(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


I always feel that boys should rough it out! Now my son ran faster then me when he sees lizards >_<"

Ya, keep me posted! I will keep a look out too.

Hippo: I am for the idea. But at 3 plus, I think they are still too young to understand that. Also, cos I have done Community work before, there's no orphanage in Singapore really. But I know of homes for less privileged kids whose parents are not around due to jail term or they have really problematic family background. If really want I can try to find out more. One very famous one is Cheng Su Lan home. But the kids there are rather old...say 5 and up.

I am thinking maybe can go to old folks homes instead. Can teach them the other side of values. Respect of elders and care of less fortunate.

Sotong: Hahah that's what my colleague warn about Dr Heng. Very very fast and she doesn't do small talk much hahahah...BUT very very good.

Hey, that's a great idea! Somehow, kids will always bring a smile to the old folks.

Re: Dr Heng

Too fast can miss out some details?! She missed out the syndrome of hyper Thyroid in me. It was my GP who detacted it and wrote her a letter. This is also the reason why I change gynae when I'm preggie with Reagan.
Sotong: Huh...hmmm that's not good...

Old folks home also easier to locate.

Gal: then u better warn your fren if she really wants to see her.

Btw I finally read the poem...u horrible person...made me cry!
Gal : thanks a lot. That's exactly how I feel right now. I keep asking myself how can I possibly love another child when I love Josh so very much. N cause I'm a sahm, I spent this whole tine fully with him. Sometime I think that even before di di is born I already know for sure that I'll Josh more then him. N after that I feel very sad, how can a mother think like that? But I really love Josh so very much I can't imagine myself loving another one. So sad
tien/angelina : i not preggie with #2, after reading the poem i oso cry. But hope, the poem, make u feel better. That it is possible to love both equally
and #1 will love #2 too..

Re: Dr Heng
Thanks for sharing. My friend decided to go to my gynae @ TMC.

sotong mum: wow, your GP detected but she din? a bit scary.
On the topic for giving, I'd like all of us to consider if we can do something here. Coincidentally, we have all come upon this topic

Dre's godma was part of the UN contingent in Timor Leste and she returned earlier this year from that posting. Her regular emails have always spoken of the desperation of the children there, particularly the newborns and under 1 year olds. Some stories struck more than others. In particular, I've read of a newborn having just one cloth diaper to his name. We can only imagine how it must be. They have very little soap over there so babies don't get their baths or cleaned very often and they suffer from sores regularly. I have just received word from the orphanage there after I wrote to them to say I have a few items on my end that I'd like to give them. SilkAir will bring all items for donations in for free. They have since updated me that they have just 6 cots for 73 orphans (all under 1yo) with 18 orphans waiting to join. They need cots, clothes, unopened formula, toys, unused diapers etc etc.

If any of you wish to contribute something to this effort - I am targeting to send what I can next week as the plane returns on the 19th with their coordinator, do let me know. I am putting forward this list so please add to it so I know how big or small this collection would become. Thereafter, I'd contact everyone to let you know where to drop these items off. Sorry, I cannot do a collection from your place per se thus be prepared to send things down to that single collection pt.

Thanks all in advanced.

BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)

1) Xoxo - 2 bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms

DIAPERS (Cloth, disposables all welcomed)
1) Xoxo - 3pkts (1 partially used, 2 unused)
Gal > You sharing was good. Thanks

Crabby Mummies?? > Huh? So no more crabs...ok ok..for me, all I wanted was an excuse to chill somewhere. Siki atas also can, simple yum cha also can. Your call ladies. Let's just book the date first and we can decide where later ok?

Christmas > I gotta say I cannot be chieftain for this...PY, Tien...your parties were FANTASTIC...wahahaha...wanna take this up? By contrast, I am just an amateur party planner. So no go for me. I volunteer to pack party bags cos I have the N.Korean cert for that :p :p :p

mummies chill out - i can prolly do 12th nov but if majority goes for 19th instead then no choice lah right? i did a high tea @ regent hotel when i was preggers and it was fantabulous! so i think tien would LOVE this idea...
again, majority wins so its just a thot. i can always go with her... hehe...

on sharing, thanks for providing this avenue, i'm very grateful. here are my contributions

BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)

1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
Xoxo: 19th ON! We can do both sikit atas AND Crabbies!

Hippo: 12th! ON!Regent it is! You know me best!

Kinda at a loss over what things (which are all in disarray at new place)I can contribute. Somemore, little girl #2 coming but I want to do my part! Thanks xoxo! Great initiative!

BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)

1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
re: contribution to Timor Leste orphanage
xoxo>> i'll do a mini spring cleaning this weekend and update on the contribution by this coming Sunday ok?
Sotong: I splutter.. on my milk tea when i read ur boy running faster than u at the sight of lizards! :p

Hippo: guess what .. i felt that way.. all along.. we need to help them open their eyes.. and heart to the world.. my work environment makes this worse.. when i see spoilt brats. i wish i have the teleport ability to send them to these countries.. so that they wise up and quit complaining! .. and ur sugestion on visiting orphanage with min is a good one! chio me hor!

xoxo: way to go..actions speak louder than words! by 19th huh? okok. i have MANY toys!
there are times i questioned my existence on this earth.. and i want to go do something for the less priviledged. but i never got round to doing anything. i respect pple like dre's god ma and a colleague of mine who regularly goes on trips like that with operation smile.. he was motivated coz his girl had a cleft lip..

i remembered i was offered a job at a VWO as an education coordinator dealing with wayward youths.. i thought i wanted to do something. but the pay was v bad.. erm.. worse than an teacher in training..:S.. and i didn't tke up the offer. felt a bit disappointed at myself then. say want to do something for the world. yet still can't give up my materialistic needs.. haiz..

eh. ok. i went out of point..:p but yes.. i will keep you updated on my contribuion..

tien/angelina: easy.. can one. then #2 plays and giggles with #1. ur heart will melt
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Tien</font>
Ur post brought back alot of memories. About how i felt when i first found out I was preggy AGAIN, just 5 mths after giving birth.

I think i have shared before that I wasn't ready for #2 and part of me felt so horrible. Somehow i juz hated #2 for coming so early.

Fast forward and he's now 1 y/o. he's grown into such a lovable boy, i can't help kissing him everyday. I've learnt to share my love between the 2 of them but it's tough. Though I'm loving him more as the day goes, my attention is still mainly on #1 for a few reasons.

- #1 is quite sticky to me and refuses my maid
- #2 on the other hand is super sticky to my maid. he has separation anxiety with her around

Having said that, i think that's the reason why #2s always end up to be more independent and fierce-tempered. They have to protect themselves and fight for their status and rights, coz there's always #1 there to snatch toys and bully them.

I'm sure you can do it. dun feel bad abt not being abt to bf Kay. Makeup for the loss time with Kay after meimei is born. You can start your bonding session all over again then.

Looking back, I dun regret having 2 kids so near each other. When i see them playing together these days (they are only 1 and 2 y/o), it's just such a heartwarming sight. Though i tell u... i'm damn scared and taking all precautions to prevent #3 from happening now.. haha</font>

Me on the other hand, wanted #3 to happen fast so that my #2 &amp; #3 will be of close age gap. So is in a dilemma, wanted a girl so much but yet thought a boy would be better so that he can play and fight with Reagan.


Envy you having 2 girls with close age gap! Look at all the fun things you can do with them. Also they will have a best friend throughout their lives from baby. Isn't that great?

My hubby and me have always thought it's not possible to love our 2nd child as much as our #1. But we can and like someone said before, our love just grow bigger!


I want to go Regent too! I will only keep half a day for myself. The rest of the leave I'm going to bring Ryan out. So it's either crabs or tim sum... hmmm leaning more towards tim sum now...


Scary... hope. cos it's not easy to detect by just looking at the person. So if you didn't spend time talking or telling your gynae about the discomfort you have, she will miss it. For me, I'm a shy gal with few words so my visits with gynae are always fast. It's my GP that can draw me out of my shell then when she sense something and thus ordered a blood test.

Will Bao ran away or he's those kind who will want to caught lizards?! I always tease Ryan, how are you going to protect mummy if you run away?! He will always replied "I'm just a boy so mummy should protect me!" >_<"


Well done! I will do an inventory check when I get home.
<font color="0000ff">Sotong Mum
but how to cope with 3 kids?????? i dunno how i'm gonna cope leh. n i really want a gal so much, tho i think i have to 'ren ming'. think its the genes tat we'll keep getting boys

I like how Ryan responded to your question abt lizards... hehe.. but i know how u feel. dunno to laugh or 'cry'.. :p</font>
cat > Sunday's good

astro > don't let nihilism take away the edges for you. the cup is really half-full...go ahead, post anywhere you can. just let me know what's the consolidated picture looks like.

sotong_mum > haven't done yet lah. check and let me know ok?

shugar > yep, sure. I just checked via email, they say that can be used as a cot for newborns too. sigh.

some interesting facts:
1) Why the need for cots > unlike our floors, the orphanage floors are not tiled. it's made of dust. plus they do not have the right ratio of adults:children so the cots help to ensure the infants are in a safe place when the adults are busy. playpens work well too.

2) schedule: i am meeting the coordinator who is returning to SG on 19th. thus, would be good if i've a good/near accurate picture of what this round of collections would be like. we would then need to draw up a manifest for silkair to OK. the donations might be done in batches if the airplane can't take all in one go. they go by pellet sizes...*logistical nightmare*

3) oops..they DO NOT WANT disposable diapers. two reasons: the diapers are bulky and don't provide reciprocal benefit. the other reason is that once the diaper is soiled, they have problems finding places to throw these - no waste collection.

4) mozzie patches, insect repellent - if u have extra, they would like this. the rainy season is coming and dengue/malaria is a problem there.
thanks babes for your help. take it as early christmas giving and end-year spring cleaning
i took bundles of stuff out. practically giving most of dre's stuff away except for one pc per "set". but not much on my end either - dre doesn't have that many clothes to begin with.
hippo, tien > thanks ladies..ok, stay tuned for further updates post 19th meeting. u gals live near me. i might just be able to help pick up from u. the staging pt is along airline road...wahhh...i am trying to get a spare place at marine parade to act as a not-so-far drop off. update u all as we go along.

as for makan..if there is one atas place i wanna go for high tea, it's got to be shangri-la's rose veranda.
how? on? I am OK with any day.. :D
xoxo: eh. can we have somewhere more centralised?

nihiliam.. ha.. well got to say the downward fish in me tend to pull me in that direction. ha.. anyway.

i am cutting and pasting ur interesting facts again.. just for more information to my other thread..

and 19th nov? shucks . i am going to miss this crabby get together again.. haiz. doesnt do well in my current 'moping around the house' mood..

sotong: my mum has vilified lizards.. saying the lizard (of all things) will get him if he doesn't finish his milk.. so he doesn't like lizards..
astro: hahaha about the lizard. My MIL always asks 'Where is the lizard' in Cantonese and Elgin would always look up to search for the lizard, and she can then wipe his neck. Not sure whether he understand it's referring to lizard, or he thinks it means to look up.
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)

1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)

1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3)Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
AStro: Ah bo you list your leave days lah! Or u can make it on 12th also? U go atas with us?!

Xoxo: Rose Veranda is NICE!!!!!!!!! I can just get high on the tea selection! Both bb girls are tea junkies in my tummy!

But then I also nv try regent before...or we do part 1 and part 2?

Sigh..,.think my trip is going in bubble...super dampened by my dad and hb. They want me to cfm with gynae on whether I can travel when this hb of mine heard from horses' mouth that she is ok! He wants me to cfm again via phone? How is it possible? Sure got miscommunication one! Maybe I shld just forget it...save the money for more high tea and staycations in Singapore. Then go Sakura viewing next year with BB Kay and WITHOUT hb!
Hippo: Fretting over me? Ya...over-fretting...Anyway when it comes to #2, that's abt it when it comes to caring abt the pregnancy. Think I am super depressed these days...so much negative spirit around!
tien > i've never tried regent too. let's do regent then! haiz...i was also promised "vacations" after the delivery. but as we all know, since Dre was born, i've yet to go on a single hour of vacation. don't get me wrong, i am not complaining..but i have accepted that there's no way i can have a vacation in my sense of it - sleeping in, without a care in the world etc. heh..u sure u wanna go sakura viewing minus the daddy? i honestly feel a holiday now is no holiday at all! i simply can't imagine a flight/car ride with her - we would be backed against the wall to keep her compliant!

angelina > thanks! let me know what items you are giving in the list there. i'll coordinate further and inform you of the date/time.

esther > thanks too! sure..let me know.

orphanage > the orphanage we are giving towards is called Roslin Orphanage. It was founded by an SIA pilot and they are currently building another girl's dorm to house more orphans. you can track the orphanage, what it does etc here: http://www.roslinorphanage.org/wordpress/
i spent alot of time reading it and i am very, very moved. there's lots of pictures so u can see the way they do things. the person i am meeting on the 19th is none other than Mr Budi himself. By email, he has conveyed that this round, he will be bringing over most of the things himself, to prevent pilferage. If there's alot of stuff we are giving, come Jan, there is a group of 20 SIA pilots who will be using their annual leave to go over to the orphanage and help with building, spending time with the babies etc. There might be more hands to help bring over more things. So keep the list of stuff coming and we will plan for everything to go over - sooner, if not later.
Xoxo: thks for sharing. I will do some housekeeping and update stuff I can donate. But how shld we pass the items to the coordinator or ? And I have loads of good condition soft toys (2 bags) that are good for 5 years old and up( actually these are my collection) an I have been wanting to give away so will the orphanage want? It may be too bulky to transport?
By the way, does anyone know if our kiddo needs to do any vaccine at 12-13th month? If I m not doin pneumococcal is it the next vaccine is 15th mth? Can I jus ask if most are or not doin pneumococcal? My hubby and I are divided on this..
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
Xoxo: so payseh I can only contribute 1 bag of clothes + booties + mittens n 1 bag of soft toys. Cause for the rest I need to keep it for my di di
The coordinator aka Mr Budi the pilot has a home in SG and we can drop these things off and he will take them to Timor in batches if it's alot. I'll obtain his address and his timings - we will manage / coordinate amongst ourselves from there ok?

ginger > thanks for updating the list!

vodkarib > pls add yr collection to it..stuffed, cuddly toys are welcomed

angelina > sure, just do what u can. and no need to paiseh! anything from the heart is worth more than gold.

funzee > yes, those are fine. they will sterilise before using.
bottles without teats are also good to have. pls help to update the list.

goodnite gals..and for the sick babies..i pray all of u would recover soon. and the mummies of sick babes..have a restful night too. the haze is definitely back. :s
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
thanks all! left one more day..anyone else wanna add their names? i've put in one silent reader's contribution here.

BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags
7) babykc-1-2bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears
5) babykc - 1bag

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
Sorry only had time to post today. Mine included
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.) 
1) Xoxo - 1 set 
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined) 
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type) 

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.) 
1) Xoxo - 2 bags 
2) hippo - 1 bag 
3) Tien -1 bag 
4) Shugar - 1bag 
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties 
6) Esther - 3 bags 
7) babykc-1-2bags
8) vodkarib- one brand new bedsheet set 

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.) 
1) Xoxo - 2 bags 
2) jaz - 2 bags 
3) Tien - 1 bag 
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears 
5) babykc - 1bag
6) vodkarib - 2 bags soft toys 

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.) 
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened 
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened 
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle) 
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened 
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water 
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened
6) vodkarib - 2 small tins unopened 

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.) 
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3 
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils 
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles 
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1 
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles 
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1 
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base 
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)
9) vodkarib - 2 bottles and 2-4 teats 

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.) 
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms 
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions 
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent 
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream 
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)
6) vodkarib - body lotion/ baby oil 

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only) 
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners 
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes) 
3) vodkarib - nappy liner (1.5 boxes) 
oops sorry am late too. here's mine...

BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)
4) cat - 1 stroller (can be fully reclined)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags
7) babykc-1-2bags
8) vodkarib- one brand new bedsheet set
9) cat - 2 bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears
5) babykc - 1bag
6) vodkarib - 2 bags soft toys

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened
6) vodkarib - 2 small tins unopened
7) cat - 1 x 400g unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)
9) vodkarib - 2 bottles and 2-4 teats
10) cat - pacifiers x 7

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)
6) vodkarib - body lotion/ baby oil
7) cat - unused diaper cream / bodywash

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
3) vodkarib - nappy liner (1.5 boxes)
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)
4) cat - 1 stroller (can be fully reclined)

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags
7) babykc-1-2bags
8) vodkarib- one brand new bedsheet set
9) cat - 2 bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears
5) babykc - 1bag
6) vodkarib - 2 bags soft toys
7) sotong - 2 bags

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened
6) vodkarib - 2 small tins unopened
7) cat - 1 x 400g unopened

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)
9) vodkarib - 2 bottles and 2-4 teats
10) cat - pacifiers x 7
11) sotong - 3 small bottles + teats

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)
6) vodkarib - body lotion/ baby oil
7) cat - unused diaper cream / bodywash

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
3) vodkarib - nappy liner (1.5 boxes)
4) sotong - cloth nappies (wanted to buy)

Good morning mummies!

Am I too late?! When are we going to give the stuff? I wanted to buy cloth diapers for the babies. Should be going within these 2 days. Will I be in time?
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)
4) cat - 1 stroller (can be fully reclined)
5) glass - 1 playpen

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags
7) babykc-1-2bags
8) vodkarib- one brand new bedsheet set
9) cat - 2 bags

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears
5) babykc - 1bag
6) vodkarib - 2 bags soft toys
7) sotong - 2 bags

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened
6) vodkarib - 2 small tins unopened
7) cat - 1 x 400g unopened
8) glass - 1 pediasure for 1 and above opened one week ago still 95% full

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)
9) vodkarib - 2 bottles and 2-4 teats
10) cat - pacifiers x 7
11) sotong - 3 small bottles + teats
12) glass - a few bottles

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)
6) vodkarib - body lotion/ baby oil
7) cat - unused diaper cream / bodywash

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
3) vodkarib - nappy liner (1.5 boxes)
4) sotong - cloth nappies (wanted to buy)
BABY COTS (If you really have this big item and having a headache for transportation, please put your name down first. I will figure this out.)
1) Xoxo - 1 set
2) Shugar - 1 stroller(can be fully reclined)
3) Esther 1 set (playpen type)
4) cat - 1 stroller (can be fully reclined)
5) glass - 1 playpen

CLOTHES (to use the recycling bag size for estimation of quantities. You are welcomed to donate bibs, towels, mittens, booties, onesies etc. Just ensure items are not soiled.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) hippo - 1 bag
3) Tien -1 bag
4) Shugar - 1bag
5) Ginger - 1 bag of clothes + bedsheet set + mittens &amp; booties
6) Esther - 3 bags
7) babykc-1-2bags
8) vodkarib- one brand new bedsheet set
9) cat - 2 bags
10) Angelina - 1 bag

TOYS (Hanging mobiles, rattles, books, mats etc. Again, use the recycling bag sizes to indicate extent of donation for estimation.)
1) Xoxo - 2 bags
2) jaz - 2 bags
3) Tien - 1 bag
4) funzee - only a few teddy bears
5) babykc - 1bag
6) vodkarib - 2 bags soft toys
7) sotong - 2 bags
8) Angelina - 1 bag soft toys

INFANT FORMULA (all sorts are welcomed. If opened, please ensure it is still usable and give a "drink-by" date and ensure it's sealed well for a flight. Unopened tins are most welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - 2 tins unopened
2) gal^ - 10 tins unopened
(gripe water : 1/2 bottle)
3) Shugar - gripe water : 3/4 bottle + 1 unopened
4) Ginger - 1 small tin unopened + 3/4 bottle gripe water
5) funzee - 1 x 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 unopened
6) vodkarib - 2 small tins unopened
7) cat - 1 x 400g unopened
8) glass - 1 pediasure for 1 and above opened one week ago still 95% full

FEEDING UTENSILS (Electric items are not advisable as Timor has no electricity. Bottles, teats, caps, pacifiers are welcomed.)
1) Xoxo - Small bottles x 3, pacifiers x 3
2) hippo - plastic cutlery set, feeding utensils
3) Tien - at least 2-3 bottles
4) gal^ - small bottle x 2, big bottle x 8, disposable teat x 7, level 1 teat x 6, level 2 teat x 5, medicine spoon x 1
5) Shugar- 2 big bottles, 1 pack teats (12m+), 12 new waterbottles
6) Ginger - plastic cutlery set x 2, water bottle x 2, disposable teat x 4, level 2 teat x 6, variable teat x 1
7) funzee - 3x 8oz bottles, 3 x 5oz bottles, 2 x 5oz bottles w/o teats, 1 x 4oz bottle, 4 pacifers (1 w/o cover), 1 bottle brush, 1 bowl with suction base
8) Esther - 5 big bottles and 1 small bottle, 8 teats - (for 3mths+ and 6mths+)
9) vodkarib - 2 bottles and 2-4 teats
10) cat - pacifiers x 7
11) sotong - 3 small bottles + teats
12) glass - a few bottles

CLEANSERS &amp; CREAMS (These include bottle detergents, brushes, shampoos, body/face cream, diaper cream etc.)
1) Xoxo - Unused shampoo/bodywash/diaper balms
2) hippo - unused shampoo/bodywash/body lotions
3) Shugar - Unused diaper cream and bottle detergent
4) Ginger - unused shampoo/bodywash/baby soap/baby oil/diaper cream
5) Esther - Insect Repellent (17 boxes)
6) vodkarib - body lotion/ baby oil
7) cat - unused diaper cream / bodywash

DIAPERS (Cloth nappies only)
1) Ginger - 3/4 box of nappy liners
2) Esther - Nappy Liner (2 boxes)
3) vodkarib - nappy liner (1.5 boxes)
4) sotong - cloth nappies (wanted to buy)

Hi all, I brought Elgin for his first official lesson today.

Was pretty ok, except for a new girl who cried 90% of the entire time she's there. The mum (I think) didn't try to calm her down and didn't take her out of the class until break time was over, but by then, my ears were really sore from the constant loud non-stop crying.

The teachers tried to calm her down but didn't work. The mum should have just brought the girl out immediately for a change of environment. If the child is not ready to have a class, then don't force her or him.

I know there are times you just can't settle a young child, but me just very fed up.

Then some other parents a bit buay zi dong. Their child was so excited at the lesson, ran to the front, but pretty much blocked everything. Some of them just talked to other people and ignored the teachers. We can't expect the child to be paying attention the whole time, but if you are spending so much money to attend lessons, then make the most out of it. One mum just outsourced it to her maid and the maid didn't really care that much, and was chatting instead of keeping an eye on the child.

I think all of us at the trial were so much more 'on' about the children then the hands off ones I met today. Their kids are a few months older.

Elgin was at his usual, sitting there quietly with his fingers in his mouth. But I noticed something about him. He absolutely hates to share and return the items to the teachers. He would grab on to them for dear life, and then cry when I snatch it from him to return. In the end, the teacher had to allow him to hold on to them for a little longer time. Towards the end, he got cranky, but I think he was able to participate more today compared to the other trial when he just wanted to sleep, and he was relatively unaffected by the incessant crying.

I think I can understand why hippo was so unhappy at the lack of the teachers' part to keep the children engaged during her trial. Guess with different teachers we get different experiences. It also makes me wonder about myself as an educator, whether I do enough as one.

Ok, sorry for the long post. A bit emo because I have to return to work next year, just received the letter that I will have to report for work, and I can't continue with the lessons next year. I think weekends would be too crowded and much of a rush. Makes me feel like totally quitting my job to stay at home, especially when he's older, he would be able to gain more from the lessons.
