(2012/02) Feb 2012

GG Lee: i celebrating bb's full month three days after, even though a lot of ppl celebrate before. But my mil say, ppl who celebrate after is for longevity, so its better to celebrate. Duno how true is it, but then, as long as it makes her happy, i anything.

meifen: ur hubby very cute. But so sweet of him to think of everything for you before hand

jinglebell: you are not alone. I do feel the same like you also. But like what chilli_quek say, we can always supplement through FM. Even though, occassionally i still feel down and demoralise as well. But i believe if we push on, it will pay off and the milk flow will improve. My sil initially for the first month plus also low supply. But now, she need to store her milk. On top of it, bb will not go hungry cos we always have fm

Just supplement with fm and slowly build up the supply. I started with 80% bm, 20%fm...and slowly up 90% vs 10%.... and yest reached 100% bm...

Keep pumping and latching and dun stress over the milk. Sleep and eat enuff
Jiayou meifen! It's yet to be my turn.. ya I probably will also ask a lot of questions after bb is born because now not yet meet the challenge.
Shan and Lynn, that's motivating. Hope mine can catch up soon..

Come to think of it, my supply is ard 50- 70% of his daily intake, I pump ard 450-500 ml per day and bb drinks 720-800ml (ard 90ml every 3 hrs sometimes more) . So consider not bad even I pump like 50-60ml every 2-3hrs avg 8-9pump per day. So jia You
Hi mummies!

I'm May 11 mummy-to-be. Would like to check with you ladies who just gave birth at Mt A, did the renovation noise affect your stay at Mt A?

Pineapple - I dun mind overdue but i hate the over stretched part!!! Sianz. Anyways I gotta wait for 3 more days. Postponed induction date. Super Sianz... But well mebbe bb wan go bb fair. Hahahahhaa.

GG - I like ur let down leh! Keke. Hope can b like u! For my # 1 I dun get to let down b4 she latch. She always hungry. So I Supplement with formula or even full fm is nothing wrong de. just latch. If she dowan den I pump. but always left v little and like if store also weird tat kind of volume. But I prob wun pump if I let down early. Most Prob just ignore it unless feel v engorged. Actually depends on ur choice. I prefer latching cos i v lazy so that's y I tink tis way. As long as u comfy with it. Btw I also use a single pump! Keke. Catching milk on 1 side while pumping on the other nid alot skill!!! U can try latching and pumping next time. Tat one easier. Like using dbl pump. Quite fun. Hehe

Chewie - thanks for recipe! =)

Meifen - Tink not gonna b ward mates le cos my doc not so free today so I postponed to induce on 28 instead. Anyways u jia yous ya!!! All the best!!!

Jinglebell - hey dun worry abt supply tat much. Ur feeding timing and bb slp timing sounds ok wo. Also the diaper changes v normal leh like wat beemummy mentioned. Discuss with pd at next appt? Bb quite efficient at getting milk out one so mebbe she drank enough? Mebbe ur pumping technique not so correct tats y express little milk? Is the suction tight when u pump? Try lean forward slightly when u pump? Anyways Iast time alot of us also not breastfed. Also grew up healthy. Dun b too hard on urself. Supplement with formula or even full fm is nothing wrong de. Not say u intentionally deprive bb of bm. As long as u noe u did ur best can le. =)
Xia, hahaha ok will try! Sigh my bb still jaundice. Pd say sometimes bf bb more likely jaundice cos of ginger and Chinese tonics we take. Think I will give bb some feeds via fm.
I doing exclusive pumping no latching cos down w cough n Phelgm. Just pump frequent n milk SS will be ok. Jia you mummies
Mummies not yet delivered, there is golden rule on breastfeeding. To latch one within the 1st hr if not within 4 hrs to hv a successful feeding.
Mummies still on waiting game, pineapple, xia, anticipating and me. And pineapple, anticipating and me are trying for VBAC.

Haiz, still waiting. Last nite baxton again and tis time very real. But in the end stopped.

Maybe bb gd boy listen to my instructions to come out next week. tats after hubby and #1 recoved and gynea bk in sg.

2nd csect was a better experience for u? sounds gd
what complications do u have? keloid?


his first impression really "jialat" haha
u got alot of milk supply? super la. i must ask tips frm u after i pop
i was thinking of taking frenegek now thou i have not given birth........tempted


PD said to me before that as long as bb is pooing, u dont have to worry as it shows there is an intake. some babies like to sleep alot. dont be stressed, the more u r stressed the more u will have lesser milk. what about getting those malay masseuse to help massage u for engorgement n releasing milk ducts etc. my friend did tat n said her ss increased....u can try?


u r trying vbac too? try to "tong"
ya mayb yr bb wants to go to the fair. hehe
i also ganjiong as i m overdue....gynae still tell me not to be anxious.....since he is away on holiday i tot forget it n go shopping n massage etc...then today. i notice brown discharge n mild contractions since afternoon....OH NO..... my gynae just went on holiday!!!!!!! only back in off on wed....initially i kept telling bb...pls come out...now i have to say to bb...can wait till wed pls!!!!


did u get my sms? i started having spotting n i cant tell if its braxtons or contractions... it has been there since afternoon. i m also telling bb to wait till wed......gynae on holiday. both of us really fighting for time. haha
Hi mummies! I've successfully delivered my boy today! Check in on 11pm for induction and felt intense contractions n waterbag leak at 4am. Tahan for 4hrs before succumbing to epi. It was a god sent. One of the funny thing is tat nurse thought I dun wan epi while I was waiting for them to ask. In the end I buay tahan n ask for it cos im only 1.5cm dilated since the induction. Finally had a good rest after epi and dilation was abt 1cm per hr. had a little scare at 12pm cos Gynae says bb heartbeat dropped a little but all was fine. In the end, he came out abt 5.30pm with 6 pushes.

Am going for total breastfeeding so will try to latch on as much as possible. 

While bb is fine, I had a near death situation after wheeling back to ward. I decided to just have fluid cos i didnt wanna vomit. But i forgot tat i didnt have any food n drinks since 11pm before. In the end, my painkillers didn't work and the wound felt like the intense contraction. I started to shiver uncontrollably and developed fever. The next thing i know,  my blood pressure was very high and my heart was pumping very fast. Den I couldnt breathe n slip into subconscious mode. I could hear things ard me but I couldn't open my eyes n respond. Den suddenly I regain conscious n could see nurses sponging me non stop. But I was still in a daze, as in my eyes are open but couldn't respond to anything. The nurses had an emergency call to my Gynae. While all these was happening, I was praying to God not to let me die cos I just had my baby! I still wanna see him grow up. I'm a free thinker but I was really desperate. Miraculously, after praying, I was able to snap out of daze mode and respond to the nurses. I'm really amazed. After abt 20mins of waiting, my Gynae came n check on me. Apparently I was dehydrated cos I went without fluid for 17hrs and I didn't drink enough thereafter. While evaluating, nurses said I was mumbling words they can't make out while I was in daze mode. In the end, I also requested for stronger painkillers cos the ones I have doesn't really work. Now I'm on drip and constant monitor of my blood pressure. My fever went down as well. It's really an harrowing experience for me....n all these.. I haven't let my husband know yet cos I'm in a double bedded. 
Mei fen, congrats!!! After birth can so fast drink water??! I thought shouldn't let cos epi will have some side effects. For c section I was only allowed to drink and eat some 8hrs later when they confirm I no vomit etc. After they gave me my first drink they also monitor make sure ok.

Pineapple, my supply not too bad. But now thinking give bb some fm (eg for milk feeds) cos bm can make jaundice worse lor. But my gynae say no pd will ever say dun bf. Am trying to make out if she has some underlying meaning. I mean these days they promote Bfg so intensively I doubt Pds will dare say dun bf.

Anyway I think if u wan to bf, yes latch on ad early and frequent as possible. It stimulates the brain to produce milk. Dun fret too much however if really cannot feed immediately. For me I decided to rest cos c section and only started latch more than 24 hrs later. Was still ok, bb does latch on. In fact till now I pump now than latch but I still find bb prefers latch than bottle. So sometimes I feel theory and practical can be different. For no 1 the LC insisted I use cup feed if supp fm while trying to build supply, keep giving me textbook answers like nipple confusion. And I strictly follow, poor CL had to cupfeed and bb takes so long to finish. This round I told hubby forget it la will just bottle feed fm if no supply and even standby fm before birth. End up dunno is it no stress end up the supply is good. In fact now hub asking when I intend to stop bf...hahahaha!!!
Meiji crackers, no chicken in first 2 weeks and of course no seafood. In fact my CL told me no seafood for 4 months!
Gg, I'm still on drip to keep me hydrated. Epi will make u nausea and shiver uncontrollably. That's why I only wanna drink fluid first to avoid too much puking. Guess the decision was wrong cos i also didn't drink enough and end up dehydrated also.

Actually I avoided drinking just water cos I heard will have water retention. Gynae wanted me to drink cold waterto bring the temperature down but in the end compromise on drinking room temperature water. Need to get well first before can start bf-ing
Meifen, congrats! Finally can see ur little one.
Get well.soon ya.

GG, how long do u pump for each side? I find Avent pump not bad. Used to borrow an electric one from a fren, seems to pump out more than my ameda then. Now I using freestyle, flow is still ok.

I hope I can be as stress free as GG. Taking care of #2 on my own w my mum to do the bottle feeding. Really not getting enuff sleep and my temper is really bad now.. zzz.. how much sleep are u mummies getting?
Meifen, ya I also shiver uncontrollably after the op due to the epi. The nurse covered me with 5 layers of blanket but it's really not so much of cold lor. My hubby keep asking me if I am ok cos he sees me shaking badly.

Khim, I use the manual avent, about 10-15mins each side depends on how thorough I wan to drain. I pump every 3-4hrs, depends. Cannot tahan pump every 2hrs cos nipple become sore. Dun wan to torture myself. I only bring no 2 back weekends, and hubby will take care of him. No way I can handle no 2 myself, not supposed to bend up and down or carry anything heavy first few months. CL takes care of bb so most times I just eat and feed. But can't really sleep much also cos of pumping. Like today woke up 4am pump after dat can't sleep Liao. And I dun really nap. End up day time always watching tv and surfing!
Wah, GG. Ur supply really not bad for 15min pump. I only get 70ml for 15mins and mayb 90ml for 30mins pump. Supply havent been increasing recently. Not sure if cuz I trying to latch my girl more now. Whenever she wanna eat, I will try to latch. But hor, she latch a while she will zzz liao... Also not sure if she drinks enuff.

I also can really nap in the afternoon. At night I so tired I can't wake up for pump n feeds.. zzz...

GG, does ur girl sleeps a lot now? My girl also having jaundice n has been sleeping a fair bit. My #1 jaundice lasted for 2months, with partial EBM n FM. Not sure how long mei mei one will last.

My hubby also taking care of #1 on weekends. Now we even asleep separate room so #1 n #2 will not disturb each other at night.
Congrats meifen. Can I know if ur bb was engaged n facing ur back before u induced?

Thanks GG n lemon for the advise. So can take ginger n soy sauce?

I m admitting into tmc tml morning. Gynae will do a final scan for me then I will decide on induce or c sect. Cos bb not engaged n not facing the back so gynae say natural will be more difficult for me.
Khim, ya my CL commented my supply considered not bad for 1 week bb. But lately also not increasing much already. Per pump about 100-130ml, not hitting 150 all the time. My gal also always zzz when latch so she dun really empty the breasts. I read dat jaundice bbs tend to be sleepy. Oh I din know jaundice can last 2 months. My no 1 v fast no jaundice cos mainly fm also. No 2 jaundice higher, only reduce a bit at each check.
Still need to go back for jaundice review. Can I ask mummies who are Bfg, do u take ginger and herbs? My red date water got a bit of ginger, steam fish also but not a lot and I dun eat ginger. Am also taking herbal soups at least every alternate days. Is it true shd wait 1-2 hrs after then pump? Wats the logic leh?
Any mummies storing your ebm using avent via cups? Ivread dat it's supposed to be used up to 4 times? I thought it can be reused. Wat other storage options available? I dun really like milk bags.
GG lee, i buy medela bottles to store. As i dun freeze it, what ever i pump today will be surely used up, i always have about 3-4 bottles in fridge only
GG, #1 jaundice is very long. Mayb cuz of ebm n ginger in my food... #2 now on total bm, so wondering if shld give fm. My frens say no need, as long as give them enuff bm, jaundice will clear. But my girl still very yellow.

Anyone bringing their bb to polyclinic for jaundice check up? If level high, will they recommend hospitalization?

GG, i'm using via cup and pigeon storage bottles.
Meiji crackers: For C-sec, no ginger for 1st 2 weeks, not sure about soy sauce though.

GG Lee: For storage, you can try pigeon storage bottles. Comes in box of 4. Cheaper option compared to medela. I find the Avent VIA cups not so user-friendly as in the markings are not so visible especially when there is milk in the cup. Personal opinion though
Khim, bb will do a blood test to check their jaundice lvl. Whether to admit in a hospital for phototherapy, it depends on high the lvl.
GG, my cl cut down on the ginger cos i bfg. initially baby has jaundice and i was so panaroid. She ask me not to eat papaya also. Maybe u can ask ur cl, to reduce the ginger use. Hope it helps

meji, no chicken for the first two weeks. I a bit kiasu, only eat chicken on the 4th week on.
Tks mummies, my CL say she cut down ginger Liao. Or do we totally not put ginger in say the drink?

Khim, yes polyclinic do jaundice check. Not many plcs we can go for jaundice actually as you need immediate blood test result which can only get if got lab. Quite fast as they give priority to bb. Try to go weekday less pple, so at least min contact.
Hi Mums,

Do TMC still give free FM upon discharged?
Was thinking whether i should buy a tin of FM to standby at home in case no BM.

GG, my mum din put ginger in the drink or soup. She only put in a couple of slices when cooking vege n fish. My fren was telling me not to have ginger for a few weeks but my mum say need some ginger to get rid of wind.

So I can just go any polyclinic for the test?
Thinking of bringing my girl for chk on Wed.

Ann, no more free premix FM. Per bottle is $1 (exclude GST). I thk u can standby a small tin first...
Any mummies still experiencing lochia at 3rd week? Mine shows sign of stopping last week but these few days, there's seems to be more blood. I din experience this for #1.
Khim, yes. U can go to those polyclinic with lab services. Just bring ur bb's health booklet and birth cert and inform the registration counter that u need to check on bb's jaundice. They will direct u accordingly.

As for lochia, I'm gg to be in my 4th week.. Brown stain + blood at times.. Read from the net it will last like till 6-8 weeks.
Full mth celebration over, if any mummy order from smiling orchard pls reconsider . Food is terrible! Feel so pai say to the guest.
Khim, tks. Think I will ask her dun put in the red date drink first then. I am going for 3rd jaundice check this tues. Hope gets better man.

Ann, like wat Kim says, they charge u for the premixed fm. Basically if u have asked them to supplement w fm, they will charge you. And excess they give back to u, but won't b much left. Good to just standby a tin of milk powder.
Khim: I experience very heavy lochia after it stopped for a week. Then I google n apparently it can happen coz the uterus is at the last stage of shrinking.. Anyway I still have lochia, very light though.. N my baby is already full month..

GG: first time I hear that ginger is added into red date tea.. If your bb has jaundice, mb not too much ginger.. But I heard red date tea is good for milk production..

Serene: Must be horrible! What happen? I also just had my full month yesterday..
Pineapple: I had drug allergy and my uterus was stuck to my stomach as there was too much scarred tissues.. S like meifen, I also had a near death experience. I also went into subconscious state.. But the pain after was not as bad as my first and in fact, I could walk almost immediately..

Anyway, with this child, I realize how dangerous childbirth can be..so we must take care of ourselves more!

Hi mummies, I am from the may 202 thread. wanna ask if the CDA and gov 1-1 top up and baby bonus still applicable to bb born in 2012?
