(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

看开一点haha... my stomach already many pattern with those stretch marks .. my kids will ask me I pain pain or not haha...

But these few days does feel a bit of pain on the stretch marks.. guess baby is testing limit... more to appear I guess...
Mine hurts at night too.
same here and on top of the marks, i have pupp red dots/scar from scratching on my arm, belly and thigh... hopefully all will be gone later...
Don't scratch. Try applying more cream to ease the itchiness.

I am not hoping that it will be gone, just hope it will lighten haha
Don't scratch. Try applying more cream to ease the itchiness.

I am not hoping that it will be gone, just hope it will lighten haha

when awake can control scratching but mostly is during sleep and the itch makes me scratch till i woke up..
cream doesn't really stop the itch.. changed a few brand of soap, finally found a tar soap that helps...
i meant i hope the red dot/scar will disappear else my arm looks quite scary to others like some sort of skin issues unless wanna wear long sleeve but so hot cannot tahan...
Hope everyone had a good weekend....

I went Isetan Private Sale on Friday, good thing I went late, not very crowded... went to Mango sale... and bought my CNY clothes!! :) I know I very kiasu, but since 初一 will be within my confinement month, I figured I prob won't have time to do shopping might as well shop now... Hahaha. If cannot go out during CNY, then wear for BB full month party... Bought a loose dress which I can still fit into now, and some other pieces to motivate me to start my exercise regime after birth, and go back to my pre preggie weight! :)

Sunday went to Ikea, wanted to buy furniture for the baby's nursery, the wardrobe was OOS, so cannot buy, then went back to my mum's place and had a casual chat with her and told her about setting up the baby nursery, she then tell me to buy after the baby's birth, because it is not good to be knocking around the house! =.= I had a big argument with her and cold war with her at the beginning of my pregnancy about renovation works in the house (we were doing some minor works) and told myself never to mention anything to her about renovation related, now my stupid big mouth just shoot off and mentioned it to her again. Got really upset by it and had a very good cry about it because I really really really wanted everything to be set up before baby's birth and my mum is standing in my way from doing so, then where is my baby going to sleep? Where am I going to put all the baby stuff??? It's very frustrating that my mum keeps giving me this kind of bullshit and making me upset. :( Went to sleep and still feeling upset about it, but after that this morning, I woke up and had a chat with hubby in bed, we decided that we should just go ahead and not say anything else to the parents, because most important is that I am happy, and that baby is happy... Anyway, I have already done those knocking/hacking works at the beginning of the pregnancy, so setting up Ikea furniture is just assembly rather than hacking, what difference does it make? So f*** those stupid old wives tales...

(Sorry for the rant, but my mum's bullshit really bothered me the entire Sunday evening...)

Anyone feeling particularly emo this third tri?? I feel like I'm extra emo and sensitive, every little thing also will trigger me like that...
I do get emo sometimes. that day my hb was recounting a story he told me many yrs ago. It was abt this motorcyclist who met with an accident and was paralysed neck down. It was a miracle he didn't die immediately. However his condition deteriorated some time after and was about to pass away. that motorcyclist had a mistress and she rly wanted to see him for the last time. However his family didn't allow that. He held on....and there were a few false alarms. my hb thought he was gone , and hence he called the registrar on duty.he was lingering on because he rly wanted to see her. that story made me tear. hmm. tho it is someone one I didn't know and one I heard sth like 5 yrs ago
when awake can control scratching but mostly is during sleep and the itch makes me scratch till i woke up..
cream doesn't really stop the itch.. changed a few brand of soap, finally found a tar soap that helps...
i meant i hope the red dot/scar will disappear else my arm looks quite scary to others like some sort of skin issues unless wanna wear long sleeve but so hot cannot tahan...
It's gonna be over soon!
It's been only a month and the stretch marks have grown so much-.-
From this to that

Oh dear that looks quite serious, how come your tummy looks so dark in the first photo, I remember u r 白白嫩嫩 wan right? Anyway, most people says it will lighten after you deliver, don't worry too much, just look forward to holding your bb in your arms very soon!
Oh dear that looks quite serious, how come your tummy looks so dark in the first photo, I remember u r 白白嫩嫩 wan right? Anyway, most people says it will lighten after you deliver, don't worry too much, just look forward to holding your bb in your arms very soon!
Haha I think it's the room lighting haha
i feel giddy n nauseous.
i felt that yesterday in fact not nauseous i actually vomit out ( my 1st vomit of this pregnancy lolz)
so i went back to bed and sleep another 3 hrs ..and when i wake up i am soo refresh and felt so much better...

guess the disturbed sleep for the past months had taken a toll on our health lolz
That's so comforting!
My hubby say he feels like I am marinating pork every night when I apply the cream. Lol

Omg how come your hubby commented such thing. hahaha for me i ask my hubby to apply cream too then he say oh this round our boi boi give you so much problem har. lol so poor thing
Hope everyone had a good weekend....

I went Isetan Private Sale on Friday, good thing I went late, not very crowded... went to Mango sale... and bought my CNY clothes!! :) I know I very kiasu, but since 初一 will be within my confinement month, I figured I prob won't have time to do shopping might as well shop now... Hahaha. If cannot go out during CNY, then wear for BB full month party... Bought a loose dress which I can still fit into now, and some other pieces to motivate me to start my exercise regime after birth, and go back to my pre preggie weight! :)

Sunday went to Ikea, wanted to buy furniture for the baby's nursery, the wardrobe was OOS, so cannot buy, then went back to my mum's place and had a casual chat with her and told her about setting up the baby nursery, she then tell me to buy after the baby's birth, because it is not good to be knocking around the house! =.= I had a big argument with her and cold war with her at the beginning of my pregnancy about renovation works in the house (we were doing some minor works) and told myself never to mention anything to her about renovation related, now my stupid big mouth just shoot off and mentioned it to her again. Got really upset by it and had a very good cry about it because I really really really wanted everything to be set up before baby's birth and my mum is standing in my way from doing so, then where is my baby going to sleep? Where am I going to put all the baby stuff??? It's very frustrating that my mum keeps giving me this kind of bullshit and making me upset. :( Went to sleep and still feeling upset about it, but after that this morning, I woke up and had a chat with hubby in bed, we decided that we should just go ahead and not say anything else to the parents, because most important is that I am happy, and that baby is happy... Anyway, I have already done those knocking/hacking works at the beginning of the pregnancy, so setting up Ikea furniture is just assembly rather than hacking, what difference does it make? So f*** those stupid old wives tales...

(Sorry for the rant, but my mum's bullshit really bothered me the entire Sunday evening...)

Anyone feeling particularly emo this third tri?? I feel like I'm extra emo and sensitive, every little thing also will trigger me like that...

Chin up babe, ya I think it's normal to be extra emo n sensitive during the 3rd trimester due to all the raging hormones, my poor hubby also like punching bag recently. Maybe like what the other ladies suggested, just leave the house when your hubby is assembling the furniture, as long as u r not in the same room it should be ok.
I don't take beef de... Actually no appetite or craving for food these 2-3wks. Ate some durian last wk n puke some. Sianz.... Eat fish also feel like puking. Think some of first tri symptoms r coming back slowly. Hav to keep thinking of what to eat.
i also suspect the 1st tri symptoms are coming back
foldable tub


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Oh hw much is that? Is the silver part metal??
Hey, the tub alone is 40 usd. And the support (the white slide like thing in the last pic) is 15 usd.

The silver part isn't metal..It's the plastic where the tub folds...U can have a look at Stokke Flexi Bath.... several colors to choose from!

I saw a small white pustule on my nipple too. Just ignored it. But I tot colostrum is liquid? How come it looks like the whitish stuff that oozes out when u pop a zit?
i read somewhere these are tiny, dry clump of hardened milk or a “string” of fattier, semi-solidified milk... pple who are high productive .. they will leak colostrum by now ..those who are not so productive ..it will be thise tiny dry clump of hardened milk

am trying to find the article now ..if i found it will cut and paste here hehe
