(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

<font color="aa00aa">hello finally
<font color="grey">peapea
i do heat up.. but putting in a hot water, it will taste better
if not.. u all not afraid of troublesome can make ur own chicken essence which is even better

how o r u again?? i was think i am haaaa

i am just an admin heee... so quite free sometime.

starrie.. i need to put "font color="pink" then with the <> bracket

<font color="green"> Starries >> Yes saw ur successful posting !

peapea >> I juz heat up using a cup of hot water and soak it in for 5 mins

SJX >> I tink agie is 33 if i'm not wrong cuz she posted her age earlier ..

Gingerbreadger >> Mine is also desk bound so i can access frequently .. 1st tink i do in the morning is open this page and i'll refresh it throughout the day until 5.30pm
sjx.. mi 33 lo..

gingerbreadger.. mi on and off hv to go out for presentations but most of the time desk bound cos small office.. machiam like office administrator..
<font color="000080">gingerbreadger >> I'm on leave for a few days :p But usually I have one window open also lar... I have short attention span.

E-cups >> Yar, I think I drank cold drinks twice throughout my entire cycle? And even then I share half with my hubby. Chicken essence I drink at night cos morning no time... alternate day. I just buy whatever is cheap lar :p

peapea >> Yes, a lot of friends on fb getting married these few years. (And a lot of just married few months strike already... which I suppose good and bad lar :p) I usually warm up the chicken essence cos I don't like the taste. Drink cold really very icks.
<font color="aa00aa"> i saw my fb alot oso got bb pictures la.. or getting preggie.. hahaha.. sometimes feel sooooo sad.. but nvm, ours will come soon...
lets all hold hand and support each other ok

<font color="119911">Mrs Ho: yeah.. finaally

<font color="0000ff">sjx: yeah, managed to do it le...</font>
wow everyone is in colours now!! great! now easier to spot my own.. cause its black!! haha lazy to change..

i'm doing audit, not a busy period now.. so can log in more.. planning for ttc is difficult cause sometimes might fly.. and last min.. so cross fingers when i'm embark on drugs.. such tings wun happen
<font color="purple"> starrie... become an expert in font liao haaaa
for me i ban myself from facebook, i even delete my facebook in my iphone haaa</font>

<font color="orange">e-cups.. shiok heee.. for me busy will be very busy.. free will be very free
becos of this that why i think my job very suitable for ttc that y i stay put </font>
i will remain black color too!! hahaha

for me, i stay away from FB... dont really want to see.

gingerbreadger, sorry i forgot did you mention how long have u been ttc-ing?
i think i stick to black.. orange not nice wor.. :p

SJX, i change my job only last yr.. my previous job is so stressful that i cannt tahan lor.. no time to surf all these at all.. now.. hehehehe..
gingerbreadger: have you considered switching jobs ah? cos if have kids, cannot keep flying right?

i have to travel in my line of work too...so keep thinking if i should switch. as it is, the travelling is already wreaking havoc on my ttc-ing, esp since DH also travels frequently for work...
<font color="grey"> ladies..
anyone using Conceive Plus fertility the lubricant?do u happen to know vivo city got sell?</font>

<font color="green"> agie...
ok lah 33, me reaching soon...</font>
<font color="purple">sjx.. so.. u r not the oldest la.. kekee..

gers.. i norm go to mr and mrs smith couple store at bukit timah to buy lubricants n my saliva ovulation kit.. cos of privacy la.. except i buy preseed from watsons.. :D
<font color="purple">sjx.. prob i got kind of phobia ordering stuff from online where such privacy hygiene things are concern to me ba.. :p as for the saliva ovulation kit its re-usable so i rather invest abit more so tat i can use it for my #2 and more.. keke..</font>
peapea> i've been ttc-ing since march 2011.. june is my 4th cycle

and dear ladies, I HATE MY JOB!!! haha the only reason i'm staying put is cause i wana do my maternity here.. i've been in this coy for 4 yrs plus.. these few months i'm not flying.. so can go see gynae all these..
i guess its easier to come in slightly later if i wana do blood test all these.. see dr.. if i change job now, my ttc plan must postpone, which i'm not willing to. plus if new job, take maternity leave aso not nice.

but my current job my boss is not supportive kind.. so dont dare say aso.. take 1 step at a time lor.. see how tings go
<font color="purple">sjx.. mr and mrs smith is selling at $40, nw promo buy 1 get 1 free.. but nw out of stock.. perhaps u can call them and ask?
<font color="grey">Mrs Ho..
oh ok i'll go see ! excited!! hopefully not so expensive

ya lor if u change job it not the right time
same here... was thinking to change job as my pay is really very low..

but for the sake of ttc.. i stay as this job not that stressful plus our company very supportive that y

me dont want 2 haaa just need one...
Anyone wanan share with me??? so that 20 bucks each?????
if want... i go ahead and order...</font>
<font color="purple">sjx.. gingerbreadger.. mi hv a very supportive boss and colleagues.. totally agreed that hvg a supporting boss does helps alot in ur med appts every now and then.. but so long it doesnt affect ur work performance.. its ok..

sjx.. i jus bgt my preseed.. prob next time.. c any other gals wana share wf u!?

can sense gingerbreadger 'stress' when u hv to tell white lies..

oni my close collegues noes that i'm ttc.. others beta not.. my boss is super not supportive.. so if worse come to worse.. i'll jus quit.
cause its really bothering.. having to try to ttc.. but aso trying to get around not letting ppl noe u gg to see dr
<font color="red"> Ladies any one wanna buy Conceive Plus fertility the lubricant???? </font>

<font color="grey"> me too have a very supportive and understanding boss..so he kinda understand I am ttc-ing.. hence when i go home sharp sharp he wont penalise me...</font>
<font color="000080">My sup is pro-family but my boss is schizo... some days she ask me why I haven't get pregnant yet, some days she say why women so stupid want to have kids. Diao.</font>
<font color="000080">SJX >> I think she actually doesn't like kids and doesn't like her staff to get pregnant, and she only pretends to like kids when she feels that's what people expect her to say. Very 2-face one lar.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Talking about jobs, I bet all of you have knocked off liao. Me usually super busy and cant afford time to log on until at home, that's why my replies all intermittent types. Since my last post, went for meeting and just manage to come back to my seat...
Hello girls! I just spent an hour or so, in between my dinner and occasional glances at my tv, to catch up on the posts!

Agie, I'm about same age as you. 32 this year. How I wish I married young and started ttc in my 20s! Blame it on the housing market here. Hee. We couldn't afford our own place until in our late 20s and I am those who can't stay with MIL type :p so bobian married late. TTC for 2 years.

Oliva, my bbt also dropped to 36.3 this morning and already spotting so I guess AF will guai guai report tmr. We can be cycle buddies again

For those with low or erratic bbt, I personally feel that taking Chinese herbs help in stabilizing them. But need to give yourself a couple of months to see any effect.

Ecups, I know how you feel. I stopped bbt a couple of months ago becuz it's giving me too much stress. Now I only take bbt a day before my AF to prepare myself for the menses, like bringing pads to office etc. Hee. I used to worry for every temp and will start googling to find reasons for that. In the end, I just gave up. But I also understand that your TCM requires you to do bbt so she can know your cycle patterns. I feel you can do bbt for one to two more cycles but really, read bbt with a pinch of salt. You will realize it's not entirely accurate if you rely on bbt alone.
Hi ladies! Been MIA for so long due to work! =( Working over the weekend, ended up can't make it in time to see my TCM aunt as when I reach her clinic, her mum was not there to let me jump queue. =x

lynzi>> Thanx! Maybe due to stress from work and wedding preps. But horz, I think I nv O at all for this cycle. =(

sjx>> Ya, I know tat stress and pressure can screw up our hormones. But can't help it. =(

tethysea>> I see.. Thanx for enlightening coz nv knew of such thing till u said so. =) Btw, I am one of the MIA ones, but no, sad to say, I dun think I striked. Haha.. Tested last Mon and was BFP. =x

pinkz>> I am late, but still, CONGRATS! =>

Mrs Ho, Siu Ping>> We are of the same age! =) TTC buddies of same age here.

gingerbread>> I went thru my blood test report and realised there's not a test for progesterone mentioned in it. But, juz to share wif u, my testosterone, prolactin and DHEA-S results were over the normal range. And my FSH results was below the normal range. =(

peapea>> Haven't decided between bangkok and HK yet? Hee.. I went both this year! HK back in March and BKK in Sept! =)

nb01>> U have a fantastic memory! U muz be having lots of fun in Taiwan? =)
Hi ladies! Can't stop posting even on holiday! Miss you ladies so much! Hee...

Taiwan weather is very hot. Even hotter than SG and I have to put lots of sunblock and use umbrella else you will see a roasted me! Trying to be good and not take cold drinks but not successful especially since not trying this cycle! Haha... Very bad right? But at least I try to limit to one a day or one in 2 days. And ask for less ice. In this weather, the water also heats up very fast! And didn't take any cold dessert and my 1st cold shaved ice dessert was today coz it was a must try and doubt I will eat any more ice so at least trying to be partially good. *self comforting myself* Hee...

Not to tempt you gals but see the pic for the ultra huge shaved ice dessert! You can see the size of the spoon and tell how big it was. And this was the 2nd size. There were 2 more bigger sizes!

Amy, Gd to hv ttc buddies of the same age. Hope we can graduate soon. Btw, U didn't think u strike but tested BFP?

Last weekend when I went to the tcm &amp; told him abt my last pregnancy, he said most likely am lacked of estrogen (a part of hcg) that's y bb no heartbeat. Thus he gave mi med to try to improve. Hopefully it will help.
morning everyone!!

and morning siu ping for sharing sth almost every morning... ha!

tethysea, aiyoh, your boss like that also hard to deal with...

thank god, my boss is supportive... she even encouraged me to start trying once i tied the knot! actually i have a lot of bosses and i already told them all im ttc-ing... so to prepare them cuz for my job, im quite a one woman show... if im not around, no one will be available to cover my job... so need to set their expectations right... one of my bosses very nice, even shared with me his wife ttc journey...

i cant wait for the weekend!!
I have a good and kind boss.. that i love my job... sufficient freesdom and no OT..(my boss dun like us to work OT)
But i nvr once tell him i want to TTC cos im his only right-hand man..haiz...
tethysea, i tried the DOME ytd.. jus a drop.. i almost fainted.. it is so HOT!! the burning sensation.. OMG.. i jus need to knw for the chic essence/DOME.. u guys take alt days or alt days in 2ww?? everyday for chic essence xiong leh..
