(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

<font color="aa00aa">ecups: i think its too heaty to take everyday.. preferable alternate days

gingerbreadger / Starrie, i also wor.. these 2 days go do "big business" got blood leh..

but i only take alt days.. cannt imagine got to take the chic essence too...
i think im adopting well to dom and LRD hahahaahah

as a matter of fact, i almost fell asleep last night without my blanket (with air con on)! and i feel very hot lately...

ecups, KWXY alt daily chicken essence and LRD during 2WW
Oh no, lucky Siu Ping pointed out - sorry for misleading u gals.. I nv striked BFP lah, it's BFN. =( Muz be too sleepy when I was typing tat.. =x
Amy> yes! u doing internal or external? i'm doing internal already.. no longer with the big 4.. so not so busy..

starrie> u noe i told my another fren who's ttc-ing.. she aso say dont drink everyday.. will nosebleed one.. very heaty.. now i feel like my sore throat coming.. tink beta dont overdose.. wait sick lagi worse.. canot ttc at all.

happy> i jus went to pluck my wisdom tooth last month.. as long as u confirm not pregnant.. ttc can go one..
happy> actualli i tink u beta dont drag.. cause if it hurts.. and u drag until u pregnant.. even worse.. u gota suffer for 9 months.. cause pregnant canot pluck wisdom i read..
Gingerbreadger, thanks!! What about 2WW period? My wisdom tooth is pushing my teeth and i realize my teeth is going to be crowded now... so i tot before it push any further i better removed
<font color="green">Happy >> I think u can go ahead to pluck as long as u r not BFP

Amy &amp; Gingerbreadger >> Audit really stressful .. so i'm juz in finance letting auditor disturb me instead heehee ...

Peapea >> When u take DOM, u juz drink it like tat ? Isn't it very hot &amp; burning ?

ECups >> Chicken essence is alternate day during 2WW, but u monitor ur own body, if cant take so heaty, then perhaps twice a week or so ..

SJX >> Bought ur conceive plus ? Hw much was it ?
Hello ECups i took chicken essence every day during my 2WW - wah so heaty i almost got sore throat!

Thanks everyone! I will make arrangement to get my wisdom tooth out !!! :D

This weekend my hb and i are going for church camp and is my fertile period! I wanted to get OPK today but baby dust shop only can deliver by Friday. When I went watson to see, such a huge price diff! Now i wonder i shd get now!

So many in audit line! any one in IT ?
mrs ho, i just drink like that... hmmm initially is a bit burning feeling... but i like the after effect of warm stomach....
happy> after u confirm u're not pregnant.. faster go get it out..

now watsons got 20% disc.. after hte disc.. its jus a few bucks diff.. if u compare the same brand one..
happy>> only 2 of us, me and gingerbread in audit. =)

gingerbread>> Me still doing external audit. Applied for internal audit but no luck getting any interviews. =( U were in big 4 previously? I am working in a small firm, so not as stressful. My prev firm much more stressful, so resigned and switch to present one. My ex-firm even forced a preg woman to resign by herself! =S

Mrs Ho>> Arh, u are the receiving end of us auditors. =p I wanted to switch to internal audit or accounts one, but no luck getting any interviews. =(
yeah i used to be from one of the big 4.. but now working in currnet company for 4 yrs.. internal audit.. not as stressful aso.. but need to fly.. so i dont realli like.. wana switch to finance after maternity.. cause i wana do my maternity here.. act my present boss aso no good.. i quite scared she wil plan to terminate or make my life difficult after i pregnant. good company.. but boss no good
peapea>> Mean of my ex-company rite? Tat's why I resigned after my ROM from there. =p My current firm much better. We have 3 bosses but I am under 2 bosses, who are quite pro-family kind. One of them during last week's meeting was already talking abt next year will be my turn to go on maternity leave. =_=" My team has 1 mother and another 1 gg to give birth next mth liao, so guess bosses are not so bothered.

gingerbread>> Tat was my fear too, in my prev firm. Scared end up like tat gal who was forced to resign. Hopefully if u get preg and only reveal after 3 mths, yr boss wun be so jia lat to terminate u. Dunno lehz, I find most guy bosses are more understanding than women bosses. =_="
u're right! my this boss is a woman herself. and got one son. but dont understand. actually if ur current coy is pro family.. u shld stay on.. it is v important that they r supportive..
sjx>> Very light lehz, the colour u using. =p Anyway, do take care and drink lots of water! =)

Mrs Ho>> U wanna switch to audit line?

gingerbread>> Yah, I shd be staying on in this firm precisely coz it is pro-family and bosses are nice and understanding. =) Pay not extremely fantastic but reasonable, so also dun wanna switch. Plus, location is btw my house and my parents' house - which is good coz me and hubby will be letting my parents look after our BB in future. =) But, of coz, muz strike 1st lah. =D
<font color="ff6000">Hi ladies, been quite some time i log in since rather bz at work....Day 15 today, spotted ewcm on Mon and Dr Zhou advised me to bd either on Mon or tue but till today bd not successful as both of us quite tired and rather no mood...Haiz...No smiley face yet...Hope smiley face come only fri or weekend as we will be more relaxed... Hope i will not miss the LH surge....

AmY &amp; Gingerbreadger- My job require me to do audit too but is more of internal QEHS audit rather than finance audit...

SJX-Take care...Drink manuka honey, it may help in sore throat..Me having insonmia also...quite a torture...</font>
<font color="ff6000">Amy-QEHS is quality environmental Health &amp; Safety...Did 1 round of finance audit last yr for my finance colleagues as told my gm but really not gd at it since not trained in the finance...</font>
<font color="purple"> e-cups...
thanks.. font color changed

Mrs Ho
i never take LRD as cant take and chicken essence also never..
i got the virus from my colleagues and family member

lucky not TTC this month


ya i am... i telling him i going to forget how he look like soon

thanks... font color changed heeee

thanks.. i asked sleeping pill from doc as i really need a full sleep

drink more water too... take care also

ladies bad weather lah..
those TTC must take care as not got this sore throat + cough virus ard!! i got it already...
ginger : agree that what my hb tell me ... no need say tired or no mood de ... u want bb ...so u do lor ...lol

xiu : tomorrow my med appt ... scare scare lei
<font color="ff6000">Amy >Stress wise, still managable, depends on individual stress level also...But as my company has different programs and the audit checklist varies, with some program being more tough than others...Mi still mastering the audit skill...Quite interesting but audit requires alot of writing...

Carice>Yaloh, bd is more mission based now...but sometime the more we want to bd, the more we can't as my dh find abit stress...shall try tonite, maybe go other places for a change of environment...Haha...Tmr, u gg for hsg test, all the best to u...</font>
xiu, wah, QEHS has a lot of components lei... not easy...

now i just feel like putting my head on the table to sleep!! no appetite lately
<font color="0077aa">SJX-Dun take too much sleeping pill, u will feel groggy with the after effect...Or doc prescribed u with antarax- a form of relaxant?

Siu Ping-Yaloh. How i wish now holidaying...My dh even joke maybe he should collect his troops in a bottle and freeze it...when i need it, machiam like 'petrol station', self service...Haha</font>
<font color="ff0000">Peapea> Mi still learning also as my current job is more of a career switch from my previous engineering posts....How come no appetite? Gd news, sleepy or not feeling well?</font>
<font color="0077aa">Starrie &amp; Siu Ping> Yup, even Dr Zhou also says he humorous as he often joke...But sometimes i really wish is "Petrol station" haha...juz refill when required...can opt for premium quality...boohaha...</font>

<font color="0077aa">Gingerbreadger- I only know muz avoid cooling fruits while ttc...But nevertheless, eat moderately...</font>
