(2012/03) Mar 2012

BB: Hahaha... for one moment i tot u scolding vurgarity... i read again then realise u trying to say my name... YES i am SXXXX OXX... hahaha... smart way of asking... hahaha...
I left no 1 with nanny lo cos both my mil and my hopeless mum didnt want to help... they just want to play with him once in awhile but not full time looking after him.
After I have number one I simply have zero life, no movies no dating no holiday no XXX hahaha.... is a different stages of life call the "Happy Tired Mummy Life" slave and work for better life for our kids!
BB: urs is number 1? or ur is no 2? so u work full time who will looking after for u?

Elletwins: i can only dream for now lah... cos hubby income not enuff to support the whole family... hehe

Wow. Elletwins, it's so nice that you can work alt days... I wish I can too.. I am sooooo slpyyyyy now that I wish I can zzzzz now... sob sob... why am i like a pig now.... always wanna slp slp slp... my hubby call me a baby now as I always slp in the car n almost anywhere when i am not moving... hehehe, I might be having a lazy bb inside me ^-^
michw, it is momo working alt days, not me. how i wish too...i m sleepy cos i dont have a good night's sleep, always waking up to pee. do u?
momo, my hubby was asking me to teach tuition. i a bit rusty already. well, got 4 months to try and polish up to see if i m up to it or not.
elletwins: good teach tution can own time own target... and best is can stay at home! hehehe.. i always wake up to pee too, if dun pee my kidney will be painful... cos before i got myself pregnant i had kidney stone operation so now kidney not in perfect working condition... abit pee need to run toilet oredy...
Wow u all so Gd, still can use office pc to access to Internet..I have to use my iPhone to access during office hr... I damn lazy to go work but no choice... Cos my gal Childcare is in my office here... If I don turn up for work, my gal will be at Hm.. I don wan her to stay at Hm n learn nothing... She will watch tv the whole day... Whatever I say she don listen... Sometime I v upset abt Tis issue... Any mummies here have elder kid(s) who is v stubborn and incoperative at this stage?
elletwins & behappie, i like opening my legs wide while im lying on bed/sofa watching tv. My hubby always scold me when he walks up to check on me... Haha
Morn ladies!

Had sleepless nite again! Ended up thinking of names for my princess, still can't find one tt suits her!!!
J: how old is ur gal? Mine is 23mths i hvnt send him to school yet but will be sending him to school in Jan 2012. ur gal childcare is near ur office? that is very convenient, but shld be costly right? where do u work? town? now much u paying for her school?

Luscious: hahaha... legs now auto open up one... and by 7 - 8 mths worst simply need some effort to close the leg... just need to make sure nobody peeping at ur panty.. hehehe. I ganna scolding on my 1st pregnancy, my dad always say i open leg so big all his 4d and toto gone... hahaha

K@ye: u still got many months ahead to think of names... dun worry...
haha!! Vulgarity ... :p I go add you later.

Oh, so lucky that you can get a nanny for alt days. How much are you paying for her?

This is my #3. I've got a pair of older twins in ccc when I'm working lo. My mil stays too far and yes, I also got a hopeless mum that rather work than help me take care of the kids. haha! Will be getting a helper to look after #3.
lus, i sit cross legged when watching tv. check on u...haha...
kaye, for gals, i kind of like this name ashley, too bad it is a boy for me, so cant use this name. i tot for my boy already. isaac means laughter, i want my boy to be happy.
you've got 2 elder gals, right? One in cc, the other one?
How old are they?

My kids also behaving "abnormally" lately especially my gal. Teacher feedbacked that she's getting emo easily. Hope it doesn't get worse when Meimei comes out.

yes, still many many months to go think leh. I've got friends that couldn't think of any names for the bbs till the bbs were born then they got the "feel" and thought of the names on the spot.
BB: No lah i pay her $550 take care Mon to Fri from 7am to 7pm... when i dun work on tues and thurs i dun usually take care of my boy too cos i got many arrands to run plus can sleep longer.. hahaha... Wah twins... i also want twins how come u all so easy get twins... hehehe

Elletwins: urs is twins right? so both boys?
Elletwins, I also like to sit with my leg crossed.

Mono_mummy/BB, my elder gal in p1. My mom come over my place to stay w me during weekday. She help me to take care my elder gal, cook for her before Sch and bring n pick her frm sch. My younger gal is in k2, I'm working at Tpy n I paying $270 per mth for her Sch fee excluding extra class eg IT, art, speech and drama... Her Childcare is jus next to my office, but problem is whenever Hb doing night or mornin shift, unable to send us to Tpy, I will nid to take train w my gal and she v moody every time when we are taking train... She will cry and fuss when we rch Tpy stn and she refuse to go Sch... These incident only happened recently around June... I suspect that small children will b abit jealous or sy9 when mom is having bb. But around June, I still dono Im preg... I was tinking isit something happen to her in Sch or what... Or I too pandang?
This name was popular in the recent years, sometimes while i was out shopping i always hear mummies shouting 'Ashley dont run!'.

Initially when i intro myself as Ashley in my teens year, my hubby say this name always appear in porn film. Like a pornstar name. -_-```
Haha, ya alot of my forum mummies name their child Ashley or Ash something!

If this child of mine is a boy, I will call him Duncan but now, confirm gal.... Dunno wat name Liao!
your hb is so funny, pornstar name ... haha!!

oh I see. $550 is quite a good deal, right?
Not easy to find good nannies nowadays.

Easy to get twins? But not easy to take care. And poor kids always get half the attention only. They never get to spend time with us individually.

so it's the #2 that has got some changes in her behaviour? Elder one should be quite "seasoned" liao. hehe. Maybe #2 feels jealous or insecure.
BB, last time my name wasnt tat common. then he say he did not know of anyone by this name except the footballer Ashley Cole. The other times he saw this name was always on the lead pornstar of the film...

Even i saw before a few times the lead pornstar really Ashley. Haha
Oops ... sorry MoMo_Mummy... I am really very slpy hehe....

Hi Elletwins, I have to pee 3 times a nite... so slping to me is like zero, all I can do is slp n pee n slp n pee..so I'm not sure if I do slp in the nite
michw, high five! I am also like that, though i try not to take too much water at night.
let me tell u what i do. my gynae prescribed me vitamin b complex, which works for me.
on top of that, i m using this to help my blood circulate. but dont use more than 2 each time for more than half a day. http://www.phitensg.com/?page_id=32&category=14&product_id=10
i m not sure about ur body, but before i use anything that has medical effects, i will check with the gynae or chinese physician. for phiten, i check with the chinese physician. she took my pulse first before advising me.
Elletwins: oops sorry i tot urs was twins too.

Luscious: Haha... u mention Ashley name until so funny... tell ur hubby u r his pornstar wife... then he is the lead actor.. hahaha

J: i also think my boy is more sticky to me after i am pregnant.... think is true not we padang la... Ya is not easy to take train with little ones, my boy will fuss in train too.... must run ard in the train with him cos he refuse to sit still.

BB: every nanny or even own mum or mil sure hv something we wont like one... just close one eye or both eyes loh... bo pian one...
Hello mummies, it’s been a while since I logged in. Some of the posts today are quite funny esp those from Momo on the 4D and toto….

For those of you who like to sit cross-legged, try not to do so as it is bad for your back. I have this habit too and have been trying hard not to sit like this after I went to see a therapist for my backache.
BB, no2 changed.. Sometime no1 also behavior change...

Momo, my gals also quite sticky to me.. Bed time always wana slp w me... But they slping pattern will kill me...

I'm back to my briefing... Bored me... Gg to nap awhile...

Momo, during bed time I have to slp in between the two gals.. When once fall aslp Hb will den carry her over to next Rm to slp... Middle of d night she will sneak in to slp with me again... Den one on my left will kick me accidentally and on my right will push me or hug me machiam her bolster..
My mom told me to slp alone and I wanted to... But my gals refuse to slp next door... Last weekend I tried to make both of them slp in their room den middle of d nite my elder gal will sneak in to Ly beside me again... Then it was raining in the middle of the night with lightning and thunder... Hb den carry over my younger gal over to my Rm and lay mattress on floor for her to slp...
March when bb is out, not sure both of them will b jealous anot...
kelly, thanks for info.
momo, how much u spend?
i told my hubby about my expenditure. he does not stop me one. he told me ok la...i said of course ok, i paid myself. haha...i heart pain him, cos he just paid for my natal package this month. then i fall sick a couple of times. he paid for all the expenses.
momo, what size did you buy from asos?
I thought someone mentioned she bought size 8, which is the smallest size, but ended up too big...
J - did ur girls know they having a didi soon?

BB - ur twins will get jealous?

any mummies with bigger kids like maybe 5 above? will ur kids get jealous?
J: wah u like koala bear leh... ya is hard to separate them to another room now... my boy is stuck to me too...

Elletwins: I scare leh only buy abit try... i spend 40pounds only... hahaha... but if $80sgd leh.. for just 2 dress... hehehe

Starr: I bought one UK 6 and one UK 8... cos i very small size
I bought my bottoms from ASOS & I m wearing size 14. I think their cutting is ok. But US cutting confirm bigger
Hi mummies!

So far I only wake up 1x to pee. I also feel that after I became preggy, my gal became super possessive & cranky. She will wake up in the mid of nite & refused to sleep till aft 2hrs! So I become zombie at work everyday. But recently I see that it has improved... hope this will last! My gal also sleeps with me & there's no way I can kick her out of my bed.

Any mummies here going for the Fri outing at Suntec?
J, it sounds scary.... u make it sound like u r sandines for your gals....:p Better b careful and protect bb inside u
J: it's inevitable that your girls want your attention now esp no.2 since she will no longer be the youngest in the family. try to use a pillow to protect your tummy. i too sleep with my girl who occupies 3/4 of the bed and moves a fair bit while she sleeps. she was also cranky and emo during my 1st tri but it has gotten better now.
Gosh! I must be having some online shopping spree. Just bought another 2 tops, 2 dresses, 1 sleeping wear, 1 pants, 2 sleeping bras and 1 shorts. Anyone wanna guess how much I spend?
I was the one that got UK 8 for their maternity but turned out too big.
I wear UK 8 for the normal range, ok leh. Think maternity cutting bigger? Or partly cos I'm short so the length, the empire cutting falls at the wrong place. :p

maternity has UK6? Or you got the normal item?

my son don't seem to be jealous. He's quite bochap. Maybe he's already used to having a younger sis around. Think my gal might be more affected. Though she sounds excited but I notice she's quite emo lately, cries at every slightest thing and often she don't tell us why she cries unless we probe and probe. Teachers also said that about her recently.
wah! Where did you buy from this time? ASOS again?

Re: shopping
ON is having 50% on selected items. Their maternity bottoms like shorts/pants quite comfy. hehe.
Wa, elletwins, how come you can see so many clothes to buy...i always browse, but cannot find anything suitable or those i like, no size...

Think I have only like five outfits suitable for work so far, black pants, a few maternity tops, 1 black dress...i rotate them every week lol
Nope, not ASOS again. This one new website, let me be guinea pig to see if good or not then I feedback to you all before I recommend.
Yes, BB, what is ON? Website please.
Dear mummies & mummies to be, sorry to interrupt your thread.

My mum makes red rice wine at home for confinement cooking. I have tasted her recent batch and it is indeed fragrant and sweet. Pls pm or email me at [email protected] if you are keen. She will need 1.5 month to ready the wine. Thanks.
