(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

wah ur mil steady sia.

true lor. own mum tak care easier. anyx can call hm check wat baby doin tt moment . smtimes think of baby also cant do anty..cos baby cant talk call for wat, also dun 1 any misunderstg of is it not trust baby under their care, thg we actly jus 1 2 to knw wat baby is doin(haha thg quite stupid to call jus fo rtt).
but wen my baby can talk i wil cal. haha nvr try to call PILs b4 actly..but it wil cm naturally wen i 1 hear baby wen she can really talk
iceblue, when tok abt MIL.. i so angry... last time when we buying flat.. she say buy sengkang.. so she can help me take care of our children.. so we chosen a BTO just next to their area which will be ready next year.. and when i was abt 6mth preggie, she suddenly turn her word.. say dun wan quit job cannot handle bb alone.. end up i have to go beg my mum to take care of my boy as my mum already taking care of newphew who is 3mth older than my son.. and my SIL no happy abt 'sharing' my mother attendion.. haiz.. so end up i hired a maid to take care of the boy.. and my mum just check make sure the maid dun do anything funnie.. now had to travel to jurong so often that our petrol consumption so siong.. the maid and bb stuffs.. all adding to the expenses.. saying bye bye to shopping.. and eating at restaurant... if i know that this going to happen.. i will book my mummy earlier (my SIL mum was not working at that time so can take care of my newphew) and buy a unit near my mum place.. maybe now will have a place on my own and also won't be so fan over transport.. haiz
hey mrs lim...is it a plot just so that her son still stay near her?? (i very bad hor.....can think until likr that..hehe..)
iceblue: yah lor, talking about calling MIL, that day i called she is sleeping while bb is sleeping. so now i dare not call liao, cos want to let MIL have proper rest to take care of bb.
so got to guess what's bb doing.
Hi Mummies

Am selling 4 Tickets to Little Big Club Concert on 7th June at 5pm.

1st Row seats for Category 4 as I bought quite some time back.

$100 for 4 tickets. Meet-up areas in Clementi, Holland Village, Orchard & Vivocity.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks:)

I can bring to Vivo tmr if any of the Mummies meeting up are interested.
iceblue, my bb stay over at my mil hse 3 nites for weekdays.. currently still working 5 days, going work 4 days soon..

catmomo, i opposite of u! i live in sbw and my mother live in hougang.. but my mil lives in amk.. i didnt receive.. can u drop me a mail to [email protected], then i add u?
i just came back from my mum's place. super duper tired. have not been sleeping well past few nites, Feeling abit giddy too. My body and mind have been undergoing a toil these few days...
work is getting stressful as i m given new job role. feeling damn sian. really got the impulse to quit but also cannot tahan whole day just sit at home with Caleb. It's a struggle. Have been thinking how...
I still have 9 days of ML. My company dun offer 4day wk, but i intend to use my ML + childcare leave to appply to work 4 days a wk.

my company msn is not the MSN one (more for co internal use). Can chat, but i realised i cant see many of my MSN contact or they cannot see me even though im online whole day.
hey mummies I cant make it for tmw outing at vivocity liao. Enjoy yourselves tmw! Today finally bengsan liao. The entire ceiling seemed to spin above me! Luckily bb and I were already on bed when I fell over. Went to see doc. Something unbalance in my ear that made me felt like that. Now taking medicine. haiz.

ok lah u still 3kg extra at the most more than me only. We still got hope!!
Maybe I need to rehit the gym again. hmmm ...

hey thanks for your keyboard offer! my hb just told me he got a spare so I faster throw away my old one and plug in this new one. If my keyboard gone case again, I'll get from u! heehehee! Cant live without my keyboard and PC :p

ya my PC as hungary as me! So send my keyboard to drink my milo!
hey better wait for PC show. if got good offer then faster get. Otherwise then head for SimLim. No harm waiting lah

Looks like I have to give away my old clothes too. Also stuck at my hip, and some at my knees!

nvm once u can sell ur BTO flat, faster sell and move back to ur mother's area. She win the 1st round, nvm. tell her easier for u guys to see and fetch bb. ur mil cant fault u anyway ;)

maybe ask ur MIL to call u at her convenience to update u on bb!
It is easier for her to get u than the other way round!

I take care of bb day nite alone I already bengsan liao. It will be even more tiring for old ppl!
Re: fainting spell
u lack of blood or iron in specific issit??
I used to get fainting spell like these cos me lack iron due to massive menses flow.
since preggy, my iron level has been fanstatic. but think soon, my iron count going to kaput again cos today my menses come again.
This is the third time in 2 months.
or are u not eating enough?

Re: Weight loss
Kkf & Lonerunner,
Me went buy new clothes today liao. sibay demoralising.
Me was a XL liao, now "promoted" XXL.
thank god for marks and spencer.

Mrs Lim
woah if me, sure damn piss man.
But i think the way ur hubby love and adore u, can make u "forget" abt such imperfection.

woah u going on 4 days huh...like that ur boss will use this excuse again in ur next job assessment..."ur perf assessment could have been better if not for ur disappearance..."

re: clearing leave
actually i clear my ML until only balance 8/9 days. Then company enforce all to take mandatory 10 straight annual leave clearance so the admin pple change my ML to AL.
Actually so many leave also dun know how to take cos i know after i come back ..very difficult to take leave liao.
iceblue: yah lor, that's why i send the bb to infantcare. so if MIL is ok, she can fetch bb home and play with him. if she is feeling tired, then she can take a nap before fetching bb.

lonerunner: yah, good idea. we still on trial, so working out the SOPs now. :p

olively: yah lor big size clothing diffcult to get...
but marks and spencer super ex leh. i normally go to those shop that sell, XXL, XXXL, etc., but also not v cheap, one piece around $50 also.
yah lor...big size clothes hard to buy...me facing difficulty too.

mummyo! why you selling little big club tickets? i am going with my son and hubby leh! hee...

lonerunner...think being a teacher, i can slim down fast hopefully, cause I keep walking around...haha. but i feast out at night, cause soooo hungry.

catmomo, i felt exactly the same after first day of work yesterdaY! headache, a bit breathless, here pain there pain....i have very weak stamina now cause been resting and not walking much throughout pregnancy. now must strongly regain my stamina and bu qi. sigh...lucky violet is with my in laws for the past 2 nites so that i can rest...today she coming back, think i will be dizzy tomorrow...

first day of work = dead beat.
mrslim u staying sengkang too ah? ur mum in law really quite bad leh...ur hubby never talks to her?
priviledged: my kids are 6yo, 4yo & 3mo..U homeschooling yr kids rite? Me not as capable :p. So better off working haha. But nx yr eldest one p1. So not sure if i wld change my mind. Nonetheless, i hv always harbour the thoughts of being SAHM for a while before going back to work. Now may hv to think further cos maid says she may like to go back sooner than the contract ends as she missed her kids. Urggg.

see u mummies at vivo later
re: losing weight
mummies, i read that u all complaining abt ur extra weight. u know what? i, on the other hand, worrıed abt extra weight loss. i am almost under my pre-pregnancy weight now, and i feel very skinny and weak after losing so much weight. sometimes losing weight also not good. i wish i can re-gain a few kg to fill my pants.. seemz like this TB will finish me off soon

catmomo and lonerunner, hope u recover soon. take good care of ur health and pls make sure u have enuf rest
if ur unhappy that mil taking care of bb:
do not worry abt the travel distance, and try to close one eye to their way of handling things. at least u have sbd to ask for help. i have to fly either 13 hours to my mum's place, or 5 hours to my mil's to ask for such help
no single soul here to turn to when i need. zero, null, nil !

Just enjoy the luxury of eating more! I'm jealous coz I can't fit into most of my clothes yet!

But I'm not giving up hope (and my clothes) yet! Most of my friends tell me that after at least 6 months can get back to pre-preg jeans!

i haf a question to ask those mum who haf returned to work lately. My gal is 14weeks now and she have started sleeping thru the nite since she is about 2months+. Lately she have been waking up to drink around 3-4am which is unusual as she normally sleep thru to 8am+ (after I put her to bed and also her last feed around 8pm+).. I am wondering how come the change and it coincides with me going back to work on May 11. (she jus started this habit on monday too). Anyone have any sugg on how I can tune her back to her normal sleeping routine?

My boy also goes to sleep after his last feed around 8 pm but I've been giving him a feed around 3 am coz I'm afraid he'll be hungry. I wake him up for the feed most of the time. But now hearing your baby sleeping through almost 12 hours without a feed, I might let my boy sleep through instead of waking him up.

As for your baby waking up now, she may be gong through a growth spurt? Give it a few days and see if she goes back to her routine. If not, you can train her back.

By the way, how much is your gal's total feed a day?
hi mummies

Wishing u all a belated mother's day !! ....

Then i have startd using the sling...I sometimes feel uncomfortable ...and feel that he will fall out ...how are your experiences with the same

Any one doing anything special to shape baby head.....some say that it should be rounded and sleeping on one side will flatten.....

my baby is going to become three months and is soon going for his jab

Any one bb started turning already ??
Hello mummies,

Wanna get a new stroller.. coz the one that mil bought baby don want to sit, and it looks very uncomfortable. The stroller only $45.. can't expect too much. ;( At 1st dare not buy new one, coz scared mil not happy.. but really no choice it really no good.

Mummies, Any recommendation which brand & model is good?? Thought of gog Robinson & Isetan private sale tomorrow.
btw mummies who has baby gal.. gt a stupid ques to ask hor..
will ur baby prefer daddy more? i notice lik 1+ wk ago my baby start to smile less at me leh.. so sad.. but see daddy wil smile even he scold her lor. haha hw to make her smile at me?hehe
iceblue... my gal oso seems like more close to her daddy...when i carry her, she like no reaction/feeling..when she saw her daddy wahhh... start to talk to her liao making all those funny noises.. hahaaaa...
doc said fainting spells due to insufficient sleep and duno what thing in my ear got unbalanced. also partly becos body quite weak too, tats why like tat.
MIL today came in for abt 5hrs just to let me grab a nap and rest, else I really "beng san" already. The nite before, bb woke up 3 times for feeding!! Her nite routine changed again. Now cant sleep thru liao.
I hadnt buy my clothes yet! Oh no! No more time already. Going back to office in 2 weeks time!

lucky u! I need to sit mostly at my desk so I think it will be very difficult for me to lose those fats! Maybe I'll do brisk walking in the morning while walking from home to office. Hope that it will help too. I din do malay massage. Maybe I got to do it before going back to office now that my csec wound no more pain liao.

aiyo u take care leh. Must regain health back as soon as u can! How come u got TB?

6mths to get back into pre-pregnancy clothes? U just give me new hopes! I'll wait for that 6mth milestone to come!!

my bb also same. she used to sleep from abt 11pm to 6+ or 7.30am, then past few days her sleep pattern suddenly changed. I even had to get up 3times at nite! super tired! I tried make her stay awake for longer periods in the day but still to no vail. Her feeds also irregular. Now also rejecting warmed frozen EBM, only wan fresh BM from me!

no leh. my gal seldom gives her daddy her full attention unless she wants to be carried! She will talk, giggle and laugh with me, but she seldom gives her dad the same priviledge! :p But also partly becos her dad hardly got time to talk to her much - come home, give bb a hug or play with her for few minutes then play computer games liao. For me I'll smile at bb when she wakes up or anytime of the day just to see her smile shyly back. I'll talk bb talk with her(lah, lor, aaa, angggu!, leh!), or tell her abt my day or what I'm doing to get her talking
Maybe tats why. Aiya nvm lah. As long as bb prefers mummy to daddy, I'll be fine with anything! HEHEHEHEEE!!! *evil grin*
hi mummies, how the gathering at vivo? so sorry not able to meet up coz baby had runny nose so i think better not meet up just in case. hope you guys had a good time.

ur frozen BM is in milkbag or glass bottles?
Just 2 days ago, i encountered a problem. i warm the EBM that was stored in "the first year" milkbag and there is this terrible plastic smell.
I don have such problem with pigeon milkbags. haiz...
So wasted.....think i have about 3.5 litres stored cos am stopping BF...now like all wasted liao.
Thinking of showering baby in BM then use it to wash my feet.....can right?
grace chua...where do u go to get those XXL or XXXL clothings..???

i only know places like mark and spencer and dorthy perkins lay....

so sad to discuss this topic.
kai: ur baby sudden change or al along lik tt? mine is sudden lik 1 wk+ ago

lonerunner: me vry sad n jealous ma.. hehe wipe her shit, bath her is me leh.. i do the hard wrk, daddy at side entertain her..smre she is suddenly lik tt.. tt time wen i stil on leave, my mum wif me tt period stil ok. it was abt 1+ wk b4 i go bck wrk then she change!strange!

u lucky sia. my frens often say gal stick to daddy , boy stick to mummy.ha 2 of my fren prove this rite.. oh i mus change this
I stored my EBM mostly in glass bottles. Some in the Avent bottles. So far only the fishy milk smell that comes once EBM is frozen.
Maybe u wan to try defroze the milkbag, then warm the milk up using the bottle? Will that help to reduce the plastic smell?
heee ... I dare not smell the defrozed or warmed EBM becos of the fishy smell :p So up to u if u wan to use them to wash feet etc :p hehehe ...

maybe becos daddy was entertaining bb tats why bb closer to daddy in ur case? Bb dun see who is wiping their butts one, unless while u r wiping butt u catch bb's attention! hehehehee ....!
hi mommies,

hai, time flies and my 2 weeks break in spore has ended
im back in phi ...


i have baby girl...i think my girl responds equally to me and hb because we smile and talk to her equally...but there are some days when hb is so busy that he doesnt have time for her, she hardly respond to him ..and during my visit to spore last 2 weeks..my girl respond more to hb than me because i was busy with my sister's wedding that i had no time to interact with her..so is it possible that hb is smiling and talking more to her??? it is still too early to have a preference for one parent and not the other
keke ya iceblue,

maybe u started work and too tired to play with ur girl..plus u have to bathe her and take care of her needs while daddy's only job is to play with her..so naturally baby will play with daddy
wow! So fast u are back in phi! enjoyed ur trip home?

smart. better let daddy do the dirty job while u entertain bb! :p
hehehe ... nvm time will fly very fast one. and soon you'll find urself back in singapore again! when u planning to come back again? CNY?

Sleeping pattern
My bb also changed pattern. Now need more feeds at nite. Tiring. Izzit growth spurt at 3 mths?

Milk Duct
Help! I am experiencing some soreness near my armpit at upper part of breast. Izzit Milk duct? jialat. I try to pump milk but still sore. How?

Haiz, left my bb at MIL place. I think i am more sad than my bb. I cried many times throughout the day. Even cant sing proper lullaby cos voice will cracked being too sad. geez.

BB ger favour daddy more?
Huh! better not lor. so unfair k. I must play with her more. humph.

I am going holiday whole of next week. going to throw one whole week of BM. heart pain. Should i drink the EBM? sound farnie hor. Pump out and drink up.

Manuel Pump
Anyone using Medela Harmony pump ah? cos i need to use this overseas (no machine sound), seems difficult to use with the handle moving around. hmmm
