(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hello mommies. Can anyone advise what time confinement lady goes back on the last day?

My CL just informed us that she is going off at 8-9AM tomorrow. Out of concern, I asked her on her traveling time and she said 1.5 hours. She knows I have massage at 10.30AM (side track : this massage lady is highly recommended by her). It is fine if I have to cancel my massage as I can't leave baby alone but is 8-9AM too early to leave?

I asked her to stay till 10.30AM as my mum will rush over to help me and now her face is very very black. She did not answer me either.

We have accepted all her requests including fetching her to our place, spent first 2 days running to and fro MOM and ICA as she has problems when she entered Singapore and most importantly, we also accepted her request to drive her to JB and back Singapore on her 3rd day to get the passport re-stamped. For all these 3 days we have not and will not ask her to pay back the time to us.

Hi mommyG,

My CL just left last sat. She also left at about 9am. But she stayed in KL so travelling longer. She told me she reached home at 5+. We are ok w that. But not sure if that's the norm.

My CL says she usually leaves after cooking lunch, but for my case she left after cooking dinner and putting baby to sleep, ard almost 7pm. That's cos she took time off to visit her sis and go back Msia for half a day...
U can try increasing his milk to 120ml perhaps so can last abt 3hrly instead of feeding 2hrly...v pack and shiong
Asphalt...good to hear that

I think u need to burp ur bb more. or bb nt feeling well so cant take in more.

usually the case, will try diff position to burp and burp longer to make sure clear wind.

bb wont dun like milk as they hv no preference to taste of milk. only preference to types of teat, shape , material & mum's nipples.

wat some mums shared before, they will throw a few pacifiers in the bb cot & train bb to take & feed themselve when older.

for now, can u tie the pacifier with holder somewhere that u dun hv to take and put back?

rdgs to CL, mine left at 12noon, cook lunch & dinner and took cab ( hub offer to send her in the end) to rush to JB to take train at 1pm.

It's also acc to each CL & what u agreed upon.
Agree that the exposure at infant care/child care is beneficial to their learning and also motor skills. My boy improved tremendously in his motor skills and speech in the 1st month after starting child care at 18 months.

My baby is 6 weeks+ now and I realise that in the mornings he seems much more sleepy... usually will drink only 50ml (instead of usual 100ml) and then drift into dreamland. Then will wanna drink again 0.5-1 hr later when he awakes.

Happy taht your little one has passed the hearing test. false alarm first time round! at least 1 load off your mind!
Bb nowadays always drift off to sleep while drinking and he will refuse to suck after I burp him midway. So I'll continue to feed unless he push the bottle out. Burping is also a challenge if he's asleep. Sigh.
Is there any guideline on how long can the fm be kept? Now he always take abt 1 hr to finish his milk
Hi Mummies

I am a Stay At Home Mum and have a stock of FBM available dated from 17-December 2012. All FBM are packed in milk bags and frozen. As I do not need to return to the workforce and have sufficient supply to meet my baby's feeding needs, I will like to give away my FBM to 1 mummy who is experiencing problems with milk supply or breastfeeding.

180ml x 4 packs (dated 17/12 - 20/12)
210mls x 8 packs (24/12 - 20/2) *No FBM in stored in Jan 2013
280mls x 2 packs (dated 22/12 - 23/12)

Collection at Jurong West St 64 (opposite Jurong Point) within this week at the following timing:
Thursday - Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 2pm - 4pm
Sunday: 2.30pm - 4pm

Please SMS me at 82512647. I do not come into this forum often, so it would be difficult for me to track the post.

Thank you and have a good day!

Thks for your advise.

Baby is only 6 weeks old how to train her to put pacificer back herself? I tried cold turkey and it has been better. Hope can remove the sleep association she has w the dummy eventually.
Hi aspialle
Happy that baby passed hearing test! Yeah!

Ryan, high 5! Am prepping my gal for P1 now, scared she not up to std, so sent her to Kumon and english class = P
As for baby, can't increase milk intake coz i'm still trying to solve his merlion problem. So far hv been giving ridwind for pass 2 days and the prob seems better, only puke (alittle) once each day, so that's big improvement!

xycartx, i also hv same prob. Burping is a big challenge! So when he refuse to let me sit him to burp, i'll carry him to burp. But i think he got bad habit now, wants to be carried! *Arm aching*

Anyone's baby dun sleep soundly at a stretch i.e. keeps stirring and waking up? Dun know why ah boy nowadays like that, used to sleep soundly till the next feed, nowadays wake up and make noise. He dun like to be swaddled, so i let him free style, just use those beanspout pillow on his tummy...
mummies, just like to chk, if bb throws up almost all the milk after the feed while burping, will you feed him again or wait till next feed?
Pohling, elp_mum and Sylvia > Thanks mommies for sharing and advices. (In the end my mum came at 9.30AM and CL left at 9.45AM. And nope, CL did not prepare lunch for me.)
Hi Mummies! Sorry to disturb! I would like to share a seller experience. She mention that her baby is from January 2013. I hope mummies here can help me find her and get back my refund and also hope that she don't go around cheating other mummies.


She posted on http://singapore.gumtree.sg/ - Brand New Stokke Xplory Stroller Travel Bag - price negotiable !

She claims that it is totally brand new, she brought it but didn't get the chance to use it at all.

The price was initially posted at $250 and we agreed to deal at $180. when i was about to arrive at her place at the timing arranged, she called to inform that her husband do not allow her to sell at $180 instead she wants to sell at $200. i told her that i was on the way already, so she say, maybe she will include some toys and some brand new items to make up the difference. ask me to call her when she arrive to discuss. she offered a pack of 5 piece Carter's romper for $20. In the end, we agree on $190 w/o romper. She says that the bag is very difficult to keep, hence advise me not to open, since it's totally brand new. i trust that since she is a mother herself, she wouldn't cheat other mummies!

but to my horror, when i reach home and open up the travel bag. it was very well used, very dirty even with stains on it. the condition is not even worth $100. the worst part is the travel bag does not match the picture she posted. it is a totally different item. when i try to look for the post, she has removed it.

i tried calling her home, the first time her family member picks up but she hang up the phone immediately. I tried calling her mobile, she switch it off. i tried texting her for a refund, she did not reply neither to my sms nor email.

Very dishonest seller. Below are her details. I hope all mummies beware of her.

Name / Email: Emmeline Tan <[email protected]>
Collection address: 2 River Valley Close , The Regalia
Home number: 6737 6967
Mobile: 8575 4662

If any mummies that knows her, please let me know. my email is [email protected] thanks!
My baby is having dark green poo poo for 2 days, anything wrong, previously is yellowish brown. We change from goat milk to cow milk, could that be reason ?

as far as I know there's no such person in this thread, not counting those with very little posts &amp; seldom post here.

Plus another thing is all using nicks, so not sure which is the real her if she really post. But for regular ones, there is no such person with name or contact.
My bb wakes every hr at night to drink milk because he always doze off and never finish full amt... So tired such that BM supply drops. Now that I don't have maid, day time do housework, laundry and ironing. Night time do feeding. Sometimes try to nap in aftn when bb is sleeping
I'm still bf and supplement with fm but BM drops so not much supply. Last time can yield 80 to 100ml each pump but now hardly 50 ml at times. Yes even if I give fm he still wake every hour as he cannot finish all, he finish abt 60 ml then doze off then cry again an hour later to finish another 60 ml
After my CL left yesterday, we found 2 pots mouldy as she either did not clean well or she did not dry them before storing them into cabinets. I had borrowed most of the pots from my mum for this confinement.
Hi Aspialle, ryan
my boy's poopoo is also green. He's on FM S26.
Actually it was yellow previously but turned green and now it's a combi of green and yellow! Initially i was worried and wondering whether need to see PD, but asked ard and think it's norm. And so far baby no issue, so i just let it be.
xycartx, i also had the same issue earlier. Wat i do is wait for baby to ask. Coz scared if vomit and i still continue, wld end up more vomitting... Normally he'll ask for milk again earlier than the next schedule feed.

Thankfully now baby stop "merlion" liao. I tried ridwind for 2 days and it worked like a charm! = )
Glad the ridwind works for your little one! Or else very heart pain to see them vomiting or having discomfort from not being able to burp.

Baby's poo,
Tbf will be golden/mustard yellow stools. With FM will be more greenish. So it;s normal.

Gosh tiring to wake up to feed every hour at night! How often are you pumping now? When baby dozes off, I find that stroking their ears, fiddling with their fingers/hand, tickling their feet works better in waking them up compared to stroking their chin/jaw line.
glad to hear that it works well
add on the telon oil will be combo. haha
You feed S26, does ur bb grow fat v fast? my #1 drank tat and was v fat then hear frm my auntie S26 make bb fat so i switch to enfa.
Now #2 prob is he dun poo often. either once a day or once every 2 days..not hard like dough though.
Bad mummy
My bb we call him sleeping god, once he fall asleep , even lion dance cannot wake him, no matter where we stroke him, he will continue to sleep hehe
Aspialle, your baby so cute!! Wanna pinch the cheeks = )

Ryan, oops! Didn't realise S26 makes baby fat! Is that why when we visited the PD for first mth check up, the PD was shocked that he putted on 2kgs in a mth!!

But now the poor thing lost the weight liao, coz of his merlion episodes last week...

Today still puke once like merlion type, not small spit. Very scary. Hopefully recovering, pray for no more merlion pl pl...
oh yes, Ryan, i thot it's common to poo once a day for FM babies? Coz my boy fully on FM now and he poos only once a day. Poo looks ok, not hard type.

Aspialle, wish my boy can be like yours! Mine nowadays keep waking up! He used to sleep very soundly but now dun know why he's not interested to sleep. Whole afternoon stayed up to play with us. Kept asking us to talk to him and sometimes asks to be carried. I'm really exhausted...
Wow 2kg..that's a lot. Mine 6wks onli 1.5kg. Some bb can't tolerate fm and need to change formula. If persist perhaps u Wana chk with PD.
Good that he Wana play during the day.. Nite time can sleep longer?

R u guys in the FB page? Can chat there
Your bb so adorable! I was told due to the frequent feeds and sucking most bb have super chubby cheeks due to muscle that develops, haha my bb also chubby cheeks de face rounder than kor kor de!

My boy put on ard 1.5kg at full month.

My boy puts on 1.7kg at full month.. Windsorqueen, how old is your baby? I just brought baby to PD for his routine chk up and he mentioned that baby around week 8 will tend to seek attention, don't want to be left alone, etc.. PD told us not to let him sleep so much in the day time.. Btw, my baby sometimes puked his milk and a lot wind in his tummy, and PD said it might be lactose intolerance.. As baby is on Similac, he advised to switch to Similac Total Comfort. You might want to check with your baby's PD on this..
