(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Do take care, hope to c u and baby soon
Dun worry too much or your gal will feel your anxiety also. If u need to know more abt c-sect, can drop me a line coz I had Dylan by C-sect with epidural and I would say it was a wonderful experience.

Mummies who have taken the pneumococcal jab for your little ones,
Did they have fever after the jab and how long did it last ... Dylan had his jab on sat and started having fever that very same day. He is sick now, fever, cough, flu ... haiz, I think his immunity is already low when we went for the jab. He couldn't sleep well coz his nose is blocked, which explains why I am up at this hr

Dun worry to much, as long as baby is healthy,
agreed with piggy Leee, baby will put on weight very fast with mummy's milk! you must take care and always been happy to wait the baby arrive.

may i know what is pneumococcal jab? becoz my girl stop all jab after her 18month jab, the doc only fix the next appointment is the normal test on 3years old liao..poor Dylan..also poor mummy...you must let him drink a lot of water.ok!
do take care yah!
Hope Tim and Dylan has got better now. Think must be the hot & rainy weather.

Catz: so fast & you are going to pop. I agree with slamdunk, also had c-sect with epidural (mild one), Lucas was out within 15 mins.

We just returned from our Chiangmai trip last Friday. It has been a long time since we spend 24hrs for 8 days with him as a family. Can be quite tiring at times, handling him during the holidays. But at least he got to see panda bears and sat on the elephant for 1 hr (half way fell asleep). With him around, we went for a free n easy holiday, can only have one activity for half or 3/4 of the day. By the end of the activity, either I or Lucas are already exhausted. I think he enjoyed the hotel room the best, can jump on the bed and watch disney channel. When we go out of the hotel & wallked around, have our meals, he will fall asleep. Once we placed him on the bed, he will wake up & really tire us out. sigh... even the tuk tuk driver was asking why was he always sleeping when we sat his tuk tuk.

About stickiness, I am not sure if he has became more sticky to me since I become a SAHM. Nanny said that he is usually quite independent and can play by himself. With me, he will grab my legs while I wash the dishes, want me to carry him while I cook, and even at my BIL's school, he was also so sticky to me. They suggested than I should give him the cold turkey treatment and he will be ok after a few days in school. I still think he is not ready yet, he will be the youngest child there and his schedule will have to be changed to suit the half day school. The kids will return home at 1pm then have lunch. For Lucas, if he doesn't have his lunch during 12pm++, he will be extremely cranky. So I need to plan out other alternative when I start by part time.
Linus had a low grade fever for 2days after the jab. I think you are right, his cough and blocked nose is due to his low immunity. So he probably caught the bug then. Don't give him chicken till his cough is completely well.

I saw this article and here is an explanation:
The new vaccine provides protection against seven types of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. These bacteria are also commonly known as pneumococcus. Pneumococcal infections can cause pneumonia, meningitis, blood infections, and ear infections, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Pneumococcal bacteria are estimated to cause 40,000 deaths each year, according to the NIAID.

Children under 5, adults over 65,and those with compromised immune systems are most susceptible to these infections.

I think you must have lots of fun at Chiangmai. Haha...Fell asleep on elephant. That is cute...

For Lucas, I think he is enjoying your company so much that he wants you to be part of him everywhere he goes.
Hi ladies, thanks for all the advice about c-sect. Quite anxious lah 'cos I don't really relish being cut open :p I will be opting for epidural c-sect, hopefully that works and I don't hv to go for GA.

Dr Chan says that baby die die needs to come out by 2nd Feb so I'm booked for that date.. but on half-weekly review until then so could be sooner than that. Baby is now at 2.5kg.. still quite small but well, taking her out is for her own safety. Just hope that I am able to recover quickly from the wound.. my fear is that I scar very badly :p

Pneumococcal jab - Tim had his 2 jabs quite early on and thankfully no reaction BUT the last 2 jabs he took (chicken pox and booster I think) he reacted 'cos maybe low immunity.

Tetra, wah Chiangmai sounds like fun for you but tiring hor?
OK gotta ask c-sect moms - what to wear coming home from hospital? will a dress be better 'cos i'm scared that pants/skirt will rub against the wound area.
Hi all,

Long time never come in. I had just delivered my bb boy Zavier on 1st Jan 2007. Unfortunately, not able to be on the news.. But he is the 2nd bb at Mt A. I only took 1 1/2 hours to complete the whole deliver as compare to my girl which took me 15hrs to complete everything.
Wow, yvoyvo, congrats! Too bad you didn't get on the news. One girl, one boy, close shop?
I asked my gynae to pls ligate me but she says I'm too young.. haha
Must post pictures of Zavier yah?
Congrats again. How is little Zavier doing now?

YC don't want to ligate you huh? She very cute one. Must have seen many women who "regret" being ligated...so she refuse to do it for you.

So now where are you going to stay if your house not ready when you pop?
yvovo: congratulations to yur delivery of your baby boy. What a nice name he has. Meanwhile, take care and enjoy your confinement.

catz: better to wear a dress, it is more comfy. Anyway, the scar is at the bikini line, sitting below your 'tummy'. The scar will be protected by a few layers of (what do you call that?) cotton pieces and with a waterproof (what do you call that? can't recall all the terms.) transparent scrotch stick-like. Your gynae will prescribe some pain killers for you which it safe to eat even if you are breast feeding. I only eat when I feel some pain otherwise no pain from the scar most of the time. Only discomfort (like doing toom much sit-up)in the abodmen area as the gynae has to move the organs i.e. stomach, etc to take the baby out. So the organs are adjusting back to their positions.

why ligate at such young age? Some mums decideto have the 3rd one after the 2nd one reaches 6 yrs old (start Pri 1).
I've also went thru c-section with epidural. One thing you need to put on immediately after c-section is binder. It helps keep the wound in place so that you don't feel it rubbing against your saggy tummy. And also helps in slimming. Anyway my c-section is a terrible experience. I thought the scar will turn out one nice bikini line but 'NO....' I'VE GOT keloids. Every now and then it will get very.....itchy then you will see me scratching like a monkey!
How many weeks will you be by 2nd Feb? Actually 2.5kg is not too bad. My nephew was 4-5 weeks premature and only 2.1kg. Keep praying, maybe your girl will gain more weight and won't have to come out so early.

Other mums,
Want to ask all you mummies on toilet training / potty training. Seems like some of you have been successful already. Can you share how you did it and how long it took to potty train your tods?

We know when Sherman wants to poo and he will even tell us "potty, nngg nngg". But when we produce the potty or take him to the training seat on the toilet bowl, he will sit down for less than 5 seconds and say "I scared", then try to get up. If we persuade him to sit down, or try to stop him from getting up, he will wail and cry. Over the new year and first week of this year, he managed to poo in the potty for 3-4 days in a row after persuasion. Each time, I'll clap and praise him, even kick up a big fuss to call his grandma to praise him for doing his business in the potty. But now he went back to refusing to sit on the potty. Should I try letting Sherman go diaperless? It's also getting quite difficult to put a diaper on him as he won't stay still and kicks about. I really dun know what to do.
MG, you're Cantonese lke me right? I will confirm get keloid too. :p Where to get this binder?

Piggy, yah she absolutely refuses to do the ligation... says I might regret later on. *sigh*

Tetra, thanks for the info. So the wound is not left open? Was imagining having open wound so dunno how to wear clothes. How to bathe? Aiyoh, this pregnancy so terok.. feel so guilty about baby not doing well, anyway, one girl one boy, ENOugH

babyD, I will be 37+ wks at 2nd Feb. Gynae thinks it will be too risky to proceed past that date as my amniotic fluids are below normal.

Potty training - I think it's not so easy with boys somehow? Timothy is on training pants if we're feelign brave but we've had a few very big accidents (pee, not poo).
Keloid is genetically pre-disposed. Are you prone to scarring? I'm not Cantonese, but I'm very prone to scarring and keloids. Already have a few keloids from my falls during childhood and teens. I've never had an op or stitches *touch wood* and hope I never need one. My brother and father both have centipede keloid scars from their ops where the stitches are.

Think most doctors consider anything past 37 weeks as term, so the baby should be ok coming out then. Can't be helped in your case, but not your fault that fluid is low, so don't feel so bad about it. Every pregnancy is different.
babyD, I scar at the slightest thing :p So I'm quite resigned to the fact I'll have a really bad keloid from the c-sect. *sigh* Feel guilty lah.. lousy placenta and all :p
Catz: Week 37 is considered good, just enjoy this period and don't feel guilty about it. Prepare yourself positively 'cause then can produce more breastmilk. yah, I remember about the binder, thank MGTeo for reminding. I recalled my gynae provide the binder after the operation, can't remember if he is the one or the nurses who put on the binder for me. You may want to check with your gynae if she does provide one. And for the 1st one or two days, you can't go toilet to pass urine, it will be drained into a bag. Quite convenient lah, you probably want to lie down most of the time. Will your hubby or mum stay with you at night?

Just had my checkup this evening. Apparently I am not gaining weight for the last 2 mths (last 3 checkups), but baby seems to be ok. Maybe, my body got extra fats to feed the baby. During this period as SAHM, I am not eating as much as when I am working. Usually eating the same kind food as what I cook for Lucas. So today got sian, brought Lucas to take a bus to market & eat chwee kwee and almond paste. It is getting harder for me to handle him by myself when we are in public places. He got bored and sat then lied on the floor in the market. Luckily the floor was dry, so have to carry him and finished my chwee kwee, then carried the bowl of alomd paste & looked for a soya bean drink stall to buy one glass to entertain him. After this trip, I am not going to bring him to market by myself anymore. No stamina to carry and handle him.

High chance that Lucas will be having a baby brother. Not 100% guarantee, gynae thought he saw something there. Anyway, we are resigned to destiny to have 2 boys (a few fortune tellers already said so). A girl will be a real surprise.

babyd: nanny tried to toilet train Lucas for months. But each time when he return home esp weekends, he forget about it & unlearn everything. I suspect this 1 mth away from nanny, has brought him back to the primitive stage. But he will say he has pooed after his business is done so that we can change his diapers. Nanny's method is to go diaperless, after awhile, he will request to go to toilet. But this initial stage requires lots of cleaning up. I don't think my place is ready for this, mattresses are over the floor. So I think we will wait a while.
Tetra, no going toilet?! Eeeks.. :p Didn't expect that.. thought it was like next day can go toilet and bathe already. Hubby will take 2-3 wks to take care of me (and move house).. My Mum will be with Timo.

Wow, you have to be careful with Lucas lying on the market floor. So dirty!! If you train Lucas to sit on the stroller, it will be easier for you to handle him outside leh.. 'cos the stroller doubles as a high chair for feeding too.
Don't feel guilty lah.. You will be seeing your princess soon! yeah, no go toilte for 2 days after c-section, then after that they make sure u go even if u are in pain!
I also went thru C-sec, but with GA. The experience was alright without much pain. I was up the next day walking ard & feeding my baby. In fact, I was too active..., excited mah. U def need the binder to support yr belly. Also, they will clear most of yr "menstration", so u dun need to wear pad for so long, very convenient! I will opt for c-sec again this time.

BB small nevermind. Heidi weighs 2.8kg, height 49cm only at full term, considered quite small for full term. But later I feed & feed, now she's over 13 kg & 95cm tall. So dun worry abt bb small, can feed them & they can grow when they're out of yr tummy!
yve, you did c-sect meh? All along thought that most of the mummies here went through natural and now suddenly realised most went through c-sect!

Angela, oh issit? So c-sect will have less lochia? That's good... 'cos lochia is disgusting. Your Heidi really grew very well leh... she's the tallest of all the Jan babes. OK, I will take heart.. small baby, not the end of the world
I let Linus go diaperless since his last episode of diarrhea. Since then, I will ask him to pee pee into a pee pee cup and keep asking him to tell me when he wants to pee. So far so good. (this takes only 2days) For night, I will wake him up at about 11pm to give him his pee pee cup and hope that he pees at that time. If he don't, he will wet the bed. So I put towels at the backside area, just in case. But if he does that 11pm pee, he can hold till next morning. Sometimes, he will wake my maid up to ask for the cup. When we are out, I will bring him to the loo at hourly intervals.

As for poo poo, he also don't like to go sit on the toilet bowl cos scared fall in. So no choice lor, he is still not trained for poo poo yet. However, we know when he wants to do it, he will NOT move from his spot and will squat down. Then we bring to toilet to wash or clean up. So when I bring him out, I let him wear a pair of underpants to "catch" poo poo cos the pants are usually quite snug at the thigh area.

So I guess I am only half way there in toilet training. Only good thing is NO need to buy diapers.
I let Linus go diaperless since his last episode of diarrhea. Since then, I will ask him to pee pee into a pee pee cup and keep asking him to tell me when he wants to pee. So far so good. (this takes only 2days) For night, I will wake him up at about 11pm to give him his pee pee cup and hope that he pees at that time. If he don't, he will wet the bed. So I put towels at the backside area, just in case. But if he does that 11pm pee, he can hold till next morning. Sometimes, he will wake my maid up to ask for the cup. When we are out, I will bring him to the loo at hourly intervals.

As for poo poo, he also don't like to go sit on the toilet bowl cos scared fall in. So no choice lor, he is still not trained for poo poo yet. However, we know when he wants to do it, he will NOT move from his spot and will squat down. Then we bring to toilet to wash or clean up. So when I bring him out, I let him wear a pair of underpants to "catch" poo poo cos the pants are usually quite snug at the thigh area.

So I guess I am only half way there in toilet training. Only good thing is NO need to buy diapers.

Linus is only 2.47kg at birth. Aiyo, please relax, ok? Healthy baby most important.
Piggy, OK OK, I relax
wah Linus is actually more than 50% potty trained leh.. 'cos pee is the most hard to train. Poo will come very naturally one 'cos it's harder to force out and Linus will have more time to tell you.
thanks for your info..
Linus so cleaver, aldy diaperless aldy, my girl still dun wan to pee at toilet..only can do it during bath time. sigh! but she can poo into potty every morning when wakeup lah!..and she will tell anyone she want to em..em when she feel it, then we quickly bring her to potty lor..
Every kids really difference one hor!

im C-section mum too..but at malaysia..haha!!
you have to very careful when you bring Lucas go out alone leh! it must be very tired to hander a kid with carrying a big tummy leh!
a suggestion to you is you can dabao back to eat.
what do you use as the pee pee cup? When at home, how often do you ask Linus to pee into the cup? Hourly? I may try your method, but not keen to wake him up just to get him to pee leh... may still use diaper for nights and going out if successful. Thanks!

Seems like your girl quite regular with morning poo. Mine got no fixed time, but the worst problem is refusal to sit on his potty. I counted, we have altogether 4 different pottys, 2 at MIL's place where Sherman is usually. Sherman even chose the newest one himself in his favourite colour yellow, but all to no avail.
yah!..coz she been trained start from 6 month mah!..so already become dairy job for her.haha!
sometime kids really need to force one..wah!..sherman got so many potty ah!! can use for very long!!
I use a "free cup" that came with the milk powder. I think any cup is ok, as long as it has a handle and not too small cos the morning pee can be ALOT. At home, I ask him to pee at about 1 hour interval too. But not everytime there will be pee. I try to ask him after each meal or milk feed. The rest of the times are instinctive. After practising for a day or 2, you may see him holding his private part when he wants to pee or he may start to fidget around there. Then you have to bring him his cup.

Sooner or later, you will have to train him for nights and going out. I think going out is easier to train than night. Good luck!
Hi mummies,

Got an sms from Catz

She delivered Baby Bethany in afternoon by emergency csect. Baby is 2.38 kg, 48 cm ... Both mummy and baby are fine

She will tell us more when she returns home
Congratulations! Take care & rest well.

Thought I saw your hubby at Yvonne's clinic on sat morning... are you there?
Catz: Congratulations. Tim and Bethany share the same birthday month. Yah, Bethany is a nice and unique name. Take care & rest well.
Hi Mummies,
Linus was down with fever for 2 days, followed by runny nose. For a few nights, he was calling for me to goto him in the middle of the night as he was not sleeping well. I didn't rest well too. Now, I am down with very bad sore throat. Wanted to goto doctor yesterday but couldn't make it due to the reno and delivery, etc. Aiyo, must go today liao.

By the way, any tods here have gone thru or are going thru "screaming" episode? Linus is screaming like he only found his voice recently. Wah, very loud and piercing scream....
Lucas is also down with runny nose yesterday. Now he is with nanny as I am working these 3 days. Yesterday, applied some vicks on his nose, chest & back. I think he slept quite well.

piggy: you take care and go see doc for medication. Cannot get sick, got reno to attend and CNY is coming.

Lucas will scream for fun when he tries to make some funny sound.

Kristy was also down with flu for past few days. I was also sick, down with flu, sore throat.. guess its the weather... must take care.

MY gal will scream at the top of her voice when she did not get what she wants... "headache"
Sherman doesn't really scream when he's at home or at his grandparents unless he's very excited. But whenever he gets together with my 18 month old nephew, the two of them will run up and down the house, with loud and piercing screams. They get even more excited when the two maids have to run after them to make sure they don't get into trouble. My nephew likes to scream, so Sherman copy him. I often get headache listening to them.

Sherman has been going diaperless when he's awake at home from Monday. 1st day: totally unsuccessful, wet the floor many many times, but finally pee in the cup after dinner. Was very pleased with himself because everyone kicked up a fuss and praised him. 2nd day: more cooperative, managed to pee many more times in the cup, but still got several floor wettings. My maid told me she got a better idea of the timing after the 2nd day. Today 3rd day, keeping fingers crossed that it will just get better. Wah, really can save on diapers, whole of yesterday he only used 1 diaper for his nap. And after he woke up, he took off the diaper himself! Think he finds not wearing diaper very comfortable.

Catz, Congrats! Hope all is well.
Seems that alot of runny nose is going around hor? What medicine do you give for runny nose?
I give him "Actified" but it don't seem to clear the runny nose leh. Got any good over the counter runny nose medicine to recommend?

Haha... Seems that Sherman found that this diaper thing is a nuisance.
Sometimes, Linus will wait till very very last minute before telling us that he wants to pee.(This is when we forgot to give him the cup or he drank lots of water) This will cause some leak onto his pants, which we have to change for him. So must get ready at least a dozen short pants / underwear at home for such changes. I bought underwear from Mothercare. Very comfortable and it is quite fitting on him. This nice fit will help catch the poo if he does it when we are out shopping, etc.

I am giving my gal flu medicine from the previous visit to PD. Not so sure abt the name, its an orange solution. But it is very effective cos she took it once or twice and she recovers. Let me go check out the name but over the counter not sure if they have it...

U better today?
Hi ladies, thanks for all the well wishes

Bethany and I were discharged from hospital yesterday.. as you must imagine, it's been quite hectic. I'm still lurching around like Frankenstein from the c-sect wound but feeling so much better and more mobile. C-sect moms, I really take my hat off to you. If Timo had been c-sect, I would not want another child already

Bethany is doing fine. She's got quite similar temperament as Timothy - quite calm and doesn't cry very much. Thank God she is latching well now.. was so worried tt she would not take to TBF as she is a preemie. Her jaundice levels are OK but need to monitor and will bring her back for review on Friday. Timothy was very sad when we brought baby back home. So much sorrow in his eyes.. 'cos I cannot carry him and yet I can carry Bethany. So it's a little hard seeing him so upset but he seems to be doing better today.

poh, I saw you at YC's clinic but was feeling rather anti-social as was quite afraid after the CTG results. Sorreee.. will say hi next time.
Ryan was very exuberant!

Runny nose - if it's allergy related, then either Zyrtec or Xepagan will work for Timo.

Wah all these potty trained toddlers.. think I need a longer time to work on Timothy. He can watch TV and whizz and not realise :p
Thanks. Please check and let me know. I have completely lost my voice today but my throat is much better now, not as painful.

Welcome back. Timo must be wondering "What is THAT?"... Take care and do drop in to tell us more when u are free, K?
Hi Piggy,

Called my maid the medicine name is Zadine-orange colour. Take care, drink some cooling stuff. I am also still coughing.. but cannot take cough mixture becos GP says it contains codein.
