the bombing in Jakatra on Fri, felt a little tense in the Kuta area, can see quite a no of polices / soldiers w gun / rifles along the streets...

Hi Stylo,

We stayed near Kuta beach.

Off bldg - i also not too sure, let me find out then let u know. i was hoping to move nearer to Raffles Place cos more convenient when need to change $$ but food wise will be more ex. See how...

Hi Chris,

OIC, ya the mall quite stuffy w/o aircon, can feel it as we walked in. But after we reached Kopitiam for dinner, it was ok liao. And NTUC, KFC and Mac reopen for biz again... we managed to get some groceries at NTUC that day.

Hi M2B,

My hb and the 2 boys went along too.

Hi Minnie,

your turn over, next year will be our turn.

Hi Preggie,

Welcome back! Aiyo, so happening! How's ur mum now? Did u buy travel insurance?

Hi Roz,

Welcome to the thread!
Hi mommies,

Finally done with all the photos. You can view them at

Hi Hong,

Settled. Joey is going to Radin Mas. I've already received the letter saying that she has been enrolled successfully.

Hi Cla,

My mom is ok already. She was not even skiing.. just walking on snow, fell and broke her wrist. She waited in the car while we continued playing in snow.

We are planning to go Langkawii next. Hoping that my boss will grant me my leave.

When is the next natas fair ah? We wanna see if there are any good deals for Japan or China.. hehee.. we are so addicted to snow.. we want more more more!
cla & preggie
welcome back!

saw your photos.. looks like you all had fun! looking forward to another snow holiday? actually i was thinking my korea winter holiday will be the last snow trip bcoz its too much of a hassle to travel in winter.. altho its really nice to see ash so excited and happy to see now..

ya ntuc was first to open.. i went to get the diapers from my way back from nanny's hse.. i wonder wat will happen to the cakes in bakeries if power failure.. i see pple in angie the choice like quite kan cheong..
u will enrol matthew in zhenghua next yr? since its so near ur place.
Hi Preggie,

Good to hear that your mum is ok now.

I find that Langkawi has nothing much, Bali better...

Next Natas is last week of Aug (if not wrong) in Expo.

Hi Chris,

NTUC was pulling down the gate when we went up the escalator to Kopitiam and when we were done, all opened liao...

Angie the choice cakes need to be refrigerated. Think they will hv to throw if power cannot be resume in time. Maybe they will lelong rather than waste...

Ya, going to enrol for Zhenghua, then he can go to sch w my nephew in the afternoon. but don know how i can arrange to pick him up cos i will need to pick up Nic too... see how

How abt you? make up your mind already?
Good morning mommies...

Woke up at 6am today and couldn't sleep anymore... sigh.. i think i'm still tuned to NZ time!

Hi Cherly,

Nope.. didn't go to milford sound... it's too cold and far to travel with the baby.
good morning mummies
cant sleep

i preferred bpps, but we are within 2km so dun know how's the chances like...

oh no, so serious?
Hi Mommies,

Think my mom must have gone for surgery liao.. visitation hours very strict.. i haven't had a chance to go and see her yet. But i think it's a minor op to remove the bone fragments.

Hi Cherly,

Yes.. this trip ended up very expensive and painful for her. haha.. luckily she bought insurance
halo mummies
no one here for so many days???

tink i saw law just now at causeway pt. i was eating lunch at yoshinoya and he walked by, tink with his colls. he work nearby? at the turf club?

Hi everyone, i've been busy!
Congrats M2B on your daughter's first birthday. DOn't be sad, you are going to enjoy every stage of her growth..she's going to be your little princess.
