(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

yeah she did that a few times, so sweet of her but my bad Liz didnt reciprocate hehe

maybe your boy is jus shy and wanna stay close to u. Ya maybe more exposure may get him to open up

Nining, hahahaa..dat's a good idea, see no evil!!

puppygal: no need ticket for so small girl lah, just carry her thru' the mrt gate gantry.
funny u know it was as if it's a dirty dancing on display kakakakakaakakakakak.. but tantrum throwing is prolly as bad hahaahah..

Clara tried what u have said before once....but i agree with the reaction of the mummy..ignore the child and walk on...if u go and pick up the child means giving in to the child and he/she will continue to do it when they cant get what they one...

can i check, does kid studder when they talk?
my boy started toking quite early but now he studders when toking and its quite bad.
and also his pronunciation is a bit like 'short touge'.

is there a cause of concern?
so cute!!! I dunno leh.. I bought some shirts from pasar malam and 2 nights ago from a sale at safra jurong west / boon lay..
i agree with jang even i didn't see u in person...from the pics in fb..u look great!

m i naughty? those words keep ringing in my ears...carene will watch the dvd at least once a day..like vitamin dose. sometimes, my hubby oso crazy one. when carene cries for milk, then he will say "itz time to build a word..M-I-L-K..MILK." i couldn't stop laughing..
btw, how many days in adv do we nid to order the arga arga if we want?

I always bring meg to her PD at kinderclinic Paragon, Dr Kumar.
I think any PD can do assessment. Actually this time round i am quite hesitant to bring her to PD, very exp haha.. and somemore nothing to assess also..
In my opinion she is developing quite well except a little bit petite, poos and sleeps well, should be okay haahahha..

She is now 10.2kg!!! hahaha i am very happy of her weight gain
hahahaha ur hubby is also addicted to it!!!
give it 1 week in advance, easier for u to communicate with her, cos only via email. Then u gotta transfer the payment first, no COD..

okie gonna go to Ike's school now! looooove the cuppies, the blackforest thomas, the agar too!!! will take pics later!!
Enjoy Ike's bday :p

I brought Meg to PD as well for her 18th mth assessment, actually every assessment i bring to PD hehe.. tho nothing much to worry about.
By the way the 2yo assessment is meant for 2 to 3 yo.. so probably will bring her there when she is 2.5 yo..
wow, few days not come, so many things happen.


U really great, nature without epi, i wanted but failed.haha.


u can try too, a lot of my colleagues used epi for #1 ,then never use for #2. for me no more chance liao, will just stop at 2.

how's P's height? ruoxi is about 80cm but 10.5kg, think her weight is always at 50 percentile but her height is 10 to 15 percentile.she's not thin but short only.
aiyayayaaya.. this mommy is so blurrr.. I decided to swap, whole cake for school and cupcakes at home so its easier to distribute to neighbours.. guess what.. I forgot to take the close shot picture for the whole cake..there's another mommy whose son is Ike's best friend, she was taking quite few pics too so hopefully she got that pic.. cos the baker also forgot to take the pics hahahaha.. silly us!!

But agar still in 1 piece, will take pics of that.. and cuppies also managed to take pics hahahaha...
At least to give some idea.. bo pian, only got to remember it after being cut!!



Ike's photo is converged with thomas picture, plus each left and right side of the cake got edible image as well

These were the cuppies for home:

ya I ordered cuppies from the same baker, also the blackforest cake from same baker.. the kids went wild looking at the cake, everybody wanted to touch it.. not as bad as the cuppies at the bday bash at Mc D tho hahahaha.. cos they were just simply too cute!!

ya for the cuppies taste wise pretty good for the price, I brought some to the class tonight and eveyrone asked for the baker's contact..
The blackforest is similar taste like e-creative one, not as gourmet as your pinegarden hahahaah.. but the cream and blueberry were fresh and very nice..

will do!!
looks like u hav help to advertise on the cuppies to alot of ppl already, the seller shld giv u commission hehehe.. how much is the cuppies?
just like their percentile, they still even up in the end. :D

she's just active. next time she quiet down then you'll wish she's as active.

unfortunately P inside same as outside, very easily bullied.

you looked cool. very hip mommy, so causally eating (ice cream some more) and just nursing like you're chatting. heehee no wonder you're so slim, what you eat go straight to jae. P is too prissy. even sun shine into the car also she whine "hot hot".

2 years apart, they won't meet in school much. if not i'm sure L will protect jiejie. yeah i saw her smiling at you. when she warm up then she'll open up. she used to let muddypie carry her cos we see muddypie and aidan twice a week in class.

hurry up go eat buffet. lol most buffet also have 90cm limit now. it's very worth it for us to bring P for buffet, cos she eats free and she actually do eat quite a bit.
re: hugging
i would have been very malu if one of the kiddos go hurt P, cos she may push him/her away. she is super particular about personal space, cannot be too close to her. already like that since she was in my tummy. even when hb carry her, i lean too close she will push me away.

i know S loves to hug. LOL

about 1-2months back, P purposely did that when she talk. we just keep telling her no and she will repeat it properly then we tell her yes. now she stop doing it. if not she will say (in chinese), eat eat eat eat rice.

P is 64cm now.

happy birthday Ike!! cute cake and cupcake!!
that day i brought L for her jab. there were a few kids (2 families) in the waiting room. then one family went in. left one family with a girl, abt 4yo. the mom and maid were there with her. she was playing with other things, P was playing with those wire with beads. you know move the beads along. the toy was a big one, 4 sided, plenty to share. P play one side, the girl opp. then she move to p's right then queeze to p's side and squeeze p out. p just stand in a corner and play another branch of the wire. that girl grab p's hand and push p's hand away. p turned to me and said "I saw that!!". the mom said nothing at all. p went back to play and the girl kept pushing her hand away. i was so pissed. i have heard the mom speak in mandarin to the kid, so i told P in mandarin "this girl has no manner (mei jia jiao), dont bring yourself to such low level and play near her". the girl's mom pretend to take a nap.


how? next time send her to school she sure kena bully. never fight back, dont know that's good or not. sigh.


just now her dad took her out. she put on shoe then came to tell L "bye bye meimei, see you later". then she pat L's head and said "guai guai". hiya, so cute to see them tog.
Jete: yaaah, some parents just ignore and turned blind when their kids' misbehave publicly...it's really inconsider and rude! Correction shld be on the spot or soon after an incident happen, else the kids won't remember what they have done wrong. Pray P will grow up tougher in character.

P, 64cm? U sure there's no wrong measurement?
see, must retype, full of typo.... :p

re: hugging
i would have been very malu if one of the kiddos go hug P, cos she may push him/her away. she is super particular about personal space, cannot be too close to her. already like that since she was in my tummy. even when hb carry her, i lean too close she will push me away.
I had one experience recently. we were going out and since rishi knows the way to the carpark usually he jus runs ahead of us below our block.
there was this family in the lift and the 2nd kid was quite unstable in walking and when he saw rishi running he wanted to run as well. and the mum told the kid in a rude manner," dont run like him, wait u fall down." And she told this in mandarin. My hb translate to me wat she said and when i looked at her she sulked and turned away. I jus went to rishi and ask him to run somemore. So angry.

the senario that u described sounds so familar to me, ruoxi also met such gals/boys several times in clinic or playground, those naughty gals/boys so funny,so many toys around they dont play just want to play the one that ruoxi playing, normally i just carry ruoxi to leave the place to avoid conflict, as i knew ruoxi never push ppl, if ppl push her she sure scared and fall down. got many bad experience already, so dont want take the risk, but later when she go to child care center i can't protect her liao, when think of it i heartpain. but sooner or later she has to learn how to protector herself.
Ike uses thomas (whatelse!!) oral B training toothpaste without fluoride.. got it from some spree :D but I know there are ebay seller for this item as well..
