(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Mommies! Great seeing u 2day! Nining n Jete, great job on e party! Mathias had fun! But poor boy didnt get his Elmo cupcake..not focused enough. Haha! Cant wait 2 c e pics! It was great 2 hv a photographer. At least me n hubs could enjoy. I was definitely having a fun time chatting
but paiseh. I was glued 2 my chair so didnt mingle w e mommies at e other parts of e room.haha! What 2 do? My "excess baggage" make me v lazy..
Love e way rishi shake his bon bon!

Mathias loves his gift! When he saw what it was he got so excited..cos he loves play dough. Thanks!
soli guys put u on aeroplane. we had a false emergency. tot tat grandma who is staying wif us - dunno why acting strange we tot wat happen
thanks for organizing the party and collecting the cupcakes! The cupcakes are so pretty and good value for money.

RE: photography
i love having the photographer there, it allows hb and i to enjoy the party without worrying about capturing the moment. will let you guys know when i get the DVD.

there are many elmo fans around, tell Mathias to be focus next time. lol i will sms you and get the vcds from you this few days. did you go to fidgets after that?

you are so cool and brave with your bfing!! watch you in our section after the party, you eating your ice-cream and jae eating his under the wrap.

forgot to ask you today, you got your strawberry bags and pgy test from mel already? just trsf to my account, will email you.

congrats shannon was our mcd bday gift winner.
i didn't. ran out of battery, forgot to charge last night.

yeah, we realized it afterwards too that we forgot a group pix.

will trf to u on tues.
i thought i have already trf to u, very forgetful of me

my boy was simply too shy. he did not want to get down when singing the birthday song. i was carrying him all the way.

the thing i remember most clearly is how friendly steve is. he was hugging shannon and even was lifting his leg like trying to jump on her. looks like he has found his ger friend.
Nining & Jete, thks for organising.

Mel, my sis manage to capture a little part of that.

Jete, thanks. I think i'm happier than Shannon. My hb thought it's the gift exchange.

Choco, my hb told me a little boy hugged Shannon.
I got a shock myself when i saw him dancing. I never expected him to do such a thing. But he would have carried on if no one was watching. hehe...
yes we should do another gathering now that the kids can entertain each other themselves and the mommies can chat hahahahaa..

I think u n Loh are really heavy kakakaka both glued on chairs..
Ike also loves playdoh so that's why we thot of the playdoh gift will be good for anyone.. Ice cream some more kekekeke..
Ike was very result oriented, he wanted the one with thomas figurine and I felt he kept eyeing on that one, and that's the one he gets hahahahah..
TOo bad I was also too lazy to capture anything , should've captured the video of the happy bday singing..

no worries lah.. next time u can join :D

THe one that got me laughed all the time was the kids tried to mutilate the cupcakes.. I think they thought the figurines were toys.. Even IKe played with the thomas figurine until all parts fell apart then he still asked me "thomas cake?" alamaaak hahaha..
he always dance at home when he hears a catchy music. and he recently learnt to wriggle his bottom. everytime i try to catch it on video, he stops and gets shy. I wonder if he would dance around at his party this sunday. If he does my guests will have a good laugh... hehe..
U sure Rishi shy? Yesterday me n hubs kept lookg at him but he still continued! Haha!

Yah,me n Loh like kena glue 2 e chair..i only realised i didnt mv around when e party ended.haha!

I c ur tummy i pity u. So pointed! How 2 balance? Ur back must b v pain rite? I think u n me cant wait 4 e bb 2 come out..
You never see his face when he saw u guys looking at him ah? that smile actually shows he is shy. anyway he continued because hb told him to dance. or else he would be hiding behind my butt.
i was 36 wks 5 days nia. full term is 37 weeks so considered premature lor. =P

wah. sounds like u guys really had so much fun... =)
my boy can only cut cake at home today coz mummy on confinement. heh...no birthday "party" for him... =P
Yah,we went 2 fidgets aft that. Mathias went wild! Too bad that e plc is so far from punggol n totally inaccesible w/out a car..
Ike has serious face when dancing, I think Rishi also hahahaha.. it's like learning for them..

Fidgets is really fun.. Ike also goes wild whenever we;re there and his dad too hahahaahahahahahahah.. I bet ur hubby same!!

its at turf city, but in the back, same area as giants but 3rd floor I think.. www.fidgets.com.sg

Hey how bout we do another gathering at fidgets? we just go there and pop no need arrangement? Will be good before fasting month tho which is 201st Aug - 21st Sept
thanks for organising. Really had a good time catching up with some of the old timers mummies. We have known each other since preggie days! Also alot of mummies r not there. Shine, we miss u n qweii!
It's better to go fidget in the morning when it just opened. By mid day the place n sitting area will b damn crowded.
If u gals like fidgets, I thk u will like Polliwogs even more. Run by same people n more suitable for toddlers. Best of all it's very new n clean ! 2 mths old only. Go check it out.
Mel n loh
see u gals preggie, make me miss my preggie days! Love your bumps!!

U really look great!! Must share!!

thanks for fries man! Nice catching up with u! U another yummy mummy!
I think i should bring rishi there sometime.

It would be good to have another gathering soon. or even after the fasting month is also ok.
yah..hubs was climbg around w him but got stuck at certain areas.haha! Doubt i can mk it for gathering b4 fasting period..im feeling immobile.haha!

Where's polliwogs? Btw,thanks for the stuff!
<font color="ff0088">Hello Mummies,
sorry if I was listless on Sunday.
I was a tad tired if not I wud have brought Tricia to fidgets too

so u got the playdoh?
I hope Titus likes it cos Tricia love playdoh stuff

Nice to see u
Finally saw u liao!</font>
i think mel got nining's present? nining also bought playdough. i think mel's thanks are for your "french loaf". LOL i think it's funny you got back the same gift though not your gift. :p

i just any how exchg the gift, so all random. i already printed the labels, just grab a label and stick on pressy, as long as the name on the pressy (giver) and the name on the label (receiver) diff, i stick. sorry cin. heehee

sound like there were 3 sets of playdough in the 17 gifts.
<font color="ff0088">Jete
there wasn't any name tag on the pressie I got.
So I dun know who was it from..

No time to talk to u again.. sorry abt that</font>
Haha!! Oh I see! I read too fast. U r welcome for the French loaves. I bought alot then cos I was leaking like a waterfall during first three days.

yes. He likes it. So coincident that I bought the same gift n got back the same gift from diff person. Gonna buy 4d. Numbers pls!

Who got my gift? ; p
<font color="ff0088">Cin
I din catch that earlier!
I tot I just buy something that Tricia likes to play too.
So coincidental that happened.
yeah, go buy 4d.

some wrote on sticky, maybe fell off. any way, that's the fun of gift exchange, just enjoy the gift.
hi morning mummies,

working day again.. sian

Thanks Jete and Nining for your efforts

u've got my pressie? hope u enjoy it

Shannon was v friendly too;)

i may have the video, but no time to go thru all yet
Hi mummies,

Long day today. Hb has bbq tonight. So will be very occupied.

nice to meet you too. I kept playing guessing games. But i recongnised tricia and then saw u. hehe... But never get to talk to you expect to say a brief hi.
thats why la. They having some mtg for two days, so instead of going to a restaurant for dinner, they having a bbq at his boss hse. hb promised he will be back home early though.
Ivan got ur pressie!!!Thx.
Guessed wat. I also bought playdough for the gift exchange!!!!!! The same set!!!wahahhaha.
So who got my playdough????

Noone believed I due end of this month and ppl dun believe just 1 bb inside my tummy

Nining, Jete,
Thx for all the effords!
The photographer really great, she can remember who has not take the family photo!
Wow mummies, today i read that a 3yr old fell off the window from his apt and survived, thank God for bushes!!!

I strongly recommend all mummies to install window grilles since there are young kids in our house, throw aside Vanity!
Talk abt the cupcakes...apparently my dear husband who always says I like to waste $ etc..asked me how much the cupcakes cost and that maybe we should order them for no.2's full month party..Muahahhahaha!! So I guess bringing him for the party was a good idea after all! B4 this he kept making noise abt me wanting to order cupcakes. Say I always waste $ etc until I so fed up i told him I'll bake the cupcakes myself n make the tier myself..then in the end, now he say he want to order the cupcakes.. He's really the type who needs to see something in real life to want to pay for it...

Wah..u confused man!! Looks like everyone got play dough! haha! My shopping was done super last minute..hope the person who got my gift doesnt hate it!

When's ur next Gynae appt? Mine is tomoro...dunno y my BB like not moving much for the past few days...dun have 10 movements...its starting to worry me.
I am going to see gynae tomorrow morning.
Hmm, seems my bb also seldom move recently...hahahah..me so bad, dun realise it until u mentioned
Mine is usually very active and move until i very uncomfortable thats y when never move I realised...cos its like can whole morning and afternoon dun move then evening just move abit..

err, then better check with your gynae. My gynae has not ask me to monitor bb movement yet. Think he will ask when i am 38weeks onwards.
