IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies

I am supposed to start on my IVF in Jan. Currently, i am on supplements like CoQ10, Royal Jelly and TCM. any other things that i should be looking out for?

thanks in advance.
Hi all, I'm new in here... I realized most of u in here are with KKIVF.

I'm with Prof Wong at NUH, if u wish to know more.

More abt me:
Me (33) big fibroid & small endo cyst, & LH always surge when follicles are 10-12mm
Hubby (33) morphology issue

4 failed IUIs
IVF-ICSI #1 failed this mth

Planning for FET in 2015 Jan
Hi all, I'm new in here... I realized most of u in here are with KKIVF.

I'm with Prof Wong at NUH, if u wish to know more.

More abt me:
Me (33) big fibroid & small endo cyst, & LH always surge when follicles are 10-12mm
Hubby (33) morphology issue

4 failed IUIs
IVF-ICSI #1 failed this mth

Planning for FET in 2015 Jan
Hi keep on trying. Jia you.

How's ur experience with prof Wong so far?
Prof is v professional and experienced. He makes decisions (& procedures) swift & fast, mayb coz he has seen sooooo many cases.

His team of nurses is awesome.
One nurse even pulled me into a room to console me when she realized tears were welling up my eyes during bloodtest. (I was spotting)
Is coffee a big no no even while waiting to do ivf, er?

It's difficult to stay away from coffee. Feels guilty when I take it.

What beverages do you all take?
Is coffee a big no no even while waiting to do ivf, er?

It's difficult to stay away from coffee. Feels guilty when I take it.

What beverages do you all take?
I only stopped coffee the day I started the injections. It was difficult at first but have to tahan. I replaced coffee with milo.
Is coffee a big no no even while waiting to do ivf, er?

It's difficult to stay away from coffee. Feels guilty when I take it.

What beverages do you all take?
I overheard tcm tsb say to 1 patient that out of 5 who go ivf, 4 who take coffee didnt succeed. Dunno how true.
Maybi u should tahan for a few days for e sake of a bb possibility
Hi all, I'm new in here... I realized most of u in here are with KKIVF.

I'm with Prof Wong at NUH, if u wish to know more.

More abt me:
Me (33) big fibroid & small endo cyst, & LH always surge when follicles are 10-12mm
Hubby (33) morphology issue

4 failed IUIs
IVF-ICSI #1 failed this mth

Planning for FET in 2015 Jan
welcome to the forum and good luck to u for your fet !
Is coffee a big no no even while waiting to do ivf, er?

It's difficult to stay away from coffee. Feels guilty when I take it.

What beverages do you all take?

I waved my coffee machine good-bye 3 yrs ago even though I was a hardcore coffee addict. I only believe in plain water now.

Yes I haven't touched coffee (& coke) for past 3 yrs.. It's my personal choice & conviction to give it up.
(But then again, so many ladies out there drink also can strike lor)
Hi all, I had a failed fresh IVF on last month..plan to do FET after consult with doctor..at the same time, wish to get support from all the sisters here..
Hi all, I had a failed fresh IVF on last month..plan to do FET after consult with doctor..at the same time, wish to get support from all the sisters here..

Welcome to e forum bb. Lets jiayou together oosh oosh oosh!

Feel free to come here to get support. Tts wat this forum is for. Hope all sisters esp those trying for #1 can graduate from here soon.
Hi connie_hopeful..thanks...
Yes...I m trying for #1..hope can graduate soon and hold my baby on my arm soon..
Gambateh to all the sisters here..
For those tht BFP, congrats to all..
Thanks babes!

Is it strange that I don't feel any symptoms and no spotting ? Nurse told me if by next wed (1week later ) my mensus not here, I've to call them... why ?
What are the chances of false negative for beta test ?
Thanks babes!

Is it strange that I don't feel any symptoms and no spotting ? Nurse told me if by next wed (1week later ) my mensus not here, I've to call them... why ?
What are the chances of false negative for beta test ?
Sometimes AF will come a few days after stopping the support meds. Also, if after 1 week menses not here, and still negative, they can give you some meds to hasten the menses.
Does anyone gets sore boobs and water retention during stimulation? 3rd cycle. But 1st time feeling this..
Sore boobs - yes depending on which meds. Water retention - yes, definitely for me. right after ER body naturally readjusted each time.
Thanks babes!

Is it strange that I don't feel any symptoms and no spotting ? Nurse told me if by next wed (1week later ) my mensus not here, I've to call them... why ?
What are the chances of false negative for beta test ?

I'm secretly asking the same qn in my heart..

Whole ivf process, I'm thankful that I felt almost nothing (only bloated for 1 week after egg retrieval)... But spotting red on 11dp3dt so went straight to take bloodtest (2 days earlier)

Spotting stopped immediately when I stopped my vaginal inserts. If AF don't show next few days, I will test!

I've read that some ladies' bodies cannot adjust back, so have to take meds to induce AF. Dunno how true this is?
I overheard tcm tsb say to 1 patient that out of 5 who go ivf, 4 who take coffee didnt succeed. Dunno how true.
Maybi u should tahan for a few days for e sake of a bb possibility
Hi connie_hopeful, yeah u seeing tsb right. I heard it from her too when I visited her. Ha but I just find it difficult to find a nicer replacement for breakfast beverage.
I waved my coffee machine good-bye 3 yrs ago even though I was a hardcore coffee addict. I only believe in plain water now.

Yes I haven't touched coffee (& coke) for past 3 yrs.. It's my personal choice & conviction to give it up.
(But then again, so many ladies out there drink also can strike lor)
Haha yah lor, that's why I not pregnant yet I pamper myself w coffee now and then. Hmm but I will try to stay caffeine free as much as possible. Encouraged by all the ladies here who are v disciplined!
hi all,
i am new to this thread. i got my BFP on 24th nov from IVF from transferring two 5 day blastocyst on 10th nov.
HCG 24/11 - 232
HCG 26/11 - 477
HCG 30/11 - 3900

i have minor spotting on sunday late night with pink discharge, so i went to kk 24 hr O&G, after a vagina u/s, the doctor on duty say she saw a water bag, however, as it is still very early as i am only 5 weeks pregnant. however on monday, i started to have some fresh red bleeding, it was very little. i immediately went to see dr loh on monday. he gave me proluton jab and up my duphaston and told me to rest more. its been 2 days now, although there is no more fresh red bleeding,but i am still having brown discharge. it comes on and off, and now it seems like it is getting more. i am very worried. can somebody please advise??

Haha yah lor, that's why I not pregnant yet I pamper myself w coffee now and then. Hmm but I will try to stay caffeine free as much as possible. Encouraged by all the ladies here who are v disciplined!

I kicked caffeine for 3 yrs also no success yet ah.. I did it coz I couldn't take the guilt.
At first I had "withdrawal symptoms"... Now I don't even crave for coffee at all (I even puked recently when I tried a decaf)

I seriously take this caffeine thingy with a pinch of salt. I've friends who drink & smoke everyday but they are popping babies non-stop.
