(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

@cynn04 @mylilsheep both of you are so lucky.... at least got aunties or guy gave up seat for you. So far my 4mths pregnancy now, I think only got less than 5 times ppl gave up seat for me. All are young ladies lor. All the guys really boh chap, aunties even worse. I did encountered few times that aunties faster grab seats in front of me and don't even border to look at me if im pregnant.
Sob I don't have. So give up taking public transport n drive. Sometimes I feel if gov wants encourage public transport they should do something about this. Like Japan I read somewhere pregnant woman are given a card or something to tell others they r pregnant so that they r well look after
@cynn04 @mylilsheep both of you are so lucky.... at least got aunties or guy gave up seat for you. So far my 4mths pregnancy now, I think only got less than 5 times ppl gave up seat for me. All are young ladies lor. All the guys really boh chap, aunties even worse. I did encountered few times that aunties faster grab seats in front of me and don't even border to look at me if im pregnant.
@Doraemon_mummy, is your bump showing already? Coz my hubby said my tummy actually is not that showing especially when I am wearing loose clothes. So even if got somebody to grab seat in front of me I am still ok as long as they did not push me back to get that seat. Even sometime I still gave up my seat to old auntie, those like >70 yrs old auntie. I think they are more need that seat than me.

Last time I got experience on the bus when one mummy with boy (around 8-10 years old). Her boy get mad and crying said want to sit down otherwise he did not want to take the bus. Then his mum hold him up then he stop crying. I was about to give up my seat but later on somebody got give up seat to them as well. Somehow, I did not really think this boy really need the seat. Coz he is quite big enough to stand by himself. Why still give much problem to his mom.
@cynn04 @mylilsheep both of you are so lucky.... at least got aunties or guy gave up seat for you. So far my 4mths pregnancy now, I think only got less than 5 times ppl gave up seat for me. All are young ladies lor. All the guys really boh chap, aunties even worse. I did encountered few times that aunties faster grab seats in front of me and don't even border to look at me if im pregnant.

I oso find aunties are the worst. Rush for seats and wont give up. Sometimes I wonder why? They have been thru this phase mah, shld know better. Nway this is sg, we still got alot to learn in terms of being considerate. Whatsmore everyone is just obsessively staring their hp. Haiz tough lah. In Japan and Taiwan, pple automatically give up seats. Such a pleasant experience travelling there.

Maybe this is my second pregnancy, so tummy quite obvious already bah.
Welcome to May Mummies Club!!!

My baby bump is showing up and opposite to some mummies cause I tend to take bus instead of driving. Always driving makes me feel tired and because of the jam, resulting in delay reaching home.

On and off still drives to work!
My baby bump is still not showing. In fact its quite flat in the morning. Nobody at office notice other than my buddies. Haha. And ginger has been very good remedy for my nausea. Partially i am into my 2nd tri, so easing up and feeling much better this week. I heard ginger drink could be too *hot* for baby.. anyone know?
@mylilsheep my bump shown out already. In fact my mother in law my baby size is quite big at my stage. Probably as u said i always wear loose dress. Ppl might think that im fat nt pregnant? Anyway, wat I observe nowadys ppl are jst sleeping or face jst stick on their phones. Not really care if there is a pregnant woman standing in front of them.
Today I went to gynae appoinmnt. Thought can know the baby gender today.... but... my baby too shy. Both leg close so tight. Even I cough, my baby also dun want to show. So I hav to wait til my detailed scan on this month end
@mylilsheep my bump shown out already. In fact my mother in law my baby size is quite big at my stage. Probably as u said i always wear loose dress. Ppl might think that im fat nt pregnant? Anyway, wat I observe nowadys ppl are jst sleeping or face jst stick on their phones. Not really care if there is a pregnant woman standing in front of them.

This is my second pregnancy. Same as the first one, my tummy is big. But whenever I got onto the train, mostly fall asleep. Like got spell.
Can't find anything at baby expo :( but saw rge the cloth diaper which are quite good but cost $138 for 6 sets. Each diaper comes with 2 washable inserts. Anyone used those before.
Can't find anything at baby expo :( but saw rge the cloth diaper which are quite good but cost $138 for 6 sets. Each diaper comes with 2 washable inserts. Anyone used those before.

I bought sgbums.com cloth diaper last month during parenthood fair and it cost $12 per each with 2 inserts. waiting for baby to come out then can try. Hehe.. been researching on cloth diapering and I am actually keen to try it. Coz it is relatively environmentally and pocket friendly.

Anyone else thinking to use cloth diapers?
Wow only $12 per piece?? The brand I saw is called moo moo kow...apparently the materials are good and easy to maintain but a bit too expensive I think
Original price was $24 each. So I grab a few to start stocking up.

Actually there are a few brands of cloth diapers around. And prices ranging from $18-$34 each.

Material wise I think its more or less the same. Just the brand name I suppose.

Go google and you'll find more. Still loads if time. Hehehe...

I found an indonesia dealer which sell cheaper option for the cloth diaper. Thought of ordering some first to see the quality of it. But I dunno if they ship to spore. Normally I'll send to my friend's address in batam and have it arranged to send to spore. Cheaper that way. Check this site out. www.kiosclodi.com
I used bamboo cloth diapers with inserts for both kids. Very easy to wash and economical to use. Only problem would be the drying if weather's wet the entire day. Have given them all away so I'm thinking if I should invest for #3 or just use disposable ones all the way..
@cynn04, happy for you, now your baby start kickboxing le.... hahaha....

Recently I feel baby very active during the night, make me cannot sleep well..... it seems like a training for me for the sleepless night after the baby is born :(
I always notice some movements on the same spot since 16 wks... but it's not very low... kinda on the same level as my navel button... so I'm still not sure whether ti's baby or something else... haha... and I'm a second time mommy... still blur...
yveyve18, then I think not baby as uterus isn't that high up at 16 weeks. more like 2-3 inches below the belly button.

mylilsheep, sometimes when wake up in the middle of the night, I will poke poke the bump and see if baby moves. haha!
@yveyve18, mine is all below my navel. Just different spot left rigt or centre. lols.... Last time when I am still 17 weeks, I am still not sure also, coz I am also first time mum. But this time I think correct lar... if not baby then who kicking my tummy ? hahaha... :D

@starrymommy, I poke my bump, then baby stop not moving. Then I continue to sleep again. Then he kick again. Then I poke him again. Then he stop again. Looks like playing with me. Now I am sleepy at office .... hoahmmm......
mylilsheep, so cute! baby playing hide and seek with you. :) my mum told me to soak some pao shen slices in hot water and drink while in the office. helps to "ti shen". trying out today, hope it works.
cynn04 & starmommy : so happy for both of you. I will be on 17wks next 2 days but until now never feel baby kicking.
Can't wait to feel the same experience!!
I also have pre-loved cloth diaper + inserts + liners from Charlie Banana to let go cheaply. You can get these to try out if you really like to use re-useable diaper before invest lots of money into new ones.

Do Pm me for more details. I can Watsapp you the pic. Thanks :)
I used bamboo cloth diapers with inserts for both kids. Very easy to wash and economical to use. Only problem would be the drying if weather's wet the entire day. Have given them all away so I'm thinking if I should invest for #3 or just use disposable ones all the way..

Just wondering if you started the cloth diapering right after birth or wait till after your confinement?
I guess to start right away upon discharge from hospital will be tiring as we need to recuperate before having the energy to start washing the diapers.
I had pretty good week last week. And it seems not so good day today. When I feel good I didnt really feel baby movements. When i feel bloated and bad nausea I can feel abit of baby movements and the presence. Wondering why like that.. anyone?
Just wondering if you started the cloth diapering right after birth or wait till after your confinement?
I guess to start right away upon discharge from hospital will be tiring as we need to recuperate before having the energy to start washing the diapers.

Started after discharge from hospital. At night use disposable diaper. Once bb poop just need to use water hose spray out the waste then soak. Very easy to wash actually.
Thanks all! After the massive kick then nothing liao wahahhahaha....... Maybe baby was telling me to quickly go and sleep and stop watching violent war movies (Pearl Harbour was on last nite)

Finally confirmed and paid deposit for my confinement lady. Met her and she seems pretty meticulous, jotting down all my details. Next is to find massage lady for post natal massage!
I waited till after confinement for #1 then started on cloth diapers 'cos she was a small baby. the cloth ones were still too big on her even though I adjusted to the smallest size possible. and we were busy enough as it was during the 1st month so just stuck to disposables since newborns really poo/pee a lot in one day!
cynn04, mine too, more gentle after that 1 massive kick. now more like gentler nudges and sometimes feel him roll about inside. they probably will start the kungfu kicking again towards end of 2nd trimester. :)
I have felt a poking sensation a few times on my left. Can't confirm if it's baby's legs kicking or just uterus stretching.

For reusable diapers I heard that it's better to use later and not in early weeks? Just a matter of convenience.
Hi mummies~

Talking abt using cloth diapers.. I'm using too..& my mom ask me to buy this napkin liners...

So when bb poo poo, can just throw away the napkin..& the cloth diaper won't kena so much poo....


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Xp, i bought these but somehow, i think my baby's poo was too watery. still got everywhere so end up 95% of the box was given away.
Mummies. Started shopping Liao? So far these are what we got
1.ardo breast pumps and I got spectra m1 as the carry about
2. Yoomi auto heat up bottle plus milk storage bottles
3.philips sterilizer
4. Some rompers less than 7 pieces of them
5. Play pen with mattress
6. Hanna baby carrier wrap
7. Infant car seat plus stroller
8. Diaper bag
9. Philips bottle heater to put at home. Yoomi to bring outside and use

What else do I need to buy? First TIme mummy
Wahhh.. thats a lil early to go shopping. You got more or less everything I suppose.
I am a first time mom too, and have yet to get anything cept for the cloth diaper and it's just 2pcs.

Waiting for the january baby fair to get most of the things.
Wahhh.. thats a lil early to go shopping. You got more or less everything I suppose.
I am a first time mom too, and have yet to get anything cept for the cloth diaper and it's just 2pcs.

Waiting for the january baby fair to get most of the things.
m just worried that in Jan i be too lazy to go to fair haha. now tummy still small small..i heard my friend say 20wks the tummy will go very big..
m just worried that in Jan i be too lazy to go to fair haha. now tummy still small small..i heard my friend say 20wks the tummy will go very big..

Am 22weeks and been walking quite a lot and panting much alrdy. But no choice lah, staying with in laws at the moment and no storage just as yet.

Just managed to shift the bed to make room for the cot when it comes in jan. Better do the room first before get even bigger.

My sis in law just gave birth in april this year, so I am getting most of the clothes from her. Maybe just buy a few more nearer to the date.
Am 22weeks and been walking quite a lot and panting much alrdy. But no choice lah, staying with in laws at the moment and no storage just as yet.

Just managed to shift the bed to make room for the cot when it comes in jan. Better do the room first before get even bigger.

My sis in law just gave birth in april this year, so I am getting most of the clothes from her. Maybe just buy a few more nearer to the date.
i am at 17wks going to 18 soon. ya. i used to be able to swim alot. but i swim abit i start to pant. but they say i need to exercise abit else i too fat ( one of the gynae say i m fat )..thats y i thinking if can get the stuff first then faster buy
m just worried that in Jan i be too lazy to go to fair haha. now tummy still small small..i heard my friend say 20wks the tummy will go very big..
@newbiemum80, wow u bought so many things oredy. I have not buy any baby stuff yet ..... only bought maternity clothes for myself. lols..... I am 20 weeks tomorrow but think still nobody in the office notice I am pregnant. lols.... or mebbe they just think I am fat. hahaha......
Hey all.. actually when u all said 20wks, is it calculated from the first day of your last period? Or based on baby size and advised by gynae?
@newbiemum80, wow u bought so many things oredy. I have not buy any baby stuff yet ..... only bought maternity clothes for myself. lols..... I am 20 weeks tomorrow but think still nobody in the office notice I am pregnant. lols.... or mebbe they just think I am fat. hahaha......
Haha I kiasu. I only buy little maternity wear for myself. All for the little one haha I also fat la
After hearing all the kickin' good news. Can't wait for mine as well. Hitting 16 weeks this week and going to see the gynae this weekend. Hopefully can know the gender.

mylilsheep, sometimes when wake up in the middle of the night, I will poke poke the bump and see if baby moves. haha!

You are So cute! Haha
@newbiemum80, wow u bought so many things oredy. I have not buy any baby stuff yet ..... only bought maternity clothes for myself. lols..... I am 20 weeks tomorrow but think still nobody in the office notice I am pregnant. lols.... or mebbe they just think I am fat. hahaha......

Hahaha... same as me... i am going 20 weeks this wk... ppl juz think i am fat, din notice that i am pregnant.... my coll even joked with me say if she see me on mrt, she wun give e seat to me.... i still wearing my old clothes... hahaha....
Hey all.. actually when u all said 20wks, is it calculated from the first day of your last period? Or based on baby size and advised by gynae?
mine is based on baby size as advised by gynae. But the difference with my LMP also not so far. Just about 3-4 days later difference.
