(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Astro : Wah Josh usually drink 210ml, 4 times a day. N eat porridge 4-5 times a day. But so far he never gain a lot. Think he burn everything with his activities, maybe that's why he's super active
I hope I'm not over fed him, cause if I don't give him milk or food he'll be fussy

Angelina > I was abt to say the same thing as you. Dre takes at least 5 full nursings per day - sometimes more, and eats breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. As you can see..ikan bilis still. I've no idea how to load/fatten her up. At least Josh is rapid speed...so I can understand how he burns his carbo. Dre isn't as fast so question mark where all the calories are going...one thing though, maybe I should try to make her sleep more often/longer. I have abit more success getting her to nap at least once per day now for the past two weeks? Think that is helping her with her weight...? Oh well..HECK! Hahahaha...

Parties > Woohoo!! We survived! Honestly, I have never gone to sooooo many parties in my life. Loads of fun and with each, the characters/themes change and you can really see all the mummies putting in plenty of effort and fantastic creativity! Ladies...let's do our X'mas one ok? With so much experience now, I am sure with each of us handling one "department", this would be easy peasy. How? On? :p :p
Dear mommies! Today marked my last day as a sahm for a week. It has been a tiring and yet strangely rewarding experience for me. To be honest, I've expected myself to be totally knuckled. Don't get me wrong, it's still tiring but I see how he responds and everyday is a new experience. He did something to endear or frustrates or amazes or puzzles me everyday.

The other day, I saw that he was playing with an object which in my view does not pass my safety standard and I promptly take it away from him. He yelped. But when I gave him something else in exchange, he's cool about it. I then think wow, he's cool. Then in a nano second, my thoughts turned to oh dear, will he get bullied in class when his classmates snatched his toy from him, should I start teaching him the art of self defense? I tell you mommies, never had I had so conflicting thoughts in one split second this week compared to life before him. I guess we will never stop worrying huh?

I thought I will be so looking forward to going back to work. But strangely I did not have this thought...hmmm I worry constantly now today, about leaving him alone with helper. Hubby on biz trip this week. Times like this, I've to have faith. Which I did. By installing not one but four surveillance cameras in my house. They come with a price tag but gives me peace of mind. I can view what's happening at home anytime anywhere as long as I have my phone. If I don't have time to see everything, they records scenes and keep them for three months. I know... I'm a paranoid crazed auntie...I wished my mum will come to hk soon..

I do feel so guilty as a working mum. I see all these activities done by my friends here , and I wonder if I have been depriving him. I think I did to be honest.

Sorry for this long post. Kinda feeling conflicted going back to work and staying home. But reality check, still need the dough to make the bread. So off to work tomorrow I will..

Oh oh! Btw, full nursings of milk!!! You are so fortunate!!! At least they drink up milk which is full of nutrients.. My bubba fights bottles all the time.
JG trial:
agree w ginger. Personally feel GUG is better. Feel like it would make the $$ (investment) worth. For free play can always have playdate. I liked JG's music/singing part (the last session w keyboard) as E showed interest. I suspect its because its music + actions (pat the mat, pat shoulder, tap the tamborine, etc). LIke MyGym.
I also like it that the activities are in the same room, compared to GUG mountbatten where need to move one room to another room. I don't know about others but i find that distracting or like a disconnect?

However, when i observe the rest of the kids who are attending JG regularly, most of them paid attention to the teachers and lessons. So it may depend on individual baby's preference and chemistry.

Good thing is with the trials, i begin to understand E a little better on his preference.
Got to start googling action song to play with him :D

hmm. any more trials out there?
xoxo: well done re Dre's nap! Yes sleeping will help with weight gain. How did you manage to get her to sleep?

Astro: yup, I know the min amt is 12 oz. I guess cos A was never a good milk drinker nor eater so I just let her drink if she wants. I will try and reduce the mid-afternoon feed and see if her appetite for dinner is better.

A was overtired tonight after all the excitement. But she liked taking the mini roller coaster at Royce. I think she actually enjoyed the mini whiplash when she crashed into the wall. OMG.
babymax > honestly i can connect with quite abit of what u wrote. to work or not to work...it ain't a bed of roses either when u are a f/t sahm. whichever decision or lifestyle choice, i wish u the best!

gal > that's true, we learn more of their characters in these classes. I have to credit JG with making things more fun between Dre and us. having said that, i think most kids come off very confident by the time they are 3yo when they are with JG. the teachers were trying to get us to sign up for playclub for this term. i didn't feel Dre was ready - might just put her back into JG in Jan..but for the mandarin classes.

funzee > the dreadful lift upgrading has come to an end...that has really helped to make our home peaceful and quiet...and that aids her afternoon naps
in the past fortnight, she gained 300g ...i think that was great! nothing much has changed in "technique"..i have always given her quiet time after 3-4hrs of being awake..and nowadays, when i do that in the afternoon, off she goes for a snooze of abt 30mins-1hr. most days. i get unlucky on some days too :p
Hahaha..I didn't know I belong to the diaper hoarding group! I was just telling SF that we need to URGENTLY run to the supermarket for a diaper top-up when my helper smilingly brought out THREE whole packets of diapers! *sheepish*
Xoxo: Onz for the idea of 'departmentalised' the Xmas party hahahah...You decide, chieftain!

Sigh..feeling a rather emo Monday today hahah..this pregnancy is giving me a lot of hormonal related emotional upheaval and lows.
Xoxo: Onz for the idea of 'departmentalised' the Xmas party hahahah...You decide, chieftain!

Sigh..feeling a rather emo Monday today hahah..this pregnancy is giving me a lot of hormonal related emotional upheaval and lows.
sorry girls.. but wat is the minimum or recommended amount of milk to feed our babes?

Glass>> I am also thinking of stopping breastfeeding alr.. it's a yr.. think PD was saying anything beyond 6 mths the milk is not as "helpful".. Some more I am a full time working mum.. pumping everyday is tiring...

Also, can I ask you girls... If i stop her on bm, do i need to continue on FM? Can she just go full solids? What's the purpose of the FM?
xoxo>> yes the number of parties ive attended in my lifetime cannot exceed the number ive attended just this sept and oct! and i still have 2 more to clear this week! hahaha

and yes, enough of chocolate cakes pls! the number of choc cakes ive eaten this week is enough to make me run at the mention of c.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e!

jrrt & Loke>> are your cakes also chocolate? can i request not to eat them pls pls pls pls pls? hahahhahahaa im really scared of chocolates now..
astro>> the suit is the customised dress ya? i cant thank you enough for the dress.. it is really very pretty!

tien>> why so emo! i cant wait for your next scan leh.. aiya, i wanted to see kay's thighs yesterday! my fren told me that by looking at the 1st kid's thighs you will know the gender of the 2nd kid! or 2nd and 3rd for that matter la.. saw Josh's thighs yesterday and it was correct! hahahaha.. dunno how true la, but maybe you can take a look and we can know the % of the accuracy!
bwahahaha... you join PY's club! ask her to buy for you during one of her JB trips lah. hehe...

i can't say again how special your prezy is. ok i better stop otherwise everyone thinks i donch appreciate theirs!

you know actually i haven't really eaten most of the cakes cos we are always (almost always) evacuating before or right after cake cutting. i hope you guys at least enjoyed Min's cake. hehe...

actually i stopped sterilizing at around 6 mths i think. and then by 8mths when we used up all the bb detergent we just used normal mama lemon already.
Angelina and Mie: I need to do get the marking over and done with. Super sian to have work stuck at the back of my head. Anyway, this pregnancy is not making me the happiest person on earth. Very worried how it will affect the baby.

Mie: I know the thighs bit. It's on the creaseson the thighs right? My colleague saw and say it's boy. But then again, I am the curse of all old wives' tales. So, it will probably not be accurate. And my next scan is tomorrow FYI. So fast right? I am into my 24 weeks and I don't even feel like it!

Hippo: Sob..I want to eat your cake...

Astro: I am soooooooooooo gonna open the present later. Hahahah...everyone's talking about it! Hahhahaha...
Anyway, any playdate or mummies only sessions coming up? Preferably weekdays ones. Maybe next week or last week of Oct? I desperately need one of these.
babytum: i've stopped pumping already. Now down to just 2 feeds plus a day. He's also showing signs that he doesn't like bf that much now. Would 'run' or 'roll' away from me.

angelina: Just saw some photos on fb and i was thinking, wow, who's that model? then I click and see it's you. Great haircut!
glass>>> i have not let baby tasted any form of milk other than bm! so im a little worried now that i need to slowly intro her to new stuff since im reducing the pumps.. (i top up wif frozen if i dun haf enough cos i do haf quite an inventory of frozen ones..) so im concern how impt is milk to them? when i fully finish the bm, does she haf to switch to FM or not necc?
babytum: not sure, but i've been drinking fm like forever, even when I became an adult as I would add that to my milo for breakfast.
Even though they are more robust now making sure that your toddler gets a healthy, balanced diet will be an ongoing challenge. Milk remains an important part of their diet and, at a year old, it's recommended that your toddler has at least 350ml of milk a day.
350ml? hmm.. ok.. then im not so worried cos now she drinks abt 600ml daily.. she takes bm like water.. any amt anytime one..
babytum. there's fm for 1 year old and above. check the stages. they will drink full cream milk.
those that we drink are probably low fat milk which is not suitable for them.
glass >>> but wat if we buy like full cream marigold for eg? can? my girl drinks 600 but she is super skinny. she is still wearing the romper she wore since she was born!!! no joke.. n the leg holes are all still too big for her! she is only 7.8 now.. n thise sleeveless dresses the armholes are always too big for her though it says "3-6 mths"
hippo : need to 'chiong' hot water? or no need liao?
ooo goodie. good to know. honestly i used mama lemon to wash when he was 0-4 mths. only when i send to nanny, nanny say must have that detergent :p so i started buying the bottle detergent . But have been sterilising all the way.

tien : keep me posted on the playdate? i got to do testing when i'm back in office
got to see the schedule. not sure can take leave. if can will take half day and zoom over ;)

xoxo : your comment on JG is interesting. Do you think that its because JG is engaging as in, getting them to do certain action like kiss the jaybirds, pat the tamborine i.e. each babe will be engaged by name and each baby does same action together, that gives them the confidence?
Tien : relax, when i was pregnant with boy boy I was very moody n felt exactly like u now. But Josh turns out okay, smiley baby n super little monster. N up until now I also haven't feel any baby kick yet

Glass : haha, thanks
babytum: i think there's the version for young children. you can give pediasure to make your kid bigger size. that's what the abott consultant said for underweight kids. I have a free tin from them but again, Elgin is having rashes, so I think his cow milk's allergies won't go away.
babytum > wah..u kidding lah! Dre is also 7.8kg but no way she can fit into her 6mo rompers, much less, her newborn sizes! i didn't even bother bringing her in for her 1yo check. for the past 3 PD visits, the doc kept reminding us how small/petite the genetic traits are, "apples never fall from the tree" etc...

gal > i suppose you can say that the routines in JG - while boring to us adults, can promote anticipation and subsequently, awareness and more confidence in the babies?

glass > i just gave dre yoghurt. she is also having an allergic reaction. sian. *hugs*..hope the two of them get over this scratchy hill soon.
xoxo >>> yah my PD keeps sayin she is small small small but my gynae was saying the abnormal (fat babies) has become the norm nowadays, so he says dun listen to others. if she is active n healthy, who cares? both my hubby n i r considered slim but tall.. so maybe...

but wats Dre's height?

seems like most pp here prefer GUG.. actually i was thinking of JG since the price diff is minimal.. but once come 18 mths when they progress to the next stage, JG is v v ex ah! can i ask if we bring them to nursery at 3 yrs, do they still need to continue these classes? will it b double learning? im putting my girl into kindermusik for now cos she seems to enjoy it and hubby prefers it cos its less stressful.. those phonics he feels are too stressful for a 1 yr old!
xoxo: if it's any consolation, my husband says that his friend, who used to be a vp at a primary school with gifted stream, said that 50% of the gep students suffer from some form of allergies/eczema, so their birthday celebrations in school have to be closely monitored.
hahahaha, very Ah Q of me.
I look at all the FB pictures, make me feel like having a girl next!
But by the looks of it, I have to wait for at least one more year before trying again.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Balloon Sculpturist</font>
I remember reading someone asking for this.

I juz celebrated Malcolm's birthday over the weekend and engaged BIL's friend who does this as a hobby and side-line, coz he's still studying.

His creations really nice. He made an Elmo for Malcolm as his pressie (note, this elmo was even taller den my #1), and in the span of 2 hrs which i engaged him, he made at least 15 other ballons (consisting of parrot, princess, tweety, tigger, heart, tiara, mini elmo, octopus, etc)

PM me if you wan his contact
HEloooo..... i am sooo happy.
hehe.. my friend is preggie!

any recommendation for East Side Gynae? Reasonable price etc.
She stays @ simei currently.

babytum > size is relative...i've a friend, she's SG but her hb is german - their 3mo is now 7kg. can u beat that??!? but despite the hefty number, he is perfectly fine - and his height is already 64cm! Dre's height is 73cm. Maybe your bb is tall and lanky? My hb and I are average height, might even be considered short! So we aren't expecting Ms Heavyweight or Tally to emerge - gotta be realistic

glass > wah..Ah Q lah you! I dunno abt others, but my sister was GEP and she has no allergies whatsoever. I am Ms Ordinary but I have allergies. So I can't draw much consolation from that..life is unfair..*wail*. On a serious note, I am hopeful, very, very hopeful that one fine brilliant day, Dre would develop the enzymes necessary to get her past her milk allergies. This round of milk protein challenges that I've piled her - her reaction to it has been rather moderate. Not those serious intestinal bleeding that used to plague her. Plus, to give you some encouragement and hope, allergies that develop when they are young have a better chance of being outgrown. It's those allergies that one develops as adults that tend to be a stickler. So keep positive and I hope both Elgin &amp; Dre would be less sensitive in time to come
gal > congrats! haha...#2 for you? I'd three friends delivering on 10.10.10....i can only imagine the chaos in the hospitals now. :p
xoxo: sigh, me also miss ordinary. But I really should get myself tested for allergies. Think I'll go book an appointment with NSC for a prick test for myself. Can babies take prick test?

Ok, let's continue to be hopeful!
glass > I copy these paragraphs for your reading pleasure. Conclusion for us since I know that she is allergic to milk proteins, I've obviously excluded this from her daily diet. However, complete avoidance is one part of things; we have routinely begun challenging her system to provoke reactions albeit in a mild way so these can somewhat help her immune response to overcome its hasty reactions etc. etc.

----Quote from American Academy of Pediatrics----

"The prick skin test is the most commonly used test to detect allergies. Although not always accurate in children under the age of 12 months, it can be done at any age. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 'age is no barrier to skin testing; positive results can be obtained at any age.' Skin testing is done by placing drops of common allergens on your child's skin. Light pricks or scratches are then made in the skin and the area is observed for a reaction. The test is relatively painless and very quick. To avoid false results, your child will have to stop taking antihistamines if he is currently taking them as treatment for his allergies.

Another type of allergy test is the intradermal skin test. This is similar to the prick skin test, except that the allergen is injected under the skin. It is more accurate, but may not be as well tolerated as the prick skin test in younger children.

Other tests include RAST (radioallergosorbent test, a blood test to check for antibodies against certain things your child may be allergic to) to see if specific allergies can be found. A new version of the test, the ImmunoCAP allergy blood test, is supposedly much improved over older versions, although skin testing is usually thought to be more accurate. The main downsides to RAST testing is that it is more expensive than skin testing, and the results can take up to a few weeks to come back, while the results of skin tests are usually known within 15 minutes of the test being performed.

Other, nonspecific tests, such as total serum IgE and blood eosinophil levels, are not very helpful, as they give no information about what you may be allergic to.

So if it is possible to do allergy testing in children, why don't you just do it on all children with allergies? One reason is that just because you have a positive test, which indicates that you do have IgE against a certain allergen, that doesn't mean that it will cause any symptoms. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 'Although a positive result to scratch or intradermal skin testing strongly suggests that your child has formed IgE antibodies against a specific allergen, it does not follow that he will develop allergy symptoms when exposed to that particular allergen in the environment.' And skin test results can remain positive, even as your child is outgrowing his allergies.

Also, allergy tests can not detect every possible allergen. So your child may still be allergic to something, even though all of his tests are normal.

So the results of your child's skin tests must be interpreted in light of his symptoms and history and are best done by allergy expert. Although allergy tests, especially RAST, are easy to order, and are often done by doctors without formal training in diagnosing and treating allergies, they are often hard to interpret.

Your doctor may also do a food challenge, where small amounts of a food is given to your child and he is closely observed for symptoms.

Other allergy tests are very controversial and best avoided, including the cytotoxic leukocyte test, sublingual drops test, and immune complex assays."
gal: No need to "chong" with hot water anymore. Anyway, bacteria breeds in wet environments. Better to wash the bottles and keep them dry. When I was in Perth, I would wash and rinse with warm water and quickly fill up with room temp water and keep for next feed. A was ok with it.

My fussy little one has been giving us headache during meals. Last night during dinner she refused her food, only wanted ours. I gave her a bit but in the end, I reprimanded her for not eating her dinner. Went to bed hysterical and crying all the way. Woke up at night to drink milk! My poor husband had to get up with her for 2 hours. Tonight again not interested in her own dinner, kept wanting our food. I'd already planned to put her fish together with our dish and I could give it to her but after a few mouths she also rejected. Ended up giving her some of our chicken. Sigh. Unless we also switch to no salt, no sauce, dunno how to survive mealtimes.

What is the meaning of Ah Q ah?

Angelina: I think you look fab with your haircut + colour! When your tummy is bigger, shld send your photo to Spring Maternity. They are always looking for "model" mums.

Tien: I can't say enough how I admire the effort you put into the party. Can tell that you thought through the whole thing and ensured that there was something for everyone.

On a separate note, I was also super angsty during pregnancy. A few times got so frustrated that my blood was boiling. Well, at least A turned out to be quite easy to manage in her earlier months, though now she can voice her protests quite loudly, I must confess.

Just be happy and rest well ok?!
Hey mummies! It's Mid-week...hang in there and weekend is coming (for the working ones lah!) hahah...

Angelina: thanks dear. I think I was much happier when I had Kay. This time round too many thing going on. And honestly, family support and love is not as strong as what I enjoyed when I had Kay. So, nowadays, I kinda find ways to make myself happy on my own.

Funzee: You are most welcomed. I love planning for parties. Just that I feel that this time round it went a bit too big..so was quite stressed that I couldn't be a good host. So have to think of ways to try to keep everyone occupied.

I certainly hope that this #2 will not be affected by this mummy's mood swings and outbursts. Saw the scan yesterday, she looked really happy active! And the nose is soooooo high from the scan...like the daddy
tien : "she"?..... Kay gg to have a bb sista? :D

funzee : i'm thinking, i have the bottle/teat thing to drip dry. but i didn't use since last time will put in the steriliser. my house area v dusty le. Got 2 construction ongoing nearby. if i drip dry in the steriliser...will that work? (steriliser got lid)

about meal time. Guess A is more observant now. Maybe tentatively u really switch your own diet to no salt/etc? but after 1yo can give a bit right? then once A knows that eh.. mummy eat and what she eat is the same thing..perhaps she will stick to her own food? not sure if it will work.

no recommended gynae at the east?
Funzee : thanks

Tien : so happy for ur Mei Mei. Hmm I kinda feel the same way, so I always try to do something by myself that makes me happy. Mood swing r worse the 2nd round
angelina/tien : hang in there. guess coz u are more busy now compared to #1, as u have to take care of a toddler + preggie/bb.

was googling to see if there is a nice poem for u two. but did not manage to find something related.
Found this instead which is v sweet. about the relationship between mother, #1 and #2.

baby cot :
any of your baby is trying to climb out of the cot?
i think i need to move my babe from his cot to mattress on floor v soon. :S Even my nanny noticed. She said he will unbutton the cot protector at her place, push to one side and leverage that to try climb out of the cot :S. So dangerous. Can anyone share how to transition that? u put mattress in playyard? or sleep with bb in the meantime so he won't roll to the floor. :S
Gal: Got got...I just asked my colleague! De Heng Tung Lan. Female Gynae. She has a clinic in Bedok Interchange and at Eastshore itself. Tel: 64407266. Was supposed to see her when I have #2, but becos the pregnancy is so closed, decided to go back to matriach in case of complications. My colleague says she is the chop chop type...so not sure if ur fren will like.

Thanks for the link...I will read it in a while...busy with students now hahahah..
Hi all,

An idea came up in my head these couple of days after i read PY's post that kids these days are very fortunate.

I would like to expose Min to under privileged children when she is old enough - maybe 3? So i think maybe after she turns two we can start to look for orphanages to volunteer and bring her along with us. Im hoping that with that, she will appreciate how fortunate she is and not take everything that she has for granted.

If any of you share the same thot, we can discuss as we go along since its prolly too early for them to do anything now anyways.
Hi Hippo!

I have the same thoughts!

Before Reagan comes along, I wanted to bring Ryan to some "holiday" in Asia to volunteer our time and also to see for himself how fortunate he is. He is kinda taking everything for granted nowadays. But Reagan came along and that thought is shelved.

Ya let's come up with something? My coy has something along this line which if I donate certain amount of time(could be one off) they will match donations. I even have a day of Volunteer leave. Gotta make full use right?!


Dr Heng Tung Lan is my gynae when I have my elder son. She's the "Queen" of East Shore Hospital and delivered the most babies there. But what Tien said is true, she's quick with her time and thus unless you have questions, then she will take a while more to answer. If not, chop chop, before you know it, visit is over. So normally 1st time mummies don't like her.

I might be going back to her if I have my 3rd cos of convenience.


My previous emplyer had the same program as yours. I too was mulling one of the more backward countries til hb said those places will hve creepy crawlie like lizards all around so there goes that idea.

Now is not a good time yet but certainly will keep a lookout for similar orgs in SG!

I will certainly keep u posted!
