(2012/11) Nov 2012

hi amanpp, ya i think im d same leh... cannot eat too much in 1 meal..think its partly due to not much appetite too...

my fren told me to try ginger lemon ..also from preserved plum shops like umeya. im gonna go get it tomorrow and also maybe ask the aunties there for some recommendations and get a few different types to try, see which works for me
u can try that too. i made appt with Dr Benjamin tham on tues for my first appointment..see if he will prescribe some med for me cos i cant eat much, worried that it will affect bb and worried that my gastrititis will come back. so many worries! lol
hi cindy.. mine is quite near to urs! mine is 12th feb. so maybe our EDD might be quite near hehe. im also waiting for first appt on tues.. will update after that :D hope all goes well for yours! at least u still have experience before..so that is a good thing! its my first child, so am quite worried abt this and that haha. my sil all 3 kids are c sect by dr woo, heard from her stitching is gd, so no worries for u
Piggiedearz: ya, small meals work better for me.. Especially my tolerance for hungry is super low now.. but sometimes I will still over eat.. still in the process of try and error on the right amt that consider just nice.. Haha..
ok i will try the ginger lemon.. U seeing Dr Ben Tham? Me too.. Lolx.. Hope u will see ur beanie on tues.. I m gg to see him again only in another 2 weeks times..
Queen Kay: Perfectly fine. I dun have any MS at all for my #1. Now, so far so good..no feeling yet.

Kye, I am taking folic acid too. You can start taking fish oil too for the omega. Very good for bb developement. Also drink more milk as we will need all the calcium that we can absorb.

Regarding bf while preggy: better be careful. If can, better stop. Cos breastfeeding tends to have a shrinking function of the uterus. Thus might be harmful and dangerous. Better consult gynae for opinion.

Chrisq, cos growing a bb inside us takes up a lot of energy and bfing also burns a lot of calories. When put both together, for sure u will feel very tired. W/o bfing now, I also feels very tired alr.

Junvis, haha!! Then I am getting worried cos I dun have MS! From what I heard, MS is also depending on ur mom. If ur mom dun have history of MS, mostly likely u wont too. Both my mom and sis also no MS.

Piggiedear, its fine. But make sure u drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated.

Amanpp, some ppl when having high level of HCG will feel nausea. That’s the main cause of MS. But some ppl wont be affected by it. So if u have MS, it means ur HCG is increasing, ie bb growing. HCG will stabilized after 1st trim, thus most ppl stop having MS after that. Me same as u, when hungry will feel nausea. So I will always keep some biscuits in my bag.

Rgd Gynae, I would be gg back to my 1st one, Dr John Yam. He is very pro natural and stitching is good too. From his encouragement, I managed to deliver #1 wo epi

Clarisse mummy, you just stop the pumping, then once every few days, just squeeze ur breast with ur hands to release what ever is left. Then prolong the time u squeeze. Eventually will totally stopped.
yea I consulted my gynae and I think he prefers me to stop b/feeding. Agree that being pregnant and b/feeding is very strenuous on our body. Chrisq, try to ensure you take enough nutrients ya
Actually 1 bad thing abt no MS, i kept eating when having #1. My total weight gain was 18kg! *horror*!! Hopefully this time round would be able to control...
im constantly hungry but when i start to eat,no appetite liao.lol.hope this continue then i wont gain too much weight.lol!

im also breastfeeding,very hard to wean my girl too.but these few days i act very painful so she got a little scare when she try to suck and she managed to do without it these 2 days~!
Hi sun_tan.. Thanks for clarifying.. Ya, me too.. will always have some food with me.. In case I start to feel nausea.. But eat too much also can't.. will feel worst.. Hehe..
good good then can control! i remembered i have cravings for ribena when i was in 1st trim the last time round. hee
Haha.. I need that too.. N milo.. Tried apple juice with aloe vera.. Too much will be acidic.. N vomit.. Can't have that too much.. Basically a no-no for plain water now, feel yikes but m ok with hot water..
hello all...

sad and happy to say im pregnant with my second child...sad cos my first child is only 10 mths currently and am afraid i can't give her the attention she needs by the time the 2nd one arrived, feeling guilty towards her now...

happy cos its still gd news nevertheless...just found out abt the pregnancy (think only 4 wks) and still have not decide if i should return to the same doctor. Was seeing Dr SF Loh @ KKH previously but he has just changed to TMC...

Was considering Dr Heng @ Eastshore, any comments abt her?

suntan: my first and second pregnancy I also gained 18 and 16kg!!! This time I'm super going to control!!! Try my best at least.

Mummies : wondering if it's ok for rebonding? Do u girls know? I actually am planning to go and I found out I was preggie! I don't think I can last that long.... Until after confinement omg...

Piggiedearz: so u confirm using dr woo?
okie update after your checkup.
I also didnt managed to latch my gal; the lactation consultants also cannot do anything, they called her chili padi..haha

Strengthblessing> my #1 is 8 mths old nia! although this is unexpected but we think it's a blessing lah..

I gained 18kg too during 1st pregnancy and still got 3 kg stuck with me..
Cindy, better not to even though I m dying to go too! Previously my gynae advised against it cos it's involved alot I'd very strong chemicals n we dunno how it's gg affect our bb's developement. So better to be safe than sorry.
Suntan: omg then I die die also must tahan. Sigh. Maybe later on I will ask gynae.. Omg

Clarisse mummy: I gained 18 and 16 and now got 8 kh stuck w me!!!! I cannot imagine for this third one.... Become fatty bom bom hahaha!!
Clarisse mom, me too! 3kg stuck with me! I managed to loose all when bfing . But after I stopped, I started to gain back
I didn't managed to latch the 1st time round was cos I have inverted nipples . But after pumping for 1yr plus, it corrected itself alr. So hopefully this time round will be able to. Imagine no need to lug my pump with me when gg out!
I just started buying normal pretty clothes for work thinking my weight has stabilised and now tio toto..aiyoz..have to dig out my preggy clothes again.
Ya loh, I also trying to control my diet..otherwise I cant fit into my clothes again..so sayang..
clarisse mummy: yah this was unexpected for me as well, thus feeling rather stressed abt it, cos one is already a handful for both of us to handle, and i keep thinking my daughter is quite poor thing to only have our full attention for such a short period of time...even have evil hope that pregnancy might not turn out well etc...to add on, can't imagine what my boss and colleagues will say when they know abt it...*stressed*

i gained abt 12kg during the first pregnancy and still have 4kg stuck with me now, dont think i cant ever return to my slim figure before....and somehow, i have been feeling hungry really fast...die die...
sun_tan, I'm also hoping to be able to breastfeed successfully this time round *fingers crossed*
That time, they said I got flat nipples so bb difficult to latch..
Maybe I'll try wearing some form of nipple puller prior to birth and c if this will helps..
Clarisse, I heard abt those too but I dare not try. Cos during this period , stimulation to nipples might have effect on uterus. Very sensitive. Did u pump for ur #1? Cos after I pumped, my nipples have been corrected alr cos of the constant pulling effect.
Hi.. I also gain abt 18kg for my nbr 1.. & still hv 4kg with me..hope this round i wun gain so much..

I flunk in bf during nbr 1..hope this round with more experience, i can make it..
After some thinking, would still prefer to deliver at KKH (first choice), if not Dr SF Loh @ TMC (2nd choice). Am scare of complications and expenses etc thus prefer to deliver at KKH.

Anyone has any recommendation for good gynae at KKH TPS? Thanks thanks...
i cant bear to wean her off but my breast getting sore and it can be quite painful when she suckles.she can give me the very yummy look when she asks for my breast.lol.

btw,i also scared got complications leh.my first one i got pre eclampsia.if this time round got,will they refer me back to KKH?
Morning mommies n mtb!

Housewife, envy mommies who managed to latch. Good bonding ya.

Planning to bring #1 to beach tml. Hopefully won't rain.
Good morning all!
May I know when u all go for yr 1st appt, are u all given lots of vits?? Coz I hav 2 colleagues same dept as me.. 1 is 21 wks and 1 is 12 wks.. Both of them are given lots of vits during their 1st appt.. Bt when I go for my appt I was only told to eat folic acid twice a day and that's it.. Am abit worried...
Hi alice.. Folic acid twice a day? Mine ask me eat folic acid & vit b tablets once a day.. I think giving multi vits depend from gynae to gynae.. My gynae dun believe in taking too much vits..she say as long as u eat well, balance diet is good enuff le
Ya she ask me eat 1 in morning and 1 in evening... My gynae also say eat a balanced meal.. Don't need to 'pu' here 'pu' there..
Bt still worried..
Yanyan, ya my gynae also same. Last time he nv gave me calcium pills. Only asked me to drink more milk. Natural is the best way to go. Eat more fruits , more veges n drink lots of water. Last time my gynae only gave me iron tablets n fish oil
Hi mummies. My EDD 8/11. My#2. my first is a bunny boy.. Only 8 mths too.. As much as am hapi also wondering how to cope too...
Strengthnblessing... My friend followed sf log to TMC. She said the charges there is cheaper for his consultation and have 3D scan.
jaslin: really? surprise to know cheaper than KKH...haha...but i made an appt to see Dr John Tee at KKH TPS on 11th Apr (earliest that i can get, seems like hes very popular also)...shall see if Im confortable to stick with him, if not i might go back to Dr Loh at TMC...am just worried abt complications, if all's well, still prefer Dr Loh too...

how many weeks are you now? Trying to gauge my own EDD...and yah the first one is very active now plus we have no helper so very worried we can't give her the attention she needs...
hi amanpp

u're seeing dr ben tham too? is he good? so far how many appts u had with him already? 1?

The umeya near me closed down, so i went to hock hua and bought the ginger slice, not bad leh..within a few mins of testing 1 pc, i felt better, so i bought 1 pkt $3.80.

Also, tdy i ate smaller meals at like 2-3hrs interval, i think this also helped a bit. Happier! but mood still grumpy and stomach feels like gonna hv gastric pain.. sigh
hi suntan.. good that u don't feel the ms yet! some of my frens do not have it too unless they are hungry. im trying to find out how to keep mine under control currently lol. enjoy with ur family at the beach!
hi cindy..hmm not cfmed yet. gg to dr ben tham first. see how hehe. better not to rebond leh... chemicals involved... tahan a bit better

hi clarisse.. i also bought some pretty clothes n red heels! nw cannot wear le lol
Strengthnblessing: yes I also surprise. Me not w dr log but wif his trusty sidekick.. Dr marianne cos her waiting time shorter... And her stitching and all was great w #01. They are partners now... My first consult only 55... Surprised by it too. In week7 now... Feeling mildly miserable w ms.. But ok. John tee is super popular... Yes the wait can be long.... Oh yes... Sticking w my doc cos she super strict w weight gain... Was glad tt lost all but 1kg b4 this new bundle came....
Alicia: twice a day for folic acid? How many mg? That's alot.. Mine is the same as Yanyan.. Only once a day with vit b in the morn and duphaston at nite..

Piggiedearz: Dr Ben tham is ok, he is gentle and friendly.. My Fren used him before say he is good.. Thus, trying out with him first.. So far, I went for my 1st appt last week.. Next visit in 2 weeks times.. I try taking those sushi kind of ginger.. Cant take much.. Spicy!!! great to hear that u feel better.. Continue to jia you!!!
mood, hard to control la.. I look shack at times too.. Can't control..
jaslin: you make me so tempted to go straight back to dr Loh!...was considering Dr Marianne too and who knows Dr Loh actually took her with him to TMC...saw her a few times when she was covering fr Dr Loh at TPS and was quite fine with her...

let me call his clinic and check on the schedule on Monday...

i had very bad ms during #1 at abt 6 wks+ onwards and am afraid this #2 will be the same, still rem i drank lotsa sprite n 7-up cos nothing i took can stay in...only this drink can help relieve me of the constant vomiting...smelling lemons n sour stuff helps a little too...dry crackers dont help me at all...crossing fingers that this #2 will be more cooperative...

was thinking of switching jobs...now might have to stay put again...quite upset abt this cos work has been rather lousy...boss and colleagues sure to wag tongues abt my pregnancy too...
Amanpp: 5mg per tab..and twice daily.. After she prescribed and I checked online I was also v puzzled as the normal recommended dosage seems to b 1 tab ie 5mg per day.. Was wondering too.. Except for this, I do not hav any other vits..
Strengthnblessing: cheer up.. Can always change after the 4mths maternity leave. As for the tongue wagging.. Ya I know... Especially so soon after #1. But so be it... Can't stop pple frm commenting.
Sorry if I tempt u.. Hee... Just tt I like sticking to familiar pple.... Gng down this thurs for checkup... Can't wait to see bb...
Hi everyone. Late for my menses and just took a preg test and it turns out positive. Going to do another to confirm. Am happy but at the same time lost. Dunnoe where to start and what to do next? Any good gynae to reco? Am thinking either Ben tham or joycelyn wong from TCM
Hi Ladies, i am new here!

I am due in Nov too if can hold till full term. This is my first viable pregnancy after 5 years. I am with O&G Specialist, under Dr SF Loh. Should be in 7 weeks plus now. Did first scan and saw/heard the heartbeats.
Hope to learn from all of you!
hi amanpp

hmm maybe u can try the preserved kind of ginger.. not the sushi kind hehe. so far i take le quite ok for me. yeap gg to see him on tues. quite excited leh haha. hope all is well
hi strengthnblessing

i also have a lousy colleague who complains on covering my work when im away and told another colleague that she hope i do not take mon/fri leaves/mcs. so i can understand how u feel. i also wonder how wld they react to my news. we must try to be strong for our bb ok...
hi etan , i called up jocelyn wong on fri and the nurse told me she's full for nov already! i went to ben tham next. u quickly call! don't wait already... i think both are quite hot

hi heartbeats..welcome...its also my #1
lets learn from each other
Hi everyone,

Just tested positive yesterday morning, I should be at 7wks now and EDD is 10 Nov. This will be baby #2.

I'll probably return to my previous gynae at KKH TPS, Dr HY Wee. He delivered my first kid and I liked him v much. Need to make an appt tomorrow...

Anyone experiencing indigestion? I keep feeling v v bloated or as though I am constipated, although I'm not. Also my appetite is quite bad, although luckily the MS hasn't started yet. Didn't have MS with #1 so I'm also hoping to escape this round.

Nice to meet everyone!
Hello Nov Mummies,

Just tested positive last night and this morning, clearblue digital says I'm 2-3 weeks preggie *Keeping fingers cross*, gonna call Gynae for appt tomorrow, most like EDD is end-nov..

Hope to join the fun in this thread

Hi foxinthesnow, Yes, I feel bloated yet hungry at the same time, guess due to the hormone changes in our body.
