(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

xoxo/dj : thanks loads. i have requested her not to give the very next day since its not stated for below 3.

dj : :S is your FIL better? what chinese medi did he take? :S

anyone has MMR experience to share?
anyone's bb had high fever due to MMR? how many days did it last?
i don't know if i should bring my boy back to see the doctor. fever is 38-39 degrees.
its okay. i got my answer

my boy got throat and ear infection which equates to the high impossible fever. rushed to the PD just now after the KK doctor told me >2 days high fever need to go see doc again.

me feel damn lousy now.
take care gal..E will be better tom with meds and rest..so do cheer up

my gal too, came down with a runny nose and a cough - must have picked it up from cc or from walking in the rain the other day. gave some good ol' chicken soup with onions and diffused some olbas (matty's tip) while she slept..better today, and hopefully fine tom.
xoxo : Olbas? may i ask where can i get it?
ah i'll take note of the chicken soup with onions. right now he refuse pretty much everything except cereal. no rice, no porridge, no macaroni.

hope Dre gets better soon.
She is such a sweetie! What's her fav activity?
yeah..first time i heard of putting a tablet into the anus to reduce high fever. and he had one inserted today by the doc as his temp as 39.8. his temp is down since then...and constant panadol as per doc advise.
oh dear E is running a fever, hope he recovers soon.

e last time RN had mmr, she developed a fever abt 1 wk later and it was near high grade, like 38.4... then it went up to 39.2... up n dwn. it was oso she caught e bug n had running nose. it took a few days to shake off tt fever.

yah her appetite was horrid then. refused solids n her milk intake was lousy too.

juz give more water nw. hold off solids till he is better.
Gal and xoxolight
My boy is also having runny nose and phlegm. Saw doc yest, at night is the worst...keeps waking up coz he is distrubed by the phlegm.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Getting rid of Phlegm</font>
Anyone has any remedies for getting rid of phlegm? Both my boys have thick thick phlegm. Cant cough out n it's affecting their sleep!!!

On the side note, how come so many babies are down with cough n flu these days??? Weather??</font>
gal > there's kids olbas now. you can get it from watson's, guardian...just dab 1-2 drops on his shirt or on the pillow's edge and the whole room will have a eucalyptus scent liao (helps their breathing)...she is alright already, went to school this morning. my turn though. *sniff*...not a horrible bug, could have been worse..luckily the fever didn't come and the runny nose/cough stopped quickly. thus i conclude, must have been our adventure in the rain. sigh. E might be having a combination of a bug + vaccine reaction..?

dj, ilovemaxmax > for very thick phlegm, u can get an over-the-counter drug from any guardian called "fluimicil". up to 2yo, they can take only 1x200mg sachet. u mix with water and ask them to drink. helps to break up the phlegm. i usually do that and cook lotus root soup + do a "steam bath" with that olbas thing. this round, she had a dry cough so i didn't need to. the medicine is not expensive. btw, i got the medicine idea from a PD visit - PD prescribed it and i just carry on. however, if the kid isn't well after 3 days or with a high-grade fever, best to visit the PD still.
I always hvae flumicil on standby..It's v good...take 2x a day, 1satchet each time. I put into their bottle and they drink before they sleep. This time, the GP gave one med to clear phlegm so we din want to give flumicil coz double dosage. Really hopes it clears man....wat does ur doc give for runny nose?
dj > she takes zyrtec for runny nose. this one, u can buy OTC. but be sure to chk with yr kids' PD if they can take it. otherwise, get otrivin as a nose drop. also OTC. both are potent and effective, non-drowsy.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">xoxo</font>
thanks, hehe.. these are the med they are already on. Fluimucil n Zyrtec but not helping, that's y i was asking
thanks anyway.

On Olbas
u noe, u were the 1st person who suggested this to me. Den in a matter of half an hr, my other fren oso recommended this so i did not hesitate to go get when I was at Jurong Pt ytd. Tried it on them last nite, but didnt seem to have any significant results. Mayb coz their nose was abit cleared already
but thanks anyway for the recommendation</font>
hullo... i'm all in natural remedy!
thx xoxo.

onion chicken soup is good for cough and flu?
lotus root with pork soup is good for removing phlegm?

once this bug is over, any ideas on what i can do do build up his immunity?
My boys take orange cod liver oil..but dun take when kids have cough...I tried the natural flavour, they dun like...My boys' phlegm and cough ok liao...
cannot take orange flavour one when cough, i think the white one shld be ok....orange mah, usually we are advised not to eat oranges when having cough right?
Hi Mummies
Wana ask how you all arrange for childcare when you work? My mum used to take care of my boys, now she can't continue liao...so wondering how i shld manage....
dj : oic.
got it. thx.

childcare ..
1. find a suitable one (recommendation - kiasuparents/friends/family, go visit to assess)
2. deal with transport/timing for sending and pickup (got to see if u are able to do both/one/neither i.e. engage bus service?)

mealtime :
how many milk feeds does your toddler have on a daily basis now? do they still take night feed/last meal = milk.
ilovemaxmax > these are meds for symptoms..if it doesn't seem to work, yr kid might need antibiotics. do chk with the doc..hope yr son will get well soon!

gal > there are tonnes u can do..and it's never ending! this "natural" thingy is expensive but i hope it's worth it! Muahahaha...*smoke rising from wallet*. someone once said, rem the FAWS - Food, Air, Water and Sleep. It's a tough, lengthy subject but I share the same interest and we can talk more offline so we don't bore this whole thread with hippie suggestions!

dj > I arrange 1/2 day and make sure all or most of my more tedious work is done by noon. i'll try to be home by 4/5pm and take her to the playground. u got to prioritise what u want in a cc and start looking immed since places are competitive. happy hunting and i hope both of yr kids like the same place!
Gal and xoxolight
Thanks for the suggestions. I have already paid for one cc, half day 830-1230pm. I amworking, so can be back by 5pm. The issue is nobody is at home. And that cc dun offer full day..sian..another way is to get IL to fetch them at 1230pm to their house with maid to jaga till i come back at 5pm, bathe and feed them at IL hse, i myself eat at IL hse and cme home before 8pm for their bedtime.. Issue is again who pats them for PM nap? Maid by nextJan will be a new one, i can still train lah... MIL dunno up to the job or not...sian...and she chinese speaking, my boys listen to angmo lulluabies...its these small details that make me sian...

As for milk, my 22mth boys still take 3 times milk a day - 7am, 3pm and 8pm before bedtime. each time 220ml. Dun seem enough, they keep asking me anymore? they sleep throughout the night.. why you ask?
Gal and xoxolght
Oh yah, and if possible, i really would like to stick to half day cc... reason being they are still young, dunwan to expose them to germs...justgo there play play and give my caregiver (whoever it will be) some rest. I know germs are everywhere...but i have heard enough of scary stories of kids going cc and taken ill...(without fail) and parents having to take leave etc..i know they got to go thru this sooner or later...bbut i hope even for my boys, if it happens later, they will be stronger to take the illness...now they are stillyoung...if sick, difficult to take medcine too...
dj :
no i was just wondering.
coz lately my boy... don't want to drink milk. this am never finish his 8oz. only drank 6oz. the night feed he 50% of time he don't want to drink but he can still last through the night.

was wondering if .. our toddlers.. will be/is moving to 2 milk feed or something? till when will they be on 3 milk feed? or my boy is just fussy..
I think its quite normal for e tods to be on 2 milk feeds a day now, given they take 3 full meals. RN is on 3 x ebm feeds and latches in e evenings and 4 her last feed. She also takes 2-3 snack feeds in e middle of e night (yes, she has not slept thru e night YET). So i guess it varies from bub to bub. Then again i think her total milk feed in a day is 600ml thereabts.

Um... Half day also will fall sick. Min goes for only like couple hrs a day and has been ill on n off for the last 3-4 weeks. Sorry to bust your bubble but once they start school chances are they prolly will fall sick quite a bit.

8oz quite a lot hor. Did u say Elias doesnt eat his food well? If they drink too much milk it may crimp their appetite for food. I have reduced Min's milk intake to:
120ml at 7-7.30am when she wakes up
150ml at 3pm
180ml at 8.30pm before sleeping
Happy hippo
Yah, i guess its unavoidable to fall sick once they mix with kiddos..but just wana minimze the time spent outside...give them a sense of socialising around will do...Think at a younger age, home is still best...
hippo : he doesn't eat his food well when he is with me. be it home cook food or at times..we even give outside food. as long as he eats something. at nanny's he seem to be eating well. even at granny, i offered brown rice from my plate he refused. granny feed him the same brown rice =.= he ate 1 bowl of it. er.......

hehe.. the past month he has been picking his vegetables. eat the food then dig out the veg to put on the table. especially carrots :p i was so tempted to PUREE!!.
SO.....today i decided to 'mince' the carrot so he cannot dig out. lol. (it worked :p).

ah okay. so its possible that it drops to two feed. ok i shall monitor. today he is a good boy..finished 240+240+180 ml.
2 solid (1/2 bowl + 3/4 bowl). refused his breakfast other than raisins.
hi all, my son has been sneezing a few times a day for the past 2 weeks or so, without mucus. Does he need to see a doctor or is it just rhinitis?
Wow didnt know this thread still so alive haha did not visit for near to a year....

Talking abt feeding, so heng that Rhys is so much different from his elder brother. He eat whatever we give him, am so glad.

wake up - 210 milk
milk 210
milk 180-210

Rhys like vegetable very much, he will request if he see it.

By the way, can you bb talk. Rhys refuse to learn and he can only say 5 word now - "mama" "Ah ma" "dad dad" "papa" "neh neh" - that all he say and when I try to ask him say other word he totally refuse.
sunnyling : my boy talk very little words as well.

common ones used in a day is "mama", "open"(silent o), "no more", "hi" and the famous "EHHHHHH!!!!!" =.=''' other words are..rare..

glass : hope the construction finishes soon, or maybe close the windows that is facing the construction when they are working?
Hi Mommies .. Happy Thursday! Hope everyone's well!

Sunnyling >> my little one doesn't "talk" much too. Uses non words to tell us what he wants "UM", "EH", "AH" "AR". If he is really happy, he will say "DAD DEE" "MUM EE". His favorite word "ARP PLE". His new word is "TOOOO" for the number 2.

FOOD >> I have loooong given up on trying to cater to his exquisite taste. My working philosophy is if he gets something, anything edible and contains some nutrients in his mouth, I need to go thank the Almighty. As you can tell, it is work in progress, and I thank the Almight at least 5 times a day. Lord help his future wife. But well, on would argue maybe they live on air and love then. :)

Hong Kong has Typhoon signal 3 for past 2 days and they shut the kindergarden and all pre-nursery. Darn. another 2 days of good monies gone by the wind. We still bring him downstairs to walk the parks. It is quite windy, and it is hilarious to see him walk against the wind. Imagine that we could not open the umbrellas, at some spots, even adults get "blown" a few steps off their tracks. My little boy skips and hops and both arms outstretched. A determined look on his face to try to cover every step along the park. ;-) Makes me proud of him. Funny how one trait can be so endearing in one situation, and then becomes the direct opposite in another. Determined vs stubborn. Walk vs food. wahahahahah.

He had his "fight" with another toddler in the playroom yesterday. Lots of verbal exchanges, angry faces, hoarding of playthings. And before they can disintegrate to physical exchanges, the helpers pull both parties away. All's safe. hahahaha

Another day.
sunnyling and gal
My boys know quite a fair bit of words, probably they are born in Aug, but premature by 2mths, as their EDD was in Oct. They can string 3-4words each time eg mama, draw car.they can say most of the transport and can recognize them, aeroplane, helicopter, car, taxi, motorcycle, bicycle, train, ship. Some common animals like cat, dog cow, wolf, elephant, giraffe, monkey. Verbs...they are learning opposites now, narrow/wide, dirty/clean....they also know 1-10, both counting and identifying the numbers.Lots of hardwork and interaecting with them..but i have started work 2 weeks ago doubt i can do much...but i will try.
they can also say and idnetify shapes, like circle, square, oval and triangle. Hexagon and pentagon , they wil say by chance lah..heng heng type... recognizing colours too, green, yellow, orange and purple only. the rest all guess.
I think we should let them learn at their own pace.. why stress yourself and ur kid?
anyway i dont really bother who's kid is faster than mine. coz there's bound to have "gifted" ones ard. if you child is not "gifted" then no point comparing with them.

my girl can say "Car" "dog" "byebye" "byebye See" "hello" "hi" (wanted to say see u, but no u come out lol) "mama" "papa" "baobao" and she can say her own name "charlotte"

she can point to her friend's photo when i ask her who is who and also can point to the numbers when i ask her where is no. 1,2,3 etc.

i know some of the bubs here can speak a whole sentence.. :p every bub is different.
PY, i so agree with you.. they have probably not met little Megan who can sing complete songS, modify the songs, and say everyone's name!

but its not say gifted or non gifted.. its more of a learning curve for the kids.. ultimately they will all be like us - be able to talk and eat and dress themselves!
Hi mummies,

I have been so busy with my new job that I dun even have the time to come in...

Update on Nathan
He is able to stand with support now. And what he did surprise me!!! He has taken 3 steps walking toward me last night!!! And I am so proud of him... Hope he can walk on his own on his 2nd birthday!

Thanks for all the mummies' prayers.... Is working!!!
<font color="0000ff">I so agree with u <font color="ff0000">PY</font> and <font color="ff0000">PinkieMie</font>. Don't be too stressed over what other kids can say / do yet ur own kid cant, coz every little one is different.

Shall I boast too that Malcolm can ride the scooter already? U noe, those that they stand on it and use their legs to kick to move????

<font color="ff0000">Joyce</font>
Congrats!!! That is such great news to hear. Praying hard for u he will start walking at 2y/o

To Nathan - u notti little fella. Made mummy so worried for awhile!!!</font>
ilovemaxmax > time to get the glider bicycle recommended by famela for him to paddle...hehehe... ;)

joyce > i am sure nathan will! very happy for you and hope your new job is cool too!

py > yr charlotte is such a beauty and megan's such a star!! (nat > bravo!!)

mie > yup..and to add, soon they will argue with you too and we would have bigger probs to worry..esp girls!

dj > very good! not heng heng lah - these kids really know their stuff yah! u can heave a sigh of relief over the fears u must had when they were premature. they are doing very well!

babymax > give him a brolly and see him float? (no kidding, it happened to yours truly, mary poppins-style) bwahaha...ok..just kidding. keep safe yah? the typhoon and the scarlet fever outbreak... :S

gal > don't worry babe. i am a talker, but my hb isn't. in fact, he didn't speak till almost 7yo! but..he has a pretty decent intellect. E is obviously showing signs of comprehension and speech...he will get there soon enough. still waters run deep k? take heart, cheer up.

sunnyling > I think there is a way to "request" the babe to answer u? I learnt this from her playgroup teacher - that u mustn't make them too self-aware..just carry on a conversation normally and pause long enough so they can contribute to the conversation if they want to..be patient. this will help them to grow confidence.

glass > If it's dust particles in the air, just do what jewellery stores do and place a pail of water in the room (do be careful abt that Elgin isn't alone with that pail though). it would draw the dust particles and reduce his allergic reaction. darn that construction..my hse too..soon it's gg to have tonnes of those construction for the new HDB flats. Grrrr....
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Xoxo</font>
that was what one of my cousin suggested oso... but i rem pretty ex rite?

<font color="ff0000">Paging for Famela</font>
How much does it cost for the glider bike ah??</font>
Ho Ho Ho...

Haven't been here for so long :D

I saw in the recent posts some of you mentioned about bubs development. Great job, dj, your boys are doing well. And I heard Amelie can form full sentences. Well done to Nathan too, you've made your mummy worried so much!

Megan is still bfing too, alongside with RN and dre. She has the weirdest habit of lifting her butt up and swaying left right, WHILE NURSING. but thankfully her free hand is occupied by her snuggling bear.

She sings a few songs in different versions, it's really heartwarming to hear her sing. I guess it started since day-1 where I'd lull her to sleep and then her nanny continued the same. Megan hasn't go school yet.. The idea is there but I'm sitting on it!
I am actually stress by my PD, alway ask me the same question when visit. Keep ask me to monitor his speech closely.


Congrat, my elder only take his first own step when he was 22 months old. He super break record, dont think anyone can beat him.


Will try your way see it works anot.
Hi all,

Have not been here for some time but decided to pop in today and I see that some of you are still active in the forum...wow!

Will be in more frequent now
Morning, mummies!!! Super duper long never log in here le.. am glad this thread is still alive!

Time flies! It seems like just yesterday that we just gathered here when we just got preggie.. now our bubs are turning 2 in a few months time!

I agree wif cammie mie and py. Each bubs are different. And as mummies, each advancement they take, each new words which come out from their mouths definitely will delight us to the max! I'm still waiting for my Aaden boy to call me mummy... waiting patiently.. He calls me Meh Meh though.. Wahhahaaa..

Btw, well done to those mummies who are still bf-ing.. I salutez u! Well done, mummies!
