(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

We are going to organise another gathering:

13 May 09, Wednesday
2pm Vivo Mrt Station Control

We will be going to Vivo for some shopping and coffee... some mummies might be joining after 530pm after work. Interested, please post your attendance online ya!

Confirmed attendees:
DJ Mama

Mummies joining after 5pm:
Gracie Gal
Chia Chia

Please indicate if you are bringing bb ok?

Hi mums

I try the feeding my son with bottles using the method by feeding him with breast first till he is sleepy than I switch to bottle. He drink from bottle but very slowly and the feeding time about 2 hours... Is it ok? Will the milk I pump out spoilt?

I also notice that my baby is not pooing very often sometimes 2 days 1 time only. Is it ok? Is there anything I can feed my baby? Or is it because of the things I eat too heaty?
Watching TV

hmmm, If bb dun watch tv, what are we suppose to do during their waking hrs other than watching DVD, read book? cos we cant be with them all the time, are we suppose to let them stare at open space? cos I realised nowadays my bb like to sit semi upright on her hi-low chair. So I have the tendency esp in the evening to let her watch tv while i do my own stuff.
Hi Gracie_gal,

Regarding shave hair, my boi shave his hair at 1mth, the hua xia people cum to my hme to shave my boi hair as i make the tao mao bi and umbilical cord stamp from them, therefore shaving hair is free. When my boi was shaving, he did not cry and slp throught the process, hence it is safe.
hi gals, just to share with you on something I encountered.

1-2 weeks ago, i saw some white stains on my bb's inner lips.. but because it can be wiped off, i thought it is milk residue and so i disregard it.. but then, day by day, her appetite decreased, kept crying and dont want to sleep...

2 days ago when she cried, i saw the white stains in her inner cheeks.. then i realised it is oral thrust.. brought her to PD and she recovered.. but oral thrust is very painful, that is why she dont drink, weight nvr gain, height nvr grow for the 2 weeks..

haiz, no wonder she cranky daily.. i thot she over stimulated by the 01 may gathering.. but the actual fact is she is unwell...

apparently i took some antibiotics when i got clogged milk duct 3 weeks ago.. the antibiotics killed the good bacteria in me and this cause the allow the fungi to thrive on my breast which in turn pass to the milk and to my baby..

so mummy, pls pay attn to those antibiotics you took okie.. remember to drink alot of yakult and eat alot of yogurt if u are on antibiotics
My bb also not been poo for more than 2 to 3 days. I try giving him drink Extra Vigin Cold Press Coconut oil every morning.

Started yeserday, and he poo after 2 days. Today still not poo even though I give. I am still monitoring the benefit of the coconut oil but I do notice that his eczema around the neck gets better after taking the oil.

My doc said it is ok that they not poo. Some babies not poo for 1 week she said its normal. I feel that it is ok too as long as baby do not feel uncomfortable or has no unusual rashes because of it.

It is not encourage for bb to watch TV for more than 20 mins. They learn by ear and sense of touch. Thus I will play songs for him when he is not sleepy.
whitegalz... Oh no!!! Is she ok aldy? Doc prescribe wat kind of medicine for her? Who prescribed u the antibiotics for clogged duct? How u noe there is funghi on ur breast?
Re: pet pet and NTUC diaper
Tried both before...feel that they are ok.
Pet pet is cheaper than NTUC brand if there is discount.

Re: Shaving hair - bald patches
My baby hair also little somemore got rescinding hairline. Then a few weeks back notice there is a bald patch on the head of size of 50 cent coin.
is that jsut mere lossing hair or got some hair disease huh??
That why going to shave during 4th month.

Re: Feeling sad sending baby away
Yar, very sad right esp when baby look at you with the doe eye...like asking u whether he has done anything wrong that made u send him away hor....haiz....

This is terrible, luckily u notice. did the doctor that prescribe the antibiotic advise you that it will cause such effect?
For mummies who had already went back to work, are you all bringing the pump daily from home to office and back again? Manual or electric? If not, how are u pumping at home and in office? Buy separate sets?

hey I not sure if the quality of the photo is the same but u can try click on the photo, right click and choose "save as". This way u can get the digital form of the picture

my gal on petpet and ntuc brand diapers. petpet good, can last 6hrs at least at nite which is abt 2 urines? ntuc brand, good for 1 poo/urine. but I wont dare to use it at nite. wait the next thing I know is that I'll need to wash the bedsheets :p

To help bb poo, maybe u can try pressing lightly on soles of bb's feet. (press, not tickle!) Press, hold for a sec or 2, slowly cover all areas of the soles. Press on the toes as well. whenever my bb got problem pooing or did not poo by evening time, my hb will do this for her. After that, we'll need to get ready for the big flood of poo that will definately comes later. Often this also means strains on clothes (so far no diapers can hold that big poo flood yet), which means that I have to wash clothes again. haiz.
Try to make bb stay awake and drink milk. Maybe tickle her chin, tickle behind her ears etc. 2hrs is very long! u must be very tired!

when I got no time to accompany my bb (e.g. when doing hsework/cleaning etc), I'll put a floor gym set to hover over her head to entertain her. I got this idea after reading the mumcenter website. It is said to be a recommanded toy for bb of 2mths, beside activity mat.

welcome aboard!
A nephew of mine din poo everyday. In fact his record was 12 days! wow! (his worried mum brought him to see PD, given med, then poo)

oh dear, is bb ok now? The antibiotics prescribed by doc?
Btw how to see if there is fungus on breast?
my boy also had oral thrush. basically the yeast resides in the body and when the immune system is weak, the bad yeast will be more active.

i din take any antibotics, but bb still kana. we are guessing that bb caught a cough from daddy, so immune system weaken and caused the oral thrush. we still din know until we send bb to infantcare and the caregiver there highlighted to us.
A link on Oral Thrush:

An extract from the above url:
"If you are formula-feeding your baby or using a pacifier, it's important to thoroughly clean the nipples and pacifiers in hot water after each use. That way, if there's yeast on the bottle nipple or pacifier, your baby doesn't continue to get reinfected.

If you are breastfeeding and your nipples are red and sore, there's a chance you may have a yeast infection on your nipples, and that you and the baby are passing it back and forth. If so, you may want to talk to the doctor about using an antifungal ointment on your nipples while the baby is being treated with the antifungal solution."

Can oral thrush be prevented?
"Most bouts of oral thrush occur for no apparent reason. However, the following tips may help to prevent some bouts.

1) Regularly sterilise all dummies and other mouth toys used by a baby.
2) If you bottle feed, regularly sterilise all feeding equipment, especially teats.
3) Some people suggest giving a baby a drink of sterilised water after a feed. This rinses away any residual milk in the mouth which Candida may thrive on."

No worries! Hope that the "bb foot massage" method works for you bb too!
hi mums

like to ask u all how to introduce FM to baby?

I afraid those milk I pump is not enough for baby after I go back to work so I buy FM for standby. But how introduce FM to baby for the first time?
I assumed is boiled cooled water or mineral water :p Something that is not dirty like river water etc.

Just intro as a feed? Duno leh, I just gave my bb FM when she's hungary and she drank it. But that was when she was like 3 days old and already lost >10% of her birth weight. Die die have to drink FM else PD wont discharge her if she continued to lose weight at the same rate. So no choice lor.
hi mummies, got pix of the mat u all been talking? seems so popular, wats it for ..some1 here selling it?

vaccine: taking vaccine in mrn is jus in case baby fever get grumpy nt for other reason rite? me could only brg my baby for jab in the evening. so jus 1 check thgs out
the size of the teat I using is for 0-3 mths. my son was not sucking he was just licking the teat and let the milk slowly drip out. only once in a while he will suck.

Is it the pampers too big for your baby? I used to have that problem also. I am using pamper and at first the S size is too big for my son and even he poo a little bit only also will comes out but now as he is growing bigger his poo coming out is lesser already..

Is it ok to just feed FM totally? I no idea as all the while I m BF and never use FM before.. Do I need to mix the milk first?

As for feeding bottle my son only drinks when he was half asleep. I try waking him up to feed and he dont feed at all and keep pushing the bottle away. But he is feeding faster now and slightly awake. Sometimes he just bite on the teat only..
Hi mums

I notice my son likes to turn his head left and right and is very often and there isnt much hair growing on the back of his head can see his skin.. Is it ok??

And also I also let him wear the mittens whole day and I notice he keep licking it or maybe sucking his hand.. Is it ok? As sometimes when I carry him he also lick my clothes..
Hi Amelia
re: starting on FM
Not sure about most mummies but think the main reason for slowly replacing BM for FM (feed by feed)is that baby might not be use to FM and not feed so well and maybe totally don feed at all.

So i think setting a routine first, will help.
What i did was, i first replace his night feed, follow by 2 feeds 12 hours apart, then alternative feeds and now finally is 2FM then 1BM. Slowly, it will be all FM.

Another reason for replacing feeds is also cos like u, i am returning to work soon, so i replace FM for BM for storing up of BM.

Think it is beta to slowly stop BM instead of stop all at once...
Do you have to mix BM and FM for the first time?

How about the FM do I have to make very watery? Or just follow the instruction on the FM? I am using similac for my son.

And also my son is still not use to bottle feed yet is it ok to intro FM now?

Cause I need to go back work next month already. I so scare he not used to it when I send him to infant care.
Hi Amelia,

What brand milk bottle you using?Cos me using Avent.
On the teat,if you see that he is not sucking then you have to "assist".Sometime my boy does that when he is resting/half asleep or just licking the teat,so what i do is i will pull out the teat abit and push it back into his mouth so that to let him knw that u have to suck to drink the milk effectively.Sometime i will also gently tap the base of the milk bottle or even gently shake the bottle abit when he is abit sleepy..

Do u intend to give up giving your boy breast milk totally?On introducing fm as olively suggest u could introduce it in any of his feed.prob first feed of the day is breast milk then second feed is fm then follow by bm.So at least he have a taste of fm.

If you intend to give him fm totally then repeat the above and slowly introduce by increasing it to 2 times and so on and so for.Eg. first feed bm,2nd fm,3rd bm,4th fm and repeat. For increasing prob suggest to have a standard routine to be carried out for prob a wk so that to give yr boy to adjust to it slowly.

Making of fm just follow instruction of the Similac tin.

If you do pump out your breast milk and let him drink fm bottle slowly he will be able to accept to drink more bottle.But if you do latch on and bottle feed some babies may get nipple confusion.
Hi Amelia,

On the hair patch,prob he might be dropping hair? My son is now dropping hair but so far no patches prob he is dropping it evenly hehe...Dun worry abt those patches unless u discover cradle cap which might cause patches with the skin(looks red,scalp flaky and etc).

On the mittens,you should wean it off already because they are exploring their fingers and fist.It is ok for them to suck or lick on it as my son suck on his thumb before dozing off to slp then i will slowly pull away the thumb or he will sometime pull it away himself also.Smetime sucking on the thumb or fingers could prob be a sign of hunger if just nice hit feeding time if not they are just playing with it.I felt it is just fine but do rem to cut their nails frequently since they grow so fast.
Hi whitegalz,

hope your girl is recovering and getting well soon.Normally it will take abt 1-2wks for oral thrust to recover.

Ladies who met with babies having oral thrush and are bf should continue to bf be it by latchin on or feeding it with bottle.No choice that it is a painful cycle but baby still gotta drink.But one thing when bb have oral thrush might also affect mummies also.If you find yr nipple red,itchy,flaky that might be a sign that yr nipple got the thrush too.Eh too early in the morning all of the sudden cannot remember which mummy's baby have the thrush and mummy got it too.So doc gave a gel to apply on the baby's thrush area whereby this gel can also be applied onto the nipple.

Oral thrush somehow are still unknown to why they will appear or got it.What i read from book is that antibiotics or hormonal changes condition become fabourable for fungus to grow and cause symptoms of infection.
There are fungus among us or more accurately between us.Fungus infection know as thrush which cause probs in baby mouth prob start in our birth canal as a monilial infection whereby our baby picked it up.The prganism is candida albicans which is a normal inhabitant of the mouth and vagina.Normally it does not cause any prob but as i mention above ,antibiotics/hormones changes encourage/inhibit fungus growth which therefore cause the infection.

Hope the above helps..
hi iceblue,

no choice still have to remove but rem to keep fingernails short..cos now they are exploring their movements and everything so it is normal that they scratch their face while exploring.

Sometime you see their they will raise their hands up like looking at their hand and etc...Dun worry about it..it is all about exploration..slowly they will scratch themselves lesser..
oral thrush:
my baby also had oral thrush, and she actually still has. she is on treatment fr 1 week. she had some thrush on her tongue, bt the lips were the worst. last week i brought her to sengkang polyclinic. the doctor -after a loooong search in his book- prescribed nystatin for her. as a normal patient, even i know this medicine.. i explained him that i also have some redness, itchiness and flakes on my nipples. then he said i need to go and see a doctor. i said that is why we are here to see u
then he reminded me that i didnt register my name at the counter, which i completely forgot! so i asked him to treat me as a private patient and check my problem as well. after checking he again started to browse through his book. he read and read. then he advised me to stop breastfeeding. omg, what a great idea! i said i am on TB. and will not introduce her any formula milk for at least 6 months. then he said he will give me a medicine, which i can go and buy at an outside pharmacy. after one more loooooong research in his book, he found a medicine to prescribe. i asked him three times to confirm whether i cn take this medicine when breastfeeding or not, and he said YES. after that, i went to the pharmacy to buy my medicine, and they said if i am breastfeeding i CAN NOT USE this medicine. as i was so tired by the time, i just came back home. i wish i had a bit more energy to walk back to the polyclinic to scold him. he is coming up with `brilliant ideas`, and prescribing a wrong medicine after his long long reasearches as if i have cancer. moreover he was an old doctor, i thought he will be experienced. anyway, now my bb havent fully recovered, so will take her to the clinic nearby my house. i hope at least they can find a proper solution for both the bb and me..
oral thrush
hope all infected mummies and babies get well soon! think ur hearts must be aching to see ur babies suffer...
hi gazme,

oh dear seems like u have met u a doc who is inexperienced.Actually would not recommend you to go polyclinic unless some of the vaccination you can go which i heard frm sme mummies that it is cheaper.. I think it would be best that you bring her to a clinic nearby your plc which are experienced in checking babies..

hope your baby will be well soon and you soon...be strong and continue to bf..oh ya then you don't have anything to apply to your nipple?
hi mummies,

For those who have taken 5in1 or 6in1 jabs for ur bb,any ways to cool baby's body, my gal's body is very hot after yesterday's jab but no fever yet. Can we buy those fever coolpack for the forehead, is it suitable for babies?

Also, the injected part is red and a little swell, how long will it take to subside?
Amelia Xu

re: mixing FM and BM
Do u mean mix FM + BM in a bottle?? No. cannot mixed.

re: making FM
Like lili mentioned, just follow what the FM instruction.
My baby also on similac

re: baby not use to bottle-feed
i think the more u need to train him in using bottle cos u will be back to work soon and cannot be with him 24-7.
also like lili mentioned, maybe u try bottle-feed him EBM first so not everything is new....u know like new taste from FM and from bottle feeding, maybe too much for baby all at once.

re: another reason for not stopping BM altogether and importance of storing some BM.
I read in other threads that some babies got allegric reaction to FM. so beta to store some BM for back up.

hope ur doubts are clear.....jia you! a month is more than enough to adjust baby slowly to FM.
hi ginn,

i think you can just sponge bath your gal to bring down the warm..actually quite normal cos my boy body also felt abit warm and no fever.For me i did nothing la hehe.. eh the injected part will be abit red for awhile and little swell,you could gently massage on the area to reduce the swelling and it will go off prob in 3days time?
re: baby adjustment to new environment.
Yes, encountered this before.
What really helps is to find something that the baby can identify and recognise where she is.
Like in my own house, he knows he is home when he sees the yellow wall-light where his swinging basket for sleeping is placed.
When in MIL's place, he can identify the cot-mobile hanging right above his head.
He would even smile at the cot-mobile.

it takes some time but it will work.
Thanks Lili, i've turned on the aircon to cool her too, otherwise she doesnt go to sleep, think she must be uncomfortable since her body so warm...
yep lili, now no medicine to apply. will get one tmrw after my visit to the clinic. and will ask him to prescribe a more effective medicine for the bb's oral thrush.

sheepish, thanx. it is a real heartache to see the bb like that even though i am nt very sure whether it pains or not. bcoz she drinks well and doesnt cry. but still worry, bcoz u never know how they feel unless they talk..

joannelim, who was using this carrier? do u have one? i might buy one, but i want to know whether i have to support the baby with my hands. bcoz that is what i see in all the pictures. is it safe even when i take my hands off the baby, and is it easy to use?
fenugreek. I dun think so. Used to take on my first pregnancy but found out e key is to drinks lots of water / liquid. I bought the nursing tea from MIM online. Still not tried. u can buy a sample pack to try before buying bigger pack.
hi mummies, going back to work next Mon. it's such a dilema, when i m at home full time looking after him all these days, i keep wanting to go out. When it's finally time to go back to work, i feel so miserable leaving him. Have been going through a emotional roller coaster these few days... feel so bad that I can only be a weekend mum...
hi, anyone know where can buy 'born free' milk bottles in singapore? i heard it's quite good but so far can only see its official website from U.S.A.
yeah, i agree... sometimes we dunno wat's wrong wif e bb, can only guess... but if ur bb is still happy, shd be fine... on e way to recovery!

who was using e carrier @ e outing? is it any gd? oh no, feel tempted to buy it too... but i have many liao, mim sling, balboa sling and ergo carrier! :p
joannelim/ sheepish
one of our fellow feb mummies Yan is organizg bp for this carrier too n she selling for $16. Let me noe if u interested, will pass u her email add of order.
catmomo.... I noe how u feel! I hv been with my boy almost 24/7 since he was born, away fr him less than 3hrs each time! So on the day I had to leave him at TMC for fretful baby traing, I was so upset. Thou went out w hubby to catch a movie, suppose to enjoy sm couple time, but I cried n kept lookg at my hp n the time. I can't I imagine how I will feel when I leave him at nanny place in a few weeks time! Like u say, when w him n takg care of him, sometimes I really wish the day I leave him w nanny will come soon cos he so naughty,, but when the day really comes, tink I will be v upset! But I suppose slowly we will get used to going bk to work n seeing him only at nite n weekends.. As long as he is in good hands, I will hv peace of mind..

Flowy/BabyOx/Ah Zi, thanks for the recommendations and the tips for shaving hair. Will go look see.

DJ mama, I might be joining u ladies at 2pm if I managed to get my leave. Will confirm again okies. So far only Lili bringing baby?

Catmomo, I tried one piece of petpet, not too bad. Affordable too. I came back to work this week. Actually it is a good break from the routine in past months. Just have to occupy yourself with work when in office, and when reach home, give all attention to baby..

Yaer/Joannelim, the carrier looks like baby’s butt will not have support? Like what Gamze said, need to support with hands? Cos it is X-shape so where will baby’s butt be?

Oral thrust
What is this? How do I know if there is any?

These few days better already. Becos I know that baby is also cheerful and smiley at MIL’s place. I rush back to see him after work and he is still so playful, so Im more ‘fang xin’ to let him go in the morning..
On mixing FM and BM, my PD says can, but advise not to, cos if baby cant finish that bottle of milk, the BM will be wasted, so give BM first, followed by FM in separate bottle for the same feed is ok..

Lonerunner, im going to stop pumping soon. Supply has decreased and too tired. But breasts hurt..

My new challenge is, baby Caleb has a "7.30pm-Syndrome". He MUST sleep latest by then, otherwise he will cry and tear the whole house down.. how to resolve this?

Caleb has grown taller! The last I measured his height was 61cm abt 1+ week ago, today he is 67cm! and he looked like he lost some weight, so poor thing. These days he only drinks half of his 130ml of milk each feed. So sayang.. not the milk, but him..
