(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

OMG. The polyclinic doctor is horrible! How can he ask you to stop BF when it is the best for baby? AND to give you the wrong medicine!

Anyway, I'm also torn between bringing baby to polyclinic and paying the exhorbitant fees at the Specialist Baby Clinic near my home. I went with the latter for peace of mind. Some things can't save. I myself will go to the polyclinic when I'm sick but I can't subject my baby to the long wait. I think SengKang not so bad. The clientale at the Clementi Polyclinic is dodgy and super LONG queue at all times.

VIVO outing
I might be joining you ladies YAY! ONLY if i can find babysitting for my older boys. Will bring baby with me if I can find someone to take the 2 older ones

IC Name Change...
Thanks for all the replies! Only got time to skim through real fast.

I'm not decided. Either my surname-my husband's surname or just drop my surname totally. Cos if not my name is very long... If I've dialect name at the end how? ChristianName MySurname-Husband'sSurname Dialect Name???? Super long. Do they let you put - between your surname and husband's surname? Cos last I heard they only let you put space then it's weird right, my surname becomes like a middle name?? OK. I'm SOOOOO confused!

Don't say you, I also look like a mad woman! Mine is next February when I turn 30 then I'll change my IC and maybe insert married name.

My surname is Soh. My husband's is Loh so I'll be Soh-Loh. Very funny rite! Hahahahhahahaha so i might just drop the Soh after all!

Aiyoh, I'm so exhausted. Yay, weekend can farm out the kids again to grandparents. I'm happy. I think this taking care of 3 boys is like worse than a full-time job.

OH... If i don't get a chance to log on again...


Kisses all round & enjoy our Mothers Day Weekend!
Gracie: Merisse is also starting to sleep early. Now if she is not sleeping by 8pm, she will also fuss and cry and tear the house down. And usually my dad will have to do the rounds, carry her ard the house until she is asleep then put her down...but she will still wake up at 11pm for one more feed then last till 730am... her night feeds also very little, she barely takes in 60 ml at her 8pm and 11pm feeds...now I just worry how am I going to come home on time to give her her evening wipe down plus bf her all before 8pm? Sigh...

Mummyo, great to know you can join us for the Vivo outing! mummies keen on joining, pls help to update status, who coming, with or without bb ok?

Vivo Outing
13 May 09, Wednesday
2pm Vivo Mrt Station Control

We will be going to Vivo for some shopping and coffee... some mummies might be joining after 530pm after work. Interested, please post your attendance online ya!

Confirmed attendees:
Lili (with bb)
DJ Mama
Gracie Gal ( tbc 230pm)
Mummyo with bb(tbc)

Mummies joining after 5pm:
Chia Chia

Please indicate if you are bringing bb ok?
the carrier i saw during the gathering, i am not too sure how to use it.. mrslim was the one trying out and tell me its good. then heard a few of us wanted to get loh...

anyway since yan is doing the bp, get from her ba since cheaper.

vivo outing
i might join too, will bring baby along as well. i guess i need to buy a nursing wear before that or make sure i know where is the nursing room in vivo.
Carrier: i'm tempted to get too but not sure if my gal will like it or not cos never use carrier or sling on her yet... Many of u getting it?
btw mummies, i've emailed Yan, her spree for the carrier will be closing on Sunday... hehe i've decided to get one.
haha.. me everything also seem gd.. everything wan to buy.. lolz.. but now me selling off a few of my carrier/slinbg.. haha.. me still sreaching for the 'best one' haha.. since its only $16 can buy and try.. haha.. my hubby going to kill me.. so far i got 2 ring sling, 1 balboa sling, 1 bjorn lookalike carrier, 1 pikkolo.. haha but i only got 1 bb to carry... lolz...
Hi Ladies,

Yeah i am confirm in bringing Bryston to the Vivo outing..but i am not sure what time i will be leaving anyway that one will let you guys know again.

Eh joanne arh,

Nursing room dun worry,Vivo city is baby friendly area and nursing rm easy to find.But they are not like paragon or suntec those bf rm whereby you have a private rm.People can go in there to change diaper also.But there are alot of nursing area there and prob the design might be diff.

Oh we can take mrt together to go vivo hor hehe..then at the same time you can pass me the Aveeno wash and i can pay Elicia money hehe..

Nah below infor for bf area haha...

29.Vivo City
-Level 1, Ladies Restroom (near Bakerzin)
-Level 1, Lobby A Ladies Restroom
-Level 1, Lobby H Ladies Restroom
-Level 2, near Lobby A Ladies Restroom (outside)
-Level 2, Lobby G Ladies Restroom
-Level 3, near Lobby L Ladies restroom (outside)
-B2, opposite Lobby L Ladies Restroom (outside)
Link for Nursing rooms in major shopping centers in singapore:

13th May Gathering at Vivo
Not sure if I can make it or not. Will let everyone know by tue

hee ... I was still using NewBorn diapers until recently when upgrade to the next stage diapers. My bb's legs are quite skinny too. Maybe thats why the poo leaks :p

my gal also sucking on my hand, finger, arm (if I'm carrying her and her face is facing me). Her mittens always wet too. yucky. I have to keep changing it. Tried introduce pacifier to her but she kept spliting it out. Still cracking my head on wat to make her kick this habit. Maybe apply chilli on her mitten? But as LiLi said, my bb tend to suck on her hands if she's hungary too.

On introducing FM, I agree with olively and LiLi. I would prefer the alternate method of giving - BM, then FM, then BM again. Best to intro as early as possible before bb is too used to BM and moreover u are going back to work soon. I would try let bb get used to bottle first before FM becos otherwise I wont be able to tell which bb is rejecting - the FM or bottle. My bb had nipple confusion when i first intro bottle to her.

I usually give a little more water than the stated amt, like 5ml more becos my Avent bottle always leaks leh. hehehe :p if too watery, not enough nutrients. If too thick, bb's stomach will find it hard to digest. After giving FM, need to observe if bb is ok to it. My bb got upset stomach when she took Friso (Soy). When switch to this organic milk brand, she is ok with it.

so far I hasnt seen any adults with scratches on their face. So shld be ok for bb to scratch face? Of course we have to cut their nails frequently lah.
How's ur bb homecoming tonite?
Enjoy your weekend with bb!

U shld file a complain to the polyclinic regarding this doctor. As a doctor, his responsibility is to heal ppl, not to make it worse or even endanger the patient's or bb's life. If the ppl at pharmacy had not warn you, the damage to your bb may even endanger her life! Moroever, he is an OLD doctor! Not a young Medicial Officer whom had just graduated! The mistakes he made were even worse!

Doc advised to give bb gripe water. That will help to cool her down. Sponge bath will help too. Keep room airy.
My bb also like tat when she had her 1st 6 in 1 jab. But I din give her gripe water in time then. She got fever eventually. Her next jab next month I'm going to force gripe water down her throat this time.

I also missed my bb terribly if I go anywhere without her. Even a short 2hr trip to supermarket also will reduce me to tears although she is at my MIL's place for bb sitting. Next month when I go back to work, I really need to prepare tons of tissue boxes. I sure cry like mad one! The good thing is that I'll be bringing her back home at nite, but still, haiz. Can we extend our maternity leave to 1yr instead?

looks like many mummies are giving up or already gave up giving BM liao. Pumping is really tiring. I also wondered how long more I can last. These few days i tried resting and drinking lots more. Supply increased marginally only. haiz. No choice lor. I'll continue to give my gal BM for as long as I can or until my breast really dun wan to produce milk anymore.

I was abt to post the same reply as sheepish :p hehehehehe ... ya lor better not put ur hb's surname before yours, otherwise it will read as "Loh-Soh" (long winded) hahahahahaa....!
The good thing abt this is that you dun need to decide now ... you still got slightly less than a year to decide!

maybe ur girl's sleep pattern and milk intake will change as she grows. my bb already changed her sleep routine twice to date. milk intake can range from 40ml to 120ml. so dun worry abt that too much now. maybe your girl will sleep after u reach home soon? you never know
LiLi, that mummy is me!!! haha

blueb and other mummies, i didnt know it is oral thrush intially until i see my baby's cheeks and lili's description of oral thrust on msn then i confirmed.. as for my nipple, I know I got it on my breasts becos of the symptons I had.. It is flaky! Like alot of broken skin on the nipple even at the centre part of the nipple.. i was still asking my colleague whether she had peeling skin cos mine had even though that part of the nipple not in contact with pump.. i can peel the skin off even.. it is itchy too..

why i know i infect my baby? cos i dont latch, i only pump milk since week 1.. so that is the reason that only i can infect her thru my milk..

why i know is antibiotics? cos during the course of my antibiotics, i had vagina infection.. the discharge that came out is yellowish and alot.. a lil itchy and smell like that antibiotics!!! i thot it is just part n parcel of post pregnancy, so i didnt pay attention to it and nvr think that this will encourage thrust growth on nipple.. why my breast kena? i have no idea, maybe the milk residue accumulate on my breasts and i nvr clean properly, that is why grow thrush.. the timing of everything is perfect.. so i am confirmed is my antibiotics..

did my doc tell me cannot take antibiotics? Yes, he did.. he didnt want to prescribe me with any cos i took some antibiotics in less than a month before due to clogged milk duct too.. he gave me anti swelling pills initially but my breasts still hurt badly after 2 weeks.. so i requested for antibiotics... he told me the side effects but i didnt pay attention to it cos i feel i wont kena... haiz

my PD prescribed me with daktarin which is an oral gel that can apply to bb's mouth and my nipple..

moral of the story is i need to pay more attention to whatever i am doing lor.. haiz
Mummies gng vivo... Got a big big bb room there, next to burger king there is a glass door,u go out, then u will see playground the bb room is on ur right

Got like 4-6 nursing room n many diaper changing tables.. Can have gathering there haha.. They rest stated in the list posted is one cubicle with a booth n table..

Hope it helps ...
Hi Mummies
It's me Yan here. I would like to inform all of u that i'm closing my baby carrier spree by tomorrow so if anyone still keen for my 2nd batch spree, kindly email me with ur colours prefered at [email protected]
Tks a lot
Hi all,
Like to check if your bb stretch his limbs and scratch his face (esp eyes area) few times during sleep ? My bb does that all the time. I m wondering if his eyes are itchy or in pain cos he is not sleeping well (few times in an hour). He scratch before sleep too but I thot is quite normal to indicate that he is sleepy. Thanks.
Lonerunner, thanks for the tip on gripe water.. will give her the next jab.

shirley, my bb scratches herself at times too, i realise it's usually when she is tired, restless and she will then tend to stretch and rub her face with her fingers resulting in scratches...

Btw when will babies start teething? My gal seems to be using her tongue to rub her gums... not sure is it already starting to grow teeth or wat... hmm
Hi mummies
Been awhile I visit this forum since I started work on wed!

Could I check if your bb has difficulties sleeping at your caregiver's place? Hmm.. don't know if my bb's sleeping routine kinda of messed up.. or is it because he has 'grown' during this past 3 days?

These few nights he was super cranky till he doze off at 9pm and woke up at 11+ for his last feed. Followed by 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am crying for attention and 6am for milk and 7am to the caregiver's home. I am going crazy! Lack of sleep!!!

My bb used to sleep almost through the day and night except to wake up for milk. Alert time will be after his morning bathe and evening time. Don't know why he don't sleep as much as before... He was awake this whole morning till 2pm! HELP!
My bb's face has eczema, very bad. He scratches all the time, even whilst nursing. I have to hold his hands down. One of his eyelids is red and swollen until the double eyelid there has disappeared.

Usually the first teeth might erupt at around 7 months but there are some cases of teeth coming out at 4 months. It's rare though.
lili thanks ya... hehe . ya loh your thing still with me..

thanks for the link.

baby's poo poo
my little joel broke the record of 9 days without poo after i change him to total bf for the first few days. got quite scare n start feeding him formula once a night for 2 days.. then finally today he pooed. phew...

happy with his growth, able to sleep through the night.. sleep around 11.30 pm n wake up around 5 am. but bad thing about the growth is.... he started to wear M size diapers and 6-9 months clothes. i bought few 12 months shirt n he is wearing it comfortably. coming friday go check up, gonna see if he is nearly 9 kg or not.. =P i dont think so though, cos he drink not much recently.

today went new york facial... cost me a bomb to sign up their package. but i guess no choice, i really really look aged and being confirmed by them. sob. say my face very dry n alot of fine lines. dark pigmentation started to surface.

hi simz
i think your baby might be over stimulated in your caregiver's place? but i think once he get use to it, he will settle down?

try getting california calendular cream for your baby. i heard its very good against eczema.

u hor... really shock me leh.. your hubby so nice ah let u buy so many slings... i see already also "faint". me n hubby buy one thing must think for very very long especially me. like the stroller, we finally decided to forgo getting a new one cos ironically the kiddy palace sale girl convinced us not to buy. hahah she said my old one is very good and sturdy and very suitable for my son since he is bigger size n that stroller has bigger sleeping space than the combi n capella.

oh ya.. since u like my son, u become his godmother lah.. then u can buy alot of stroller or slings for him .hahahah
joannelim, my hubby use to it lor as he can't do anything to stop me.. at least the sling and carrier is not too ex... by the way now i tamed down alot lor.. at least i got 6 month didn't buy any branded bag lor.. haha.. now all i see is baby stuffs... stroller, i buy only 1 and is super cheap cheap one leh... but will get another better one when he is 6 mth.. i wan to get those light weight umbrella type of stroller..

Tml is MOTHER'S DAY.. hee think many of us is our very first mothers day.. how u all going to celebrate it.. me going for a SPA with my mom.. and i received my mothers day gift from my hubby lor.. An Osim massage chair.. lolz.. he is finding ways to stop me from nagging him on backache and demand his massage...
Wish all mummies a Happy Mothers Day tomorrow!!

This year is my 1st time celebrating Mothers Day as a mum!
My greatest dream is that my bb will call me "mummy!" when I wakes up tomorrow, which is not possible to happen anytime soon lah

This year's Mothers Day celebration for my mum is going to be postponed until end of this month, when I can finally bring my bb back home to my parents place
Hb worried that the 11yr old maltese at my parents place will pass germs to our gal. So we cant go back until when bb's bigger. aiyo.

agree with olively. we learn as we go along
jiayou jiayou!!

my bb also scratches herself in the same way as ur bb too. same as ginn, usually due to tireness.
teething I think 6mths ah?

aiyo u poor thing! yeah sometimes a differnet environment disrupts sleep and waking patterns for bb.
just have to give them more time to adjust.

wah! Osim massage chair?? U are so lucky!!
VIVO outing
I confirmed coming! Hehehe. Managed to farm out my older boys so I'll be coming with baby

Lonerunner & Sheepish
Yah! Loh-Soh. Damn funny rite!

I got the following to let go if any of you are interested. Special price for Feb '09 Mummies. PM me if you want more details.

BabyRock Red Floral $50
BabyRock Black & White Floral $50
Moms In Mind Silk Ring Sling Light Sage Green $25
Moms in Mind Batik Cotton Ring Sling $20
Ergo Baby Carrier in Camel $120

All are lightly used in very good condition. let me know if any of you are interested as I'm slowly clearing my baby stuff cos decided this will be my last baby. All these I got 2 years ago but hardly used. Only the Ergo was used more, the rest less than 10 times each.

Also have Graco Cocoon Stroller in very good condition going for $90. Lightweight at 4.5kg only and good for travelling. This stroller also comes complete with footmuff, rain cover and a baby carrier you can clip onto stroller! Very cool. This model was released in Japan and Singapore only I think.

Ok so see you mummies at Vivo. Who should I contact? Can please PM me your phone number?

wow mummyo u got many type of sling and carrier too.. hee.. so we will have 3 babies going vivo with us.. hee.. see you at vivo.. PM u my contact liao.. seeya..

LiLi and joannelim, are u meeting first b4 heading to vivo?

lonerunner, my fren bb and her dog live peacefully together since the day she is back from hospital... as long as your dog dun have any skin problem or illness, shouldn't be a problem mah..
Yah man. The thing abt baby item is, always have to buy and try and I prefer my beco butterfly now so giving up all my other carriers! Ok. Got your number. Will email you mine.
hallo mummyo,
great to know you can come!

joannelim and mrslim, if you girls are taking mrt, I can meet from clementi mrt station too... hehe... lemme know if wanna meet okie?

elicia arh yeah i should be meeting joanne at Boon Lay Mrt stn same way we did when we go expo..i have not msg her on the timing and etc..i think fm our plc go vivo shld take prob 35 mins bah cos arh the freaking connection of outram to the the vivo wan arh is long lo... -_-

so you wanna join us to take the train or you still wanna go early for shopping first?

Jul,yeah i dun mind we can meet at clementi same way we did the previous time..rem is 1st cabin orh... dun go to the end again ya...haha else ask you to time how long you take to walk fm end to head hehe :p
hehehe...lili, yes, will rem to go to the correct side...ahahah.... so malu the last time... somemore happily waiting and wonderng how come I dun see any of u when the train pulled in.... haiyo...
Hi Mummyo,

Glad that you oculd cme hehe..yeah same as expo trip 3 babies haha...

Gracie gal,

since you manage to get leave approved..u bringing caleb along?
hi all,

aiyo must complain abt huggies diapers! While my bb was sitting on my lap, her poo leaked on me!! The cutting is really small and narrow, lucky i asked for this sample piece and it's M size, gonna try out the L size tom to see how it is.

Btw, anyone can tell me how's the cutting for Petpet?? is it small like huggies and drypers or is it bigger cut like mamypoko?
Not sure if i shld buy M or L. Mamypoko M size fits nicely on her now while huggies M is too small, Pampers baby dry M size will be tight for her soon esp thigh area.
Yeah. Love my beco but sometimes can get a bit warm

DJ Mama, Lili
I bet my baby will be the naughtiest! Looking forward to meeting everyone
lonerunner: great to hav my baby back..haha thg tiring nd wake up early keke.i hp she get used to shuttling 2 places. so far no major prob..heng

i hav been using huggies diapers M size for few mth, several type only the dry comfort (80pc one) tt is nt so gd, as in aft 4hrs the diaper feel crumpy but no leak, also the gathers not tt gd but no major prob, n we lik it, esp huggies ultra.its gd!

the poo eak shld be baby fidgeting too much? y baby alwys fidget so smtime her poo wil be arnd the gathers of the diaper

the simz:mayb u shld get some time off go to ur caregiverhse tak a look? prob ur baby gt too excited over there. me also tryin to ensure my baby gets the correct way.. cos go MIL hse, sm changes unavoidable, living style difnt..1 thg i wry is the noise. baby has alrdy been trained tt nite is low vol, not much play..but over there i cant control this..but heng is so far(1st wk only) no major prob wen she back wif me last nite
LiLi i will see how.. maybe me had to bring my boy along too.. but he dun wan stroller... so had to be carried.. any mummies can help me carry? i'm wan to bring my bb out alone leh.. dun like my maid alway follow me.. haha..

i treat her so gd.. that i feel she taking advantage liao... abit angry with her... that day me and hubby bring her out to have dinner with us.. normally she just eat wad we eat we zhichar.. and ordered her rice too... then this lady say she is not hungry dun wan the rice.. so me and hubby share her rice.. guess wad the 'not hungry' maid start taking the chopstick and eat the dishes only.. and she eat really alot.. i so angry.. she dun wan eat rice, can eat dishes but she not auto eat so much.. the rate she eat the dishes is like she so hungry nv see the
baby poo frequency
im not sure for FM babies but i was wondering if this is true, as wat mummies eat is wat babies drink, it could be mummies diet that determine how often babies poo. For me, i take fibre everyday, like fruits and wholemeal and cereal and i often choose fish n vege over meat for my meals, my baby poos everyday and usually more than once but there will be a major poo in the morning everyday.

Baby recognising place and people
I realised my baby has started recognising place and people. Yesterday when we brought him to Taka, after feeding and diaper change, my hb carried him and walk out of nursing room, his face slowly changed to
and soon after started wailing.... i tot he was uncomfy with the diapers or clothes but it wasnt so...after that on n off he was ok after pacifying n putting him into stroller(cos he is familiar with his stroller n his toy)

Then again in the evening we went for dinner, (usually when he go somewhere new, he will "check out" the place, he will look left right and up... then i gave him milk, then my MIL burp him and soon after like in the afternoon, his face chaneged expression to
then started wailing again...So i show him my face (someone familiar) and After i put him back into car seat, he was happy again and stopped and soon dozed offf...;p

Both places are new to him so i guessed he can recognise his home and other places already....

Unfamiliar places, he dun like... haiz...

So for me, in future i will probably put him in the stroller then push him around before taking him out... (instead of carry him out from nursing room direct)

Any other mummies have such experience ?
how fortunate of u! haiz.. i bring my bb home every night n he's super cranky!!! Also don't know wat did my mil do to him.. my mil didn't share with me much on how she takes care of bb. Yesterday then i realised my bb need to be carry to sleep.. if not he won't nap at all. So angry!
iceblue, the sample i got is huggies ultra, i tried the L size just now, it doesnt fit well too, can also see the sides of my gal's butt. Think huggies cutting not suitable for her. Lucky i didnt buy any.

saro, yes i think my bb is also starting to recognise places also, think they'll wail more esp if they're tired. Yday at my MIL place, think too noisy and many ppl, my gal cried non stop, then had to go home, and the moment when we carry her in the car she stopped, then she was stoning and looking at street lamps while the car is moving then slowly dozed off...
happy mothers' day to all.

mrslim: really envy, got osim massage chair!

today's the first mother's day for me and bb's 3 month is like 2 days away, so my SIL suggested celebrating today. she's going to order catered food and bring to our house. thought so nice of her.

so it's going to be a mini gathering and celebration organised for my MIL, me and bb. :p
Elicia arh,

i tot you have sling?? use sling ba... prob you can bring out your stroller prob when he slp he will be willing to slp in the stroller?


yeah yeah hehe..this time you should be at the correct plc le la hehe... i will message you,joanne and elicia on meeting..

Tracy arh,

you meeting us on the train?
Hey ladies!
I would like to join you at Vivo City. But its about 4plus then i can come. Cos I'm already working la..

Will you girls be sitting at Coffee Bean or something that time? If so, then I will come by.
I have joannelim's number, so i can call when i'm coming.

HOW HOW HOW?? Of cos no baby la.. cos he'll be at my mom'se house by then.
I have some stuff that i can give away, I'll raid my own place and share what i have later.
lili, ok i meet u all on the train, same Queenstown.

I think i not bringing my boy, cos my MIL surely want to look after him.. she more than 1 week never look after him...
Happy Mummies Day to all you hot mummies!! ;)

Lili, i havnt applied for leave but shouldnt be a problem. i duno whether to bring Caleb leh, cos he will surely not sleep when out and then by evening he will be so tired and cranky. but would be nice to bring him out. think hubby will disapprove cos he just got well from flu.

and if i go alone, i can shop! then hubby can come pick me up after work cos it's so nearby. keke =)
i just realised that my FIL actually 'disapproves' of us shaving baby's hair. i do not know why. my BIL also shaved his daughter's (the 1st grandchild and girl somemore) hair when she was 4 mths old, why i cannot shave my boy's hair? i only said he perspires so much, would be cooler if he shaves, then FIL suddenly said loudly "No la! No need to shave, hair will drop by themselves and new ones will grow." *speechless*

Caleb slept for 8.5hrs at one shot yday night, and woke up at 4am to play. now there are 3 pandas in my home.. kekeke.
sheepish: can I know much you paid for the Your Baby can read dvd? IS it the full set as per the website? 5 dvds, 5 flap books,5 flash cards etc? Its USD $199.95 on the website.

hi mummyo - im interested in BabyRock Black & White Floral $50 . let me knw if still available? if not then the Red Floral also can. =) i cnt pm becos exceeded the max of 20/day. haha! kns. do pm me or email me - [email protected] thankss
