(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

posionous? potent stuff for bb... i blend three with 1 cup full cream milk then add cocoa powder and distribute to 6 small glade tubs and have each tub after dinner for 6 days... maybe that's why my bb put on so much weight?! kekeke
my gosh :eek: no wonder so much weight lah but i scare to put on bb weight now leh..cos limited space ..wait bb face press again teh tummy wall

i read somewhere these are tiny, dry clump of hardened milk or a “string” of fattier, semi-solidified milk... pple who are high productive .. they will leak colostrum by now ..those who are not so productive ..it will be thise tiny dry clump of hardened milk

am trying to find the article now ..if i found it will cut and paste here hehe

I have dry clump of milky thingy struck at the nipple crack, :p but not leaking anything now and I don't dare to squeeze my nipple. :p
my gosh :eek: no wonder so much weight lah but i scare to put on bb weight now leh..cos limited space ..wait bb face press again teh tummy wall

haha my guess nia... cuz my daily meal intake not much changes the only difference is that 6 days of avocado dessert...haha
33wk and bb at 1.86kg. Doc says ok but on the smaller side. Have to go for growth scan next wk, to check bb blood flow.

Im on week 31+ and bb 1.8kg, doc say ok acceptable weight wor. Hw come you still need to go for growth scan? My gynae never say anything at all.
I have dry clump of milky thingy struck at the nipple crack, :p but not leaking anything now and I don't dare to squeeze my nipple. :p

I also have that. I read that we should start opening up the nipple crack and clean out all the hardened clump of milk. If not, it will clog the pores and harder for colostrum to flow out when we deliver later.

From what I read, we should start massaging our boobs and clean the nipple cracks daily already.
Hope everyone had a good weekend....

I went Isetan Private Sale on Friday, good thing I went late, not very crowded... went to Mango sale... and bought my CNY clothes!! :) I know I very kiasu, but since 初一 will be within my confinement month, I figured I prob won't have time to do shopping might as well shop now... Hahaha. If cannot go out during CNY, then wear for BB full month party... Bought a loose dress which I can still fit into now, and some other pieces to motivate me to start my exercise regime after birth, and go back to my pre preggie weight! :)

Sunday went to Ikea, wanted to buy furniture for the baby's nursery, the wardrobe was OOS, so cannot buy, then went back to my mum's place and had a casual chat with her and told her about setting up the baby nursery, she then tell me to buy after the baby's birth, because it is not good to be knocking around the house! =.= I had a big argument with her and cold war with her at the beginning of my pregnancy about renovation works in the house (we were doing some minor works) and told myself never to mention anything to her about renovation related, now my stupid big mouth just shoot off and mentioned it to her again. Got really upset by it and had a very good cry about it because I really really really wanted everything to be set up before baby's birth and my mum is standing in my way from doing so, then where is my baby going to sleep? Where am I going to put all the baby stuff??? It's very frustrating that my mum keeps giving me this kind of bullshit and making me upset. :( Went to sleep and still feeling upset about it, but after that this morning, I woke up and had a chat with hubby in bed, we decided that we should just go ahead and not say anything else to the parents, because most important is that I am happy, and that baby is happy... Anyway, I have already done those knocking/hacking works at the beginning of the pregnancy, so setting up Ikea furniture is just assembly rather than hacking, what difference does it make? So f*** those stupid old wives tales...

(Sorry for the rant, but my mum's bullshit really bothered me the entire Sunday evening...)

Anyone feeling particularly emo this third tri?? I feel like I'm extra emo and sensitive, every little thing also will trigger me like that...

I can totally relate to your story. Let me share mine. I had a huge fight with my mum when we were in Norway in Oct together with my hubby, MIL and a family friend. Regretted taking my mum along to Norway on hindsight but at that time of planning for the trip, she begged to come along and we didn't have the heart to say no. Turns out her old self-image issues have come back to haunt her. She got petty and angry with one sentence I said to her in my MIL's presence, which she perceived as making her lose face to MIL. She's having an imaginary competition with my MIL and to her, nothing is more important than that! So instead of confronting me or demanding an explanation/ apology so we could patch things up, she put all her energy into giving me the cold shoulder for most of the trip. If she only targeted me alone, that was fine, but no, she had to drag everyone in by being extremely rude to the rest of the group in my presence, and making it obvious that I was the cause of her giving everyone the cold shoulder, so I, not her, should be blamed. Such cruel politics she loved to play! She knew she could hurt me the most by making me feel guilty and responsible for others not having a good time becoz of me. And she did not spare a thought that I was already in the late 2nd/ early 3rd trimester. I tried to hold it all in but I cried by myself, and that was when I felt persistent pain in my tummy. So I SMS-ed her to confront her and tell her I would not be speaking to her for the rest of the trip. She apologized but when I insisted that for the sake of baby's health and safety, I would not speak to her for the rest of the trip, she SMS-ed my hubby to tell dramatic sob story about how she was backstabbed, tortured and deeply hurt by her daughter. What rotten b***s***! This showed she was not really truly sorry; she wanted sympathy from others and for others to side with her, even if it means driving a wedge between me and hubby. Her focus on that trip was to make me feel sad and pay dearly for my wrongdoing to her, and it was only my hubby/ MIL who took care of me and kept an eye over me. It's as if she did not care a single bit about my baby. Until now, after returning from Norway, I have avoided contact with my mum, and will only give one-word answers when replying to her SMSes. I don't care about my well-being as you can say I deserve to be punished by her, but I cannot afford for her to hurt my baby when he's still in me. So it is under this kind of psychological condition that I will give birth.

@GetawayJunkie At least your mum still cares about you and your LO, although her preferences are impractical and inconvenient. I'm glad you and hubby decided to go ahead with your plans anyway, which should be the case. Haiz... looks like we must be very very careful to think twice about what to say or not to say to the parents' generation.
I also have that. I read that we should start opening up the nipple crack and clean out all the hardened clump of milk. If not, it will clog the pores and harder for colostrum to flow out when we deliver later.

From what I read, we should start massaging our boobs and clean the nipple cracks daily already.

Issit! hard to clean lei... ok.. I try tonight when I shower. :p ask my hub to help massage...
I have officially email my manager to seek approval for my ML. Nervous!

I apply for 12 weeks ML starting on the 12th Jan (2 weeks before EDD).

Will apply AL from 5-9th Jan.
Issit! hard to clean lei... ok.. I try tonight when I shower. :p ask my hub to help massage...

I clean it when I'm outside the shower. Easier to see without all the water splashing. When I shower, I will rub the nipple open also.

I massage when showering with warm water. I comb the boob downwards. Sidewards from the armpit and upwards from the base of the boob. Basically, towards the direction of your nipple.
I also have that. I read that we should start opening up the nipple crack and clean out all the hardened clump of milk. If not, it will clog the pores and harder for colostrum to flow out when we deliver later.

From what I read, we should start massaging our boobs and clean the nipple cracks daily already.
I vaguely remember WBB mentioning that in the antenatal class
I got use! I finished one big tube of purelan already, but it still itches esp end of day. I realised it gets worse when I'm feeling hot, so now all day long I blast air con or fan. So worried this will affect breastfeeding.
I'm also having lots of itchy rashes around my breast. Changed shower foam to cetaphil (guardian having promo now) and bath in lukewarm water.. helps with the itch. I wonder if its due to my bra being too tight. So, getting bigger bras to see if it helps. :)
I also have that. I read that we should start opening up the nipple crack and clean out all the hardened clump of milk. If not, it will clog the pores and harder for colostrum to flow out when we deliver later.

From what I read, we should start massaging our boobs and clean the nipple cracks daily already.
huh? massage ? wont that trigger milk flow ?
I can totally relate to your story. Let me share mine. I had a huge fight with my mum when we were in Norway in Oct together with my hubby, MIL and a family friend. Regretted taking my mum along to Norway on hindsight but at that time of planning for the trip, she begged to come along and we didn't have the heart to say no. Turns out her old self-image issues have come back to haunt her. She got petty and angry with one sentence I said to her in my MIL's presence, which she perceived as making her lose face to MIL. She's having an imaginary competition with my MIL and to her, nothing is more important than that! So instead of confronting me or demanding an explanation/ apology so we could patch things up, she put all her energy into giving me the cold shoulder for most of the trip. If she only targeted me alone, that was fine, but no, she had to drag everyone in by being extremely rude to the rest of the group in my presence, and making it obvious that I was the cause of her giving everyone the cold shoulder, so I, not her, should be blamed. Such cruel politics she loved to play! She knew she could hurt me the most by making me feel guilty and responsible for others not having a good time becoz of me. And she did not spare a thought that I was already in the late 2nd/ early 3rd trimester. I tried to hold it all in but I cried by myself, and that was when I felt persistent pain in my tummy. So I SMS-ed her to confront her and tell her I would not be speaking to her for the rest of the trip. She apologized but when I insisted that for the sake of baby's health and safety, I would not speak to her for the rest of the trip, she SMS-ed my hubby to tell dramatic sob story about how she was backstabbed, tortured and deeply hurt by her daughter. What rotten b***s***! This showed she was not really truly sorry; she wanted sympathy from others and for others to side with her, even if it means driving a wedge between me and hubby. Her focus on that trip was to make me feel sad and pay dearly for my wrongdoing to her, and it was only my hubby/ MIL who took care of me and kept an eye over me. It's as if she did not care a single bit about my baby. Until now, after returning from Norway, I have avoided contact with my mum, and will only give one-word answers when replying to her SMSes. I don't care about my well-being as you can say I deserve to be punished by her, but I cannot afford for her to hurt my baby when he's still in me. So it is under this kind of psychological condition that I will give birth.

@GetawayJunkie At least your mum still cares about you and your LO, although her preferences are impractical and inconvenient. I'm glad you and hubby decided to go ahead with your plans anyway, which should be the case. Haiz... looks like we must be very very careful to think twice about what to say or not to say to the parents' generation.

Hugz @Archie7, I wonder if the parents actually realise how much influence they or their words or actions have on us sometimes, even though we are already in adulthood... Yeah, we're just going to have to be very careful about what we say to the parents. I actually cried a lot during this pregnancy over the relationship with my mother, small things here and there, dunno is it my hormones or what... but like you said, we have to be happy for our baby's sake...

I clean it when I'm outside the shower. Easier to see without all the water splashing. When I shower, I will rub the nipple open also.

I massage when showering with warm water. I comb the boob downwards. Sidewards from the armpit and upwards from the base of the boob. Basically, towards the direction of your nipple.

I was taught this massage method to stimulate milk flow in my antenatal class at Mount A, but the LC trainer said don't do it now, because it may trigger contractions...

Yes I am rly almost there w my bb stuff!! just ordered this pink bathtub
I got the exact same bathtub but blue colour, lol!
And I have the same one in green. :)
ohh.. what did you do to help on the itch? my gynae prescribe steorid cream but no much help so i am using tar soap and QV cream...

I cant rem the name of the cream but once applied, the itch stop but i almost finish the whole tube. lol Then other part of my body start again. Hahaha Endless lei
ya.. can meh? wun trigger milk flow which in turn trigger natural induction?
I don't dare massage coz I scare later early labour! haha

My gynae and antenatal class told me to massage in warm water for few seconds to prevent clogs. But, not to stimulate or squeeze the nipple. Because that can cause contractions. Hmmm, I will check it out again.
Hope everyone had a good weekend....

I went Isetan Private Sale on Friday, good thing I went late, not very crowded... went to Mango sale... and bought my CNY clothes!! :) I know I very kiasu, but since 初一 will be within my confinement month, I figured I prob won't have time to do shopping might as well shop now... Hahaha. If cannot go out during CNY, then wear for BB full month party... Bought a loose dress which I can still fit into now, and some other pieces to motivate me to start my exercise regime after birth, and go back to my pre preggie weight! :)

Sunday went to Ikea, wanted to buy furniture for the baby's nursery, the wardrobe was OOS, so cannot buy, then went back to my mum's place and had a casual chat with her and told her about setting up the baby nursery, she then tell me to buy after the baby's birth, because it is not good to be knocking around the house! =.= I had a big argument with her and cold war with her at the beginning of my pregnancy about renovation works in the house (we were doing some minor works) and told myself never to mention anything to her about renovation related, now my stupid big mouth just shoot off and mentioned it to her again. Got really upset by it and had a very good cry about it because I really really really wanted everything to be set up before baby's birth and my mum is standing in my way from doing so, then where is my baby going to sleep? Where am I going to put all the baby stuff??? It's very frustrating that my mum keeps giving me this kind of bullshit and making me upset. :( Went to sleep and still feeling upset about it, but after that this morning, I woke up and had a chat with hubby in bed, we decided that we should just go ahead and not say anything else to the parents, because most important is that I am happy, and that baby is happy... Anyway, I have already done those knocking/hacking works at the beginning of the pregnancy, so setting up Ikea furniture is just assembly rather than hacking, what difference does it make? So f*** those stupid old wives tales...

(Sorry for the rant, but my mum's bullshit really bothered me the entire Sunday evening...)

Anyone feeling particularly emo this third tri?? I feel like I'm extra emo and sensitive, every little thing also will trigger me like that...

Hi, I am ultra sensitive and cries easily this third tri. I have vivid dreams and wake up crying.

Actually your mum is really trying to protect you.

I actually didnt mind my hubby doing all the maintenance around the house during my first pregnancy. He was drilling and knocking and all. He just wanted everything to be ready before the baby comes and I understand that.
I didn't stop him cause we werent pantang.

However, after the miscarriage for that pregnancy, I think if some things can wait to do, just wait.
My BTO toilet is huge like hell... dunno y... I can even install a bathtub inside if I want.. My BTO was in 2009, toilet design very big! my friend book hers in 2011 I think, her toilet design very cramp... but MBR bigger. I rather have a bigger MBR.
I applied for my flat in 2010.

MBR is decent, nothing to shout about but the MBR toilet is quite narrow.

I think I can only bathe for my LO in the CBR which isn't so narrow
Hugz @Archie7, I wonder if the parents actually realise how much influence they or their words or actions have on us sometimes, even though we are already in adulthood... Yeah, we're just going to have to be very careful about what we say to the parents. I actually cried a lot during this pregnancy over the relationship with my mother, small things here and there, dunno is it my hormones or what... but like you said, we have to be happy for our baby's sake...

I was taught this massage method to stimulate milk flow in my antenatal class at Mount A, but the LC trainer said don't do it now, because it may trigger contractions...

And I have the same one in green. :)
Eh? Got green one? Interesting! I may just stick some hello kitty stickers on the tub :D :D :D
ya.. can meh? wun trigger milk flow which in turn trigger natural induction?
I don't dare massage coz I scare later early labour! haha
that's why i asked can meh lolz

I applied for my flat in 2010.

MBR is decent, nothing to shout about but the MBR toilet is quite narrow.

I think I can only bathe for my LO in the CBR which isn't so narrow
mine is WIS back in 2006 and MBR toilet already small .. so for my #1 normally shower in cBR cos MBR small
Actually your mum is really trying to protect you.

I actually didnt mind my hubby doing all the maintenance around the house during my first pregnancy. He was drilling and knocking and all. He just wanted everything to be ready before the baby comes and I understand that.
I didn't stop him cause we werent pantang.

However, after the miscarriage for that pregnancy, I think if some things can wait to do, just wait.

I know what you mean by saying my mum is trying to protect me, because she thinks by stopping me from doing all these, she is protecting me.

However, I am not sure if she realised that the impact of her actions on my psychological well being....

(1) By not being able to get my nursery ready, I get very stressed as the timeline gets shorter, and how is that stress impacting the baby?? We always say baby can feel it when mummy is upset/stressed etc.
(2) Yes, my hubby can do it when my bb is born, however, how fair is it for baby (and my hubby) if he has to sacrifice bonding time after birth to fix up something can be done before.
(3) If we do the installation after the birth, how healthy is it for the kid since the kid will be at home and subject to the noise and dust?

To her all these is 小事, and easily solved. However, if it is causing me so much grief and unhappiness, then I will need to prioritise what is more important to me... giving in to my mum and making her happy, or taking care of my psychological well being (and indirectly, my baby's wellbeing and happiness as well). Right now, I need to put myself and my baby before my mum.
It is dried up milk. Parentcraft lady says to ignore it.
Ok! I figured so too since it wasn't bothering me and well... I know that D-day is coming. My hb was also saying that my nipples seem oilier and shinier... hmm. Probably increased oil production there??
Hahahah I want to be on bed sleeping since pregnant lol ... Am Such a lazy mummy kekek
i also wish but dun have the lxury leh

I know what you mean by saying my mum is trying to protect me, because she thinks by stopping me from doing all these, she is protecting me.

However, I am not sure if she realised that the impact of her actions on my psychological well being....

(1) By not being able to get my nursery ready, I get very stressed as the timeline gets shorter, and how is that stress impacting the mummy?? We always say baby can feel it when mummy is upset.
(2) Yes, my hubby can do it when my bb is born, however, how fair is it for baby (and my hubby( if he has to sacrifice bonding time after birth to fix up something that is done before.
(3) If we do the installation after the birth, how healthy is it for the kid since the kid will be at home and subject to the noise and dust?

To her all these is 小事, and easily solved. However, if it is causing me so much grief and unhappiness, then I will need to prioritise what is more important to me... giving in to my mum and making her happy, or taking care of my psychological well being (and indirectly, my baby's wellbeing and happiness as well). Right now, I need to put myself and my baby before my mum.
then get out of the house when all these are being done ...and dun tell your mum.. problem solved :p
that is what i did :p
I know what you mean by saying my mum is trying to protect me, because she thinks by stopping me from doing all these, she is protecting me.

However, I am not sure if she realised that the impact of her actions on my psychological well being....

(1) By not being able to get my nursery ready, I get very stressed as the timeline gets shorter, and how is that stress impacting the baby?? We always say baby can feel it when mummy is upset/stressed etc.
(2) Yes, my hubby can do it when my bb is born, however, how fair is it for baby (and my hubby( if he has to sacrifice bonding time after birth to fix up something that is done before.
(3) If we do the installation after the birth, how healthy is it for the kid since the kid will be at home and subject to the noise and dust?

To her all these is 小事, and easily solved. However, if it is causing me so much grief and unhappiness, then I will need to prioritise what is more important to me... giving in to my mum and making her happy, or taking care of my psychological well being (and indirectly, my baby's wellbeing and happiness as well). Right now, I need to put myself and my baby before my mum.
Not to mention your hb will also be very busy and sussed out with the baby when LO comes... hmm. Not the best time to be rushing to assemble stuff
I know what you mean by saying my mum is trying to protect me, because she thinks by stopping me from doing all these, she is protecting me.

However, I am not sure if she realised that the impact of her actions on my psychological well being....

(1) By not being able to get my nursery ready, I get very stressed as the timeline gets shorter, and how is that stress impacting the baby?? We always say baby can feel it when mummy is upset/stressed etc.
(2) Yes, my hubby can do it when my bb is born, however, how fair is it for baby (and my hubby) if he has to sacrifice bonding time after birth to fix up something can be done before.
(3) If we do the installation after the birth, how healthy is it for the kid since the kid will be at home and subject to the noise and dust?

To her all these is 小事, and easily solved. However, if it is causing me so much grief and unhappiness, then I will need to prioritise what is more important to me... giving in to my mum and making her happy, or taking care of my psychological well being (and indirectly, my baby's wellbeing and happiness as well). Right now, I need to put myself and my baby before my mum.

Hugs. I agree with your priority in putting baby first before your mum at this stage. And when our parents are angry with us for not obeying their instructions, we have to master the art of "one ear in, one ear out" and not care about what they think/ feel about us. Sounds callous but that is the way to protect ourselves and bb during this sensitive period. Differences with parents can be slowly resolved over time but the birth of our LO is only one time and we should do whatever makes us feel most comfortable to prepare for the occasion.
I so far no stretch mark, but my nipples r a mangled mess, sigh, so super itchy all the time, then I scratch then the skin breaks, then when it heals it gets itchy again n the whole vicious cycle starts again. Haiz.

Only nipple itchy ? Mine is whole breast itchy ... Lol .... But I feel Okie after applying baby powder . Maybe you like to try ?

Is your breast getting bigger ? ;p

I got use! I finished one big tube of purelan already, but it still itches esp end of day. I realised it gets worse when I'm feeling hot, so now all day long I blast air con or fan. So worried this will affect breastfeeding.

Dun think will affect bfg dun worry ..

Hope everyone had a good weekend....

I went Isetan Private Sale on Friday, good thing I went late, not very crowded... went to Mango sale... and bought my CNY clothes!! :) I know I very kiasu, but since 初一 will be within my confinement month, I figured I prob won't have time to do shopping might as well shop now... Hahaha. If cannot go out during CNY, then wear for BB full month party... Bought a loose dress which I can still fit into now, and some other pieces to motivate me to start my exercise regime after birth, and go back to my pre preggie weight! :)

Sunday went to Ikea, wanted to buy furniture for the baby's nursery, the wardrobe was OOS, so cannot buy, then went back to my mum's place and had a casual chat with her and told her about setting up the baby nursery, she then tell me to buy after the baby's birth, because it is not good to be knocking around the house! =.= I had a big argument with her and cold war with her at the beginning of my pregnancy about renovation works in the house (we were doing some minor works) and told myself never to mention anything to her about renovation related, now my stupid big mouth just shoot off and mentioned it to her again. Got really upset by it and had a very good cry about it because I really really really wanted everything to be set up before baby's birth and my mum is standing in my way from doing so, then where is my baby going to sleep? Where am I going to put all the baby stuff??? It's very frustrating that my mum keeps giving me this kind of bullshit and making me upset. :( Went to sleep and still feeling upset about it, but after that this morning, I woke up and had a chat with hubby in bed, we decided that we should just go ahead and not say anything else to the parents, because most important is that I am happy, and that baby is happy... Anyway, I have already done those knocking/hacking works at the beginning of the pregnancy, so setting up Ikea furniture is just assembly rather than hacking, what difference does it make? So f*** those stupid old wives tales...

(Sorry for the rant, but my mum's bullshit really bothered me the entire Sunday evening...)

Anyone feeling particularly emo this third tri?? I feel like I'm extra emo and sensitive, every little thing also will trigger me like that...

It's norm to feel emo ...

You can assemble furnitures but without you in the house . Just go nearby groceries shopping or go downstairs walk walk or meet up friend at nearby mall have a tea session while ask your Hb to assemble ...

I still ask my carpenter to install my shoes cabinet while I'm in 3rd trimester ... No choice cos I need to pack a lot of things need the cabinet badly ... My hubby even try to nail for my girls room in the end one big hole on the wall lol . Got to ask my painter to come and touch up for me lol

Actually there is one more alternative you can consider . But those plastic drawers ? For me I bought the muji drawers and use for bb stuffs lol I bought it one week b4 labour lol ... With all the packing ... Lol

It's been only a month and the stretch marks have grown so much-.-
From this to that
Dun feel sad ... Will get lighten ... Dun let it affect your mood ya.. I also have the marks for my 1st and 2nd pregnancy ... Luckily this time no...

foldable tub
I saw stokke have .. Wanted to buy .. Will see how since I have bathtub at home

my gosh :eek: no wonder so much weight lah but i scare to put on bb weight now leh..cos limited space ..wait bb face press again teh tummy wall

Hahaha dun worry .. Our tummy is expandable to cater space for your bb inside ... See my gf .. Small built ... 56kg at 1.58m , she can have twins and both twins add up to over 5kg lolz
I applied for my flat in 2010.

MBR is decent, nothing to shout about but the MBR toilet is quite narrow.

I think I can only bathe for my LO in the CBR which isn't so narrow

that's why i asked can meh lolz

mine is WIS back in 2006 and MBR toilet already small .. so for my #1 normally shower in cBR cos MBR small

huh, how come all ur MBR small small? my renovation photos of my Master n Common BR.


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Today start my first official massage with binding and herbal steaming ... Am taking 7 days package . Will update you all if its good

Oh ya ... Any mummies bought Mamy poko nb diaper ?? I tried the diaper given free by hospital .. Will not recommend cos the diaper too short , pee and poo will leak out behind at the backside .. Only like the front , cos it's really like cater for nb bb with the cord ... But dun like behind leaking.. Maybe can buy bigger size but the nb size not recommended . Based on my opinion la :)

Kekeke I'm back to my pre preggy weight !! So happy.. Let's see if the massage can help me more for the next one week ...
Today start my first official massage with binding and herbal steaming ... Am taking 7 days package . Will update you all if its good

Oh ya ... Any mummies bought Mamy poko nb diaper ?? I tried the diaper given free by hospital .. Will not recommend cos the diaper too short , pee and poo will leak out behind at the backside .. Only like the front , cos it's really like cater for nb bb with the cord ... But dun like behind leaking.. Maybe can buy bigger size but the nb size not recommended . Based on my opinion la :)

Kekeke I'm back to my pre preggy weight !! So happy.. Let's see if the massage can help me more for the next one week ...
is it huggies that u got?
Only nipple itchy ? Mine is whole breast itchy ... Lol .... But I feel Okie after applying baby powder . Maybe you like to try ?

Is your breast getting bigger ? ;p

Dun think will affect bfg dun worry ..

It's norm to feel emo ...

You can assemble furnitures but without you in the house . Just go nearby groceries shopping or go downstairs walk walk or meet up friend at nearby mall have a tea session while ask your Hb to assemble ...

I still ask my carpenter to install my shoes cabinet while I'm in 3rd trimester ... No choice cos I need to pack a lot of things need the cabinet badly ... My hubby even try to nail for my girls room in the end one big hole on the wall lol . Got to ask my painter to come and touch up for me lol

Actually there is one more alternative you can consider . But those plastic drawers ? For me I bought the muji drawers and use for bb stuffs lol I bought it one week b4 labour lol ... With all the packing ... Lol

Dun feel sad ... Will get lighten ... Dun let it affect your mood ya.. I also have the marks for my 1st and 2nd pregnancy ... Luckily this time no...

I saw stokke have .. Wanted to buy .. Will see how since I have bathtub at home

Hahaha dun worry .. Our tummy is expandable to cater space for your bb inside ... See my gf .. Small built ... 56kg at 1.58m , she can have twins and both twins add up to over 5kg lolz

Thank you(;
How's your baby doing?
