(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

astro : hmm. heard anything about excessive pee-ing? or.. er...how many wet diapers do you all normally get from your bb in a day?

PY : if short while maybe you just swaddle & carry her easier? no need gadgets.

PY :p ask ur confinement lady for recipe? think why ur MIL mee sua salty is perhaps coz' your CL got boil the mee sua once separately then add her own salt to taste.

tien: sayang . A pat on your back from your fellow partner in agony. Last night, pain again cause boobs full when yu he latched.
though managed to lie down, finally, to nurse and though i didn't actually sleep, i feel more rested.
Give doris a call la. If Money has to be spent, spend it on this. Hey your pain is throughout the session one ah? If so then very likely bad latch. I think hor when demonic boy grows older, the first letter i'll teach him is not a, but capital k!

Gal:no la. Where got excessive peeing? It works the other way, if dehydrated, body can't even produce pee. Got poo? Elias feeding and active? Not lethargic? sounds fine to me. Pls dun let your mother freak you out with baseless comments. I'm just concerned about you saying his fontella being sunken. Can't judge for myself cause can't see elias. Consult pd if it worries you.
Aria: i forgot to compliment on your photos. well taken! alamak.. chubby naia. u fed her well! and this aria.. omg.. another cherubic girl!

gal: eh.. i dunno how many wet diapers.. coz i use disposable.. i think i rooughly changed about 3 - 4 FULL diapers.. so i supposed that's quite lot of pee?
then also the poo lor.. wah liew.. changing diapers all day long.!

just now.. was changing his diaper coz he pooed.. then i was cleaning his soiled bottom.. then all of a sudden, i saw a stream of projectile liquid 'flewing' backwards! heh. he peed.. and he almost drank his own pee! i didn't gena it since i was lifting his legs up.. missed his face .. very nearly landed on his own face! hahah. so much for his sneaky assualt! i got put tissue. but tissue flew away.. ha..
urine was a lot and clearer than mine.. ha :p
oh.. i want to share abuot birth cert numbers.. the more 4d oriented pple can go and buy 4D :p

teng's --> TXX 00012
yu he's --> TXX 33364
miser --> SXX 33331

ha.. all got this pattern .. first three digits same! miser was saying. he shd have registered yu he's birth one person earlier or 2 persons latter.. then the number nicer :p
win liao. in this family. my ic number is the hardest to remember.. coz all different digits kind!
Astro: the thing is when I latch with the letter K sometimes it will be painless but start n end will be painful and when I unlatch I will catch her smacking her tongue again ESP when she falls asleep.. And she is very impatient when hungry her head will just anyhow how arch or bang mouth also anyhow find.. Quite funny sometimes although very hard to guide her to the nips..that's why based on the painless moments I keep telling myself she will change she will improve and she will
stop smacking her tongue. Find that it's least painful when she latches when she is very hungry. But if leaves her too hungry she will still chop off my nips!! Argh...
astro : haha. i still trying to detect when he wanna pee/poo.
just now he cry..i check diaper..nothing..wear back. then he farted. then cry hysterically w tears.. so tot okay la..he so fussy..fart w lil bit shit oso kenot, i will chg diaper..open diaper..then...he poo...then fountain. :S

hee..heard some pple take their boy pee pee wash face worr :p
nice 4d no :p
Today is Friday the 13th...

Andre was simply fussing this morning... waking up the moment i put him on the cot and taking 10 minutes feed before dozing off again. This viscious cycle happened from 9-12 noon this mornin..I hummed "old macdonald had a farm" in all animals i know of. Finally, I lost it and scold the bawling baby... now i feel so guilty... he's so young, look so ke lian when he cry, yet i was so impatient..
<font color="ff0000">Anyone wants a Nursing Poncho?? </font>

Fret not about nursing in public anymore coz a Nursing poncho will cover all ur areas that you do not want to be exposed!

check out www.monpetitjardin.com for the colors available and PM me for the pricing as i do not check this thread...

Ready stocks available for selected colors, other colors will be available in 1-2 weeks time subjected to MOQ..
siangjiao: chill.. like that one.. more if suh instances to come..

bbs are devious, they trap us with their ke lian faces.. n make us guilty :p
Hi mummies!!
Can't believe it!! My yuxi is awake from 1.30pm feed till
now!! Amazing!!! In between fed 2 times. Is it becos I din feed enough? For the first time she is sooooo awake at this time!!! Me can't even steal a nap to key my boobs swell! now like jellies!

Maybe she is excited that tomolo is get party!
Gal: not crying except when she's hungry even when I latch her she sllep for a while and wakes again or very distracted so really anyhow suckle..know that it's better for her to be awake in the day but just rare that she is soooooooo alert.. Eyes really big big looking around!
Hi All, dun ever praise ur baby infront of them as baby is all very patang...

Actally also no wat method la....it juz dun carry her after her feed or change diaper even she cry....eventually she will sleep herself after her last feed at 11pm....n the mid of the nite, if she make some noise, jux ignore it unless she cry...dun wake her up to drink milk even she pass the feeding time....tat all the method i use...
Tien: Samuel has also been awake since his 2pm feed till now. Eyes open big big, look here n there. Well, As long as they sleep tonight can Liao
ya sometimes can't help it but to feed more since they r wailing for more milk.

nice pics. i am oso tempted to sign up the package.

anyone keen to organize another bp? haha

fengnugreek do works on me as to stabilise my supply nia but not performing magic such as abundunt supply cos i realised my breast will engorge faster if i took it. I am taking 3 a day. Wonder if i took 6 a day would i c a great difference. Hw many did u take? I wouldn't want to be too dependent on it.

clicking sound
i had it too but i know keith is gulping as well so nt sure what happen.Seems like it happens mostly when my breast is hard.

i let him take ebm of 120-130ml first and then follow by latching just to make sure he is full at nite. Combining both helps him to sleep better.
want to rant a bit.

i had been alone for one week ever since CL went back, and had started to put elgin on a GF routine. My FIL makes disparing remarks which I just have to learn to tune out. It takes time for babies to get used to routine, but I've already been able to sleep more at night.
TOday is 3rd day, getting back on track, but CL just returned ( my hubby was so afraid i couldn't look after on my own) and she took things into her own hands or she never hear probably. told her to use 2 oz for feeding, but she go and give him 3 oz, when I had just latched him for a while an hour ago.
in the end, he's so full he slept for 3 hours when he was supposed to be awake during that time.

just hope tonight she will listen to me and don't take too much intiative at this stage.
its amazing how come can lose weight rite? This morning my CL was looking at me fr my back and said I hv slimmed down a lot. But seriously I am not tt concerned abt weight loss coz at this stage, all i wan is to eat well so my milk is of gd quality.

Yah i hv no choice but to b guai coz almost kena chills leh. Not sthg to take lightly during confinement. My CL is not the naggy type and she dun watch over me like a hawk. My mum comes over every morning and she herself is not v strict as well. As long as i take reasonable care of myself, she wun comment much.
Eh my confinement oso ends next tues leh! How come we end on the same day when our deliveries on diff days?
Once u r more comfy wif the normal positions, then u can try the lying down. tts the position tt everyone wishes to master! heee...

Hey initially i oso targetted to BF gor 6 mths... then once i reach there, i extend tyo 1 yr etc... i stopped at 14 mths coz i was planning to hv #2 so i wan my body to rest 1st. else i dun think i will stop so soon. Its gd tt u hv a target to work towards! And yes, once u hit it, then u can extend some more. U can do it! Jia you!

I agree tt its v boring to sit in bed to nurse all the time! NOw i am v daring liao, i even sit in the living rm to nurse while watchg TV and my door is open. but of coz i am not tt exposed lah. Juz tt i dun use a nursing cover. i figured tt ppl walkg pass will not really stare at me coz they dunno wat i am doing. haha!

oh Adil dropped his nap thus can zzz 7ish... i see.... mayb i shld try tt so my son can go to bed early as well.

oh i tahan for 100 days w/o cold water coz i heard it affects milk ss! haha, i'm worried abt ss dropping tts y! this time round i dunno if i'll still b as gd thou but so far no urge of takg cold drinks yet. i'm quite contented as long as i get 2 drink gd ole plain water! hehe... coz 4 chinese we usually take red dates tea durg confinement so i am denied of water 4 the time being.
my nips seems 2 finally gettg better, i hope!
how 2 reduce latchg time when she cries frantically if its not min 20 min/boob? i'm waitg 4 her 2 cut down herself. meanwhile i juz switch boobs once 20 mins is up lor.

u can take dom if u give 2-3 hrs allowance for e next feed. i'm oso gg to start takg dom tonight aft her feed ard 7ish pm coz aft tt her next feed usually 3 hrs later. tts the only timing i can predict.
tien: i think they start to be awake for a longer stretch after 1 month. Like you, after this morning "i'm bright awake" stint, my 2 breasts became jellified too!

Jrrt: what's the advantages of taking DOM? and how much to take? I got a half empty bottle now, dunno what to do with it

Sorry to intrude but wondering if any of mummies interested to buy a digital baby weighing scale. I found it very useful to know my bb weight without having to wait till going to PD to know. I have one in excellent condition, letting go at $60.

Self collect at Suntec City or AMK hub or Seletar hills.

pls email [email protected] if interested.

Haha bb yuxi broke record! Awake from 10.30pm till 7.30pm. She is not exactly one month yet leh...4 days short. Finally she is dozing off and my CL brought her to the room for me to hv a break till next feed..so

Want to rant a bit. Hubby upset with me although I haven't said anything nasty. Dunno why he suddenly tell me that my mil say that we Shld being bb back to her place which is in jurong tomorrow after the full month party at expo. I was like what kind of stupid law is this.. He say bb must know where's grandma's place. he thought my mum will request the same thing. its ridiculous. Already very uhappy that the celebration is so exaggerated and want bb to travel from east to jurong west. They want to drive me and cl crazy? Already going to bottle feed her for the party then have to bring her to jurong? more bottle feed? I dun even have stock of so much ebm. Got prob supplying for tml somemore...think my milk super gian to take care of bb got some psychological phobia that bb will not be close to her and come up with this idea or hear from some aunty somewhere. Then hor... My cl told me if grandparents buy gold jewellery for bb and wear on full month, bb will be close. So I told my mum (who will be taking care of bb after I return to work), she was like nvm... Then just next day, my mil bought a gold chain for bb! See? How scared she is? Then she was like dun wear on full month nvm... Ya right... told my mum that and she went to get bracelet for bb Haha...now I am still deciding to wear or not... Dun like the idea of bb wearing jewellery...

Sigh now hubby face black black.. He knows I think its a dumb idea..din say any horrible thing yet ..I merely commented where got such a law and why only now mention... Told him want to go bk can go bk another day after full month lor!
famela: when baby suckle, every suckle is like pumping air into a balloon. Is that considered 'clicking' sound? Realized that i must concentrate when i bf, cos sometimes baby will lapse into a bad latch, and i need to reintroduce the nipple again. So far baby is putting on good weight, pee and poo per recommended standard, but he reguritates fairly often with curdled milk even when i tried to hold him at an angle. dunno what's wrong.

BTW, for a 5 week old baby, how long does your baby latches on? Mine sometimes after a 3 hour nap, latches for 10 mins and don't want the nipple anymore (he seems satisfied) .. Wondering if he is getting enough
jRRt> Ok thanks for the info. btw we went to PD for her heb B jab and i asked the doc abt the dom too. She said can drink but gotta mix with warm water and cannot one shot finish the whole cup...

Charlotte was crying from 12-330am last night.. we coax her to sleep and she wake up like every 20-30 mins... so we asked the PD today abt colic and she confirmed that Charlotte is colicky... gave her the med and now she's sleeping soundly since 6pm haha. hope today we can sleep better..

I'm so tired... I think i need to rant. I am doing the whole damn thing myself. Be it feeding, changing, bathing, I AM THE ONE DOING IT. Even coaxing her to sleep... I'M STILL THE ONE!!!! I told my hb that the way he carry her is not comfortable!! (he was using his palm to support the head and another palm support the buttock) wah lao .. like that u all think the crying baby will stop crying ?!?! I am so frustrated!!!!!!

Even burping the baby, he also dunno!!!!!!! yes i am also the one burping the baby. everything bao ga liao lah. Damn pek cek!!! I am so tired!!!!! SIGH!!!!!

Siangjiao>> Yeah i also feel guilty sometimes when i "Scold" my girl.. no matter what i do she still continue crying,but today we found out that colic is the culprit.. hai........
PY, it's ok to rant..why not do some agreement btw u and ur hb?
He do all the washing n household chores, sterilize ur gal's equipment. Bottle feed ur girl at night...that is what the agreement btw me &amp; my hubby, one concentrate on housework, one concentrate on taking care of baby...this is just the beginning, over the months both of u will get use to it as a routine

mummies here it is norm to feel frustrated n 'scold' ur baby, but must give them more TLC after scolding oki?

THis sunday gng to my fren's bb girl 1st mth, I keep asking her to come n join u gals in this thread for support!!
Hope u all will welcome her!

Nw add gripewater to prevent her colic to get worse, continue even the med finish
Jrrt: mine is Tuesday cos we count by 28 days. My bb was born on 20 oct, so shld be Tuesday unless I counted wrongly.

My CL also very strict but I'm ok cos she really helped me a lot. Now I'm wondering what I'm going to do when she leaves..
you mentioned me to doris? anyway i call her today because i think i have breast inflamation. my breastpad has a greenish stain. freaks me out. it happened when i suddenly change from using ameda electric pump to manual pump because the ameda pump broke down on me. suddenly there was a surge of breast milk on my right breast. that particular 3am session, i managed to express out 220ml just from that breast alone! so gross right? i throw away the milk thinking that it might contain pus in it.

anyway, doris said i can actually feed my girl with it. no harm since our body has so many bacteria. but i just play safe. till now, i still express and throw away cos my breast still feel so tender and painful! no matter how i empty the breast, the pain still there. and now my supply suddenly come down. only manage to express out 120ml for that breast.

next week she's coming to collect my milk after hearing from me that im throwing it away. i hope she's not charging me consultation fee for that man..she said she will show me how to express and collect the milk..mm.. at the same time, i hope she can show me again how to latch my girl..

calm down. is your bb the 1st grand child? that's why your MIL super gian? may be you can latch on at your MIL place? yeah, understand how tiring to hold a celebration but just bear with it lah. just 1 day nia and i suppose everyone is excited to see your bb? don't because of this quarell with hubby lah...not worth it..

if you think your bb is too big for infant photo, you can bring him to another PS when he's older. my favourite is www.seanlau.com . his style is very much anne geddes. my girl took her 8 mth studio with him and all the pictures are soo lovely! we spent $500 over to buy back all the negatives!

if your bb look contented after the feed, then it's ok. you should count yourself lucky cos you have an efficent drinker!
Aria: i didn't mention ur name. i just joked to her that i need to charge her recommendation fees too coz i recommend so many clients to her.. then she laughed and told me to list a few.. i told her one case which the bb refused to latch on.. she followed with, 'oh the nipplete case?'..
no mention of names of whatever..

wah.. 220ml from ONE breast?! but honestly i wun dare to feed too. u know why doris wants to collect the milk from u? :p coz she doing a study on breastmilk mah.. for a paper she is presenting.. hahaha. i think she might charge you half price? but hey if she never charge u hor. ur milk darn exp leh. $120 doris got to pay u ah! :p:p

darn.. my mother told me i cannot step out of the house tomorrow. i am like pissed off and irritated.. :S till i no mood to latch just now.. wah liew.. dun try to control me lor.. i want to spend time with teng hor.. *angry*

siangjiao: as long as the bb is not screaming with pain each time he regurgitates.. it is ok.. small small amount nia, right?

PY: men! they are like that. miser hor.. ok. he does what is needed.. but he wun tidy up after that one leh. he will leave the soiled diaper still in the room. if we need water. the container of water still on the cot.. burpning cloth still there.. i keep telling him 'can u finish up what u are tasked to do? like that i am still doing the job, right?'

eh.. i carry the bb that way myself leh.. like the way ur hb is carrying :p when i want to calm him down.. it works on him. he calms down when i gently sway him up and down..

tien: 1030pm till 730pm? *blur* :p
wah. hold bb full mth at expo?! what a lavish affair! invite me leh ? :p whahahahah.joking liao. but seriously. need to be so exaggerating meh? :p

Jrrt: can nurse up to 30min per boob..

Ong: 2 a day. but i stopped it. i am taking molitium instead coz it will help yu he with his regurigitation tendency.. settles his stomach a bit..

famela: great videos! but i can't really see what is 'jiggling and pulling' leh.. as in i dun get it..
PY>> cool it babe.. rmb that he hasn't been very hands on during the time your CL is ard coz everything also CL help.. now give him some time to learn and adjust.. at least he is making an effort..

the way he carry her is machiam the photoshoot pose is it? heehee.. teach him the proper way.. no use being pek chek.. anyway when you shift back to your mum's place, you will have a bit more help ya? cool it and endure for these few days more!
astro>> me ah, been trying to survive lo.. hahahaha.. isabelle's super difficult to please and my hubby and i have to take turns to sleep at night.. tough life.. sigh
astro>> at least he help u and it works leh!! mine want to help but his technique or position wrong. make the bb cry even harder!

Mie> yah that's the position. He will hold her this way and swing up and down.. and he always does this after feeding!!!! i told him cannot coz will puke.. he still dun listen *ROAR!!!* and when he feed her he placed her head on his wrist (hard part) then sometimes she will cry and cry instead of drinking the milk... i told him.. imagine u the baby lah.. u prefer soft or hard.. wah lao eh!!! i wanna strangle him lah.

yah he didnt even bother to feed her when the CL was here. hai....!!! take for granted.. We are all very sleep deprived. Last night the both of us didnt sleep well. Charlotte is colicky hopefully tonight will be better.

mangogal> Yah he helped me wash the pumping equipment.. he tried to feed her in the night.. but he gotta wake up at 630am everyday.. so sometimes i also understand he gotta work lah.. hai... we all gg nuts liao.

My mom is employing a helper to help my grandma at home.. she say this maid loves dog, babies and old folks haha. But i gonna wait till jan, hopefully she can help me abit here and there... sigh
PY : Yr HB quite good already...i.e. he try to hands on. At least he helping u. I got a friend who never chg his son diaper until he 2 years old. After tonight's good night rest... think ur day tomorrow will be brighter and better :D

xoxo : eh.. my friend tried 'mother's milk tea' for 5days. she got see her supply increase by 30ml!! i going to try.
i tried oats, papaya fish soup, fenugreek seed boiled. dun c any diff either. Still see range of 10ml - best record is 120ml (total). 120ml is if i skip latching and engorged.

Joanne : hm..when ur bb poop at night u no chg diaper. bb will continue to make grunting noises right? i can't sleep w e grunting noises.. how u sleep through. :p

my mom when she here pro bf. now she went back and is telling me to supplement
. i v heartache coz' e words she use not v nice. making me doubt again.

Q: if ur bb suckle till sleep..will u still burp e bb?
Q: when we store EBM in bottle feeding, use sealing disc then store right. do u put the pacifier on the bottle and store as well or leave the pacifier at the steriliser and put on when need to feed the bb?
Tien: hmm sometimes the older folks have this strange kinda thinking. I remember when we brought bb back from the hospital my ILs Told us to bring bb over to their place first b4 we went back to my mother's place(I was doing confinement there). We were both not keen coz bb just out from hosp dun wan to bring here n there but they insisted and kept calling hb Hp the whole time!! So stress! Plus bb was crying while we were in the car... Double stress! My hb face was super black coz he didn't want to go.
Haiz, happy day, dun wAnt to spoil the mood so we went lor and just stayed for 5 mins...like that they also happy. Till today I dun know what's the reason...:s
Anyway, It's your bb's 1 month, happy occasion so try not to let this incident make the both of you unhAppy ok ?
Tien: My MIL also got some jewellery for baby. He wear already, look like mini "dai yi long" (loanshark). But i never let him wear, cos it looks so uncomfortable, and i'm afraid some parts might scratch him.

i think PIL, (MILs esp) are very afraid if the grandchild do not bond with them. So they devise ways and means to come in close contact with the grandchild. I guess in a way they are physchologically bonded with the child almost just as much as we are, so they'll miss the baby when baby is not around. My MIL included... ask me dun carry me baby, the moment i put down, she'll carry and refuse to let go! And whenever he sleeps, she'll keep running to the room to check if he's awake (so that she can carry him =_=)... Jialat!
Hi mummies!!
Haha I win! We are not going today! Going next weekend! Did not quarrel. Changed tactic told hubby we go on actual day which is Tuesday but he decided to go next weekend! Accordng to my mum, only need to go bk if they put ancester tablet in their home but since they dun have no pt going bk. They just need to go to the temple where the ancestral tablet is placed. Bb no need to go cos too small... Think my mil has this phobia that bb will not be close to her n hearsay all these. Already asked her first if she wants to move over to look after bb she agreed but changed her mind later.now best arrangement is to get her to come over weekends lor..for my mum it doesn't matter if she looks after or not cos she is near can come everyday.. In fact I dun want to tire my mum lor.. Her back no good..

Aria: yep bb yuxi is first grandchild for both sides.. I can foresee many ppl spoiling her n the near future.. I hv to be the bad guy!!

Astro: you can come out come lah! I invite you!! You think I want such exaggerated affair? My place is too small and hubby dun want give cakes only. My dad wants to invite whole village. PILs also inviting whole kampong. Yet I'm not keen to hold on 2 days east n west -- too traumatizing for me n yuxi. Sigh... Completely out of my control...hate that!!

So you want to come? It's not some hall lah just a ballroom at the Chinese restaurant. Come come.. Then can shun bian go Robinson sale

shugar: think your mil also hv the same idea. Want bb to 'recognise' their side. Nay won't be face black black... But I will be amused how things will turn out. Surely my side want to carry bb to show my relatives and in law too.. Poor yuxi.. I'll be guarding like a hawk!
siangjiao> mine is the opposite as ur mil .. so far when baby cries in the middle of the night. she nv wake up once to check what's wrong.!!!!!!
PY: Mine also never wake up at night ... but during the day when MIL is awake, she'll keep running into the room which can be quite exasperating. The thing that pisses me off is she'll keep carrying the baby and the baby will fall asleep at weird times with an empty stomach. Then he takes 5 mins power nap. When he wakes up, he feeds shortly (not full), then falls asleep in her arms once again.. I can see a habit forming already and that worries me. Tried to put it nicely to my hubby, he's like put in a spot, then tell me we'll retrain when MIL goes back China. Kaoz, by then, i'm almost returning to work liao.. how to train... sometimes i can see my hubby so torn between MIL and me
tien: Good for you! I wonder when will i win over my MIL..

Astro: sometimes he regurgitates, it's like a mouthful leh... sometimes with curdled milk. But he's not screaming in pain, he just give me the "Blur" look. I'm the one panicking instead..

PY: Understand the 'boh chup' husband plight. Maybe, when he offers to do something, just let him do it (even you know he will kok up. Well, at least kok up 1st time, hopefully he'll be better the 2nd time). Cos i realised once we take over, they will not offer again. And if he doesn't offer, just 'teh' and ask him "lao gonnnng ... can you help change the diaper *wide smile*?". My hubby like that one... sometimes need to coax him like a baby.
i read a little abt MILs in some earlier posts... I have problems with her too!!! The things she does, I can write a book on it!
makes me cant stand her, and i cant imagine having to leave my bb in her care when i go back to work! i wish i can be a SAHM so that I can look after my girl myself, and dun have to let her handle.
I guess what you ladies say is true! MILs wants to bond with the grandchild. I feel like she seems to think my girl is HERS! hai...

so yuxi's first month will be held at the restaurant? that's good! Mine was held at home, in 2 sessions, its scary! sooo many ppl, whole hse was so dirty after everything! Poor hubby has to clean up himself after that. My MIL practically invited the whole world over, and kept carrying bb to show off. haha... be prepared baby won't have much chance to sleep.

Do i read robinson sale??? when's dat?! I've got LOTS to buy!!
Siangjiao &amp; PY,

At least both your MIL go in the room and check when baby cry. My MIL never do that she alway in the kitchen I duno why got so many things to do in the kitchen. She can be in the kitchen once she wake up and till she sleep.


I thought is a custom to go back grandmum house during the day of celebration. My mother insist also we bring baby back to the hse on the day we have celebration. And she also insist to put the gold on the baby. As we staying with my IL and they never buy any gold for my boy but they do bring the cake to pray.
cjdg: tink not onli mil lor...tht think e bb is hers. own mum also like tht.

mi went to c a PD to inquire abt the sunken front soft spot for my peace of mind. since i was v disturbed by e email fr my mom..broke down n cried yest.

my bb is 100% ok.
to share .. only if e softspot sunken when bb is relax n asleep then we need 2 worry. my bb soft spot sunken prominently when he wail is coz he suck in and wail...(ya..must powerup then wail :p)

just to share : i took pd's time to ask few more q. like how i know if i have enuff milk.
1. 6-8 wet(pee) diapers a day -> check
2. bb gaining good weight -> check
3. after bb suckle 30 mins (15 min each boob) bb is satisfied -> fail..hmm...will b stanby-ing formulae. will try to express n accuulate for feed times when i dun c satisfied. n if not enuff supplement already.

its suprising though tht 1st mth he manage to gain though my supply still like current.
good to hear that your bb's ok. where's that sunken soft spot for your bb?
since is our own mum, I feel we can readily feedback to them what we think without worrying how they will think cos they know our character, and we also know them well. unlike MILs, they might take things differently. talk to you mum n let her know how upset you were reading her email. she'll be more supportive of you.

i was also wondering if i have enough milk, and seeing your checks, i think i fail at (3) too! haha.. my girl only drinks for abt 15min max each time. but cos she only cries for milk 2-3hrs later, I tell myself it means I have enough. hahaha... think I'm very +ve thinking!
cjdg : er.. my mom..i can't talk to her. my sis n I already gave up. she has the experience and we don't. she eat more salt than us. i'll just reply a politically correct email back later (when i feel like it :p)

sunken soft spot. er.. slightly higher than the forehead (where your hairband will be if u wear). if u slowly touch ur bb head..u will feed hard skull and right in middle got a soft spot (i.e. not hard skull). it will only close much later - 6 mths. Got two soft spots...one in front and one at the back of the skull

2-3 hours later is okay ah. u have enuff
oh, so that's what you meant by soft spot. My girl has 1 too, at the back of her head...

well, I guess all mothers are like that! Cos my MIL's like that too! Only she's right, and only she knows the correct way to do things. Well, just let them say what they like, and forget it ba.
Hi Mommies

Sorry to interupt. I am a May'09 mommy and have extra johnson and johnson baby wipes to let go. Letting go at S$9 per value pack. PM me if you are keen.


astro: my hubby rehired the CL.
FIL was here this week with my MIL to help look after, though I was doing most of the work.
