(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Phyl/ Gill,
I missed the wallpaper spree again...
. was on course for the past 2 days and real busy at work today, just saw the spree but it's closed....

Nashi, welcome!!! we are having the same EDD, on 22Dec, i'll also be delivering in TMC...

Sam: Goody, you'll look pretty in your photos!

Echo: Mine too. One BIG GLOB...i was telling Jowin that it was about one tablespoon. It happened to me twice yesterday. Then today, nothing. My discharge became normal as usual.

Emeraldbride: Yep, i know that we're supposed to +/- 300g when baby is finally out. I'm happy that Preston is about 3kg now but it also means my tum is getting even heavier. My gynae said the pain i'm experiencing when i walk is inevitable cos i'm small-sized & all the weight is pressing down on me.
Feel very miserable.
iemik0, Loveangel ..

oh no la ... didn't get around to booking a studio package leh .. I meant photos taken at the hospital ... after I deliver ... I think it's too late now to book. I wonder if I book on Monday, can I go on the same day? hmmm.
Hi Mummies,

Its my turn to pop this coming tuesday! Went to my check up today, doc says my BP pressure is still quite high, baby is quite big and my sugar level in blood is high too.
Will be checking in the hospital on Monday nite and baby will be induce the next day. Abit worry cos Doc said if the induction doesn't work, then I'll have to go for C-sect and I'll be charged double.

Fong2 - Won't be able to be neighbour with you liao....

Tollyjoy sales - Just went this evening, quite a few items very cheap.

baby wipes - 3x100pcs @ $10.90
Detergent - 2 boxes of 1 kg @ $9.00
gift sets @ $5.00 each
Accessories eg: nail clippers, baby's comb & brush, milk powder container, teether, plastic tongs, nappy pin all at 30% less at least.
halo ladies,

din come in for 2 days, n there're so many postings to catch up!!! well, me n my mum have got everything needed for both me n bb during confinement. n i hv also booked confinement herbs package from local TCM so that i got all the necessary herbs supplement during confinement.


all the best for ur delivery!

bout pre-natal photoshoot: i got many frens doing it. however i did not take mine as i do not feel that i m good looking, be it preggie or not due to my spinal curvature. so i just take normal photo now n then fully clothed for some memories lah.

phyl, gill,

both of u really spree queen lah. i dun really join in spree one. if i ever do, by the time i decided what i wan, the spree will b closed! haha...
Thanks for the info on the mucous plug..
I'm getting quite a lot of discharge, especially in the mornings..but its still watery type so i guess that's not it. *phew*

Now i'm in super-paranoid mode. If i get BH very consistently (like now!) and feel like passing motion at the same time, i say a short prayer first. haha... I know my baby is ready to be born, i.e. size, gestation ok.. but still would love to hang on a bit longer.
Jazlyn: Me too. Never book for any preg photoshoot cos i'm a bit self-conscious of my spine. My right shoulder-blade juts out more due to my curvature.

My mom bought all my confinement stuff too! My MIL doesn't really know what to buy...

Llig: I actually cannot wait for my baby to come out. I'm feeling a lot of pain in my groin area, especially when i walk. Sigh...

jolynash: You can see your baby soon!!!
All the best & i hope you don't have to go through C-sec.
Loveangel - Thanks! I was feeling alot of pain in my groin area too especially when i stand up after sitting for too long. Can't wait to see my baby but still kinda worry if the induction doesnt work.
Jolynash - All the best! So excited for u. Do update us with ur birth story and post ur bb photos here. =) Actually i hope to pop this week but dun think it's possible le.. Then i hope next week i won't pop cos my hubby will be away to KL for his training.. Hopefully my bb will stay till he comes back.. Tml is my next appt. Wonder how big is my bb now. Can see that my tummy is going low le..

try to relax n rest more now.
will gynea monitor further next week again or it's fixed alr to induced on Tues?

mummies with experience on de herbal bag for bathing, do we need to boil de herbs or can we "soak" it in the hot water will do??

No doubt that there will be articles out there in the web that state the benefits of eating the placenta. They can be really interesting reads... But do you trust these articles?? Even I take scientific peer-reviewed articles in my field of study (developmental biology) with a pinch of salt.. Did those studies show u the no. of women who benefited from them.. the statistics.. what parameters did they use to measure these benefits..

And if u want to mention corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).. There are studies that show that Increased CRH levels may be associated with increased placental resistance. which may be assciated with intrauterine growth restriction. But on the other hand, CRH appears to protect the embryo from aborting.. Again.. like a lot of things, moderation is the key.. we need some... but too much... any hormonal imbalance is definitely no good..

I hope u dun get offended by what I have said... this is just how i feel about placentophagy.. =)

I just have a simple reason for not eating the placenta .. I think I won't be able to .. lol !!

wow .. so many of us here popping soon ...

here's a pic taken from the Babycenter website on what our babies look like at 38 weeks ...


I have not heard of virgin bb's pee?? Unless u are very thirsty.. then why drink it?? Is it supposed to be good for u??

Haha!! I think it is too disgusting too!!! =)
I really can't imagine..

Pregnancy is really a miracle... From just a ball of cells to a wonderful beautiful human being.. =)
yeap ... I've done it four times and every time it's a blessing and a miracle to me and my hubby. We wouldn't trade our life with our girls for anything in the world ... *grin*
morning ladies!

went for gynae check yesterday and he said baby's head super low already!!! *gasp*!
was a bit panicy until forgotten to ask if baby's enganged.. he didn't do VE for me, thanksfully!

no wonder the pressure down-under is getting more!

hope can tahan till 7th dec coz he's going away for conference overseas!
he summoned me not to walk too much.. hahaha..

next visit gonna do CTG monitoring..
so we keep boiling a few pots to de amt we need to bath? well, that's a lot n must wait so long then can bathe lor?LOL

bubble pearl,
aiyoh, are u feeling better now a not?? try ask hubby to give u a light massage, must take care and move slowly hor.. hug hug,
I had KFC for dinner last night!!! 1 BUDDY MEAL!! yumyum... and i'm waiting for my MacDelivery now.. Hotcakes with sausage meal!! Mmmmmm

Gerry, in China, ppl do drink their Baby Boy's first pee.. not that i will do it and i dun think i'm that desperate even if i am thirsty.. Chinese are MAD.

VE = Virginal Examination

VE = virginal examination = gynae/nurse will insert finger(s) to check dilation.. can be super uncomfortable!

I don't like the after-effect.. pain-pain!
Jlow - i don't intend to do that. i will just boil 1 pot with herbs... and then mix everything into few pails of warm water from shower head. i alone for confinement, so no time n energy for so much things.

Hahah!! Wat's wrong with bb gal's pee?!?! Must be boy ah?? Yup.. The Chinese are Crazy!! They eat almost everything!! =)

I'm super stressed.. Trying to move to my parent's place by this weekend.. At least settle down before I pop but somehow got soooo many things to bring... sigh... *breathe*

2nd baby,
Your wall is very pretty... Pity I can't do that cos will be at my parent's place..
Jlow - Confirm to induce on tuesday already. The Doc has asked me to check in on Monday nite at 9pm. Trying to relax but still like got many last min packing not done yet.

Phyl - I'll go for my KFC dinner tonight! If not wonder how I'll miss the taste until my confinement. Hehe...
Hi Ladies,
Maternity Photo shoot... I've Jus booked mine with fotoU for next Sat!! Now realli looking forward to it.. Its a pkg that consist of an hour worth of photoshoot session with all shots returnable in a CD. (MUA excluded though)

Today is my 1st wedding (customary) anniversary..! how time flies.. lata going for buffet dinner at Gand Mercure Roxy.. yippie..! hope bb Summer is feeling good too... (bery scared might puke.. cos its happened a few times oreadi) *cross my fingers* Hope everything goes well today!

Haf a great Sat ahead ladies!!
hi luthadel,

thanks for sharing your blog with your birth account...im getting more and more nervous...

ah bur
will u be likely to pop earlier? my gynae say my bb is very determined to pop earlier..around 37-38 weeks...am now at 35w5d, bb head very very low..gynae say by next week, very likely bb head will be engaged...
so if i pop early so wun be around 22 dec liao..

im now hoping bb stay in there until at least 37 weeks ba..den considered full term..right??
Hi ladies! Hee...I've just booked my Brazilian Waz appt at Strip Cathay for this afternoon. Very nervous. Will come back with review!

Gynae said he'll be doing VE for me next week (Wk 38). I'm getting a bit bored here. He has been repeating "Your water is borderline. If it goes too low, we'll have to induce you" for 3 weeks liao.
hello ladies
hav seen my dr tis morning. baby kayson is now 3kg at 38wks. head down n engaged le. had VE done n cervix still close. tink high chance another c-sect for mi.

8 more daes till 1st dec. told my boi muz stay inside till den. =p

can try calling n ask ah. which studio u intend to go? mi gg for it tmr at my mummy workplace - igallery. hehe.

ikeike & bubblepearl
hav received reply from in d womb. they are home based n assured tt all procedures are carried out under strict hygiene. no certification or licence.

hav consulted in d womb n my dr abt consumption, not advisable for mi as im a thalessmia minor. not sure how much iron content is in d placenta so safer for mi not to take in case of iron overload. =(
Hi spagehetti
NO worries abt BW.. its not as scary as thought

Me went for my virgin wax yesterday.. haha!!

Sigh ladies
my stretch marks spreading under the tummy liao... Argh!! put alot of cream n oil liao... sob sob

igallery? where is that? How much are you paying for your package is you don't mind me asking?

I was at Takashimaya this morning ... walked around till 1.30 om then came home for lunch ...
hello ladies
Wow, so many posting! Cannot catch up liao.

Hey, we should have a reunion gathering (not CNY renunion ah) after all our babies are here
It will be really fun!
iemik0, nevermind .. found their website .. walau $588?!! u getting that package or the more ex one ... lol.

Hi LuthAdel ... how have u been? it's a nice rainy afternoon ya? .. zzzzzzzz
hullo ladies!!

so many postings today..
I went Baby Kingdom today and bought a Maxi-Cosi Dori car seat (infant to toddler) and Peg Perego stroller - total damage $888.80 but too bad, cannot get throught to buy 4D! sigh..hehehe
emeraldbride ... yeah, I need to go down there and get my maxi cosi cabriofix ... did they give u any discount? the most they offered me was 15%. .. che. after all, the 2008 models going to be OLD soon since 2009 is on the way ... why cant they let go cheaper ?

No offence taken of course, we are just exchanging views here.....

My post was primarily meant to point out that...contrary to what you think,

1) there have been scientific studies done on the benefits on the placentophagia. I do not vouch for their accuracy and but it is interesting to note the different theories that have been put up...

2) The act of eating one's placenta, is actually practised in other cultures, in America, Europe, Mexico and Hawaii as well....

Though i do not plan to eat my own's placenta, I do, however, understand why some of the mommies might be interested in doing it....Many of the practices we adhere to during pregnancy/confinement, do not have scientific benefits per se, but many of us still practise them religiously....I'm sure you have been or will be practising some of them to a certain extent as well....

These practises include not eating pineapple during pregnancy, taking certain tonics during pregnancy/confinements......

As far as I know, no other cultures practise the above, but as such practises are deeply ingrained in our culture, we find that we sometimes choose to believe than otherwise.....

Therefore, to each her own, there is nothing wrong if some mommies choose to process their own placenta for consumption purposes.......
sam, i really like the cabrio model but only up to 1 years old or 13kg and i wanna maximise my investment for the car seat..hahaha, so bought one which can be used up to 4 years old. :p

I only got 15% disc n when i asked further for more discount, they cant give.. now i m thinking if Robinsons or Metro will be cheaper if they have 20% disc - which they are having on 26 - 27Nov for cardmember preview sale..but not sure if they carry maxi cosi.
ya, i understand .. I only want it cos it can be attached to my Buzz .. actually I oredi have an infant car seat ... just die die want a Cabriofix so can use with the stroller ...lol

YA LOR. Stupid only 15% .. that's why I'm hesitating buying till now .. I know Metro doesn't carry Maxi Cosi ... Robinsons too. hmmmm Mothercare with my friend's discount also 15% ... I might as well get from Mothercare .. then can participate in whatever promos the mall has ... buy from that Baby Hypermart won't have anything ...

That's why I'm thinking hard about buying from them .. UNLESS THEY offer me MORE than 15% discount ... looks like they don't want leh ... hope they are stuck with plenty of Maxi Cosi carseats .. LOL ... (sour grapes) .. hahah.
high 5. hehe. mi delivering at kkh. wat abt u? =)

igallery is at chijmes. they juz shifted there. dono their prices coz got staff price for my mummy ma. hehe.
