Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?


VQ, yah i know ex. my hubby always remind me. but train with hubby diff u know. i always defy what he tells me to do. he's crazy. in one night wants me to do 100 squats! can still say 'come on, come on, 90 more, 80 more etc!"
while he claps his hands in a bid to encourage me. i give him my most sour look! and then bochap!

he's given up trying to train me la. i think right, last time before marriage he more onz to train me. now not so much. hehe. MEN!

that's why now even though weight the same, it's flabby flabby everywhere. LOL!

not too sure about the non-aircon CC though. sorry

Ling (slquek), I think you can easily see the shop. I took bus 74 and the mad jack cafe the shop name confirmed by lynzi (lynzi1606) is near the cross junction. Alight from the bus stop, the cafe is just a stone throw away. I search the internet for mad jack cafe and found the website.

lynzi (lynzi1606), my gal is feeling better now but still not totally recovered from her runny nose and cough. I give her 1 more mth if still not fully recovered will be considering to bring her there...BTW I read the thread the clinic shifted to Kingston Terrace so it means no longer at Kembangan leh.

Hi Bloom (bloom75), nvm lor. Weekends or when your off day, maybe you can bring your kid to woodgrove lor. Your kid may like it!

Linda (linda_thea), vitamins...I am considering to get some vitamins for my gal to increase her immunity. Any recommendations? What is the website which you order from? From there, I shall place my order with *eniale* (eniale) is it?

Hahahahaa...*eniale* (eniale), we are in the same boat abt weight gain!! My hubby would always nag that exercise is the best way to losing weight. If you really see effect on the wrap do keep me posted again...See whether I will be desperate to buy one for myself too, hahaa

I agree with all the mummies with the weight gain. I had a lot of tight-fitting tees now kept in the cupboard hoping one day I will lose the weight and wear them again. Do you know I never gain much weight since secondary school days till before I get pregnant.. Hence I still get to wear alot of old clothes from young till then. I usually wear t-shirts which will nvr be out of fashion.. Now gotta buy bigger size t-shirt to wear. So I understand bee (didibee)'s feeling..TL is normal. I may not look fat in person but the fact is I truly gained weight, many things are not the same as before le.

Congrats Pearl (ce526)!! Care to share what wellness consultant and the products? Jai You wor!!

I think that's the thread VQ (vinegarqueen). I kaypoh see see look look...Wow, never read such a thread so tense up!! You are so familiar with the areas in Woodlands, where do you stay yar?

You kidding me huh, Linda (linda_thea). Chalets at the farm sounds great leh. Maybe wait till when my gal is older then we can go stay there too.. I never stay in a farm before hehehee..

Wow Wendy Sim (wesim), you really make me jealous. That's sounds how zealous you are in sports to keep you fit which is good. Exercise I think is still the best harmless and free way to lose weight. The only problem is where got time to exercise. My gal is so sticky to me!!

Woweeeek!! VQ (vinegarqueen), famela (famela)....all of you with the good testimonials of losing weight make me really want to lose weight leh.

famela (famela), are you stress to have dh as PT? Sure have alot of onlookers turning their heads around to have one more view of him hor? You dh charge expensive or not huh?

VQ (vinegarqueen), we did mention about Little Wonders at Cedarwood Grove. Conclude is not good cos I think is db(dryperbaby) who visited the place.. There was no substitute teachers and many teachers were sick. Then there will so many kids to handle.. Over there is confirm non-aircon lor.
hi VQ

There are a couple of ccs that are not air-con:
1) Sheffield (place too dim)
2) GlobalKids
3) Infant Cottage (off Sembawang Rd) (this is the cc that i may put my girl in next year).
famela, u good man..100situps.phew!,mine, ask him to do 2only, like wan to KILL him,giving me all sorts of excuses and worst looking at me like im wan 100situps frm him. mine veri lazy.
he complains he has this back-pain recently, thus asking him to twist twist a bit, he also damn lazy, nag him that he deserve it!!haha.
and then yest he said probably he put on weight thats y the back-pain comes back again..being a rat at nite, eating supper, of course lah! sometimes, really buay tahan him..

thx thx, will think of you if i wan try changing..
so sweet of you.
<font color="ff6000">Clovy,</font>
i stay opp Woodgrove Condo n Woodgrove NTUC at Blk 33X.

Oic...Little Wonders not so good. Where else hv non-aircon CC? How abt the one next to the church called St. Athony...

<font color="ff6000">Wendy,</font>
Thanks for the list of non-aircon CC.

Hey! i saw that u r into Kickboxing &amp; Muah Thai. I prefer Hip Hop Dancing. Looks young, man!! heehee... i prefer those faster pace exercise. I tried Pilate. Can u imagine i find it too slow n i fell asleep on the mat! Pai-seh!! =P

<font color="ff6000">Famela,</font>
Aiyo.. Y ur DH like that? Next time, he "force" u to do more exercise, maybe u strip n say in ur most innocent n sexy voice "Let's do another exercise!!" Wahahaha.......

I..C.. ur dh fm guru fitness! heard before.
it is called the wellness consultant in Marina Parade where I bought a health product at 1200 which last me 3 months. I follow the diet strictly for the first month where I lose about 5 kg, this week she change my diet and for one week I lose 1 kg lor,,, but need determination lor.

Me trying hard to lose the balance 5 kg which I gain in my first one lor... not resist FOOD..
hi clovy.

you can oso lose weight mah. don't envy don't envy. i think i was just born with high metabolic rate lar. i don't look sexy or hot lor.. hahaha. i'm just normal. really. a lot of blubber hidden esp since now i wear the tudung. nobody can see how much fats i haf. whahahahaha

i not stress to have dh as PT.................................... because NO ONE looks at him! hahahah.
last time during NUS days, got la. that time young and he was in his prime. intensive training everyday. now he old oredy la. (shhh.. don tell him i said that!) and his body oso not those BIG bulky kind anymore. cos he himself lazy to go thru intensive training like he used to in the gud ole days. nobody oso wants to look at him lor.. not tt handsome oso mah.. hahahah

his rates are pretty high. from what little i know la. mostly trains expat. u interested? he's got other trainers working with him. u go his website look see la..
hi famela,

You are really lucky to have a trainer at home. Good leh!!

Hi clovy
I still want to tone up lah...but want to spend time with my girl. So, kickboxing/Muay Thai will have to wait. But taking care of her over the weekends is a form of exercise for me (Chasing around her)!

One thing for sure is that i realise my body is quite stiff nowadays. Easily to get a sprain here and there. Lack of exercise lor. Oh well..

My girl's milk intake is small. Max is only 150ml (and you are talking about a going-to-be-16mths bb). She has 3 solids daily (of course). Anyway, Dr Angelin Tan also said that my girl is small in size becos of her parents' genes (me and hubby not very big size and small eaters). We are not worried becos she is still growing healthily but only at a slower pace.
Hi VQ,
Yep. I like fast paced exercise, but not aerobics leh. Find it boring. I had tried yoga and pilate before. Good stretching. Maybe will take up pilate when i am older..haha..
<font color="ff6000">Wendy,</font>
Good idea! will take up Pilate again when i grow old. heehee...

Yeah.. aerobics is boring! Wise mind think alike! hehee...

Global Kids &amp; Global Child is the same?

Is this the one?(Got it fm <font color="ff6000">Juzyounme.</font>)
Global Child Development Centre

Address : Blk 620, Woodlands Drive 52, #01-84,
Singapore (730620)
Tel : 65 6269 9176

<font color="ff6000">Famela,</font>
WOW!! ur DH is Plastic Man ah!! Stretchable ah!

Try my suggestion ya!! Weeeee....Eeeeeee....
he made me do squats! 100 situps is terrible la.. but i think 100 squats are even worse! my hubby may be a PT but he also eats a LOT! totally defy the advice he gives his clients! he eats and eats and eats.. then when the bulge starts to show, he panics and then will exercise exercise exercise... he gains weight V easily and Loses weight easily too. so sometimes u see him fat. sometimes toned. one kind lar he..

vq, hahhahahaha. i like your suggestion! i will take it up soon!! LOL!

eh, when did you hear abt my hubby huh? have i mentioned it before? heheh. *blur*
only good if i want to listen to him. the thing is i don't. so whether he's PT or not makes no diff to me.


i agree about not obsessing abt your child's weight. just asa long she's happy and healthy. we all have diff genetic make-up anyway right?

My gal turning into 7mth soon in a week times but she still not able to take solid as she cant swallow the cereal which i give to her lor...

any Advise...
Its confirmed, as my shopping fanatic hubby has bought alot of things and now listing out to me what he had bought during his lunchtime..
hmm... maybe u need to add a bit more water? isit too hard and lumpy now? or maybe she doesn't like the taste yet? what flavour u give her? sometimes kids don't swallow cos they not used to eating solid yet but will slowly grow accustomed to it. when did u start her on solids? recently or long time ago already?
VQ (vinegarqueen), we also talked abt the St. Athony cc... This one I can verified not good. I been there to see see look look... Went there and all the kids are watching TV cartoon show while 2 18mths kids playing at the door when I arrived at the doorsteps. This is the scenarios that greet me...thinking of puttting my gal at that time but now KIV the idea of putting her in cc.

Pearl (ce526), 1200 = $1,200(very expensive leh!!) or = $120.0(shd be reasonable maybe?) or =$12.00 (hahahaa...very cheap but fat hope I am sure.)

yar famela (famela), if all you keep talking abt exercise with the peer pressure who knows that will really motivate me to really drag my feet on the road pavement to run!!! Hahahaaa...see how thing for sure is will exercise one day...I just need to wait for opportunity and oso discipline to exercise and watch what I eat...

Wendy Sim (wesim), That's what I do leh. I would always carry my gal now my arms very strong got little mouse muscle on each arm hahahaa...Problem is the spare tyre is around my tummy and buttocks.
i did the same as grace. i oso started with heinz plain cereal.

bee, wah.. your hubby kaki shopping ah? good hor? my hubby hates shopping! lucky you!
another thing to share,

Me just bought party pack for my son's childcare friend where his birthday is TODAY...

the pack consist of the stationery set + hankie + stickers all these at 1.20 per pack
forgot to mention I bought it from a shop at AMK where it had BEN 10 stationery, spiderman and hello kitty. the lady let me choose all the pack all with differnt things inside...
me started one month ago, each time 1-2 spoon but she will split out the cearel lor... so messy...

Maybe I should try soft porridge
can add little amt of ikan bilis to add taste to the soft-soft porridge.
Thats what my MIL did when she intro soilds to my boi.
pearl, need to persevere ok? babies are like initially. but they'll get used to it eventually then they won't spit out anymore. porridge must be really soft and diluted ok? cos she's still young.
Wow so nice bee (didibee) for your hubby to do the shopping..Somemore take his time during lunchtime leh! He works around Queensway huh? Usually it always me, the mother, to do all the shopping..

Pearl (ce526), I started my gal on very watery rice cereal. Very cute still remember she open her mouth very big like a small baby bird waiting to be fed! If not I remember some mom in other thread suggest putting the cereal in the milk and feed thru the bottle...Let bb get used to the cereal then spoonfeed her the actual cerea. I did not try this method since my gal is very onz to take on the cereal...
thanks mummies

My son started cearel at 4mth plus bur my gal quite slow lor...

me still trying hard to get her on solid lor...
hi Bee
The directional signboard is the "picture" on the lefthand side... the wooden signboard??

Hi clovy
I helping eniale to consolidate the orders... cos paiseh to trouble her when i want to order mah!!
I getting Childlife Colostrum + probiotics (heard many great reviews, sold in GNC for $70+) and Sambucol which was recommended in SMH forum as a preventive remedy for colds and flus. It is a all herb remedy so there are people who say better than eating cold medication all the time lor. Also thinking to get the nasal spray for prevention of nasal allergies. go see at If u want order let me know.

Hi pearl
you just started solids on her is it? Cos intially it is like this de. Natural reflex to spit out what is in their mouth if not liquid. slowly... What I did was to buy OTR bottle food, scoop out 3 spoons for her to play play. I dun do it when she is hungary initially, just let her get use to food in mouth.
Linda, safe to buy frm Vitacost? i told my hubby abt this, he said better dun, cos he dun trust the items purchase frm web. hmm..
nope, he works in Ubi, he and his colleague went to,skipping lunch
.he said he gain weight so skip,haha.
Hi batman,
I went inside to view the ctr. They should at least brighten up the area. And i guess they have overcrowded the place with too much stuff. If the place is not too dim, i may consider putting my girl there becos it is just next to my block!
bee, thanks... it is just a some sort of journal to remind me what i feed my boy... but now two weeks did not update... been quite busy... hehehhehe
Hi db, sure keep a useful blog. My maid prepares almost the same meals as you (pumpkim, carrots, fish etc) for my girl.

Hi Pearl,
My girl is also not a keen eater for new food. We let her tried papaya again a couple of days ago (previously she was ok with the fruit - a small bit). She was ok...but an hour later, she vomitted out all the papaya and the porriage she had eaten! Whenever we want her to try something new, it has to be small tiny portion.
That is why she is so 'slim' lor..
wendy, your gal sound like my gal... she is also so skinny for her age... but now she is a big eater... anything also she will eat thank goodness...

famela... no prob... hope it will be useful for you in future...
hi mummies, quite a bad weekend I had because very disappointed with my girl on her BG relationship issue and PSLE is just 3 weeks later ! Anyway, I am trying to get over it and guide her through. My hb say I too emotional, must learn to take it easy or else how to guide her. :-( sad sad ...
