(2012/02) Feb 2012

Happymom, my friends also guessed I'm having boy boy too. Coz my face feature kinda changed.

I'm happy with girl or boy

Planet>> Don't worry la.. I drink tea n chocolate almost everyday.. The amount caffeine is way below the limted level for us... Just go ahead and drink if you want..
Joy> ok 12 (on top can adjust size should no problem). I will trsf $15.17 this evening...after work.

happymumtobe> I din see your stomach yet...don't know le...after few months let us know the answer.

LSnTYL> I prefer wear top longer then can cover my big buttock...
Pearl & AL

Order placed..
My last shipping took exactly 2 weeks to reach me..
so i assume this batch to take about the same time too..
Joyjoy >> nono.. milo is not choco.. no caffeine one.. i chk before alr.. so first preg i resort to that.. but now this time a bit more relax as i checked the caffeine level.. its totally acceptable one.. i cannot live without choco.. i need a choco cake or ice cream every night too.. hahaha..
joy, babytum> thanks. i ended up drink a cup of steaming hot water. ok lar, better for bb.

Al> I dont like the taste of milk.. I drank strawberry and chocolate milk in my first two months. but last few weeks having aversion to any kind of milk.. include soyabean milk.
i hate resorting to supplements but i probably will have to soon. will ask my gynae next week.
wow.. feel quite lucky..
i just bought off the last packet of romper from GAP..
very cheap.. 3 pieces of different print at only USD$7.99 (less 10% only SGD9.35)
each piece SGD3.10 only..
like pasar malam price.. hahah..
happymomtobe, don know but already desperate. whole day in office have stomachache than try 1 hr till i cry also cannot come out. the pain is unbearable so have to try. my gynea previously give me inserts but don have one last night. so no choice but to take my husband offer.

have not start on calcium pills yet already so bad, cannot imagine 2nd and 3rd trimster.

i better standby some inserts in case it happens again.
fat then fat la.. for bb, i dont care..
actually already very fat

after confinement then try to lose all fats together..
Al>I don't like the taste of the powdered mommy's milk so I don't drink. But will drink fresh milk occassionally

joy>wah, good price!
Al> No leh. I got a bunch of samples from TMC.. but until now no courage to open and try. I'm really very scared of the milk powder smell.. it makes me throw up. Hopefully in 2nd tri when MS is gone then I will pluck up the courage to try.

Anyway, my gynae said it's good to drink those special mummies milk but not a must. In fact, it might cause you and bb to put on too much weight so must be careful if you drink that type of milk. If bb overweight then have to go for c-sect.. *horror*
Al, think mummies milk fatter... But if u on the smaller side ok lor... We discussed on this previously.... And I read some comments oso say will gain more weight.... I'm on bigger side, so I siam..

But now I having prob drinking milk too... Last few days tried wif cereal ok... But I'm sure my milk intake not enough lor... Lucky gynae gave me calcium pill.. Or else my cal level will be super low....

Lsntyl, u drink "occasionally"?? Yr last preg oso?? No calcium prob?? I now seldom drink abit worry leh.... Tot we suppose to drink 2 cups daily...

Re: maternity clothes
I still wear normal clothes but loose loose type
bought belly band from states, shud be arr soon... Can wear wif jeans and babydoll tops.... Hope is useful...
pinkz>when there's milk in the house, I will add a bit to my milo lor. tat's all I purposely take unless I'm hungry and drink milk to quench my thirst. For #1, I had a lot of the mommy milk samples so will occassionally force myself to drink so don't waste it. I also got calcium pills from my gynae. no probs with calcium leh. a few months ago got free bone density test at a supermarket I passed by so I take for fun. My bone density no probs.
hi ladies,
i m a first time mummy. doc said my EDD is 28 Feb. Can planet add me to the chart? I seem to be the late joiner of this thread
Tay-Do you have Robinsons card? I do, so usually I get additional 15% off on top of sale price.

AL-I drink HL low fat, high calcium since I was teen. Its not as fattening in fat content as full fresh milk.
pinkz> har mummies milk more fat ah...no wonder my #1 gain 30kgs la. must stop it now.

joy & lsntyl> those milk cold le, I heard if heat up the milk not so good ready. Next week going to c my dr can ask him.

what happen ...so hard to post msg ha
Hi Mummies,

Ask you all, what supplement u all taking now?
I took calcium, iron and DHA pills.. Doc ask me to continue my folic acid and duphaston.

5 pills everyday.. i eat till i wanna puke.. esp the DHA.. burp also gt fish smell
Al: thanks! Will go n buy.

During my 1st pregnant, I start to drink mamil every day from 2nd trimester. Now, cannot drink yet... Cos still vomitting

Some mummies dun like the milk taste... Try Anmum chocolate.
Yanyan, me too! I'm taking 4 kinds from Dr. Tham. I splited my pills- Folic in the morning, then obimin, calcium and DHA after dinner. Yucks..but for sake of BB, must swallow.
supplements>my gynae didn't give me any at all! :p What I'm eating are bought on my own accord. oso good cos cheaper. taking obimin n folic in morning n calcium in afternoon.
Thanks Al! Need to read from the archives now, to keep on track with all of u.

Tay: i 2nd Anmum choc, it's the only milk i can take now. the rest are too rich or too milky for me. i am lactose-intolerate and hates milk taste.
No, not drinking milk this time round. Relying on calcium supplement. I think I had too much calcium the last round, baby was born with teeth.

I took anmum chocolate last time. Similac was terrible. Powder doesn't dissolve well and very sweet. Cold mamil ones taste nice too. For the pregnant mum milk formula, it makes you put on weight fast. I realized all the weight was on me and didn't go to my baby, so I stopped drinking.
yanyan: doc gave me folic acid when i first visited him at abt 6 wks.. 30 pills, 1 pill/day.. on next visit at 8 wks, he gave me calcium, multi vit (iron) & dha, take 1 each/day.. but hor, my dha is organic plant type, not fish one.. so i dun have e fishy taste when i burp.. then on 11th wk visit, he told me need to take 2 each fm 4th mth onwards.. so it'll be 6 pills/day! already finds it hard to swallow 3 pills everyday liao.. can't imagine 6 pills!!
Lsytyl, tats good.... I have big bones, hubby always tease me say my bones so big still need milk meh... I told him bone big no use, inside empty how??

Al, just finish yr anmum then switch lor.. Dun waste... Then drink fresh milk for this preg and compare the weight gain...

Regarding cold milk, i Learn this from other mummies, dun drink straight out from fridge, leave it ard 3-5min then drink.. Last time i drink powder milk too so was concern abt cold milk too... But now I love cold drinks... Hehe...

I drink farmhouse... I love HL when I was younger, as grow older feel the taste artificial.. But I love their choco milk... Niceee
yanyan> my #1 i take folic acid for 1st 3 months then shopt, 2nd tri multivitamin, calcium, fish oil, sometime royal jelly. but i hear last tri cannot take royal jelly, bb will be very big.

birdbrain> calcium tablet very hard to swollow le
birdbrain> 1st time i heard "baby was born with teeth", your baby 1st day pop out got teeth ready
so amazing! what brand calcium?
I also think is funny le.. baby born with teeth.. that really fast lo...

claramimi: ya lo.. i dunno what brand my doc giv me.. but i tin of it alr wan to puke all out.. LOL

Al: what is royal jelly? nv heard before le...
Wah.. U all mummies so guai.. I haven't really start my calcium,etc yet. Cos last few weeks when I take I feel damn unwell and indeed hard to swallow. Will only continue during trimester 2.
Yeah.. you are right on the cold milk.. dun drink them immediately from the fridge..
what i do is i pour them in a cup, go shower, then drink after shower..

your calcium level must be very very high!
but that will also means your bb's bones are very strong too..
Yes. Possible for baby to be born with teeth. Mine is. I know another born with a tooth, another 4 teeth. Just that not so common.

I took the typical pink calcium pills and milk formula for the first two trimester..... Calcium overload
Mummies taking obimin, how come u are taking additional folic acid? Obimin already has 1000mcg of folic acid, we only need 400-600mcg per day. Pls be careful not to overdose..

>>> From the web:

Folic Acid Overdose Symptoms

Folic acid overdose is not known to have any deleterious effect on the human body. Usually, the excess folic acid ingested is excreted in the urine, without conducing to any health problems.

However, consumption of more than 1000 mcg on a daily basis, for a long period of time, can result in some problems. Some of the symptoms of folic acid overdose are as follows:
Digestive problems (such as nausea or gas)
Zinc deficiency
Psychotic behavior
Bitter taste in the mouth
Irritability, excitability, or hyperactivity
Hi ladies!

Been a silent reader for since the start of this thread.
Will love to join u ladies..

Mummy of 3 boys n now expecting my 4th.. Edd: 24 Feb

Just saw from the table that you are with Geraldine Tan?
Were you with her when you have your #1..

I had some scary experience with her leh..
when i see her at 6 weeks, can only detect sac and not bb.. then she ask me wash..
I was so scared and sad.. i cried for a week.. and didnt know what to do..
then i see my current gynae at the next week.. bb's heartbeat was so strong!

joy> u means Geraldine Tan (from TMC at Katong?)
my #1 on 1st visit see her also, but she want to do pap smear...i don't know just obey lor. after heard my friends said shouldn't do pap smear during pregnancy....so I change doctor.

Linda> i think u will joining #4 also hehee
