(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

I also bought Jade's clothes up to 24mths liao..because Jade wearing 12mth-24mth size clothes liao! LOL!

I bought Jade's CNY wear from the BP too...only $10 cheap cheap! I'm sure they will organise more so keep a watch out for them!

Fyi I also saw the same CNY like the 'da chang jin' at Kiddy Palace in Marina Sq yesterday. But didn't see the price so dunno whether cheap anot.

blue, u can open up ur hse and start to charge pple to bring their children to play.. hahha.. so many toys!!! do u have a close up pic.. must show my hb!!! whenever i wan to buy toys for my gal, he will always say tat she has alot of toys liao..(she only have a bouncer, cot mobile, a few soft toys and a gym with mat.. very little hor...
) must show him wat is really alot of toys!!

I am so envious of that little toy corner you had for your boy! It looks so fun!
He must be thrilled! My boy doesnt have so many toys. Are they all gifts or you bought them?
Angel, haha ... same same ... Jordan also wearing bigger sizes like 12-18 mths for some cutting.

Pinkyi, actually last time I had more toys ... sold away quite a lot already. And hor, I just cleared my storeroom ... discovered quite a few new toys which were bought, stored and forgotten! Haha!
Miraclecraz, that corner not for my boy lah ... he's still so young. It was my gal's. But of cos next time will have to be shared by both of them lah.

Mostly I bought one (told you I'm a sucker for toys) ... but some were gifts also lah.
I also need to place baby's toys in the living room...feels funny like we adults have los our space haha...im very anal about cleanliness and orederliness but now no choice...
angel, blue,

thanks.. i will keep alookout in bp oso. keke

btw mummies, ned to chk :-

re : regurgitate milk

does your baby still regurgitate milk?

re : cradle cap

is your baby's cradle cap still visible? maegan's seem to be still there leh... hw to get rid completely ah?
last time my boy dun hv much.. went off very quicky. maegan's like reoccuring fast leh. wat actually cost cradle cap huh?
darmae, jus keep shampooin ur gals hair.. and gently 'scrape' ur gal head like how we adult will wash our hair.. my gal has cradle cap last time aft frequent shampooin it went away quite fast..
hope it works for u..

thanks... any special shampoo needed? currently using sebamed.. ok?
scraping using fingertips izzit? ned any special tools/comb?
Hi darmae,
Try to put baby oil on the scalp and let it 'soak' there for a while...then use a baby brush for hair and comb thru before washing off with shampoo. Jade has eyebrow cap..hehe...only her eyebrows have lor...scalp ok.

Re regurgitating milk, Jade is still doing it but not as often and much as before....on average once a day, only like 1-2 teaspoon worth of milk. My PD says its common and some babies do so until 6 mths or even 1 year till their stomach muscles develop better.
Darmae my cl taught me to rub some babyoil on the part with cradle cap then use those thin comb and slowly comb away the cradle cap.. they would drop... it works for my gal!
angel, low family,

thanks for the advise. btw, brush type comb ok?

glad to hear that its common for bb to regurgitate milk evevn till 1 yr. initially i thot maegan is slowly moving out of it, but then these few days, she has been spitting quite a mouthful of milk after a loud burp. so i got a bit worried becos of the variation... now i feel beta.... thanks ya
Just wanted to ask how much you mummies are feeding your babies now...my daughter is coming 4 months and she's still drinking 150ml. I'm not sure if I should give her the stipulated amount which is 180ml...scared she overfed which happened last time, ended up throwing up almost after each feed...would like to hear your views
150ml is ok ... my boy has been fussing alot during milk time so recently we prolonged the feeding to 4 hours ... usually can barely finish 150ml ... sometimes less.

maegan is 4mths and 1 week old, she is still taking 120ml.. usu last her 3hrs. tried increasing to 150ml.. but end up she cant finish, left over 20-30ml.. sayang my EBM so we kept it at 120ml still.
same as blue's son, jordan, oso fussing alot lately during milk time, latch or EBM...
Everytime I see your boy I can't help but think he's so cuuute leh... cannot tahan.. He definitely takes after you..

No lah.. hubby doesn't earn alot. I'm not staying in condo mah, so dun have big mortgage to worry abt
Just have a simple lifestyle and simple pleasures and everyone can be a sahm
blueskye, u definitely cute la...aiyoh...this aso must ask. kekekeke

bena, really envy u. can stay home to see all bb's firsts...my mil insists i go back to work. i think it over, yeah it is true cos she is still hale and hearty. no need 2 people to look after 1 bb. maybe when i have a 2nd or 3rd one, then i will stay home...
Think brush or comb also can...you try and see which one works better to get the cradle cap off lor. I personally find the brush easier.

Hi Chiangs,
I had the same concern as you hehe...my girl is not taking enough according to the calculation. My girl is 4mths+ and is only taking abt 125ml-150ml each feed, 6 times a day. BUT she is already overweight now. Ha!
Now 8kg liao. I think those calculation tables are just an average... I think its better to use our baby as a guide to how much to feed...they will definetely let us know if they are not getting enough, or too much!
Angel, Jade is 8kg only? Thought she shoud weigh more as she looks more bah bah than Jordan ... he weighed 8.2 kg few days back. So does that mean he's overweight also?
saw Ade's baby today in church, my Samuel looks like a giant compared to Emma...heehee! Emma is Missy Tiny just like Atinarin's one...but size doesn't matter lah, as long as baby is healthy.
Hi Mummies,

How did u all manage to wean baby off latching directly from breast? I've been direct latching since baby born =( Sighs alot of stress.... need a break and get him to bottle feed again. How u all did it can give me a tip or 2?

wow mummies,

my boy only weighs 6.9kg when he went to the PD for his 2nd jab yesterday. Some of your babies are already over 8kg.. Does it mean mine is underweight?
Hi The Chiangs,
My gal is only taking 120ml or sometimes lesser. Your's is better than mine

suppose to drink 180ml now, but tried to feed her 150ml, she still ended up drinking 100-120ml..

wondering if the formula i am giving her is ok or not..
oh, i remember there's a group of mummies went to chinatown to buy bb (carter/oshkosh) clothings before giving birth. can anyone give me the address?

Hi. Caelen is also 6.5kg at 4months. Average, doctor says...

Re: Latching to Bottle
Hi Vone, I too have been direct latching since born but I started Caelen on bottle at 2.5months. To be honest, I still have problems feeding him....sometimes he will reject the bottle but will take my breast, especially at nite. But mostly he doesn't like either cos' I think he doesn't like to drink milk period. Anyway, enuf of my problems. To start weaning him, you may wan to get a good bottle/teat. NUK latex teat is a good one to start as the teat is very soft and thus more similar to nipple. I also tried Bfree bottles which is also ok for Caelen. When baby is more used to it, you can then switch. Some ppl also mix BM with FM so that the baby will be used to the taste but if you are giving EBM then no issue. Hmm... you might wan to be mentally prepared to give baby cold turkey for a few days though, think most babies don't go down without a fight :p
hi darmae
How to know is cradle cap? Sometimes I see Yan's has some tiny spots on her head..hmm

The Chiangs
150ml very good le, my gal still taking arnd 80-100ml nia

Wah angel
Your Jade 8kg le?
Blue, ya you also very cute..

Ben Mum, I'm sure you spend quality time with your baby after work and during weekends

Vone, I've got a friend whose baby has never used a bottle before. He graduated from breast straight into cup but I think the baby started cup at 6 months. If all else fails, you might want to try cup? I think I'll have the same problem as you cuz I direct latch my boy too though he took the bottle in the beginning. Tried feeding him water from bottle a few days ago and he just refused to take it.

Me still pumping now...

My gal is the reversed! She is well trained to take bottle in the day and only breast at night/ early morning. Problem: When i latch her on in the daytime, she will yell but drink immediately when i give her the bottle..Guess it is her routine now..

Haiz..CNY coming..does that mean that i need to bring my pump out...Sure burst if she refuse to latch on n i m out whole day.
Oh yah, now that Poohwei mentions about CNY ... sigh, very sian leh ... everywhere we go still need to worry about pumping milk. I haven't even thought about it ... probably need to make a trip back home to pump in between ... heng now my breasts are "seasoned" enough to not pump for 7-8 hours interval.
sigh,... my sarah fell off the sofa at the library last week. I left her with my hubby and his best friend and 2 seconds later it happened. Apparently, she slipped out of the friend's arms on the low sofa and fell to the padded floor. Upon hearing her sudden outburst, my mind went blank. My poor baby. I didn't go to the doctor after that, just observe for any abnormal cries or anything. Although, it seemed alright now, I am still paranoid about her condition. I am a horrible worrier by nature.
Have any of you noticed that you have become a non-stop worrier ever since our darlings came into our lives??
Hope sarah is ok... dun worry, if she is still feeding well and not vomiting shldn't be a problem... take care....

BLue, i also season enough not to pump for 7 hrs but it will affect milk supply after tat or not??

you lucky still can latch... i fully EBM. so have to bring pump everywhere i go... hai with ryann's things and pump and fridge to go... is alot of things lor.... need to get a big big bag... any one got lobang where can get nice big bags?
Phoebe, of cos if you always pump 7 hourly then supply confirm will drop lor. But once in a while should be ok lah.

Btw for those mummies still breastfeeding, when you all intend to stop huh?
cos my new year every year abt the same one..
11am - grand uncle hse
2-3pm - big grand ma hse (No place for me to pump milk)
5-6 pm - go grand ma hse (if time permits)
7pm - go grand ma in law hse

so if i pump at 10am in the morning , i can only pump at my grand ma hse or grand ma in law hse. which is late liao.... which is at least 8 hrs..hope wont burst lor...

i intending to bf till as long as i can... at least hope to endure till 6 mths but hor.. abit no life lor... cannot go far far.. cannot go oversea...
Think I will gradually decrease my pumping after 6 months ... hubby was actually asking me to stop after 6 months cos he read somewhere that the benefits of breastfeeding is only maximised in the first 6 months. So he said can stop after that, since I already "sacrifice" (i.e. sleep, freedom etc.) for 6 months liao.
i was hoping not to let my girl use walker cos heard that it is not good for baby's development and some horrible accidents.. but all my mummy friends swear that it will help to make our lives easier.. me in dilemma now cos my girl always want me to carry her and walk around in the house for hours.. have been doing that for past weeks le even though i will put her in the carrier and walk.. it is still super tiring for me.. been asking myself for past few days whether should just give in and buy..sigh! how? can advise me.....
jme, I'm someone who is pro-walker ... seen its benefits since young when my mum babysits other babies ... so far I've seen more than 5 babies including my elder gal on walkers ... none developed any problem (btw the oldest baby my mum ever babysits now already 20 years+ liao). My 4 months old boy also on walker now. Yesterday was his 2nd day on walker and he already can "go-stunt" (reverse) abit liao. Think like my gal, he should be able to walk around the house by 5th month+.

But an advice ... for the start, don't let your babies sit for too long. Start with 15 mins, then gradually increase. Also need to put a small pillow in front of them to support the space between their tummy and the walker.
morning mummies

brand new week...nynke is coming to 17 wks now..hmm..increasing milk intake to abt 110ml and poo only once every few days..

abt walker,jme, I didn't use walker for my elder one. she's been placed in playpen and learnt to stand from there. did that cos my mum's place was not conducive for walker and also heard walker is not so gd for leg development. btw, elder one started her 1st steps at 13 mths. seemed slow but it was kind of overnight thingy and she walks without much problem..since elder one was ok without walker, we dun intend to let younger one use walker.

cny and pumping...me also getting lazy. bluesky, u intend to stop at 6 mths? now that i'm at home, I try direct bf her every time she wants, about 2-3 hrs interval. thing is she wants only feed from 1 breast and the other breast is left feeling 'engorged'. too lazy to pump and i just tahan till next feed and gove her the other breast. think this will make supply drop?
blue.. i know nothing about walker.. is there any brand that is good and safe..? where should i go to take a look?
jme, offering more advice, you may wanna alternate between playpen and walker. Last time my elder one also ... I had both in the living room. Sometimes put in walker, sometimes playpen. Got variety.

p.s. She learnt to walk about 11 months and already walking quite steadily by her 1st birthday.
Amy, not say stop lah, but will significantly reduce my pumping to twice a day, then once, then stop. That process may take a few months more?
