Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

sorry i miss the previous conversation. Where to get buy 5 get 1 free for friso? can u give me the contact? is it applicable for friso 3 as well coz my girl turning 1 YO soon.

btw, may i know any mummies here intend to send ur boy to champkids childcare at 888 plaze? i have 2 sets of uniform fr them to let go cheap. in case if u wonder y i withdraw my son fr them, it's bcoz his immunity is super low and he fall sick very often under air-con env, so we hav to withdraw him
HI irenelove

It is not from the friso hotline.
I got to know a lady from another forum at mum centre where she is supplier of Friso. She is selling at cheaper price as she ordered in bulk. But she had limited stock lor. I will have to collect from her. I have ordered about 20 tins from her where I shared with my collegues but collection sometimes will be at CCK, Woodlands and sometimes at my office, Jurong.

Currently she had exstock (6 tins) for friso 3 and letting go at SGD35/tins. However to get this price, we have to ordered all 6 tins...

Currently me getting Friso 2 from her at SGD43/tins (but 10 tins at one time where I shared with my collegues)
<font color="ff6000">clovy, *sobsob* can undertsand hw u felt on wtg gaining.... My pre-preggy wtg is 45kg. Now I hav 7 kg more to shed manz...after 1st pregnancy struck at 3kg (48kg) which hw hard i tried for 2 yrs also cant shed dwn, after 2nd pregnancy struck another 4kg (52kg)... now total 7kg gained!!... keeekee... U now there is a BP gng on selling marie france slimmin wrap... kekeke.. I buying to try.. :p:p:p... hoep can brust e tyre on my tummmy.. keke</font>
pearl, by TCM i mean i feed her chinese meds..bought those grind cordyceps-paosheng-etc powder from medicinal hall and feed her...

VQ, u mean the woodgrove at ave 1? so many yummy stuff.but very inconvenient to go from my side... :p (greedy but lazy)

clovy, hehehe.. i also thot there is only one vista point (the one near to christchurch)... seems that alot of confusing names in woodlands..cos near admiralty there is a condo called woodgrove or something too (next to northoaks) ... choice work far from home so by the time i reach admiralty mrt also past 7pm... now my kid is with bbsitter...

eniale, u r not fat lah!
Hi clovy
Me also lost as to where to go on weekends. We "flower leg" cannot stay home. keke...Have you girls visited all the farms?

Eniale is helping to organise a spree from Vitacost, a drugstore alike webby. The probiotics and health supplements are cheaper. U interested?

Aiyoh, my 5kg from #2 also havent lost leh.... And I think quite diff to lose liao.
I hate my flabby arms.... anyone can tell me how to get rid of it? The flab, not my arms...hahaha
im keen in visiting the goat farm.
<font color="ff6000">any mummies been there before??</font>
can share pics or views??
<font color="ff0000">thx thx!</font> ;)
<font color="ff6000">Bloom, keke... but seeing the big tyre around my tummy hor... realli feel like cutting out the fresh leh.. haiz.. standin up still ok, not so obvious....

Linda, me gettin the marie france slimmin wrap kee... seems gd leh.. u wanna consider gettin ekeekeke.. :p Can use on thigh, arms, tummy.. me gettin small qty to try.. :p

bee, me not yet bring Y to any farm yet wahaa... tort of bringing too... uhmmm ekkee.. </font>
haha, me too, now cannt wear tight-fitting tees,liao.
And when sitting down also have to sit striaght if not the bloody spare tyre will pop out,so TL.
me now on diet plan so far lose about 6 kg,with
guidance from one of the wellness consultant where I just purchase the product and comes with free consultant and guidance week by week

still got 5 more kg to go... me gain about 10 kg after the 2nd one,,, all the clothes cant wear, so depressed lor
<font color="ff6000">Clovy,</font>
Orrr.. that is the MOMMY Club with Dragon Babies going into P1, 2 yrs back! All of us there in the thread nearly got HEART ATTACK!!! heehee....

<font color="ff6000">Bloom,</font>
Hey, greedy but lazy is GOOD!!! Then u wont come here to eat n eat then put on weight liao!!! Imagine it is so hard for me to stay so near!!! Cant tolerate sometimes!! heeehee...

The condo next to Northoaks is Woodsvale. The Woodgrove is the condo, behind woodgrove ntuc. Next to it is Woodgrove condo.

There is only 1 vista point lah!

<font color="ff6000">Mommies,</font>
who ur bb drink Friso. U can call this Friso line: 6419-8484, to check whether they hv any promotion. Normally they sell in a carton n provide delivery to your doorstep too!
Can i chk, if any mummies here know wat formula to follow-up after NAN3(which is for babies till 3years old)?? <font color="aa00aa">*headache*</font>
Hi Bee angry meh? kekeke....Spare tyres = scars of pregnancy. Me lagi worst lor, become dalmantian dog due to ezcema patches all over my legs....
I always tell Tory it is because of her.

Goat Farm - Hmm, quite fun for us. The kids get to feed the goats, see milking and taste milk. Then we normally go around the area look see look see. We like to eat at Garden Asia around there too. fair food, nice environment, great grounds to roam. they hv LOVELY chalets there too... but no occassion yet leh... Private pool leh.

Qian Hu Fish Farm is there too. Jurong Frog Farm also...kekeke can buy some ribit-ribit to cook porridge for toddlers.

See this link

Slimming wrap?? How does it work? Ex anot? Aiyoh, I spend a lot of $$ recently leh.
Thx linda!!
Sounds veri interesting..probably plan a visit to goat farm in dec. seems like there are a lot of fun things to see there too..goody good good.
Chalets? private yar..hmm. yesyes,my hubby mentioned abt Qianhu Fish Farm oso..can visit too. The link u posted is under upgrading??seems like cant really see anything in there...

nevertheless, its okie,will go to the link later.hehe..
<font color="ff6000">Linda, i tink the pricing ok la... its 7.70 per wrap, 1 wrap can use 2 to 3 times... U refer to below link keke.. I bot 3 HOT wrap &amp; 1 COLD wrap.. total 30.80 lor.. I jus buy small qty yo try try lor.. hope can reduce a bit keke.. :p Dun dare to buy alot leh wait not suitable...

bee, i dunno ler... keke.. my gal taking NAN1 but I be switching ehr to similac stage 2 soon.. my eldest drinking nespray age 3+ de... can understand the TL feeling lor.. i also same.. dun even wan to see e mirror for long.. haiz... Hb cmin over soon, tink he will faint after seein me - esp the tyre area.. waahhaa

Pearl, So gd... kep it up!!!
erh...sorry to be such a wet blanket huh...but does all these wrapping really help to reduce weight? I still think exercise is the best way to lose those extra KG and tone up the body.

I used to be an exercise fanatic. But, now of course, time spent with my girl is more important. Plan to go back to kickboxing or Muay Thai when she is older.
Make you mummies jealous...i did not put on any weight after delivery. Immediately went back to my usual shape. I just felt that my body is not as tone as before becos of the stretching of my skin to accommodate the baby lor. When i was back to the office, my colleagues said i don't look like a new mummy at all...hehe..So, did not waste any money to buy new clothes lor.
hehe... Mind that the hungary goats dun nibble your hair in a ponytail hor. They did to my girl and poor her was shocked at being pulled back by the goat. :p keke.... Naughty mummy always laugh thinking abt it.
The link is working leh, I tried just now.

Auntie Eniale
The link u gave is selling your sling one leh, sala bor?

Hi wendy
I agree exercise the best to lose weight. But i more concern with inches also leh. But still no time to exercise so have to "outsource" to others for help. kekeke....
<font color="ff6000">Hi Wendy,</font>

I agree that exercise is the best! But MUST go together with good diet plan.

my DH go briskwalking in the morning n evening(walk very fast as if u r in a hurry) for nearly 2 yrs. He shed abt 20kgs n in ideal weight nw!

I hire a personal trainer n train for 1yr. Got to know new n correct ways of using gym equipments. Slim down abt 10kgs but my result is not as good as my DH. SO i think my DH ways is the cheapest n easiest!! heehee...
VQ, wow wow wow!! having this kind of perserverance is really not easy man..i tried to go for 1time once jogging every sat, but failed. haiyoo,me really jialat!! HAHAHA
Linda, isit! heng arh, me short hair.
the goats so naughty one arhh! i help u pull their ears next time i go..hee (just kidding)..
the link working meh, i only see pics and no wordings for me to click leh..?..
eniale, tried changing formula once to Gain, but my boi dun like it, so have tough time as NAN3 was not release yet thinking of what i should go for next yr when he reaches 3.
linda, me too when im obsessed in the bulk purchase corner, buying alot of things from there and spent a lot too. Now i dun wan to go there liao, and only visit this woodlands mummies thread.HAHA,which true enough can save me a lot of $$$!!
Wendy, me too, basically the figure comes back the same, only left the spare tyre, which before i got pregnent oredi have liao, but i tend to gain weight more easily now and thus this spare tyre becomes more obvious..
hehehe.. now talking about weight mommies? yesterday was food today weight

i LURVEEED my body the first 8 - 9 months after i gave birth! wanna know why? cos breastfed then i lost all the weight very fast leh. i even went 3 kg below pre-preggers weight. so for many months i looked kinda skinny with chiseled cheeks and more prominent cheek bones. i loike! hahaha. but lagi best is that the twin towers grew to become D cup when full and a C cup when empty. I oso loike! my hubby lagi loike! hahaha

but now i'm back up la. Now kinda constant at 54-55kg range which is kinda ideal for my height i guess. BUT tummy area, butt area, thighs, ALL can do with some work lar. (hmmm... a LOT of work actually!) definitely not the same as before preggers and giving birth hor? what to do...

i love to exercise too like wendy - like her i was an exercise fanatic. my hubby is a personal trainer so we used to go gym together ALL the time. but since baby born, no time to exercise much lar. quite sad hor. i think must start again soon. now been more than 2 years since i did hardcore exercise regime.
<font color="ff6000">Wendy,envy you!! keke... Ya definitely exercising is BEST for sliming &amp; health.. But for me, I doubt I have no time nor chance to go.. wanted to go for aerobics but my mum cant handle this 2 kiddos alone.. so end up I din able to join..
So wht to do, only can control my diet and use these wraps or cream to help burn fats liao..

VQ, wow yr hb really very Onz.. determination is impt hor... I used to jog wif my gal &amp; niece every Fri but my gal very slow n some times I even ned to carry her n jog.. after 1 run in the neighbourhood I surrender liao.. haahaa... personal trainer not cheap right, also ned to have time to go esle also no use hor... for my case think i can dun tink abt it liao keke... :p kekekee...

bee, mayb u wan to call up to nestle and check wif them , see what they recommend for age 3 n abv?.. or u wanna consider nespray which also from nestle?.. my gal switch to that 6 mths back, quite ok lor... kekeke... My gal also dun like Gain kids wahaha.. I got a few samples n let her tried it last few wks but she drink 1 sip so dun wan liao.. wahaha.. end up throw away n make nespray for her.. keke..</font>
bee your boy now drinking what FM? mine i give enfagrow. he loves it! everyday drinks 240ml, 3 times a day.

hmm... actually maybe u all can share with me how much your children drinking now..? yest talking to my next door neighbour who also happens to have a kid same age. she said she's trying to reduce milk and give more solid. my son eats rice etc but still loves his milk.

is he drinking too much milk u think? need to reduce or not huh?
famela, my boi now drinking NAN3. He does not drink as much, i feel. everytime, only abt 180ml.he will call for his milk and then we'll give him, so dun have the exact times per day he drinks.. i think dun have to purposely reduce his intake, so long he takes his amt of soild food, think shld be alrite. i dun really control my boi on milks lor.
BUT hor, my PD adviced before that the solid food he takes is more impt than milk, so i feel monitoring on what he eats is more crucial.
thanks bee!

yalor... true la hor? i oso actually didn't bother abt the milk intake until i had that conversation with my neighbour yest.

thanks thanks...

try enfagrow before?
nope, eversince,i tried changing his formula, now dare not, as he will throw out and dun wan to drink once he smell a diff smell in his milk bottle..i have to give away the Gain milk powder.
sigh. my son can be quite a fussy eater. not open to new tastes. must slowly introduce. now ok la. can eat most things we eat. so cooking and preparing food no longer so leceh.

i am more particular about eating fruits and veges. vege so-so. sometimes still have to reason it out before he'll eat or hide it even. fruits he loves.
bee, maybe try get samples first la. dun buy whole can...

if u want i can even give u some.
can just put into those portable milk containers and let your son try first. let me know if you want ok?
Hi famela
I feel as long as child is still taking solids then shld be ok bah. more better than less mah! My girl eats 2 solids (lunch &amp; dinner) and have 3 milk feeds per day, 2 at 210ml and 1 at 180ml.
On top of that she drinks HL drink on off thruout the day if we have it in the fridge. I like her to drink more milk.
linda, no wordings leh, which is the direction sign board?

famela, mine is a greedy pig.haha. he will try outever new etc, follow whatever we are eating, even chilli! he will spit out when he finds it funny.
thanks linda

that sounds like what son has daily oso. but he eats solid breakfast too. plus lunch and dinner. plus milk. oh plus apples. he cannot live without apples that boy. always ask for apples in between meals as snacks.

i oso agree that milk is impt. esp with the added nutrients, yah?

btw linda, was it u who told me that ur daughter goes to LSH? i know there's a mommy here who sends daughter to LSH. but i cannot recall who it is la
no prob bee.
i'm serious u know, if you want just let me know. not a prob at all.

oh ya, mine used to love strawberries too! but haven't bought any in a long time so dono if he still likes.

good leh your son can eat anything. not a headache when want to decide what to cook for him.

<font color="ff6000">Famela,</font>
So envy u. u hv a PERMANENT 24hrs FREE Personal Trainer!!! Must make FULL use ah!! So exp. to hire one, ok!! heehee...

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
Other than Bumble Bee CC which is a non-aircon? Which CC are non-aircon?

How abt Little Wonders at Cedarwood Grove? Good?

Any mommies join in the fun with their children for Halloween Celebration last yr at Woodlands(near SAS)?
