(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Wah no white rice.
I am a 饭桶. If cannot eat white rice I sure sad de

Me too! Like I eat zi char die die must have rice. N in my younger days when my metabolism was much higher, I can eat 2 plates of chicken rice at one go! N still stay at 40kg! But that was literally more than a decade ago la.
Today mark exactly one week since I last poo le.. How? Really bad constipation!! Jia lat..

I feel you... I did notice a slight improvement in my bowels these past 2 weeks, from average once every 5 days to once every 3 days, n not so hard. I'm not sure if it's due to my fruit juice every morning instead if my regular milo, or this new brand of yogurt I'm eating everyday now. I'm still in bed now, later I get up I take picture for u.
Wow your ladies r so active last night ... I concussed by 10.30pm already. Energy may have returned for me but battery deplete quite fast still. N I'm lazing in bed now, reluctant to get up. My puppy is huffing n puffing outside but I pretend not to hear. :p
I feel you... I did notice a slight improvement in my bowels these past 2 weeks, from average once every 5 days to once every 3 days, n not so hard. I'm not sure if it's due to my fruit juice every morning instead if my regular milo, or this new brand of yogurt I'm eating everyday now. I'm still in bed now, later I get up I take picture for u.
Greek yogurt ?
Morning wake up drink a teaspoon of lemon juice with a glass of water on empty stomach also help
Greek yogurt ?
Morning wake up drink a teaspoon of lemon juice with a glass of water on empty stomach also help

Swiss yogurt. Dunno if it's a coincidence but this one seems to work better than the Meiji ones. N it taste good too! Ya, I tried the lemon method too. I will ask the fruit juice stall to add lemon juice to my usual apple-orange juice.


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Wow your ladies r so active last night ... I concussed by 10.30pm already. Energy may have returned for me but battery deplete quite fast still. N I'm lazing in bed now, reluctant to get up. My puppy is huffing n puffing outside but I pretend not to hear. :p

Haha enjoy while you can.. Before baby comes and then you got to wake when baby wakes.
I feel you..just two days unable to poo I already feel terrible. Finally managed to do so this morning..try kiwi fruit..It usually helps me..

How many to eat? I ever eat 4 green kiwi, eat until too acidic to my tongue. no movement still..
Swiss yogurt. Dunno if it's a coincidence but this one seems to work better than the Meiji ones. N it taste good too! Ya, I tried the lemon method too. I will ask the fruit juice stall to add lemon juice to my usual apple-orange juice.
Ok. I will go attack fybogel, prune juice and this yogurt later.. can buy in ntuc..
Haha enjoy while you can.. Before baby comes and then you got to wake when baby wakes.

Yes! N as much mahjong as I can squeeze in now! Haha, I usually have a weekly Fri game but I stopped during the 7th lunar mth cos my kaki's house in Siglap is next to a Muslim cemetery, n we usually only end at around 3am.
Maybe can buy the golden kiwi.

That one high in fibre.

I only shit like every once every two days. My dh shit 3 times a days lo-.-
Usually one or two at night works for me..look out for the zespri "organic green" one..It is nicer than the rest. The golden ones I find quite hard sometimes n difficult to scoop out.
Hi all mummies.. Been thru a stressful July.. Bad oscar scan results for my twinnies.. Seen Dr Ananda for second option, me n DH were glad that both of them are normal.. Oscar result was 1:77 & 1:25.. After Dr Ananda genetic scan, risk level decrease to 1:618..

Doc commented my babies are quite big.. Guess I need to watch my diet..

Hope all of you have a nice weekend!!
Hi mummies

My edd is end Jan15, expecting my no.3, 老牛一只 , wanted to make my 1st post after I complete reading all the posts in this thread but it seems impossible!!! It's moving soooo fast!

I enjoy reading this thread, you ladies are all just so adorable :)

Just to share about my views on nuh pre natal classes. I attended their express course in 2012 when I was expecting my no.2. Did not attend any classes when I was expecting no.1, bf failed miserably. Thus, I wanted to learn more about it, but guess what? This topic was skipped entirely, reason being I would be able to get all necessary info during my stay after birth! I was really disappointed.

Breathing technique didnt help me much, cldnt recall any while having my contractions, lol

Those of you signing up are going for the comprehensive course right? They shouldn't leave any topic out in the comprehensive course ba.

Read that one mummy having difficulty taking pills is trying to take obimin at nite. The pharmacist who dispensed meds for me at nuh told me not to take obimin at nite as it may 'affect your sleep coz it may make you more alert'. He suggests I take obimin and dha in the morning and calcium at nite as obimin and calcium shouldnt be taken together.

Good weekend, mummies!
Hi mummies

My edd is end Jan15, expecting my no.3, 老牛一只 , wanted to make my 1st post after I complete reading all the posts in this thread but it seems impossible!!! It's moving soooo fast!

I enjoy reading this thread, you ladies are all just so adorable :)

Just to share about my views on nuh pre natal classes. I attended their express course in 2012 when I was expecting my no.2. Did not attend any classes when I was expecting no.1, bf failed miserably. Thus, I wanted to learn more about it, but guess what? This topic was skipped entirely, reason being I would be able to get all necessary info during my stay after birth! I was really disappointed.

Breathing technique didnt help me much, cldnt recall any while having my contractions, lol

Those of you signing up are going for the comprehensive course right? They shouldn't leave any topic out in the comprehensive course ba.

Read that one mummy having difficulty taking pills is trying to take obimin at nite. The pharmacist who dispensed meds for me at nuh told me not to take obimin at nite as it may 'affect your sleep coz it may make you more alert'. He suggests I take obimin and dha in the morning and calcium at nite as obimin and calcium shouldnt be taken together.

Good weekend, mummies!

Hi there!

Thanks for the advice.
But I can't seems to keep obimin in my stomach if I take it in the morning.
I tried taking once at night and kept waking up.
Probably gonna break it into two and take half in the morning and the other half at night haha

Thanks anyway!
Hi there!

Thanks for the advice.
But I can't seems to keep obimin in my stomach if I take it in the morning.
I tried taking once at night and kept waking up.
Probably gonna break it into two and take half in the morning and the other half at night haha

Thanks anyway!
Poor gal, or swallow while having breakfast?
Poor fann Wong .. All the news media reported her birth and a lot of ppl comment is planned c sect and make fun of the kid name Etx
My hubby is eating char Kway Teow in front of me now... It's making me crave for it.... :p

Can eat, just leave out the cockles! I finally satisfied my bedok chui kueh craving today, was in the vicinity for dog grooming, so I da pao one pack home. N I was expecting my hubby to decline it as usual due to its greasiness, but to my surprise today he sat down n ate half the pack, radish n chili n oil n all! Maybe it's true hubbies have the same cravings as their preggy wives. Man it was yummy! *slurp!*

I think Fann Wong's bb is very cute! I was reading thru the FB comments, man some people r so vicious! I mean I'm not even a fan, but all births should be a cause of celebration, whether u r a fan or not, esp one that they tried for so long, but they kena criticised for c sect la (who r we to judge whether it's really medical reason or not?), for "choosing" national day cos they r attention seeking la, one even say Fann has nothing to be proud of cos she's a very old mummy??!! I mean, what is wrong w these people?!! So hurtful! If u can't stand her then don't follow her on FB la! Aiyo!!
No lah, he bought sth else for me, the CKT is his own lunch, so I got food envy lor... Took a bite off his CKT, but that's it.... Makes me want more of it... Keke....
Hi everyone.. Can I ask if any one in 15th week and no baby bump yet?? I am currently 15weeks and my tummy dun seem to grow.. Only can feel a small bulge and tightening at the tummy.. Is it normal?

Just now I wanted to try my pre-pregnancy jeans, and it was so tight, barely able to button... gonna pack for cold storage now.....
Hi everyone.. Can I ask if any one in 15th week and no baby bump yet?? I am currently 15weeks and my tummy dun seem to grow.. Only can feel a small bulge and tightening at the tummy.. Is it normal?

I have small bulge only.. alsl 15 weeks ... ppl tot its fats..

Only when i m bloated / very full then.i will look pregnant
