(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


ya after church, we went there for lunch and window shop for a while .. came home, to my HORROR, my feet A BIT swollen ... quickly asked my hubby to massage then lay on my bed and elevated them .. after taking a quick shower .. ended up napping till now ... lol.

jaz, my fren was telling me bio-oil very good at reducing stretch and scratch mark.. I will be getting a few when I go back to Klang during my 2nd mth of ML..heheh

I hope my hair will be longer during my confinement period so tat i can at least go do rebonding and highlighting but before cny, we will be paying premium..hahah
hb say next week onie go suntec wor cos we juz spend $1K on his ocbc card can go redeem one free Sasha bear..hahaha, so pathetic..i hope the umbrella is still available :p
Pris u mean
2 chemical processes must be spread at least 2 weeks apart or else my hair may get damaged. <= dye and rebond huh?

Jowin thats a very very bad news for me.. if i cannot highlight or dye hair! Hmm who should we ask for if we really wan to hightlight or dye hair? sighz.. Hao fan ahhhhh

Tomorrow monday go my last check up le.. hurhurhur.. pai pai~
xuelyn - show us the photos after u taken them. gd for u, my 3rd yr anniversary on 3rd dec, but guess we don't really have the means to celebrate.

merydith - did u receive my msn msgs?

Spaghetti - i think i'm same as u. poor pain threshold for BW. haiz, still unsure if i should go even w/ Dr's blessing.

jowinbaby - who's ur BW therapist? sorry, if u have mentioned before, i don't rem.

Jlow - i don't think my hb can help me much during my confinement. my hb lost his job in oct. recently took on a new job but he can't afford to take much leave and usually come back rather late. i'm home alone tonite, coz he needs to work overnite till tmr morning. now it depends whether my MIL wants to drop by my place frequent. she won't be staying at my place for sure.

iemik0 - does KKH subsidised ward have bath towels? my bag can't really squeeze towels.

jolynash - we plan to have the baby cot setup only when i'm in hospital. my place v dusty.
fabbie, ask ur gynae tmr whether can rebond or highlight or not.

I tink shuld be able to lar, as long as u dun breastfeed immediately after tat.. juz like eating sashimi logic
Oh I just replied..just come online
Thanks for your gesture

Aiya..I delivering at Glen E or else we may bump into each other keke.

Water retention
My leg today swell so much...should I call the doctor? It is like there is alot of fluid inside till I cant even feel the floor when I walk..

If I feel the cramp but the tummy didn't tighten is it considered contractions? Today had a few episode of these...Dunno y.
For c-sec delivery, the 1st day we cant get down from the bed so how do we brush our teeth??? Also how to use the toilet ar?? Coz I dunno if for the brushing of teeth I need to bring my own cup and basin to spit heehee
hi Merydith

i prepared 1 list of qs for c-sect .. i can show u...

1) How fast does the c-section duration takes if i take epidural instead of GA?
2) Roughly how painful will it be after the epidural effect went off? scale of 1-10???
3) Can i eat, drink after c-sect?? Do i need to put on drip??
4) Can i bind straight away after c-sect? i bought a Dale binder from KKH which can be for post binding &amp; c-sect binding.
5) How long will the wound be?? About 8cm??
6) How fast can i get out of bed, to pee or to bathe?
7) Before i can get off the bed, how do i go toilet if i feel urgent???
8) How long will the wound take to recover?
9) How fast can i go for the malay lady massage? i really want to slim asap
10) Will there be alot of lochia if by c-sect?
11) How fast can i breastfeed my baby after c-sect? Immediately??
12) Do i need to go back to remove the stitch or can the stitch just dissolve by itself??
13) If i cough or sneeze, will the wound breaks n bleed?
14) How to take care of the wound, especially during confinement??
15) What are the things that i can't eat during confinement... any difference from natural delivery confinement food???

Sigh.. my HB have been saying tat i going into negative thoughts before gynae even massage me.. I told him, I MUST BE MENTALLY PREPARED 1st ma!!!

Phew!! got my maternity bag packed 80% liao
morning ladies.. any news from reddates??

i'm swollen! face swollen, eyes swollen, fingers swollen, feet swollen.. zzz.. sianz..

a friend of mine who is a Aug MTB wrote in her blog that she went to rebond b4 BB's full month party.. wat she did was pump and store.. then for next 1 day what ever she pumped she threw..

me going to find time to go rebond.. erm.. my problem is i need someone to look after Hayden.. keke.. coz usually i rebond is abt 4-5hrs coz my hair damn thick.. see how la.. thats on my MUST DO LIST during confinement! i LUN so long and have been so good liao.. keke..

Jo, saw your questions on multiply too.. hmm.. good questions la.. hope someone can give u answers.. but bear in mind everyone is different la.. so dun get too stressed out now..
morning ladies
so tired out afta photo taking ydae. my boi crawled around d whole studio wif his thomas train. lolx. hard to get him to kiss my tummy in front of camera as well. at home alwaz sayang n kiss my tummy. kids ah. =)

yipe. hehe. =)

oh ya, i checked wif my mummy. igallery pacakages start at either 199 or 299. hehe. mi forgetful. cant remember clearly. haha.

kkh will provide towels. one towel a dae. =)

too bad diff hosp. =(

for c-sect, we wun get off bed 1st dae one. ask nurse to get u a gargle tt's all. we will hav urinary catheter which they remove d next dae. so end up no go toilet. usually 1st dae wun open bowels as well.

where u delivering ah? i can give u dr's ans from kkh. lolx.

1) How fast does the c-section duration takes if i take epidural instead of GA?
if take spinal epidural, usually op done in 30mins. for GA would not be much of a difference as well. its a pretty fast procedure.

2) Roughly how painful will it be after the epidural effect went off? scale of 1-10???
different ppl different threshold of pain so depends. mine was like 2-3. bearable. wif paracetamol, scale was like 0-1.

3) Can i eat, drink after c-sect?? Do i need to put on drip??
if under epidural, can eat n drink afta op but advisable to go slow wif intake due to lots of wind in stomach. try taking sips of water 1st b4 progressing to other stuff. c-sect pts hav to hav a drip. usually will drip for 24hrs depending on dr's orders.

4) Can i bind straight away after c-sect? i bought a Dale binder from KKH which can be for post binding &amp; c-sect binding.
can bind straight away but usually 1st dae will be in bed n hard to turn so bind next dae.

5) How long will the wound be?? About 8cm??
wound usually 8-10cm.

6) How fast can i get out of bed, to pee or to bathe?
out of bed &amp; bath - next dae.
pee - afta removal of catheter.

7) Before i can get off the bed, how do i go toilet if i feel urgent???
there will be urinary catheter placed so don hav to go toilet.

8) How long will the wound take to recover?
abt 2-3mths.

9) How fast can i go for the malay lady massage? i really want to slim asap.
depends on pain threshold as well. sm drs advisable 4wks. sm 2 mths. massage lady advise 2-3wks.

10) Will there be alot of lochia if by c-sect?
amt of lochia will be same.

11) How fast can i breastfeed my baby after c-sect? Immediately??
depends on dr n ur request.

12) Do i need to go back to remove the stitch or can the stitch just dissolve by itself??
my dr uses disovable stitches.

13) If i cough or sneeze, will the wound breaks n bleed?
d wound wun split but best is to get a small pillow n cover d area when u know u abt to sneeze or cough. or use ur hand to support d area like tt.

14) How to take care of the wound, especially during confinement??
usually wound can b exposed 1wk post op. best is to get nurse to teach hubby how to clean d wound.

15) What are the things that i can't eat during confinement... any difference from natural delivery confinement food???
for drs, they wun advise wat can eat or wat cant. elders believe tt we should avoid egg n chicken during 1st wk afta op. so its individual la.
morning!!! Today on leave todae, got facial, gynae, BW and eyebrow threading appt..hahaha

Yesterday wash all bb's hand towel and end up discoloring some of them.. since when hand towel will discolor?? So heartache cos most of the towels that discolored are bought from Aussino..now poor bb's hankies hv different patches of color..sad!!!!
Jo, diff ppl hv diff pain threshold so quite hard to tell u how painful it will be.. I was cut up once, sumthing like c-sect.. I was on drip on the day of ops but 2nd day, they remove the catherer (this is painful for sure) and hv to start walking..dun walk straight, try to bed forward abit so that it doesn't exert ur wound..

I was discharged on the 3rd day and dr teaches me on how to wash and replace the bandage cos i was flying back to Malaysia then..went to guardian to buy those antiseptic and post-op plaster..very easy..all comes in a pack.

Phyl, welcome to the swollen club! haha..todae i will ask gynae why i m so swollen and it hurts alot when walking..
Morning everyone...

emeraldbride, wow, u day is sure packed!
i had the same problem with towels from Aussino too. the darker colours ones will run, thus have to hand wash them separately for the first few times.
my mummy's workplace - IGALLERY @ CHIJMES is having a promotion.

maternity studio shoots:
for every $299 package or above, can use $100 voucher for discount. means u onli hav to pay $199.

package includes 5 5R pics, 1 8 x 12" tabletop pic &amp; one makeup + hairdo.

contact no: 6333 0967
look for SALLY - my mummy. tell her from u'r dec mummy n she will know. =p btw, she's off todae n tmr.

vouchers can oso be used for family pics as well. =)


the qns you prepared are really helpful! Now I can ask my doc if his stitches are dissolvable and how long will my wound be.

When will you be seeing your gynae? Hope your baby will turn by then..then you wun need c-sect.
My maternity bag also around 80% packed..left hp charger, videocam and some crackers.

Thanks for the enlightenment keke. So how do we brush teeth at night on the 1st day if we shld not get out of bed?
My gynae told me that the time for spinal operation is 45 mins..Alamak I abit scared to hear the equipments and the doctors talking abt the procedure while they are operating on me.
Wah, your threshold of pain is really good...
wah.. 2 days never come in and got so many posts!!

I'll be going without epi, hopefully can tahan the pain.

I'll be bf after giving birth, will also be rooming in with bb so that can get used to bb rooting reflexes for milk. Or else if only wait till nurses bring in the bb every 2-3 hrs, i wun be able to identify the hunger signs when i get home...

I went for my check on sat. Din do scan so dunno how heavy bb is. But did the strep b testing. Doc will be away from this Thu to Sat, so my next appt will be on Mon. I asked him about the pelvic pain, he say it's normal coz all the ligaments are softening to prepare for labour. But bb not engaged yet at 36 wks, could feel his head moving up and down when i slp... i forgot to ask him about the shaving the area below..
onli use gargle, no brush teeth tt nite. spinal op 45mins ah? mine was less dan 30mins.

my dr was chatting wif d anathetist during my op. i juz listen lor. my dr tot i was given GA as i was quiet during op. makes mi wonder m i suppose to ask her wat steps she doing, get her to explain. lolx.

depends on ur dr's preference. sm ok wif it but sm don allow. but if its emergency case or GA, definitely a no-no.
Good morning all!

Wah iemiko, ur pic very swee!! *whistle*

Merydith, can bring your own antiseptic mouth rinse if you want. The hospital usually have a tray which you can ask for if you cannot get out of the bed. Brushing of teeth can be quite ambitious if you are talking abt moving abt after C-sect. You can do so by propping yourself up on the bed.

Though i have not done C sect before, but my operation for cycst removal is about the same as C-sect. I have a 10cm scar on my tummy as well. Yes, avoid chicken, egg and seafood.
iemik0, ur photos are nice! i dun have the courage to take such photos leh although that time hubby keep insisting me to go for it.

merydith, when i had my c-sect, the nurse bring something for me gargle the next morning. my GA csect was less than 25mins.

jowin, u got so many questions. maybe i can contribution too cos i jus had GA csect.

1) How fast does the c-section duration takes if i take epidural instead of GA?
my GA csect takes abt 25mins only but overall i need to stay in OT for quite long (think overall abt 2hrs) cos of monitoring of blood pressure.

2) Roughly how painful will it be after the epidural effect went off? scale of 1-10???
no comments, mine is GA

3) Can i eat, drink after c-sect?? Do i need to put on drip??
for GA need to put on drip. i had my op at 2.30pm, can drink milo around 5am the next morning and soft diet (porridge) at 8am, lunch and dinner as per normal liao.

4) Can i bind straight away after c-sect? i bought a Dale binder from KKH which can be for post binding &amp; c-sect binding.
i started to use the binder (also Dale) after the remove the urine thingy which is 1 day after the op.

5) How long will the wound be?? About 8cm??
think ard 8cm.

6) How fast can i get out of bed, to pee or to bathe?
the nurse will want you to get out of bed and go pee the next day after removing the urine thingy. for Mt A, the nurse ask me to urine into a container and must have at least 100ml of urine.

7) Before i can get off the bed, how do i go toilet if i feel urgent???
there is a urine thingy attached to you so dun need to go toilet.

8) How long will the wound take to recover?
my gynae told me 2 months.

9) How fast can i go for the malay lady massage? my massage lady advise me at least 2 mths to recover before massaging.

10) Will there be alot of lochia if by c-sect?
for me, lochia not a lot.

11) How fast can i breastfeed my baby after c-sect? Immediately??
for me, can only breastfeed 1 day after my op.

12) Do i need to go back to remove the stitch or can the stitch just dissolve by itself??
dun need to remove stitch, nowadays the stitch will dissolve by itself.

13) If i cough or sneeze, will the wound breaks n bleed?
i try not to cough or sneeze. i try to sip some hot liquid to smoothen my throat.

14) How to take care of the wound, especially during confinement??
when discharge, the nurse changed the dressing for me. i am suppose to go back to my gynae 1 week later for changing of dressing.

15) What are the things that i can't eat during confinement... any difference from natural delivery confinement food???
individual, i avoid chicken, eggs and seafood at the moment. but my hubby say i can eat chicken and eggs 12 days after my op but still cannot eat seafood.
chantelle &amp; mimi
thanx. hehe. my pics got photoshop one. all my stretchmarks edited away. lolx.

u're under dr kt tan? same as mi. i asked b4 n she say no. tis sat i gonna ask her again. wana try my luck. haha.

how come wana go for elective c-sect?
good morning everyone!

it's monday, n it's nearing end of november. meaning all of us will b popping soon!!!


u look vy sweet n young lor. how old r u??

ivy n jowin,

i will b back in Feb. i understand dat bio-oil can work on stretch mark after pregnancy as well. i will go n ask for more info lah... seems like i got some frens here using it.
iemiko: Your photos are nice!!! You look very fresh &amp; sweet.
Hot mama!

Jowin: Wow, you have a lot of qns but it's good that you ask your doc about them. Pls share your answers ok?

Heh, i also want to look pretty during CNY. Have to pay higher prices at the salon but no choice...

Fabbie: Yep, my stylist told me to avoid bad hair damage, rebonding &amp; highlights cannot be done on the same day. Best is 2 weeks apart WITH treatment done together with rebonding.

How is your checkup?

Emeraldbride: Aiyo...you washed dark-coloured stuff together with light-coloured? If you really cannot stand the patches, maybe you can bleach everything or dye everything?
Hey ladies, I did Herbal Henna color for my hair and that was considered the safest method for vainpot mummies.. hehe But do note its just temp coverage for 1-2 months and colors will fade off quite easily. So must use color protection shampoo if you want it to last longer. Its available in most salons and the colors are much more natural than those chemical dye and less harmful too!
Hi iemiko, mimi n ladies
thanks for the reply...

Hi Phyl
yes.. i will use as a reference lor..

no problem.. cos i felt that i should know something if i go for c-sect

Hi Merydith &amp; Pris
Me going to see gynae this friday.. so will ask him the questions and also massage for the bb to turn.. Though i wish these few days , there are miracles tat bb turn by herself..
jazlyn &amp; pris
hehe. thanx thanx. those pics were laz pregnancy one actually. =p

yet to receive edited version for ydae one. muz edit den can show. lots of stretchmarks on tummy tis time round. =(

mi tis yr 25. =)
U are very pretty and tummy also smooth smooth.. i dun dare to go take the photos with my stretchmark.. the person need to edit alot alot on the photos.. haha!!!
no smooth tummy la. all edited one. haha. if u c pic of my tummy, sure will faint ah. like mrt tracks all over d place sia.

go n take pics la. studio photographers used to seeing stretchmarks one. =p
actually I have not decided yet. my #1 is C-sect but now she is actually 3 yrs liao... have to get back to Dr Tan at my next visit...

hey all.. just came back from my "MR DOC normal"

was quite nervous to see him as i know that today he's going to check my cervix. Once i went in, he said tomorrow is your due date! so lets do it tonight! He checked and was open about 1cm - 2cm, the feeling was abit pain and it bleed later abit.. heard from my friends said its normal. so i didnt care about it.

Doc say my waterbag is low, so its time to go hospital tonight at 11pm!!! so i guess my battle will be start at 11pm! Im thinking not to take epidural.. I must try to convince myself! HEE hope i can pass the pain and everything =P but i wont pin too much hope once cannot take it will put ba. Oh oh. my gal now is 3.1KG im super duper happy about it! at last she manage to hit 3kg + cus i hope she's fat lolx

Okaiz about dying hair.. LOLX i have ask my GYNEA.. whether if im going to finish my confinement could i dye my hair? he say CAN.. CAn.. he say dun do confinement better! I was like o_O Hmmmm duno true anot. Cus everything he always say.. Everything Its Okai! Lolx

Geez wonder what will happen later.. Oh btw. he ask me admit 11pm @ TMC bcus the hospital room rate 11pm will counted as tmw. So no need to waste money. for today lor. And NO i didnt ask him is this induce anot. LOLX i just remember to ask him about the hair thing Muhahaha

Btw my frds and MIL said my tummy is not very low.. meaning hard to give birth. sighz.. it makes me abit disppointed.. but i try not to think so much ya! wish me luck mummies! =P

and hope i can give a birth story everything If i remember. Hahaha
she will ask u try normal birth ba. she ask mi 4times n my bois r less dan 18mths apart.

i oso had tt headache but decided to go for c-sect. safer choice. scare uterine rupture.

r u keen for normal birth? coz it will be a good experience thou.

i eva asked her how long im given to try vbac if i hav contractions b4 my scheduled date. she say can try for as long as i wan. but best is not more dan 2hrs i guess. if not, muz pay for usage of delivery suite n ot if not successful.

do give it a tot. =)

2nd baby
tt's my fav pic. =)
hehe. mi intend to take family pic too. mayb next yr cny time go take one big family pic. hehe.

btw, hav uploaded pics of ydae shots in my facebook. can check it out. =p

hav a smooth delivery ger. =)
den d best time is around 6-8mths. when they crawling still not so bad. i had one taken when my boi was 8mths n results were great. ydae, he was walking around d whole studio, refusing to co-operate. lolx.
thanks all. i will jia you!! anyone has reddates number? thinking of asking how is she.. since she's at TMC.. same time maybe go see see her.
Finally a face to the nick
I'll call out to you if i see you at KKH.
You look really good in the shots. Both your husband and yourself look so young...
Your little boy looks very michievious too! haha.. can imagine you guys running after him in the studio..
Hey about the $100 discount.. valid till when? We went for a photo shoot with our first child when he was around 7mo and want something similar for #2 as well.. so that's half a yr down the road.... still have or not??
Oh, and will we get to keep all images on disc or need to purchase separately?
All the best! Looking forward to seeing your baby's pics

Good to be prepared for c-sect..knowledge is power after all. But like you said, baby might decide to listen to mummy after all and turn by then.. good luck!
thanx for d compliments. =)

d vouchers can laz for 6mths. i check wif my mummy can extend anot. hehe. should not b a prob. =p

not sure if they will give all d images anot. can discuss wif them n c wat they say. =)
