(2015/11) Nov 2015 Mummies

Congrats! I've been burping non stop since morning :(
Want to tell gynae and see if there's any way to stop this hahah... Im seeing next Tues! Counting down :)
chewiee, if u get the solution of anti burping from your gynae do share with me. =P
I keep burp until want to vomit at times.
Next Tuesday very fast arrive.

Went to see gynae earlier today and saw the tiny flickering heartbeat! Im so relieved! Edd 11/11 which is my anniversary but most likely baby will come out earlier.. Praying hard baby will be gd n healthy till full term!
Doc told me to just eat whatever i can.. If really cant then drink sweet drinks or fruit juice at least got sugar in the body. Was given folic acid, multi-vits and duphaston since i miscarried before. Told my husband to let me rest and he has to do all the work haha! :p
Congrats mrsmorgan!! U r now 6 weeks right? Did u do ultrasound scan or vaginal scan to hear the bb heartbeat?
chewiee, if u get the solution of anti burping from your gynae do share with me. =P
I keep burp until want to vomit at times.
Next Tuesday very fast arrive.

I really hope there's a solution so fingers crossed! Hahah.

Same... I burp literally non stop till Wanna vomit... At times food digested already so the burp will be the acid reflux kind. :(
I really hope there's a solution so fingers crossed! Hahah.

Same... I burp literally non stop till Wanna vomit... At times food digested already so the burp will be the acid reflux kind. :(
same same. And I vomited all is white colour stuff. I think its stomach acid. :confused:
On and off my tummy will feel pain, like gastric pain. Haiz.
Congrats mrsmorgan... So good can see heartbeat... How I wish I could see it next 2weeks time.
Same I given the same medicine as you has. Haha maybe because we see the same gynae =P
But after take duphaston MS will get worse. Jiayou. ^^
Dont worry, im sure u will see it. ;)
Oh no! I didnt know Duphaston will make MS worse!
Btw, did u take up the package?
Congrats mrsmorgan!! U r now 6 weeks right? Did u do ultrasound scan or vaginal scan to hear the bb heartbeat?
Thanks tomago.. Yup i was 6w2d yesterday. Did abdominal scan and gynae just showed the blinking heartbeat, didnt hear. :)
Dont worry, im sure u will see it. ;)
Oh no! I didnt know Duphaston will make MS worse!
Btw, did u take up the package?

I will take up the package. Maybe on the next visit. ^^
Anytime once sign up the package they will deduct the consultation and scanning fee on the package.
But I never read what is in the package? I know it include consultation and scanning. If not wrong medicine is not included
same same. And I vomited all is white colour stuff. I think its stomach acid. :confused:
On and off my tummy will feel pain, like gastric pain. Haiz.

Yes I know what u mean... It doesn't feel like gastric pain but just uncomfy. I didn't vomit out tho but the burping is Argh! Lol.. All for baby, we must tahan!!!
Yes I know what u mean... It doesn't feel like gastric pain but just uncomfy. I didn't vomit out tho but the burping is Argh! Lol.. All for baby, we must tahan!!!
I CANT WAIT FOR THE FIRST TRIMESTER TO BE OVER! It gets better after right????
Here's Dr. Adrian's package.. :)


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Mommies who have #1s, do you find the older ones super clingy? My #1 keeps wanting me to carry these days. I know my gynae told me that I cannot be carrying him...
Here's Dr. Adrian's package.. :)
Thank you mrsmorgan. I thought this packagae around 850.
Virginal delivery is cheaper. =P
When will you sign up the package? I don't know when should I sign up? Haha. I afraid I lost it again. =P
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My #1 still want me to carry too. Now she is 17kg =_= no choice need to carry her.

My #1 also 17kg at 3 yo, but we told her upfront that mummy got bb in the stomach, cannot carry her... so everytime she wants me to carry, I'll tell her cannot, and sometimes she understands. If she still insist, I'll ask my husband to carry her.

But these 2 nights she's looking for mummy in the middle of the night, and we let her come to sleep with us.. end up I can't sleep well :(
My #1 also 17kg at 3 yo, but we told her upfront that mummy got bb in the stomach, cannot carry her... so everytime she wants me to carry, I'll tell her cannot, and sometimes she understands. If she still insist, I'll ask my husband to carry her.

But these 2 nights she's looking for mummy in the middle of the night, and we let her come to sleep with us.. end up I can't sleep well :(
Very good at least she understand. My girl even she is 4 yrs old she don't care. If she want me to carry I must carry her.
I still sleep with my girl on her bed. =p
I can't imagine how can I continue sleep it her when my tummy become bigger.
Thank you mrsmorgan. I thought this packagae around 850.
Virginal delivery is cheaper. =P
When will you sign up the package? I don't know when should I sign up? Haha. I afraid I lost it again. =P
I paid for the pkg yest alr.. Hubby said just think positive so pray hard baby will be ok.
My gynae prescribed me diamenate for vomiting. Have any mtb took this medicine before?

I cannot eat at all. :( vomiting the sour acid water too. Haix.
Any mummies going to deliver in parkway east? Any recommendations for gynea in the east? Alrdy 6wk+ but haven't a clue on which gynea to go to!
My light headed ness comes in the noon n evenings now.. Sigh. I'm spotting.. my appt 30. Need bring fw?
Ya i think u shld bring forward ur visit... Gd to have a peace of mind too.. Or alt u might want to call your gynea to seek advice?
Hi all mummies-to-be! I tested positive on 12-mar and will only be seeing my gynae on the 31st. I'm a first time mummy and by own calculations is around 5weeks but digital calculations said 1-2weeks. i feel bloatedness and fatigue..need to sleep around 8pm every night:) anything else i should look out for, experienced mummies?
Hi all mummies-to-be! I tested positive on 12-mar and will only be seeing my gynae on the 31st. I'm a first time mummy and by own calculations is around 5weeks but digital calculations said 1-2weeks. i feel bloatedness and fatigue..need to sleep around 8pm every night:) anything else i should look out for, experienced mummies?

Congrats an-an! I think the digital calculations calculates from the day of ovulation.
Also first time mummy here. guess more impt is to monitor whether gt spotting and rest more. Try nt to drink caffeine bah.
An an congrats!! me also feeling bloated and tired all the time. First time mom here too.. can't wait for the scanning on Monday. Just need to rest more. Been having throat pain recently. Think drink too much hot milo... :(
Hi hi mummies to be...

Just realised quiet a few mummies seeing Dr Adrian.. realised his package increase since the last time i went to see him..
n n am expecting no.3.. my #1 is piggy n #2 is moo.. very big age gap
hi. is there any fb group or WhatsApp chat I can join? saw baby heartbeat 2nd time yest. feel more at ease to join some groups now. heehee
Hi hi mummies to be...

Just realised quiet a few mummies seeing Dr Adrian.. realised his package increase since the last time i went to see him..
n n am expecting no.3.. my #1 is piggy n #2 is moo.. very big age gap
His delivery fees have increased quite a lot actually.. Need to standby more cash this time haha!
My #1 is 5yo.. In a way it's gd because he's more independent now and i dont have to carry him hehe.. He also understands that i need to rest and cant play with him as often as I used to. :)
Hi hi mummies to be...

Just realised quiet a few mummies seeing Dr Adrian.. realised his package increase since the last time i went to see him..
n n am expecting no.3.. my #1 is piggy n #2 is moo.. very big age gap
Hi sallyd, I'm also expecting #3. My first also piggy and second also a moo moo (but she was borned in 2010 before cny so still a moo moo) Hehe!
Profile of our children very similar! Haha
I'm seeing my gynae on Mon (finally)! Can't wait for the scan. Hopefully all goes well and can see bb's hb. I'm should be 6+2 weeks. Can see HB already?? Feeling excited yet worrying... I dun have any preggie symptoms at all... No MS. Just a bit of sore breast on and off... Thus getting a little worried. Sigh!
I'm seeing my gynae on Mon (finally)! Can't wait for the scan. Hopefully all goes well and can see bb's hb. I'm should be 6+2 weeks. Can see HB already?? Feeling excited yet worrying... I dun have any preggie symptoms at all... No MS. Just a bit of sore breast on and off... Thus getting a little worried. Sigh!
I was also 6w2d when I saw the heartbeat. If u didnt ovulate late in ur cycle then shld be able to see heartbeat i guess.. Dont worry abt having no MS yet.. Maybe still early or u're just one of the lucky ones who dont get MS! ;)
Hi all mummies-to-be! I tested positive on 12-mar and will only be seeing my gynae on the 31st. I'm a first time mummy and by own calculations is around 5weeks but digital calculations said 1-2weeks. i feel bloatedness and fatigue..need to sleep around 8pm every night:) anything else i should look out for, experienced mummies?
Congrats! First timer here too.
Rest well, morning sickness might hit u soon too....
Congrats an an! :) :)

My MS is getting worst! But just can't vomit out so terrible... Worst is appetite has really been bad... 3 more days to my gynae visit!! :D
Hi mtb,

I am having very bad morning sickness that I have tummy pain and bloatness and I cannot do anything but lie down all the time.

I cannot eat anything at all and vomit at least 4-5 times aday and the stomach acid.

Is there anything that I can do about it? It's causing me a lot of distressed.

I have tried ginger tea, h2o but I will have tummy pain after that.

My doctor have prescribe me dimenate but I m abit reluctant to take. Haix!! :(
Hi mummies.....

Still feeling dunno how abt this baby...long story

My 6th child..

I m looking after my cousins baby too .. she had some issues.. making this my 7th baby in the house.

Had 3 miscarriages before.. 1 abortion before.. making this my 10th pregnancy.

Very irregular menses.. no precautions since 4yrs.. so this really come as a suprise.

Eldest is 15.. 14.. 7...6..4.. bb i look after is 10 mnths..


Guess.i m the mummy with most kids

All 5 bfore no epidural. Natural.. largest bb is 4.14kg less than 30 mins labour.

All by dr paul tseng

Tot of gg to kkh to have a.look see 1st. I test positive on 15 march. Seems to be about 5 to 6 weeks

sorry for the long intro
Full time work shifts.. do small business online too..was plannibg to quit before i knew this. Coz let dad work now. Now i m lost
Hi all, been some time since im back. Get to know more mommies to be. Congrats congrats. :) Anyway, I was feeling damn terrible during the pass one week. No vomitting but keep want to vomit cannot vomit feel. Felt so burpy like as though lotsa gas inside me. :( is this ok? First time i get to experience this and keep crying during the night time cause of the discomfort. Tried to eat at least once per day. I guess nothing can cure this. Now i understand what is like when my mum had me. Im so happy yet im so uncomfortable. Now is the week 6, hopefully i will get better. :) Hope everyone is doing well.
Full time work shifts.. do small business online too..was plannibg to quit before i knew this. Coz let dad work now. Now i m lost
Wow.. You are one amazing woman!

Every child is a blessing...stay hopeful and positive.. I'm sure you will be able to overcome this given what you have already been thru
I'm also in my 6th week... No MS at all... I'm actually very worried as I heard having MS means strong pregnancy hormones... This is my 3rd child. First 2 I had moderate MS but this one totally dun have... I wonder if this is a viable pregnancy... Getting so worried.
I know I shouldn't be saying this but I'm envious of those having MS actually... Sigh!
So to those having MS, hang in there. Jia you!
Hi all, been some time since im back. Get to know more mommies to be. Congrats congrats. :) Anyway, I was feeling damn terrible during the pass one week. No vomitting but keep want to vomit cannot vomit feel. Felt so burpy like as though lotsa gas inside me. :( is this ok? First time i get to experience this and keep crying during the night time cause of the discomfort. Tried to eat at least once per day. I guess nothing can cure this. Now i understand what is like when my mum had me. Im so happy yet im so uncomfortable. Now is the week 6, hopefully i will get better. :) Hope everyone is doing well.

I feel you... Cos I have the exact symptoms like you. Burping non stop, wanna vomit but can't vomit. But I did vomit twice just now... Food wise I can still eat but getting lesser and lesser... Jiayou too! :)
Congrats an-an! I think the digital calculations calculates from the day of ovulation.
Also first time mummy here. guess more impt is to monitor whether gt spotting and rest more. Try nt to drink caffeine bah.[/QUO

thanks tomago, Wxr_bb and aries123 :) congratulations too!
have you book your gynae appt? I booked mine with Dr Claudine Tan.

do we have any facebook group or chat group? would like to join :)
Congrats! First timer here too.
Rest well, morning sickness might hit u soon too....

fingers crossed. heard from experienced mummies MS can be quite bad while a few did not encounter MS. still hopeful to be the latter :) hope u r too :)
Hi sallyd, I'm also expecting #3. My first also piggy and second also a moo moo (but she was borned in 2010 before cny so still a moo moo) Hehe!
Profile of our children very similar! Haha

Happy mtb...
Yes.. yes... at least am not alone.. are you stay home mum also???
His delivery fees have increased quite a lot actually.. Need to standby more cash this time haha!
My #1 is 5yo.. In a way it's gd because he's more independent now and i dont have to carry him hehe.. He also understands that i need to rest and cant play with him as often as I used to. :)


Ya lor...the nurses also told me to prepare more cash this time round.. cos these few years his fees increase alot ...

Ur # 1 is also moo moo year???
