(2012/11) Nov 2012

I'm very bloated and have a sucky feeling. But I always feel lots better when I burp

I think I also have digestion problem. I keep getting stomachaches. Perhaps that's normal?
I went to gynae and she said she saw some bleeding behind the sac. That could cause stomach pain too.

Hello n cOngrats to all mommies who tested positive!!

I'm alsO always feeling bloated n feeling v v v v tired n sleepy!
Super no mood for work.
jaslin: yah reckon i have to just ignore those pple at work...and was hoping to do some part time business so that i can escape this co some time later...see how la...pray all will go well...all the best to yr scan on thu too...may yr ms gets better each day too ... jiayou jiayou...

piggiedearz: yah...but the colleague who will most likely be covering for me will most prob tender soon too...so wondering if i will be asked to cover her duties till i deliver instead haha...and who will be covering me...absolutely no idea...i just want to tahan till maternity leave for now...
cindy: i have no mood to work everyday (even before pregnancy) too...haha...so sian...everyday just want to countdown to knock off to fetch my daughter from infantcare...
<font color="0000ff">Hi queen_kay, was asked the same qn whether want to take OSCAR on my last visit last Fri. Still deciding whether to take or not. Are u gg to do so?

Managed to hear the heartbeat last Fri too. Now edd becomes 9 Nov instead :p

Hi strengthnblessing, I'm with Dr Heng
Liked her cos she is always so cheerful. U can consider her :p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Got no appetite for dinner today
The thought of having to work tomorrow is just xianz too....Anyone feeling the same way?</font>
hi mummies.. yup im also feeling very bloated. this adds to the nauseous feeling so im quite miserable actually. every meal im taking like less than 8 spoonfuls.

hi amanpp.. yup..excited to see.. hope can see hehehe.. update u then

hi strengthnblessing.. i just hope i can tahan thru 1st 12 weeks lol... haven thot that far till maternity leave. now already wondering how to endure the first 3 mths hahaahh

welcome sasha11 and foxinthesnow
Hi piggiedearz...Jia you! I also felt quite miserable ... Keep having negative thoughts..hope my baby won't blame me ...

But I felt better today ! So let's jia you together!!
Hopefully, endure after the 1st tri.. Life will be better..

Piggiedearz: ok.. Wait for ur good news.. When u hear the BB's heartbeat.. It's amazing!! Is this ur #1?

Sweetycute: I think most of us abt the same.. Feeling bloated n no appti.. For me, someday good, someday bad.. When It's bad is really bad.. Very tired N sleepy always.. Can really sleep many times in a day.. Cos sleep liao, no need to think of hunger and puking.. Lolx..
Hello to all the new mommies!

Strengthnblessing, me too. At first feel like tendering but tested positive. I dun like my boss n I guess my boss dun like me too. Up for confirmation soon. Think I should only inform her abt my pregnancy after confirmation ?

For those mommies who is having their #3, did u all still carry ur #1 when u r preggy with #2? Nowadays I feel very tired. No strength or mood to carry or play with #1. Think will get worst when tummy gets bigger. But felt so guilty abt it.Today I have been carrying my #1 when outside n now I got crampy feeling . Dunno is Kenna strained anot.
Hi all,

Yes i still carry my #1 nw when preggy..sometimes is bo bian 1..my gal will juz kp crying but i try to sit dw when i hv to carry her..my gynae also adv me not to carry her too often..

My ms also somedays ok somedays bad..usu on wkends when i can afford to tk short naps..my ms on wkends are still manageable.. On wkdays after a long day at work.. Can b quite bad..i realised wed onwards..my ms will turn for the worst..&amp; i start to feel giddy too.. My gynae also say that ms will turn worst if we feel stress, tired or moody..

Haiz.. I hv 4 more wks to end of 1st tri.. Hope this 4 wks can pass asap..
<font color="0000ff">Good morning everyone! A start of a brand new week! Hope everyone will have a good week ahead :p

Amanpp: thanks for the comfort :p My first time having MS so still trying to get used to it hahaha
Din experience such thing at all when I had my girl. But sometimes, to console myself, that's what pregnancy is all about :p I tink the feeling bloated part is very annoying! Wonder where did all the gas come from? Yah true....sleep can do wonders! Hope the terrible feeling will go away soon....</font>
hi anthea.. thanks for the encouragement! need it now! i also feel quite depressed and tend to have negative thots but try to relax and think positively. not easy! yup lets jiayou tgt! hope u have a great week! which is ur gynae?
hi amanpp

yup its my #1. i also hope can hear heartbeat hehe. wonder how wld i react then haha. maybe i will feel all my miserableness is worth it. lol :p

i also agree. when i lie down or sleep, i will feel much better. n really when sleeping, u won't feel all the uncomfy feelings! really great :D
<font color="0000ff">piggiedearz, you will feel so amazed when you can hear the heartbeat
Stay positive! A kid is a gift from god!</font>
Sweetycute: no prob..
weekend i always want to sleep.. so can dun think of anything.. no puking, no discomfort, no hunger.. wahahah..

I agreed with yan.. weekend, ms is till manageable.. but when it come to weekday.. it is not..
maybe the bb can sense the "pressure" of starting work.. emo-ing then start the puke.. hahha..

piggiedearz: ah.. same as me.. #1.. have a great time on tues..
hi sweetycute.. hehe i cant wait to go see gynae tmr. wan to get some help for my ms lol. like hoping for a miracle! lol :p yup its really a gift from God. we tried for slightly more than a year then succeeded
which is ur gynae? hw many weeks already?

hi amanpp, oic! we can learn from each other along the way with other more experienced mommies here
piggiedearz: sure.. we def will need to share and learn from each other.. we have alot more to learn from the experienced mommies here.. hehe..

ps: u've a mail.. :p
Hi Clarrise mummy, i also only latch on in the morning &amp; at night &amp; stop pumping already.
im trying to stop the night feeding but she cant sleep without my breast, she will tear my clothes until it's nearly being ripped off!!
&amp; worse part is my MS is getting bad, keep vomitting &amp; cant eat much, so im really so so so weak &amp; tired now...
my gynea said the only thing i can do now is run away from home for 2weeks so that bb can forget abt bf-ing..haa
counting down to see the "light" soon...
my baby only need my breast to sleep. but she suckle a while then sleep so i let her suckle. normally i give her milk before she sleep so she will be too full to latch fr me.

so far i dont have any MS but wil feel nausea at times.

my gynae also ask me not to carry my baby so much now coz its 1st trimester so better dont carry my gal that is 10.5kg now. i also sit down and carry her.
Hi all!
I'm new here, my EDD is 1 Nov, this will be my #1

I've been experiencing all the usual pregnancy symptoms, plus I've got heaps of ulcers on my tongue. Doc said its normal, but it definitely doesn't help the already poor appetite. Hope it gets less painful :p
hi jalh.. welcome.. add oil.. got to endure for the sake of ur little one.. my ms today is bad.. eat/drink wat, puke everything out.. nothing go in for the entire morning.. just had my soupy lunch.. hopefully that will stay in..

oh ya, want to check with u gals if it is ok to drink 100plus? it make me feel better after puking, especially today..
<font color="0000ff">amanpp, hahaha true. good for u....can sleep. My girl got enrichment classes so just send her for class and bring her back, I already feel so tired. Hahaha :p

piggiedearz, mine is Dr Heng from Parkway East Hospital. Last Fri when I went over, it's 7 weeks le. Can hear heartbeat liaoz
<font color="0000ff">yah amanpp, I also secretly drink some coke! Hahaha just got the crave for it
I tink if it's a few sips, it should be okie
yah amanpp, 100plus definitely make me feels better too!!
my ms today is bad as well, eat what puke what, even the smallest piece of chocolate also dont let me keep in my tummy...argghhhh...
thanks Shirley for the affirmation.. my ms is really bad today.. same like chris, eat wat puke wat.. even the drink lor..
nothing went in for the morning.. and weird thing is i am NOT hungry at all.. heard from my fren, puking can cos dehydration.. so i thot 100plus might work to replenish my "loss" for the morning.. anyway, i only had that after the lunch.. :p and i have yet to finish.. left 1/3 still on my table now..

sweetycute: i not fancy with coke leh.. more 100plus.. hahaha.. i tried H2O too, that doesnt work for me.. hehe..
ops!was really busy over the weekend and didnt manage to come to this thread and i already lost track..

congrats to all those mummies tested positive.

im hungry but hor when i face the food i feel full.my hubby is surprised with my sudden drop of appetite.
btw,any mummy got use baby plus?is it useful?
Hi everyone,

Dunno what's going on with KKH appointment hotline today. Keep calling and calling and the line is busy!

Have you all announced your pregnancy to family and friends? I told 2 of my closest friends but haven't told my family or ILs yet. I'm sure they will be happy but I also know that they will start piling all sorts of 'advice' on me and I feel like I'm not ready yet. Haven't even seen doc or ultrasound yet!
Foxinthesnow: I have announced to my family members including in law. becos my place having small reno due to my hubby brother wedding. Therefore have to inform early too. As for friends, only my closest know abt it. hahaha...

Think those "advice" its a soon or later thing to face ba. U having your first child? If yes, think better inform family after you got confirmation from doc.
One example, if they see u drink soft drink now, and u tell them u pregnant tomorrow. scare they nag u non stop for what u did. LOL...
Hi Juliana,

Yah, think must announce sometime soon. Just managed to get thru KKH and my appt is 18 April! Seems so far away. Will be about 10wks then so shld announce to family before first ultrasound.

It's not my first kid but the older generation is always full of advice lah. Knowing them they will say a lot of things like dont go out w #1 alone, dont carry him etc which are ok advice but not always possible on a daily basis. My MIL is particularly naggy and never stops, am not looking fwd to her 'advice'. ;)
Is it okay for us to take panadol at this stage of preg? I have a bad headache today, can't imagine lasting till bedtime. If I take one tablet, hopefully can't be too bad...?
Hi Juliana,

Yah dunno what's up w KKH or my doc. Dragon year maybe...
they offered the option of seeing him in the regular clinic (not private) but I think I will just go w the date they gave me. I plan to bring #1 for the appt and the overall place will be more pleasant for him instead of the crowds at clinic B. Haha! Just feel a bit in limbo cos I have no other confirmation of preg apart from my positive pee stick.

Am taking multivite with 100% folic. It's not a vitamin specially for preg women. Shld be okay I guess?
hmm me also not sure wor. Cos last time only start muli vit after first trim. Think u can call KKH again to check lo.

Nowadays test kit will accruate one le. y not u inform them first and add one sentence behind. "havent confirm"
Hi piggiedearz my gynae is Dr Poon king fu ,at kovan,near my house ;)

So exciting tml is your appt right! Mine is next Wed!
juliana: i think u need to rest, go back early to bed rest..

foxinthesnow: according to my gynae, it is consider safe to take panadol.. i did ask him.. cos before ms started.. my headache was terrible.. one should be fine.. but do not eat too much also la..
Anthea:im going to see Dr Poon on 4 apr too!he got package right?
btw,for mt a,will they claim the bills for u?cos my first one in kkh,they have all my records on the gynae visits and kkh will claim the reimbursement for me.dono if its the same for mt a.

yea, mt a will claim for you.

Anyone starting to have cravings? Thought it'll be a fun topic to talk about. I was craving for century egg pork congee these few days..
For the last pregnancy, I think I ate vegetarian bee hoon for the first 3 mths..hehe
