(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi mummies,

just went shopping with hb at bugis bhg, their liquid cleanser is really cheap. 2 pkt (bottle + refill) for 19.90. Can buy leh. I went to buy cotton ball, cotton bud, soft tip thermometer, washing powder, wet wipes... Quite a good buy for local distributionship. I will try to update more pricing on the list.

Cyn>> I already packed my bag. I think I more ks than u. Heehee

coconut, I think I will drink when week 36 ba. Cos drink too early, I scared will cause too much phegrm for bb.


Hi mummies,

How's your weekend?

Storewide discount at mums & babes @ Tampines 1

If you stay east area you may go n take a look. They got 20% discount for all medela products. Other items rang from 20-30 % discount. They will have the discount till next Sunday. I got below items.

1. Medela milk storage bottle 20% discount

2. Ice cooler bag 30% discount --- can put up to 4 bottles

3. Medela nipple cream 20% discount

4. Tummy wrap -- 50% discount

Hope you can find things you need with good deal oso

Coconut juice

I had two last week already at 36 weeks. Think I will stop drinking for. While.

Maternity leave

Hi twink

You got a good question. Em... Frankly speaking I think should start from Monday but accruing to mom the maternity leave is considered as calendar days. Maybe can send

enquiry to mom to ask or check with HR. Actually now I feel the 16 weeks is not that long. But I do not want to break it into 8 weeks n 8 weeks oso coz many friends told me once go back to work very hard to take leave again

Went for my checkup on Wed, 12th, baby is 36 weeks and weighs about 2.6kg. Next checkup is 2 weeks later and doc predict baby should be between 2.9-3.1kg when she comes out. 

In my opinion, I think eating more eggs, cheese and milk plays an important part in helping baby gain weight. From week 32-36, I had egg sandwich (omelette or onion egg with 2 slices of wholemeal bread and 2 slices of cheese) for breakfast at least 4 days a week. At night about half an hour before sleeping, I'll have a big cup of milk and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of brown rice powder into the milk to make it more filling. My baby gained about 1kg in 4 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Coconut juice 

I had two last week already at 35 weeks. Really like the cooling feeling after drinking it.

Maternity leave 

Hi Shjean

If you take your maternity leave in one full stretch, it'll be full 16 weeks. 

No doubt you can use the last 8 weeks of ML flexibly within 12 months from the birth of the child, but there is something you should take note.

** Maternity leave that is taken flexibly is capped at 48 working days, and computed as follows:

8 weeks x the number of working days in the week


If the employee worked five days in a week, the number of maternity leave days that can be taken flexibly is computed as follows:

8 weeks x 5 days = 40 working days


If the employee worked six days in a week, the number of maternity leave days that can be taken flexibly is computed as follows:

8 weeks x 6 days = 48 working days

In other words, the last 8 weeks is NOT equivalent to 56 days of leave (8 weeks x 7 days)... You will only be able to claim either 40 or 48 days, depending on the number of working days in a week for you in the company [Maximum 48 days].

And no matter how you choose to use the remaining ML (e.g. lesser working days per week or half day scheme), both the employer and the employee must mutually agree to the arrangement. 

So I would say it's better to discuss with your boss or HR about how you will be using your remaining ML if you choose to use the last 8 weeks flexibly. And make sure they approve with your plans before you proceed.. 

Hi mummies,

I have popped on 14.10.11. Wow is a long labour process. Almost 18hrs in delivery suite..

BB is relatively small.. Ard 2.8kg.. Probably bcos I deliver him 3wks early..

Anyway, all the best to all the mummies who are waiting to pop.. Take care..


Congratulations!! Glad to know that mummy and baby are well. Wow 18 hrs in labour is very long... Have a good rest and a good confinement, update us on your birth story when you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care!

Hi Shjean,

Which brand did you buy for tummy wrap at mums & babes? How much is it after discount?

Jojo>> congratulating to you and your newborn. Have a good rest and enjoy the new start of your life. So exciting over this weekend, you r the 3rd mummy I know who popped. Heehee

Thanks mummies for letting me know the best time to drink coconut juice. I guess I will start in 36. Currently at 34. Going to see my gynae on coming wed. So excited....


Wrap is $33.60 after 50% discount.Taiwanese brand, Jasper.Multi-panels belt with magnets.

There are normal belts after 50% is $25 plus.


congrats.is there a reason for 3 weeks early?

take good care of urself.


Thanks, am clearer now.

My princess has been kicking me to wake up... Omg... Y can't you let me sleep till 6am??? Tonight her kick and movement is very strong and hard. It doesn't seem the same as usual. Is this a norm at week 34?

Shjean>> thanks for letting me know the pricing. The salesperson at united sq didn't inform me that tampines 1 is having sales. I was there on Friday night. Lucky didn't buy anything yet.

Hi mummies,

I'm waiting to discharge now..

Just to share with those for r interested to know why I deliver 3wks early.. My Bp went up and gynae it will affect bb health hence suggested I deliver early..

Take care all mummies.. It's just a new beginning for everything..


Congrats and enjoy your motherhood n bonding with ur new bb!


My helper arrived yday and she's been keeping herself busy with all my household stuffs by her own initiatives. Suddenly i felt so lost cos got nothing to do all of a sudden. Weird feeling.

Babyzel>> it is good that ur maid has own initiative to help u with the household stuff. Better than those maid (my neighbor maid) keep staring at the window, quite scary! Enjoy ur freedom since u have a maid now!!! Heehee

I'm so bored at home now while waiting for my hb to send his bro to airport. Gal gal has been moving hard in my tummy, i guess it is too squeeze for her now. Have very different feeling now, can't wait to see and carry her, also scared I can't handle when she comes by. Hahaha.

Enjoy the weekends. Counting down!!!


Me also bored at home. The hubby have some company soccer tournament for the whole day, throw me at home alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So started packing my hospital bag, and realised that my big longchamp bag not enough space. Aiyah.

So hot, lazy to go out and pack lunch for myself also. Haha... *whine whine whine*

hi shjean,

ya i tink i will ask HR. not quite sure how all these is calculated. i personally think it should start on monday also hee..which leaves us with more days of maternity leave. i also feel 16 weeks is short. it doesnt exclude public holidays so very lugi for yr end delivery.


thanks for updating the list! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my baby gal also kick me hard now. getting bigger thats why their kicks and stretches more powerful now. its more squeezy inside thats why we can feel them more intense now. i am at 35 now. oh no..i tink she is kicking my intestines til i feel like gg for a poop now.haha

metro bb fair sales

i saw some bb items on discounts at sengkang metro for blue tag items last fri. not sure if its only for card members though as i din have time to buy anything. i saw medela got 20% disct.if i am not wrong all the other brands also having same discount rates..not sure til when though.

I wanted to update my list but my hb left all my shopping things with the receipt in the car. Haiz...

Hahaha now with my 2 French nephews at my in laws house. The young one seems jealous and cranky whenever I try to carry him. I think he dun like pregny to carry him.

Today weather is so hot till I cannot tahan. Can't imagine how to deal with confinement when is my turn. Hahaha...

Twink>> your bb kick till u want to poopoo... Hahaha...mine dun like me to poopoo but like to make me fart. Out of sudden make me fart yesterday at BHG when im talking to the pigeon salesgirl...make mama so pai sei. Hahahaha

Cyn>> my bag is already packed in the cabin size luggage. Pack in maternity pad is already half full Liao. Hehehe. My hb is suggesting me to use medium size trolley luggage. Hahaha

hi jojo,

congratulations to you on the arrival of ur bb!

glad both mummy and bb are well! take care and enjoy motherhood! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jean,

ya! i really went toilet jut now hee..haha.. that must be embarrasing! sometimes i hear very loud water noise coming frm my tummy. sounds as if i am hungry and tummy growling also. hee..


yes the weather is super hot lately. i cant sleep without A/C now and the heat is make my rashes on tummy, stretchmarks and thighs even more itchy.hope the weather will turn cooling soon during my confinement.

Posted on Sunday, October 16, 2011 - 9:15 pm:   

Hi twink,

My gal seldom makes me feel hungry, only like me to feel nausea but nothing comes out, only like the sound of vomit. Heehee

Dun try to scratch ur tummy....try using cold towel to cool them down. Turn on fan and aircon. I turn both on when I feel hot.

Pump Spare Part

My SIL loan me her M***** pump. She suggest me dun buy those spare shield and other parts, cos still not sure whether I will have a lot BM to express or not, and her parts only used less than 10weeks.

Oh also, if there is a lot of milk, it is best to use BOOT Milkbag to prevent leakage (cheapest to buy from Thailand, can ask friends to buy if u really need), and try to use airtight container to store them before freezing them, or try to deep freeze them in separate freezer. Normal freezing can store up to 3mths, deep freeze store up to 6mths. Chiller store only 3days, but will not have fishy smell or metallic taste.

Breast massage & nipple cream

Oh, she suggested that we should be massaging our breast daily and only start stimulating our nipples at week 36 and can try to apply nipple cream on it to prevent our nipples cracking. This will help to increase our milk. Of cos also need hard work to always latch bb on time, even in the middle of the night.

Formula milk - step 1

Her mummies group commented on the following few brands:-

- S26 > heaty, too sweet, and fattening

- NAN PRO> normal, hospital normally will use this but poop will be green cos is more veg content

- NAN HA> more for hypo allergic baby, u can prepare this tin in case newborn is sensitive

- Enfalac > normal, PD will also recommend it.

- Enfalac A.R> with rice starch content can prevent reflux, and anti colic also. Suggested by PD if bb is always having reflux.

- Karihome Goat Milk > suggested for sensitive bb, easy digestion, not much phergm for bb.

- Isomil soy milk> for lactose intolerance. If mummy has this problem, chances of bb having this is high.

All the FM is available in small tin. So try out the small ones for trial and error before stocking up.

I hope this info can help. I have been asking a lot of qns to her mummy group. Hahahaha...but if decided to BM, pls continue to stay on, and dun be swayed by negative comments from mothers or MIL or whoever. Just make sure we mummies have to eat healthy to ensure our milk is in good quality. Jia you mummies!!!!


Yes! Super hot these two days[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I must on air con to sleep. Guess the electrical bill is high again ...

Hi Jean

Thanks for your useful information! I was about to ask the opinions about fm. Initially we did not want to buy any fm at all. But after hearing many friends' experience, we decided to get one small tin to standby. But we are still not sure which brand to get.

How many pad did you pack? I only packed 1pack (10pcs) as hospital will give one pack oso.

Anyone heard of Perineal Cold / Hot Pad? Or anyone use them before? Any idea where to get them locally and is it effective for pain relief?

I want to get them but have no idea where to buy them.

Baby starry

Bai Feng wan is to be taken after our menses cycle is cleared. The medical hall staff say take 1 bottle a week, so roughly u shd be taking 3 bottles till the next cycle. We can take that during confinement. But must really be after our body is cleared with menses (after birth) - to regulate our cycle.

Gao Li ren sheng is also the same, to be taken after our menses is cleared.

Tu Zhong - is for pu our waist and spine. Good for pregny. Can also ask hb to drink. Cooked with pork rib or pork tail.

Hi Jojo

Congrats on yr delivery! Must be feeling very blissful..


I'm feeling very depressed this weekend. Not because of the usual mood swing but there is something seriously wrong with my back and it's killing me. Rem I mentioned the pain on my bones? Now, the pain is on a higher level. On Sat when I cough, my left back suddenly had a "crack" feel/sound. It's so painful that I couldn't move and wanted to scream but I can't coz I was on the bus.. Just when it got slightly better (still pain but at least moveable),the same thing happen on the right. Worst is, Im still coughing and very cough is killing me. And I'm now going for my events setup when I can barely walk.

I have ran out of leave.. I've got urgent things to settle for today and today and can't take mc. I'm really at a loss..

Nipple cream

What brand do u all get? Is it necessary? But I was thinking wldnt it be not so hygienic if we applied the cream and baby latch on it?

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each

- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15

- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies > just finish my checkup.. My gyn say my cervix is opened and dilated a bit.. Ask me to Stanby as he think my gal will pop out next week.. Say I feel alot of pain on pelvic and swollen on my leg and hand is normal.. Ask me to bear with it for another week..

So better finish the final stage of confinement preparation within this and start my ml from next month..

Let us Jia you for final stage.. Take care and hope everyone have a smooth delivery ..


For me I dun think its necessary to use nipple cream. Just use ur own breastmilk n spread it over ur cracked/sore nipples. Air it before putting on ur nursing bra. Natural healing n I find it very effective.


That's good, going to see your bb soon. I will be doing ctg n cervix check this thurs. if cervix is open then can deliver the next week too..

I am looking fwd cos bb is really squeezy in my tummy. Her movements are too strong for me to bear..

Hi rebeana

I think u better call ur gynae regarding on ur back pain. Better ask him for his expertise. Better take good care as we are all in the last stage soon.

Nipple cream

I apply medela lanolin on my nipple now cos my body skin turn to be drier than pre-pregny. I find the lanolin very hard to apply, need to warm in between fingers to make it softer then apply. Anyway, since I bought it, so I use. Just to be KS in case my nipple turns to be drier when BM. Of coz our own breast milk will be the best to apply during BM.

Kiam kiam>> so good ur waiting time is going to be over. U must be really excited with the new role.... Wish you all the best and have a smooth delivery soon.

Im going for my appt this wed, hopefully my sugar level will be back to normal.

momo Mummy,

You stalker! You dun belong to this thread hor, go away! muahahhaahha......

Nipple Cream

I got the Lansinoh lanolin brand from motherhood BP thread. Never try yet, bought it cos cheap =P Supposedly all nipple creams are safe for both babies and mummies. But breast milk is the best I guess.


Thanks for the info! Wow you really did your research [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now at least all first time mummies have a better idea, if not really confused over all the brands in the market.


When is your next gynae checkup? Call him ask to ask for advice? You very poor thing ah, take good care.

Sighs can't sleep well at night, can't seem to get into comfortable positions. Backache. Restless and sleepy in the day time. Luckily stopped work already. Looking forward to my gynae appt this Wed. Can't wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went for my 38weeks checkup so far bb is ard 3.2kg, GBS tested negative (thank god), no VE or CTG thought..

Yes i must admit bb is getting forceful & squeezy..

wonder when will he be coming out.. I'm getting nervous, excited & scare at the same time..

seems like a lot of mummies have delivered, some even finished their confinement & bonding happily, I wonder when is mine..

Hi mummies,

No mention on my research, cos I have a helpful and experienced SIL who is available for me to ask. And moreover she is so active in her mummy group that always will have outings or gathering, so I happen to know more of her friends also. Not too mentioned, most of their babies are mixed. Heehee...

Oh, for those who want to buy wine from DFS, you can actually buy DOME and WINCARIS at the same time. So pls dun waste the quota.

So happy today, that my gift for my little princess is ready for collection. I bought a bean sprout bear and a pillow with her name on it from pingping (BP thread). Going to collect on this Wednesday when on my way for my gynae appt.

I believe our counting down of weeks to days is more excited than anything countdown parties we been to... Hahahaha...it is indeed getting nervous, excited n scare...seems liked her stuff is not really, but also seems liked more than enough.

My hb is complaining that the bed is getting smaller recently cos I need wider spaces to turn when I sleep...poor daddy is being pushed to the very small corner near the edge..hahaha

Jean, thanks for the info on the FM.. =)

Now my baby is turning and moving very frequently.. His movements makes me feels as if my tummy is going to explode.. So painful actually..

So tired too...

Wow! So now Kiamkiam gonna give birth soon too! Jiayou! =)

My baby cot just arrived.. MY room totally no space to walk liao.. packed...


congrats.. tk care..


My helper oso come on sun.. she very hardworking n initiatives.. ...hope she can be a gd helper too for my bb..


my hb oso complain say i occupy the whole bed n i getting more n more fatter.. everytime i apply the stretch mark cream, he confirm make comments saying so ugly..

recently i got this 'short term acute pain' (dun know if it contraction) .. i oso sick for 1 week + le.. keep coughing n sneezing non stop.. feel so terrible..


recently my bb super duper active, i can c my stomach goes up n down, side pop out here pop out there.. sometimes abit pain.. but afterall feel angry that she is active..

so anyone experience heatburn in the chest?? i keep drinking alot of plain water... i jus buy cocount can drink fr giant at 500ml @ $1.10 each n another brand at 3 cans for $2.. it is better to drink for fresh coconut?

i plan to tk ML on 14 Nov, as my EDD is on 18 Nov..my hb say tk later cos can more bb bonding tk so early at hme shake legs grow fat..

planing to go bb expo fair , c if can grab anything last min.. haven pack my hospital bag, wash bb clothes, have to ask the maid to wash le..

Cynn04: wah sey u know who i am ah... u very clever leh... dun be naughty hor ur EDD coming later baby come out i smack her backside... hehehe... got start to drink the big coconut drink bo... must drink liao hor then baby come out head clean clean nice nice then can let me kiss....

Cant wait for wed to come see ur handsome Gynae huh? At night cannot sleep? Aiyo sleep side ways and pop a pillow at ur back will feel better lah... u no need to work liao very good come out with me go la kopi lah...


Congrats on ur newborn. 2.8kg is a gd weight to take care for bb.


U think u popping next wk where deepavali holiday is? I think i either csec before or after deepavali depending on checkup.Maybe we wd meet in wards haha. Saw prof tee on thurs at amk clinic n Friday at kkh. He cant do pelvic check as placenta low. Hope he do scan on wed to check on bb' wt, amnio fluid n how safe bb is to come out. R u doing natural delivery? Anybody under dr tee on csec? He is so diff from a l lim. I only managed to talk to him like 5mins then out of e room. Did bb' heartbeat / ctg on fri. Wd go back on wed for ctg then see him. If bb pop next week at 36, think safer though 1 wk short of full term. Hope bb is>2kg better still 2.5kg so when dr tee take him out bb abt 2.3kg. Hope bb make amnio fluid safe for himself.

Weight gain

Someone mentioned to take eggs, cheese etc on top of milk n durian. I started to take eggs for bf n hope bb can receive e nutrients to be bigger.

Is chicken essence gd to increase bb wt? How to do at home if this is gd. I feel very tired n hot this morning, keep perspiring n felt pelvic very swollen. Anybody like me?

Contractions/ cramps

Anybody having daily cramps/ mild contractions night n morning? I think I hv more compared to my 1st preg. On medication to manage contractions.

Coconut water

For cases like mine, can I take coconut water still if I csec. Shd I take next wk once gynae advise e csec date, like a day or 2 before op? It' to clean e body for bb rt? Is it sufficient? That time when my #1 came out at wk 38, she was whitish like sticky glue, I only drank like 2x coconut juice. Not sure how I shd take it for this bb.

Sheng hua tang

Does anyone know if csec mom can take this even when we bf? I learnt that it is to clean the mense. If take this soup, do wd bb bf be affected?

Hi mummies,

I had popped on 12 oct at 36 weeks. Bb weight is 2.3kg n is a vsd bb (hole in the heart). Pls pray for her tt it will close up later. Due to low placenta, I lost alot of blood n need 1200cc blood transfusion, juz return home fm hospital n resting...stay in 4 bedded cos fully occupied n my hospital is abt 10k n after medisave paid abt 6k, cant image my follow up bill for my bb....

All the mummies, hv a smooth delivery ya...

momo Mummy,

You more clever! Dunno how you managed to find me in this thread... Me 34wks now, too early to drink coconut? How many times should I drink per week? Me wanna see whether baby gained weight or not, handsome gynae is bonus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but I usually see him for less than 5min, he will say everything is fine then chop chop finish appt!

We asked you out tmr for kopi but you not free hor...


Congratulations! Sorry to hear that there were some complications, hopefully things are more stable now with you and baby. Meanwhile dun worry so much, think positive and everything will turn out fine.

Take good care!

Hi berry pie,

Congratulating to you and ur newborn. Do rest well, and I hope your bb will be recovering soon. Jia you. Do update us on ur bb progress. Hope we can continue this online chat even after we all deliver.

Hi simp,

Sheng hua tang is ok to take during confinement irregardless of csection or natural, cos is mainly to cleanse our menses or dirt in our body. It should be ok for BF as well. My SIL also took it after her csection.

I think coconut juice is ok to drink 2 weeks before deliver ba. But I think max is 3-4 coconut. Coz my dad warn me not to drink too cooling stuff too early, might cause bb to have asthma. So I guess in the last 2 weeks of our pregny is fine since is over the pre-term stage.

Try to drink more milk and eat cheese for bb wt gain. It helps build up ur calcium as well. Errr...chicken essence, never like to drink, so I cannot advise u on that.

Esther, fynn

My gal is also moving very vigorously in my tummy. She gets excited when I'm online reading the forum and chatting with all the aunties here. She also pops up and down on my tummy. I think must be her PI KU facing up. Heehee.

Better start washing bb clothes since these few days weather is so good to sun. I have been sunning everything I can. Hahaha...I think i just want to find things to do. If not, I feel very Bo Liao, lazing around. Heehee

Oh is dinner time, better get started to cook now. Talk to u gals at night. Bye.

jojo- Glad to hear that you have a safe delivery.Rest well and take care.

Berrypie-Congras..Dont worry your bb will be fine..You must rest well.

Simp-At week 32 my bb weight was 1.6kg then at week 34 my bb weigh was 2.3kg and i only put on a kg.During that 2 weeks i tried to pump my bb,i ate lots of beef and durians too but not too much durians at a time.Sometimes after eating durians i will drink home cooked barley,green bean soup and chrysanthemum.I had craving for chocolate at that time and i ate kit kat everyday.As for eggs,cheese and milk.I actually took almost everyday for breakfast throughout my whole pregnancy.Dont think Chicken essence will increase bb weight as i took twice every week throughout my whole pregnancy too.

Coconut juice

I started drinking young coconut when i am in week week34,drink once in every 3 or 4 days.My gynae encourage me to take.He said bb skin will smooth smooth.I can only take cooling stuffs now,cannot take too heaty stuffs.I took cordyceps with ginseng and on the night my nose bled.We preggy body temperature is higher thats why we always feel hot.After drinking coconut juice my body seems less heaty.If i will to deliver around week 37 as consider full term,i am drinking about 3 weeks of coconut so should be sufficent lor.My gf who also preggy started once she in 3rd tri,her gynae give her the green light.It all depends to individual.Some people body can take cooling some people cannot,some can take heaty some cannot.If you go TCM,you can ask the sinseh your body is cold or hot.


I having contractions this few days sometimes it lasted for more than an hour.There was a night while im sleeping the contractions was terrible.

Seems like more and more mummies have popped and lesser in this thread.Im just back from 3days 2 nites chalet.My family organise for me as i am going to deliver soon>had great fun! I am ready to welcome my little one.Im in my week 36,hope bb pop in week 38.Mummies jiayou!

Berrypie, congratulation! Do take care of yourself. I hv a cousin who hv the same problem as yr baby n he has just completed his NS. Try to get more rest if y hv engage cl so u hv more energy when yr cl is not ard.

Congrats berrypie.. Do take gd care of urself and bb..

Thank all mummies..

Simp> I hope I can birth on the coming ph also as really look forward to see my gal.. Prof tee is not talktive as dr lim .. But he will tell u the imp thing during checkup.. Find prof tee talk more in clinic A than amk clinic.. Do take care and eat more bef ur bb pop up..

Congrats berry pie and please take care of yourself n your precious bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi twink,

Have you checked with your HR about the maternity leave? I have just sent a leave to mom about your question.

I will start resting at home from next Monday.


That's good. At least they can start learning to be familarize with the household chores before the baby comes. I'm quite happy with my helper for now, hope she stays the same throughout n not just put on show only. But I find her meek n submissive type, no attitude.

She doing a thorough job in cleaning my house in preparation for my bb's arrival. Happy!

Berry pie,

Congrats n hope your bb's condition will improve very soon. Do rest well n do a good confinement.


I'm perspiring the whole day even with fan blowing directly at me. In the night I can also wake up in perspiration with air con on. I find my body temp rising so much twds the last lap. Zero tolerance for heat.


Hi Ladies,

Looks like everyone is getting ready for the arrival of their little ones...

I'm counting down to mine as well... 20th Oct... it's the latest that my doc has agreed due to my placenta previa... Thank god all has been well so far since the last bleeding incident... even my doc has been pleasantly surprised that baby has been cooperative so far.. she has even turned from her breech position!

However, I have to say my energy level has been v low.. It was a good decision to take up my doc's advice on the hospitalisation leave since the 1st Oct on hindsight.. I get breathless v easily this time round.. It's so different from my first pregnancy where I was still full of energy till to the day I popped!

Now, I'm just looking forward to the GA csect on Thursday and hope all goes smoothly.. My iron level is on the low side at the last checkup.. hopefully I wouldn't need too much blood transfusion and I get to retain my womb!

Babyzel and Esther,

Can I ask what nationality is your helper from? My current helper needs to go home by first week of nov.. Can you recommend me the agent that you went through to get your helper? I need one asap as my older girl is only 16 month and extremely active... cannot imagine having to take care of both after my helper leaves... Tks vm..

